What’s better? Not a cope thread



Jan 10, 2023
Being very lean looking good shirtless but dyel twink in clothes or
Good physique in clothes but a little too fat to look great with a shirt off like 13-15% bf

I think the second is better because you have a shirt on 99% of the time and you get to eat more and be stronger
for girls its whatever, probab the first has more appeal
Number 3. Like a methhead when shirtless but with a mogger frame for clothes and a leanmaxxed face
12% bf is perfect. Depends on your face tho, some people really do need to get low for facial aesthetics, but you should have that fine at a true 12%. Getting "shredded" as a natty sucks because you will just look skinny in a t shirt unless it's a smedium express t.
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For face, if you have some bones and decent fat around eyes, 12% is the best sustainable. For body, climate and clothing culture also matters. In hot climates where it's normal to wear little clothes or be shirtless, leanness is more important.
12% bf is perfect. Depends on your face tho, some people really do need to get low for facial aesthetics, but you should have that fine at a true 12%. Getting "shredded" as a natty sucks because you will just look skinny in a t shirt unless it's a smedium express t.
Yep I refuse to go lower than 10% bf because I start to look dyel in a shirt

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