What the fuck happened to society



Dec 8, 2019
I was just watching this and I wanna rope so bad.

It looks like a different planet from when I graduated (like 20 years later).

Everyone was happier and better looking. Men looked 25 at 18, much more masculine. Socializing wasn't actually awkward and "cringe" culture didn't exist.

What the fuck happened to humanity and society. Who is responsible for this. I want their heads on a spike.
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I was just watching this and I wanna rope so bad.

It looks like a different planet from when I graduated (like 20 years later).

Everyone was happier and better looking. Men looked 25 at 18, much more masculine. Socializing wasn't actually awkward and "cringe" culture didn't exist.

What the fuck happened to humanity and society. Who is responsible for this. I want their heads on a spike.

U wanna know whats responsible?

The expansion of the internet, social media and smartphones. I elaborated this in a thread a few weeks ago, no reason to talk to people if you can just talk to all your friends In an IG group chat or talk to randoms on forums like reddit.

Everyone just copes with hedonism. The family unit collapsed, no body cares for meaningful LTR’s anymore, they’d rather just do FWB or ONS, this is easier due to tinder.

People don’t want to commit to anything anymore, or put any work into anything. They wanna take short cuts.

Everyone gets easily offended, Group think is massive now, bigger than before. U better accept what’s put on a plate infront of you unless you want to risk societal exclusion. Don’t question things, don’t say things that may piss off a minority or “oppressed group”. Can’t even call a slut a slut anymore, that’s “slut shaming”. Have to call her an empowered woman.

I can go on, it is what it is
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This is like the fall of Rome.
Society is degenerating, people are increasingly divided, and the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.
I wouldn't be surprised if the United States falls apart in the next decade and WW3 happens.
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Evolution my friend something which is progressing every minute and you can't stop it.
Society is degenerating, people are increasingly divided, and the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.
I wouldn't be surprised if the United States falls apart in the next decade and WW3 happens.
I hope. We need a god damn reset button. We need strong men to change this shit.
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U wanna know whats responsible?

The expansion of the internet, social media and smartphones. I elaborated this in a thread a few weeks ago, no reason to talk to people if you can just talk to all your friends In an IG group chat or talk to randoms on forums like reddit.

Everyone just copes with hedonism. The family unit collapsed, no body cares for meaningful LTR’s anymore, they’d rather just do FWB or ONS, this is easier due to tinder.

People don’t want to commit to anything anymore, or put any work into anything. They wanna take short cuts.

Everyone gets easily offended, Group think is massive now, bigger than before. U better accept what’s put on a plate infront of you unless you want to risk societal exclusion. Don’t question things, don’t say things that may piss off a minority or “oppressed group”. Can’t even call a slut a slut anymore, that’s “slut shaming”. Have to call her an empowered woman.

I can go on, it is what it is
yup, everything started going downhill after the first iphone was released.
Evolution my friend something which is progressing every minute and you can't stop it.
low iq
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yup, everything started going downhill after the first iphone was released.

low iq
Indeed. You can plot the start of everything going to shit right when smart phones took off. Lmao no one talks to each other now. Talking to random people is seen as “cringe”. Being vocal and social is looked down upon (unless you’re chad ofc). No one wants to be the weird one so they shut up and walk on, like autistic introverts off their meds.

People don’t even plug in their mic’s on video games anymore. Remember the days of COD 4-bo2? People plugged in their mic’s and spoke to randoms at least. Niggas got roasted, friendships were formed. Now everyone just stays in their Xbox live party talking to their small circle of friends. A wall of privacy and anonymity online isn’t even enough anymore for most people. It is over
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I hope. We need a god damn reset button. We need strong men to change this shit.
A lot of people say this but it isn't as simple or easy as it sounds.
A fuck ton of people would die, civilization in the US would fall apart, people would kill each other for resources, morality would go out the window, slavery would return, services people rely on to live would cease to exist. Doesn't sound like a reset button to me. If anything we'd be more screwed.

