what pisses u off most about normies?

They are hyper aggressive and gain sick pleasure from tormenting non nts and those that are looks deprived.
man fuck my highschool life was so traumatic from how NTs treated me. it was as if i was a fucking toy to them sometimes. they way they words they said to me, the tone in which they spoke, the things they did to me (police nearly got involved but parents didnt want to say anything about it to them because they are retarded didnt want to get anyone in trouble JFL even after i received threats of being jumped by low inhib normies and i also got made fun of and they posted things of me on the internet, such as candid photos they took of me that were edited to make me look alien-like and put mean captions on them to get a reaction out of me)
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humans need idols, and when theyโ€™re not provided by religion they make their owns
Thereโ€™s nothing wrong with having idols if it improves your life circumstances
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dont understand anything except bitches and gossiping
if u try to initiate smth intelligent they just wont understand it/ wont care

True. They're low IQ-ed.
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Everything, the lying, pretentiousness, fake positivity, pointless smalltalk, gaslighting, mass consumerism, their inability to think critically. Without autists weโ€™d still be in the stone age

I also have Ass-Burgers.โœŒ๏ธ
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Thereโ€™s nothing wrong with having idols if it improves your life circumstances
An idol must guide you to do better, not to shake your ass and engage in degenerate shit
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Thereโ€™s nothing wrong with having idols if it improves your life circumstances
true. sadly most people that get idolized by normies are low class retards with high status who promote and say dumb bullshit.
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true. sadly most people that get idolized by normies are low class retards with high status who promote and say dumb bullshit.

Watching American idol pisses me off. The judges are all so extraverted, emotionally uncontrolled and loud. Katy Perry is fucking annoying.
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Watching American idol pisses me off. The judges are all so extraverted, emotionally uncontrolled and loud. Katy Perry is fucking annoying.
i hate all reality tv shows in general tbh. worst form of entertainment consumed by the masses behind social media.
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i hate all reality tv shows in general tbh. worst form of entertainment consumed by the masses behind social media.

Most people are Extraverts. Unlike us contemplative, introspective Introverts.

Enjoy this highly introverted song Bhai.

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they js be getting treated like gods while we have to min max everything
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they js be getting treated like gods while we have to min max everything
i wouldnt say they get treated like gods (they do compared to us tho)

but they get to just float through life and everything just falls in place for them, all of their developmental milestones, and NT experiences come to them just by existing, while we have to go through all this maxxing shit just to experience even half of what they have.
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i wouldnt say they get treated like gods (they do compared to us tho)

but they get to just float through life and everything just falls in place for them, all of their developmental milestones, and NT experiences come to them just by existing, while we have to go through all this maxxing shit just to experience even half of what they have.
they dont even realize how effortless their live sare meanwhile we have to grind just to reach their default setting :feelswhy:
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they dont even realize how effortless their live sare meanwhile we have to grind just to reach their default setting :feelswhy:

some people (us) were just born to fail though sadly.
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they dont even realize how effortless their live sare meanwhile we have to grind just to reach their default setting :feelswhy:

Iโ€™ve come to the general conclusion Iโ€™m developmentally stunted by about 8-10 years due to my combination of subhuman looks and non-NT.
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Iโ€™ve come to the general conclusion Iโ€™m developmentally stunted by about 8-10 years due to my combination of subhuman looks and non-NT.
maybe but every inch of progress is a huge W brother js gotta stay on that maxxing grind
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Judgemental and fucking hostile creatures. Act like they are your friend but in reality they are talking shit behind ur back
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Iโ€™ve come to the general conclusion Iโ€™m developmentally stunted by about 8-10 years due to my combination of subhuman looks and non-NT.
the feeling when when u are around ur normie peers and realize the developmental milestones u make fake scenarios of while gymmaxxing and before u go to bed at night are the same developmental milestones they had and experienced years ago in their early-mid teens (their normal looks and neurotypicality did all the heavy lifting for them while they just floated through life while we have to do all of this bullshit and fall into this rabbit hole just to have a quarter of what they had JFL :feelswah: :feelswhy: )
Judgemental and fucking hostile creatures. Act like they are your friend but in reality they are talking shit behind ur back
i genuinely do not care what people say to my face but talking behind my back/gossip is honestly what pisses me the fuck off tbh
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the feeling when when u are around ur normie peers and realize the developmental milestones u make fake scenarios of while gymmaxxing and before u go to bed at night are the same developmental milestones they had and experienced years ago in their early-mid teens (their normal looks and neurotypicality did all the heavy lifting for them while they just floated through life while we have to do all of this bullshit and fall into this rabbit hole just to have a quarter of what they had JFL :feelswah: :feelswhy: )

