WHAT TO DRINK INSTEAD OF THE WATER [Most perfect liquid in the world you can drink]



Living like there's no tomorrow
May 16, 2019
In my last thread, when i said that water is useless, it suprised me how so many people were led to believe a conventional medicine bs and giving me a rudimentary subjective feedback as to why i'm wrong and basically humiliating themselves because for certain my message is right.

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So today i'm going to be making the perfect liquid you can ever drink for yourself. Simple and comprehensive

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We are 60% made out of water, our organs are made out of water, every cell in our body is made out of water SO it's important to drink the right liquid for your body. Old Russians lived up to 200 years old thanks to drinking a high polarized liquids and due to their lifestyle. Morons here who deny my message doesn't understand how important this subject is...


1) A water loses it's polarity when the oxygen atom attracts electrons a bit more strongly than the hydrogen atoms. It means that the polarity allows it to dissolve other polar substances - So if it's of a positive polarity, your body, your cells, intenstines will absorb nutrients quicker and mitochondria will work at a much better capacity, This means that you will be getting less oxidative stress which will EXTEND your life.

2) When a hydrogen bond has additional isotope in it, then it makes the water worser for human consumption which EVERY water has. A deuterium hydrogen bond makes a water harder to absorb and since we have an additional neutron, we for certain lose electrons which are responsible for treating the oxidative stress and pretty much - ALL the benefits of the water:

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Likewise, you cannot drink a ocean water because it has a larger concentration of deuterium in it which makes it heavier, it makes it harder for your digestive system and kidneys to work with a heavier water, and that's why it's often preferable to drink a light water (means as fewer deuterium concentration), but i will talk in the next thread how to eliminate the deuterium completely

3) The single thing which every liquid is contained of is H2O bond, but it's not usable for humans because of the "O" bond. The Oxygen in the bond holds the hydrogen from reacting, but our intention IS to actually isolate the molecular hydrogen work so we remove the "O" from the bond in order to get the HH bond which is called the molecular hydrogen.

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A molecular hydrogen is an anti-oxidans, because like the name says, when the cells in our body tends to oxidate due to a chronic inflamation, a molecular hydrogen is there to stop that inflamation from happening:

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Though it's important to mention that our biological age is a byproduct of our inflamatory status (Inflamatory status is controlled by our lifestyle, diet, etc..). So a huge biomarker responsible for aging is actually the inflamation, and BY DRINKING the right thing such as mentioned, we can reduce the inflamation to a large extend, followed with a change in lifestyle, we can combat the aging.

4) Ionizing the water, which is just making the smaller water clusters so it can be absorbed more quickly. A regular water cluster you've been drinking has 15 to 20 molecules, but ionized has just about 5 to 6 small H2O clusters.
This may be insignificant as compared to the previously mentioned things.

5) Charging the water with orgone has proven to have some benefits, although it was pretty complex subject for me to snatch. Understanding how Orgone energy works is pretty hard and a fairly new field of knowledge as a orgone is a vital life force energy and it's bordering with spiritual stuff which are mostly subjective bs so i have a very skeptic approach:

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6) Since we adressed the fundamental things in regards to a structure of a water, it's time to adress the nutrition which water has 0 nutrients in it, which makes it useless from a mechanistic point to drink.
- a substitute for a water: Raw milk, fermented kefir water, a fruit juice (ideal for carnivore dieters). The subsitute for a water really evolves around the natural options, even putting the grains and letting it sit in a water overnight will fix the polarity.

7) Pollution, the most underlooked factor out of all but most important. A tap water contains: Nitrates, potassium permanganate, amonium, arsenite, hallogens (Fluroide, chlorine, bromide), and a trace elements of a medicine.

Though so many things, they are saturated in a small dosages so they won't immediatelly cause an health effect, but over the course of years, these health effects will highlight themselves and you wouldn't even know that a tap water has been causing them in the first place.

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After a while, i just stopped writing this thread, i realized it was not worth it

This will be might last post as well, because people here are just too dumb and retarded it's hilarious. Even if i come up with facts and objective accepted information, they would still be denying it and making a fool out of me. Though i am right all along.