The true reset button would be for everyone to wake up and overthrow their billionaire overlords and institute actual democracy and end this oligarchy.
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Why is it low iq? Don't you know how evolution works? People evolve from prehistoric times where people used to fight eachother for food and sex to more civilised state. We don't dress in animal clothing because we have accessed more better technology to get better and durable clothing. The same works with beauty standards and social ideas, it isn't always gonna be the same. Black people fought for their rights in America and that's called evolution and progressing forwards, it doesn't happen in a day. It takes years for people to develop their mentality and making up their mind to find better living state. Beauty standards have also changed in the coming years and there's nothing you can do to reverse it, all you can do is adapt to them or perish
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?? The camera was a novelty back then, so when people point it on you, you try to act funny/happy/goofy.

Also shitton of those ppl look subhuman. JFL at their fashion style. I see no gymcels, nothing. Inceldom mustve been rampant.
A lot of people say this but it isn't as simple or easy as it sounds.
A fuck ton of people would die, civilization in the US would fall apart, people would kill each other for resources, morality would go out the window, slavery would return, services people rely on to live would cease to exist. Doesn't sound like a reset button to me. If anything we'd be more screwed.

The true reset button would be for everyone to wake up and overthrow their billionaire overlords and institute actual democracy and end this oligarchy.
Low iq democracy can never work.
A lot of people say this but it isn't as simple or easy as it sounds.
A fuck ton of people would die, civilization in the US would fall apart, people would kill each other for resources, morality would go out the window, slavery would return, services people rely on to live would cease to exist. Doesn't sound like a reset button to me. If anything we'd be more screwed.

The true reset button would be for everyone to wake up and overthrow their billionaire overlords and institute actual democracy and end this oligarchy.
Hard times create strong men. Good times create weak men.

regardless, we are fucked. There WILL be societal upheaval. The current Form of beauty standards and gynocentric attitudes in our society are unsustainable.

The incel rate for men every single year is rapidly increasing. More and more men are not even left with scraps. Marriage as a concept is dead and women do not care for betabuxxers anymore because women have careers now, so she’ll likely be income matched or will income mog you. Which means you need LOOKS more than ever. no wonder the rate of divorce is so high

then there’s the economic problem. The economic imbalance even in the west is widening and becoming more obvious and more hard to deny. As you said, the poorer get poorer as the rich get richer. People are wising up to this. Especially with the completely fucked up economy now due to corona.

The global economy is even more unbalanced, there will be mass migration to the west starting in the 2030’s due to water shortages and food shortages in the 3rd world. Either way you look at it, this society won’t last. It will collapse. Pressing the reset button now on everything is no worse than letting it slowly press itself over the next 100 years.

Throwing out oligarchs won’t do shit to stop anything tbh
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2 words
Inter Net
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?? The camera was a novelty back then, so when people point it on you, you try to act funny/happy/goofy.

Also shitton of those ppl look subhuman. JFL at their fashion style. I see no gymcels, nothing. Inceldom mustve been rampant.
Inceldom was back then was much lower compared to now
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It's over imagine 2030
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bill gates and steve jobs


but I'm more worried about average female being able to become a millionaire in 4-5 years of work by doing nothing but taking butthole pics
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Low iq democracy can never work.
What do you want? Fascism?
I never understood people who are against democracy. YOU aren't part of the elite. YOU aren't in control of the government/family with government leaders. YOU will be the one oppressed. YOUR rights will be taken away. YOU and YOUR children will be brainwashed with propaganda to become slaves to the state.

If you're against democracy you're fucking yourself over and getting rid of your rights. Fascism isn't as sunshine and rainbows as you may think it is.
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these vids are from good angles boyo stop jerking off to fantasies
It's over imagine 2030
by that time ill either be dead or warlordmaxxed with my autistic associates from psl. or without them if they not in :feelsez:
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What do you want? Fascism?
I never understood people who are against democracy. YOU aren't part of the elite. YOU aren't in control of the government/family with government leaders. YOU will be the one oppressed. YOUR rights will be taken away. YOU and YOUR children will be brainwashed with propaganda to become slaves to the state.
And, it's the same shit in different clothing jfl at thinking democray is actually just and moral it's a pipe dream. Every type of complex human governance is doomed to fail because of simple human nature. Also, I have land in Africa so I can always dip.
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YOU aren't part of the elite. YOU aren't in control of the government/family with government leaders. YOU will be the one oppressed. YOUR rights will be taken away. YOU and YOUR children will be brainwashed with propaganda to become slaves to the state.