We will never have what they had (JB pussy, ability to commit crimes with no consequences as minors). Teenagers mog any adult to death no matter how Chad the looks of the adult may be.
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We will never have what they had (JB pussy, ability to commit crimes with no consequences as minors). Teenagers mog any adult to death no matter how Chad the looks of the adult may be.

if ur formative years sucked and were brutal, the rest of ur life will follow suit.
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i genuinely do not care what people say to my face but talking behind my back/gossip is honestly what pisses me the fuck off tbh
Me too just a bunch of pussies
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Theyโ€™re not nice a lot of the time and just say stuff without thinking about what other people will feel
i think they are typically nice, just not to NDs
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i think they are typically nice, just not to NDs
Dude theyโ€™re even backbiting and talking about each other while the other isnโ€™t looking tho
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oh and virtue signalling theyโ€™ll do a nice thing JUST to look good and not even realise it.
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Dude theyโ€™re even backbiting and talking about each other while the other isnโ€™t looking tho
yea talking behind eachothers back is a common trait i notice among NTs.
  • So Sad
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oh and virtue signalling theyโ€™ll do a nice thing JUST to look good and not even realise it.
they do good things because it makes them feel good about themselves
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they do good things because it makes them feel good about themselves
Brutal. How theyโ€™re not feeling self conscious and pieces of crap is crazy
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Them being happier than me
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gossip, they gossip so fucking much its insane, my nt friend group consists of 8-9 nt guys and everyone gossips about eachother, i feel disgusted everytime im in a position where i have to gossip, they are also extremely shallow when it comes to looks, they make fun of the uglies both in our group and random people, i judge people by looks but even I am aware of the fact i just disliked a random guy just because of his nw3 and recessed chin, they dont even acknowledge the shallowness.
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gossip, they gossip so fucking much its insane, my nt friend group consists of 8-9 nt guys and everyone gossips about eachother, i feel disgusted everytime im in a position where i have to gossip, they are also extremely shallow when it comes to looks, they make fun of the uglies both in our group and random people, i judge people by looks but even I am aware of the fact i just disliked a random guy just because of his nw3 and recessed chin, they dont even acknowledge the shallowness.
they do everything mindlessly. judge mindlessly, talk mindlessly, act mindlessly, and just think mindlessly in general.
  • +1
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Given my age, having experienced both school, university and work environment, I can say that..

- Their willingness to be mean and start conflicts without fear se consequences. When they aren't chill and everything is going perfectly for them, at the first sign of discomfort or cortisol spike, they would be willing to kill you if they could and needed to (hypothetically, in reality they will be very aggressive, taunt you, put you down, label you things to make themselves seem superior, so their brains think they are still in control of the situation)

- Their lack of offering help and being kind and positive in general if they don't get something guaranteed back. They are extremely unwilling to offer anything for free, even a kind word, an appreciation, as they subconsciously associate that with abused dog / people pleaser behavior, and think they are risking their aura by doing so, so they have to be on guard at all times, even with people very close to them

- Their lack of ability to just shut up most of the time when they are not right and they have been presented with an good argument, but instead they will always want to be the last one to say an argument to make it seem like either they are right, or that if they were wrong, they have an excuse for it, instead of accepting the situation

- Their continuous and obsessive need for more (more money, more clothes, more friends, more networking, more groups, more followers, more places to visit and do stuff etc.) because their brain perceives sitting doing nothing or chill as a waste of time and thus, discomfort (I had many people at school who preferred to read something they had already learned just to avoid sitting idle, or at work who worked every day overtime for free or on weekends because they had nothing else to do and preferred not to waste time)

There would certainly be more, but only these come to my mind right now..