@Chadlite Rutherford was right, people here are just a fucking normies in denial, no wonder why site is shit when you have a shitty userbase. Everyone who's still making a claim after this thread deserves to be crucified for his low IQ, like straight up.
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Bhai give us the sauce what is the most perfect liquid in the world
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is it free?
Bhai give us the sauce what is the most perfect liquid in the world
1) Get the ideal polarity so you will make the substance more absorbable by the cells

2) Get rid of deuterium isotope by electrolytic dissociation, deuterium is making your metabolism to work harder in order to absorb water, this in return is causing a metabolic stress and damage in the long run

3) Isolate the HH molecular hydrogen bond so you can get the perfect anti oxidans (anti free radical) liquid.

4) Ionizing the water wil make the clusters smaller, so you will be able to drink more liquid while not being bloated. This in return will improve your health to a large margin

5) Charging the water with orgone energy is proven to have a cellular benefits, it's like the countering effect of EMF radiation

6) For nutrition, ferment your water in grains, fruits or a fungus. This is the best thing you can do to your body out of all the steps

7) Get yourself a water filter, although a chemical filter will get rid of like 75% of the junk but it's worth it.
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is it free?
Milk is free buddy boyo, blood is free too, a fermented kefir is also free, kambucha kwas or a fruit jucie is also free if you can make it to be
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do you have to make your own fruit juice or can you just buy a specific brand from a store
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do you have to make your own fruit juice or can you just buy a specific brand from a store
If you are in the run, buy from the store

Personally, i have the lemon farm so it's easy for me to harvest it and have a much healthier alternative. Pesticide free with a higher nutritional index:
Histological alterations in bighead carp liver due to pesticide exposure a control

Picture with pesticides induced liver damage, luckily liver can heal itself but it's certainly bad for metabolism because --> metabolic stress --> free radicals --> aging and detetoriation.

And drinking a juice from the store is 100X better than drinking a water, i cannot stress this enough
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1) Get the ideal polarity so you will make the substance more absorbable by the cells

2) Get rid of deuterium isotope by electrolytic dissociation, deuterium is making your metabolism to work harder in order to absorb water, this in return is causing a metabolic stress and damage in the long run

3) Isolate the HH molecular hydrogen bond so you can get the perfect anti oxidans (anti free radical) liquid.

4) Ionizing the water wil make the clusters smaller, so you will be able to drink more liquid while not being bloated. This in return will improve your health to a large margin

5) Charging the water with orgone energy is proven to have a cellular benefits, it's like the countering effect of EMF radiation

6) For nutrition, ferment your water in grains, fruits or a fungus. This is the best thing you can do to your body out of all the steps

7) Get yourself a water filter, although a chemical filter will get rid of like 75% of the junk but it's worth it.
Thank you 3 Times holocaust champion bhai

I've been thinking of getting a Big Berkley water filter

Any fruits/grains/fungus you recommend?
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Thank you 3 Times holocaust champion bhai

I've been thinking of getting a Big Berkley water filter

Any fruits/grains/fungus you recommend?
Buy a chemical water filter which usually cost around 100 - 500$ (without instalation and additional things)

Once you get the water filter, now you could ionize it and destroy the O bond but it's a long process. You can make a water ionizer homemade for 10$ cheap, and as for the molecular hydrogen, there is no available option online on how to exclude the oxygen bond but a machine for this exist

Polarity and nutrition can be improved during the fermentation process. Watch this video dude:
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After a while, i just stopped writing this thread, i realized it was not worth it

This will be might last post as well, because people here are just too dumb and retarded it's hilarious. Even if i come up with facts and objective accepted information, they would still be denying it and making a fool out of me. Though i am right all along.

@Chadlite Rutherford was right, people here are just a fucking normies in denial, no wonder why site is shit when you have a shitty userbase. Everyone who's still making a claim after this thread deserves to be crucified for his low IQ, like straight up.
Bro don't put off the good work because some numpties act the way they do. For every buffoon, there's a keen ear wanting to learn. Pls don't stop writing threads, man. Put the mf's on ignore if you have to.
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After a while, i just stopped writing this thread, i realized it was not worth it

This will be might last post as well, because people here are just too dumb and retarded it's hilarious. Even if i come up with facts and objective accepted information, they would still be denying it and making a fool out of me. Though i am right all along.