Everything you just said is happening right now under democracy jfl
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Hard times create strong men. Good times create weak men.

regardless, we are fucked. There WILL be societal upheaval. The current Form of beauty standards and gynocentric attitudes in our society are unsustainable.

The incel rate for men every single year is rapidly increasing. More and more men are not even left with scraps. Marriage as a concept is dead and women do not care for betabuxxers anymore because women have careers now, so she’ll likely be income matched or will income mog you. Which means you need LOOKS more than ever. no wonder the rate of divorce is so high

then there’s the economic problem. The economic imbalance even in the west is widening and becoming more obvious and more hard to deny. As you said, the poorer get poorer as the rich get richer. People are wising up to this. Especially with the completely fucked up economy now due to corona.

The global economy is even more unbalanced, there will be mass migration to the west starting in the 2030’s due to water shortages and food shortages in the 3rd world. Either way you look at it, this society won’t last. It will collapse. Pressing the reset button now on everything is no worse than letting it slowly press itself over the next 100 years.

Throwing out oligarchs won’t do shit to stop anything tbh
Bernie Sanders was our last hope.
But he bowed down to our corporate overlords and told everyone to vote for Biden.
Reminder Biden told his group of wealthy investors that under his presidency "Nothing will fundamentally change".

The existence of the internet is a threat to these billion dollar multinational corporations. They are desperate to silence people. They don't want people to wake up. Hopefully someone who doesn't crumble under pressure and isn't afraid to attack the establishment can fill Bernie's shoes in 4 years.
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  • JFL
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Indeed. You can plot the start of everything going to shit right when smart phones took off. Lmao no one talks to each other now. Talking to random people is seen as “cringe”. Being vocal and social is looked down upon (unless you’re chad ofc). No one wants to be the weird one so they shut up and walk on, like autistic introverts off their meds.

People don’t even plug in their mic’s on video games anymore. Remember the days of COD 4-bo2? People plugged in their mic’s and spoke to randoms at least. Niggas got roasted, friendships were formed. Now everyone just stays in their Xbox live party talking to their small circle of friends. A wall of privacy and anonymity online isn’t even enough anymore for most people. It is over
legit. Back in the day I made friends with everyone on my block. Compare that to now... I wouldn't know half my neighbors existed if it wasn't for quarantine.
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And, it's the same shit in different clothing jfl at thinking democray is actually just and moral it's a pipe dream. Every type of complex human governance is doomed to fail because of simple human nature. Also, I have land in Africa so I can always dip.
Everything you just said is happening right now under democracy jfl
Yes I agree it's happening under democracy as well.
But at least democracy gives us the illusion that we're free. Fascism is straight up oppression and hardship. It's absolutely retarded to desire that over democracy. It's like you want to fuck everyone's life up including your own.
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Bernie Sanders was our last hope.
But he bowed down to our corporate overlords and told everyone to vote for Biden.
Reminder Biden told his group of wealthy investors that under his presidency "Nothing will fundamentally change".