@superpsycho very nice thread, I enjoyed reading your replies, very high IQ user, I appreciate you
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how fast they move on from everything
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I m as far from an 'incel' in the tru meaning of a word than one can possibly be but I'm also not a normie...
I hate their NT'ness - they just "get along" I can't be so laid back naturally have to drink or take pregabalin and shiet to be NT in their fucking boring presence. When you are different they tend to mock you automatically to feel better about themselves and be the part of a HERD.
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social climbing and low iq
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[highIQ warning]: I hatE the fact, that most of the REAL NORMIE's in the sense of being a part of a convoluted social structure with hierarchy and shiet are WOMEN. They're masters of this game, so naturally when you're non "NT" it's a disability unless you GL and can be "molded" by them, they love "projects" & fixing somebody (that's impossible with a chad / but very possible to turn a normie into betabuxx mode providing for family & stuff)
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*Not all women are "boring obeying social-norms&concepts cells in the hive mind normies" but hot & crazy scale is also quite real so :lul:
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Given my age, having experienced both school, university and work environment, I can say that..

- Their willingness to be mean and start conflicts without fear se consequences. When they aren't chill and everything is going perfectly for them, at the first sign of discomfort or cortisol spike, they would be willing to kill you if they could and needed to (hypothetically, in reality they will be very aggressive, taunt you, put you down, label you things to make themselves seem superior, so their brains think they are still in control of the situation)
yea. its pretty funny how normies use disrespect and bullying tactics to cover up their own insecurities. they will do anything to defend their big, yet fragile ego. this is why i tend to enjoy being around higher inhib people more, they cause me less trouble and are easier to have interactions with. it doesnt take much to fuck with a normies ego tbh and when they start coping and acting aggressive they just make themselvs look even more retarded than they did initially.

- Their lack of offering help and being kind and positive in general if they don't get something guaranteed back. They are extremely unwilling to offer anything for free, even a kind word, an appreciation, as they subconsciously associate that with abused dog / people pleaser behavior, and think they are risking their aura by doing so, so they have to be on guard at all times, even with people very close to them
this is extremely true. from my experience ive came to realize that normies are inherently selfish beings. 99.9% of the things they think, say, and do are rooted in the desire for validation, superiority, and wealth. when i entered highschool and everyone became NT and decent looking, i noticed most of my interactions with normies were not genuine or sincere. i realized they didnt see me as a friend, but merely as a connection. and when they realized i had nothing to offer them and didnt have the looks to make up for it, they cut me off and went looking for other like-minded neurotypicals to leech off of. thats part of why i became an ostracized outcast. i came to realize a few things. the social hierarchy in life is really just how good u look and how much u have to offer other people. normie relationships/โ€œfriendshipsโ€ are just transactional and they leech off each other for benefit. they dont really care to really know who they are interacting with, but what they can do for them, thats what has made me despise interacting with normies, let alone being friends with one. they will only put in an effort to interact with you if it benefits them in some way, shape, or form. even the good deeds they do are selfish because they do it to make themselves feel good. normies are all self-centered and whoever tells you otherwise is a coping liar.

- Their lack of ability to just shut up most of the time when they are not right and they have been presented with an good argument, but instead they will always want to be the last one to say an argument to make it seem like either they are right, or that if they were wrong, they have an excuse for it, instead of accepting the situation
normies are addicted to listening to themselves speak which is more than likely a result of the majority of them receiving positive reinforcement in their formative years, hence them being very low inhib and outspoken, even at the wrong times. this also causes them to grow very big superiority complexes which deludes them into thinking they can do or say no wrong, and whatever they say goes for everyone else. also JFL normies do love having the last say in an argument. one thing i have noticed about normies is their frequent use of ad hominems directed towards the opposing party to reject their argument when they realize theyโ€™ve been proven wrong. they can never accept defeat.