@Chadlite Rutherford was right, people here are just a fucking normies in denial, no wonder why site is shit when you have a shitty userbase. Everyone who's still making a claim after this thread deserves to be crucified for his low IQ, like straight up.
Ur idea seems high IQ for sure Bhai , where can I buy this?
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Ur idea seems high IQ for sure Bhai , where can I buy this?
Bhai, read the comment above when i quoted @HarvardDropOut, i told him everything we need for the best water as possible 👍
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Bhai, read the comment above when i quoted @HarvardDropOut, i told him everything we need for the best water as possible 👍
Thanks bhai, very simple
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Nice thread :)
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Soy dude. Drink Soy.

IMG 20210210 152850

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It's turned me into quite the mogger.
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Buy a chemical water filter which usually cost around 100 - 500$ (without instalation and additional things)

Once you get the water filter, now you could ionize it and destroy the O bond but it's a long process. You can make a water ionizer homemade for 10$ cheap, and as for the molecular hydrogen, there is no available option online on how to exclude the oxygen bond but a machine for this exist

Polarity and nutrition can be improved during the fermentation process. Watch this video dude:

Can we make the ionized water by simply adding stones that raise alkalinity or an ionizer machine is better?
I think there are also some stones that eletrically "ionize" water to some point but im not sure at their effectiveness.
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Some sources about water


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Water is useless today anyway.It had its use in the past when people were thirsty and couldn't find food source,(althought most of us here nowadays live in the Civilized areas).Boiled water like Soups had been used by Native Americans so i think boiled water is good just like fruit juices
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Chad drinks water and still gets laid
Chad drinks water and still gets laid
Yes but you're not a chad, and you are still part of the competition

So you may as well do your best
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Yes but you're not a chad, and you are still part of the competition

So you may as well do your best
Do you think water chlorination or ozonation have effect on water polarity? Most European countries have been chlorinating their water for over a century, with the exception of France which uses ozone to purify water. France has the lowest heart disease mortality of all Europe.
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Do you think water chlorination or ozonation have effect on water polarity? Most European countries have been chlorinating their water for over a century, with the exception of France which uses ozone to purify water. France has the lowest heart disease mortality of all Europe.
Ozone is an allotropic modification of oxygen. In my thread, i encouraged the people to remove the oxygen from the H20 bond in order to get HH bond, molecular hydrogen. - Why?

Because HH is an anti inflamatory form of liquid (in a current state) which can be used to treat metabolic stress caused by free radicals or just about any type inflamation in our body on a cellular level

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Because H2 molecules have a hydrogen bond, it binds pair of other atoms having a high affinity for electrons, and when cells in your body oxidise, an electron from a H2 bond is donating an electron to create a H2O bond within your body

ACTIVE HYDROGEN Gel 50 ml Forte 110 ml MOCKUP ENG e1456455082836

As for the literature, every study you search about says that a molecular hydrogen provides so many benefits, but it's because the main role of molecular hydrogen is to treat inflamation, and i would advise everyone to drink a molecular hydrogen on a daily basis, especially since we're bombarded with EMF and frequent radiation. We have more inflamation nowadays than we used to have ever in history
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water thread
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The store next to where I live has a reverse osmosis + charcoal filter that you can use to fill your bottles.
But I'm wondering if this filter will remove E coming from the tap.

SO basically you filter the water and ionize it ? Can you store the water for a while or will the HH bon with O again ?
If you are in the run, buy from the store

Personally, i have the lemon farm so it's easy for me to harvest it and have a much healthier alternative. Pesticide free with a higher nutritional index:
View attachment 1121015

Picture with pesticides induced liver damage, luckily liver can heal itself but it's certainly bad for metabolism because --> metabolic stress --> free radicals --> aging and detetoriation.

And drinking a juice from the store is 100X better than drinking a water, i cannot stress this enough
whats the best juice

could this work ? it is said water particles with deuterium freeze faster so you partly freeze the water and then throw away the part that became ice .
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Boiling th water, kills the shit in it?
with the exception of France which uses ozone to purify water. France has the lowest heart disease mortality of all Europe.
only 3 cities in France use water ozonation, it cant be just that that causes lowest heart disease mortality
Bookmarked,gonna read everything after gymcel
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basically i will reduce my water consumption to 1l at the most and drink blood and some fruit juices, i have a good water filter luckily my family is not stupid to the point of drinking tap water,what worries me is in relation to fruit pesticides and I do not have access to one of the best things in this world called raw milk
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@Chintuck22 wtf someone can get raw milk?comercial milk is trash compared to raw milk right?
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After a while, i just stopped writing this thread, i realized it was not worth it

This will be might last post as well, because people here are just too dumb and retarded it's hilarious. Even if i come up with facts and objective accepted information, they would still be denying it and making a fool out of me. Though i am right all along.