The existence of the internet is a thret to these billion dollar multinational corporations. They are desperate to silence people. They don't want people to wisen up. Hopefully someone who doesn't crumble under pressure and isn't afraid to attack the establishment can fill Bernie's shoes in 4 years.
@Aesthetics_III black pill him on bernie my nigga
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Yes I aggre it's happening under democracy as well.
But at least democracy gives us the illusion that we're free. Fascism is straight up oppression and hardship. It's absolutely retarded to desire that over democracy. It's like you want to fuck everyone's life up including your own.
Fuck no, I'm not a fascist, I'd rather have the lie of democracy tbh than the depressive bleakness of fascism. But it's all the same shit.
Yes I aggre it's happening under democracy as well.
But at least democracy gives us the illusion that we're free. Fascism is straight up oppression and hardship. It's absolutely retarded to desire that over democracy. It's like you want to fuck everyone's life up including your own.
So u want an illusion that blinds you to what’s happening over what happens being shown infront of you? This whole democracy stuff sounds like cope. It’s a garbage system, I’m not even a fascist but democracy is doomed when the average uneducated retard who thinks in groups rather than for themselves is somehow entitled to a vote
legit. Back in the day I made friends with everyone on my block. Compare that to now... I wouldn't know half my neighbors existed if it wasn't for quarantine.
Indeed. Everyone sticks to themselves now.
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What do you want? Fascism?
I never understood people who are against democracy. YOU aren't part of the elite. YOU aren't in control of the government/family with government leaders. YOU will be the one oppressed. YOUR rights will be taken away. YOU and YOUR children will be brainwashed with propaganda to become slaves to the state.

If you're against democracy you're fucking yourself over and getting rid of your rights. Fascism isn't as sunshine and rainbows as you may think it is.
you are the epitome of bluepilled slave normie holy shit im caging :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
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So u want an illusion that blinds you to what’s happening over what happens being shown infront of you? This whole democracy stuff sounds like cope. It’s a garbage system, I’m not even a fascist but democracy is doomed when the average uneducated retard who thinks in groups rather than for themselves is somehow entitled to a vote

Indeed. Everyone sticks to themselves now.
Exactly democray appeals to low IQ normies to much, muh freedom.
now we have tiktok faggots
@SpearOfOrion did this come on to your recommended as well :lul::lul:
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Bernie Sanders was our last hope.
But he bowed down to our corporate overlords and told everyone to vote for Biden.
Reminder Biden told his group of wealthy investors that under his presidency "Nothing will fundamentally change".

The existence of the internet is a threat to these billion dollar multinational corporations. They are desperate to silence people. They don't want people to wake up. Hopefully someone who doesn't crumble under pressure and isn't afraid to attack the establishment can fill Bernie's shoes in 4 years.
Bernie wouldn't have done shit except fuck over the middle class even more with higher taxes. You don't fucking want socialism in the US. We have it here in Western Europe and it only makes shit even worse.
Fuck no, I'm not a fascist, I'd rather have the lie of democracy tbh than the depressive bleakness of fascism. But it's all the same shit.
Yes I 100% agree with you on this
So u want an illusion that blinds you to what’s happening over what happens being shown infront of you? This whole democracy stuff sounds like cope. It’s a garbage system, I’m not even a fascist but democracy is doomed when the average uneducated retard who thinks in groups rather than for themselves is somehow entitled to a vote

Indeed. Everyone sticks to themselves now.
What else is there other than Democracy or Facism. Which successful countries employ this third system?

Democracy is objectively the best if you're just an average person and not part of the elite. You act like Facism is better because there's no illusion to cover it up, but that's exactly why it's worse. You're constantly reminded that you aren't free, that everything about you is monitored and controlled and the government could kill you at any time.
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now we have tiktok faggots
Must be worse for people your age you have witnessed the degradation first hand. This life is all I have know
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Bernie wouldn't have done shit except fuck over the middle class even more with higher taxes. You don't fucking want socialism in the US. We have it here in Western Europe and it only makes shit even worse.
Wouldn't the decrease in medical costs make up for the increase in taxes?
you are the epitome of bluepilled slave normie holy shit im caging :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Are you unironically advocating for Facism and oppression? C'mon man this ain't a game it's real life. I don't wanna live in communist Russia like conditions and get sent the gulags cause I have a different opinion on something.

The real bluepilled normie slaves are the ones who actually this Joe Biden and Donald Trump actually have their best interests at heart.
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  • Hmm...
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Wouldn't the decrease in medical costs make up for the increase in taxes?
What medical costs do average young healthy people have?

