What the average BWC slut looks like at 35 and after 2 kids

You're into masculine women then. Your problem, not mine
:hnghn: This guy has 0 testosterone. Ok, let's say you see a girl with huge boobs, skinny, and facially good too like say this girl:

You're gonna be like "my Asian waifu with no ass or tits mogs the shit out of her"?
  • Ugh..
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:hnghn: This guy has 0 testosterone. Ok, let's say you see a girl with huge boobs, skinny, and facially good too like say this girl:

You're gonna be like "my Asian waifu with no ass or tits mogs the shit out of her"?

Butterface, not impressed

You can always improve your body, but face is face
Butterface, not impressed

You can always improve your body, but face is face
Her face literally mogs the shit out of the chink here by all facial analysis scales :lul:. Dude you are cooked, well I'm happy you date Asians instead of kids still..
Why does somebody defend their interest in a race this much? It's bizzare.
Because the nigger is attacking it

If he didn't talk shit I'd have no reason to defend anything
Because the nigger is attacking it

If he didn't talk shit I'd have no reason to defend anything
I just think Asians are ok and so do all my friends (mostly Latino/White), yellow fever is definitelly a niche for a reason
I just think Asians are ok and so do all my friends (mostly Latino/White), yellow fever is definitelly a niche for a reason
Most common interracial pairing between White men is WMAF

Latrinas aren't a race

chink lover gtfo you lost all respect umlungu
Didn't have any to begin with. Idk you, nigga :feelskek:

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