- Their continuous and obsessive need for more (more money, more clothes, more friends, more networking, more groups, more followers, more places to visit and do stuff etc.) because their brain perceives sitting doing nothing or chill as a waste of time and thus, discomfort (I had many people at school who preferred to read something they had already learned just to avoid sitting idle, or at work who worked every day overtime for free or on weekends because they had nothing else to do and preferred not to waste time)
this ties into my second paragraph a little bit, but you can blame the internet for this one. jewish-ran social media has the gave the masses the idea that everyonesโ€™ life is perfect except their own and they need to step up their game to get on their level, and it has worked. highschool normies LOVE comparing their financial situations to one another and they clown u if u dont have a job as if we all dont have a future of wageslaving ahead of us when we actually have to do it. they act like if u dont have 6 figures in the bank by 15 its over and u should kill yourself, and the jews succeeded by this and there are more wagecucks starting younger and younger. they think not being busy 24/7 will make u a homeless loser 10 years down the road, for example, someone in one of my highschool classes asked me โ€œwhat do u do when u go home after schoolโ€ i replied with โ€œplay video games or take a napโ€ and they looked at me like i was ted bundy or some shit and made fun of me for chilling and relaxing after a hard day and not having a busy schedule while they went to go wagecuck to not make jackshit at their 5-9 afterschool part-time job. its funny because they think that status of being employed puts them over their unemployed highschool counterparts and if that isnโ€™t low iq, i dont know what is. the point is, normies are superficial and the less u confirm to jewciety, the weirder they see u as. they ultimately strive for more in order to lifemog everyone else because its what they were taught by the jews who run social media, hence making better wageslaves, and they think that puts them above everyone, and then the ones who were busy chasing all of that during their young years are the same retards who a couple years down the road are the ones saying โ€œdamn i regret caring about all of this shit so much in highschool, i wish i just chilled outโ€ theres nothing wrong with being a kid and just living life. normies are so out of touch it is INSANE.

There would certainly be more, but only these come to my mind right now..

@superpsycho very nice thread, I enjoyed reading your replies, very high IQ user, I appreciate you
thank u bhai :feelsez:
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I m as far from an 'incel' in the tru meaning of a word than one can possibly be but I'm also not a normie...
I hate their NT'ness - they just "get along" I can't be so laid back naturally have to drink or take pregabalin and shiet to be NT in their fucking boring presence. When you are different they tend to mock you automatically to feel better about themselves and be the part of a HERD.
normies are cringe because they are all just copy and pastes of eachother.
[highIQ warning]: I hatE the fact, that most of the REAL NORMIE's in the sense of being a part of a convoluted social structure with hierarchy and shiet are WOMEN. They're masters of this game, so naturally when you're non "NT" it's a disability unless you GL and can be "molded" by them, they love "projects" & fixing somebody (that's impossible with a chad / but very possible to turn a normie into betabuxx mode providing for family & stuff)
being neurodivergent is a curse whether u are good or bad looking, but u can still receive some grace if ur good looking

also this is probably water to most, but since u mention betabuxxing, id just like to add the fact that having women as a man is a sign of high status to normies is one of the biggest factors of why hypergamy is as big of a problem as it is today. women realize this and take advantage of it because they have the keys to whether u have sex or not. they will abuse their power of being the more desired gender by going for the top 5% of men only and leaving the oofy doofys out will make them frustrated, yet still docile and clueless enough to betabuxx for them after they secured chadโ€™s high quality DNA. if normies didnt see having women as a sign of high status, this wouldnt be a fucking problem. normies are directly responsible for hypergamy and its fucking ragefuel.
the only way to climb the social ladder is to be good looking or have a lot to offer to normies
true im chad so i can get away w disrepsecting ppl and still be treated well but it must be brutal for ugly ppl:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:โœŒ๏ธ
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