Socialized healthcare like we have in the Netherlands is a transfer of wealth from young and healthy to sick and old people.

When I am 70 years old and I get cancer, just let me fucking die. Taking 50.000 euro out of the socialized healthcare system so they can keep you alive for another few years is fucking disgusting honestly.

I hate boomers so fucking much.
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What medical costs do average young healthy people have?

Socialized healthcare like we have in the Netherlands is a transfer of wealth from young and healthy to sick and old people.

When I am 70 years old and I get cancer, just let me fucking die. Taking 50.000 euro out of the socialized healthcare system so they can keep you alive for another few years is fucking disgusting honestly.

I hate boomers so fucking much.
All I know is that the current healthcare system in the US isn't sustainable for most people and insurance companies are fucking people over. Maybe Bernie's numbers don't add up but something has to change.
Everything has always been shit, jfl at people advocating for traditionalisim do you think it was any better for the average dude you see on the street?

No it fucking wasn't, we need a completely new system.
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Everything has always been shit, jfl at people advocating for traditionalisim do you think it was any better for the average dude you see on the street?

No it fucking wasn't, we need a completely new system.
It was much better. Anti-male propaganda, feminism, hypergamy and hedonism were not as common even 20 years ago as they are now.
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All I know for sure is advocating for Facism as a normal person is retarded and goes against your best interests.
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People we living in the moment that they were in. They paid more attention to their 5 senses than their phones.
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All I know for sure is advocating for Facism as a normal person is retarded and goes against your best interests.
I don’t like fascism. It’s garbage. Best system is anarchy, every man for himself
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Internet and Smartphones happened.

Its been 2 years since Ive moved to my new apartment, and I havent spoken ONE word with any of the neighbors.
I dont even know the name of anyone living there. Its like people dont even WANT to talk anymore, they completely forgot the concept.
It feels weird and wrong, just thinking 10-15 years back it seems like a different reality.

Speaking to my grandparents always feels like talking to aliens, they showed me old photos and everything just looks so happy,natural,primal.

When I was a kid I didnt like going to the church, but now I understand. People NEED religion. The average guy NEEDS someone who leads him. I might visit one of these free churches after the lockdown.

Let me tell you one thing, this will NOT end well.
Like I dont really care about myself anymore, im Incel due to genetics well yeah thats how it was meant to be.
But the future generations, it gives me anxiety thinking about them.
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Wouldn't the decrease in medical costs make up for the increase in taxes?

Are you unironically advocating for Facism and oppression? C'mon man this ain't a game it's real life. I don't wanna live in communist Russia like conditions and get sent the gulags cause I have a different opinion on something.

The real bluepilled normie slaves are the ones who actually this Joe Biden and Donald Trump actually have their best interests at heart.
yes you fucking retard
fascism isnt oppression

u need to blackpill yourself about the real power structures in the world

start by watching this vid, idc if u do or don't, remain a docile slave for all i care
if u take the steps i'll help u further with ressources and sites
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It was much better. Anti-male propaganda, feminism, hypergamy and hedonism were not as common even 20 years ago as they are now.
And, still 95% of people were coping wageslaves. The class system is brutal, the only reason 99.9% of us are on this site because we are at the bottom 95%, if you or me were a richcel we woudnt have to give a shit. The only way to be free is to acquire money and status, that is all.
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And, still 95% of people were coping wageslaves. The class system is brutal, the only reason 99.9% of us are on this site because we are at the bottom 95%, if you or me were a richcel we woudnt have to give a shit. The only way to be free is to acquire money and status, that is all.
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All I know is that the current healthcare system in the US isn't sustainable for most people and insurance companies are fucking people over. Maybe Bernie's numbers don't add up but something has to change.
What kind of healthcare costs do average people have in the US that they need bernie for?

I understand that if you are one of few individuals that get fucked over healthwise at young age, it fucking sucks. But those are like a 2% minority group or some shit. What about the rest?

Healthcare costs don't start piling in till you're atleast 50years old at which point you honestly should've some money saved up yourself for that kind of stuff.

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