@Chadlite Rutherford was right, people here are just a fucking normies in denial, no wonder why site is shit when you have a shitty userbase. Everyone who's still making a claim after this thread deserves to be crucified for his low IQ, like straight up.
What about buying water? Is it same?
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Having taken chemisty, physics and biology at above primary school level this thread hurts to read.
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High IQ ngl
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chintuck do you do this yourself at home? or do you drink something else
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Are you Aajonuspilled?
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chintuck do you do this yourself at home? or do you drink something else
You can do all of this at home from yourself

There are waaaay few people out there who sell fermented water kefir, let alone hydrogenize the water and additional stuff...

So buy a filter for about 150-300€, buy a fermentation kettle pot (20€), and buy the grain for fermentation. Once you've done everything, you can ferment the grain, don't forget to add sugar in it, so the bacterium can feed off from it and reproduce (y)

Are you Aajonuspilled?

I do emphasise drinking raw fermented water/kefir.. but i preach it as a substitute for eating a high fermented meat, while Aajonus eats high meat. It's just my personal approach, you can still get the raw bacteria from fermented yogurt, kefir, water..
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You can do all of this at home from yourself

There are waaaay few people out there who sell fermented water kefir, let alone hydrogenize the water and additional stuff...

So buy a filter for about 150-300€, buy a fermentation kettle pot (20€), and buy the grain for fermentation. Once you've done everything, you can ferment the grain, don't forget to add sugar in it, so the bacterium can feed off from it and reproduce (y)

I do emphasise drinking raw fermented water/kefir.. but i preach it as a substitute for eating a high fermented meat, while Aajonus eats high meat. It's just my personal approach, you can still get the raw bacteria from fermented yogurt, kefir, water..
If you want to get probiotics I think it's better to get it from sour/clabbered milk instead of kefir.
To make clabbered milk just leave your raw milk out of the fridge, after one day it's not thick and pretty disgusting but after about two days it gets thick tastes pretty good. If you leave the milk out of the fridge the bacteria will feed on the lactose and multiply.
So with sour milk you get the natural bacteria in the milk. While with kefir the bacteria from the kefir "win" from the bacteria naturally present in the milk.

Aajonus said this in one of his lectures. And to me it seems pretty logical that bacteria already present in the milk (but multiplied) are better than bacteria from an outside source.

But this is just a small thing ofcourse, most people don't even consume any fermented foods at all.
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Milk and orange juice
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1) Get the ideal polarity so you will make the substance more absorbable by the cells

2) Get rid of deuterium isotope by electrolytic dissociation, deuterium is making your metabolism to work harder in order to absorb water, this in return is causing a metabolic stress and damage in the long run

3) Isolate the HH molecular hydrogen bond so you can get the perfect anti oxidans (anti free radical) liquid.

4) Ionizing the water wil make the clusters smaller, so you will be able to drink more liquid while not being bloated. This in return will improve your health to a large margin

5) Charging the water with orgone energy is proven to have a cellular benefits, it's like the countering effect of EMF radiation

6) For nutrition, ferment your water in grains, fruits or a fungus. This is the best thing you can do to your body out of all the steps

7) Get yourself a water filter, although a chemical filter will get rid of like 75% of the junk but it's worth it.
Legit our guy is in the deuterium depleted water vibe


U know jack kruse
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1) Get the ideal polarity so you will make the substance more absorbable by the cells

2) Get rid of deuterium isotope by electrolytic dissociation, deuterium is making your metabolism to work harder in order to absorb water, this in return is causing a metabolic stress and damage in the long run

3) Isolate the HH molecular hydrogen bond so you can get the perfect anti oxidans (anti free radical) liquid.

4) Ionizing the water wil make the clusters smaller, so you will be able to drink more liquid while not being bloated. This in return will improve your health to a large margin

5) Charging the water with orgone energy is proven to have a cellular benefits, it's like the countering effect of EMF radiation

6) For nutrition, ferment your water in grains, fruits or a fungus. This is the best thing you can do to your body out of all the steps

7) Get yourself a water filter, although a chemical filter will get rid of like 75% of the junk but it's worth it.
Ben greenfield was talking about a filter system that filters the water and then spins it in a vortex and it's supposed to be better for you
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