What’s it mean when guys give you dirty looks?



Feb 28, 2022
Sometimes I’ll be walking somewhere and a guy walking by usually an older guy, will look at me and then rub the bottom of his nose and give a dirty look. Or if I hold the door open men don’t ever say thank you.

I have minor acne scaring on my nose and I get paranoid it’s bc of that but I’ve experienced the same thing wearing a face mask.

I’m Hispanic and middle eastern and black men never treat me that way.

I look really low trust with a buzz cut.

Sometimes women won’t even make eye contact when talking to me but then really attractive or promiscuous women are flirty and friendly, and will give ioi’s when I walk past and make eye contact.

I feel like I might be so ugly that really hot, secure women don’t even see me as a threat and more like a source of validation. And everyone else is trying to “put me in my place”
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"When guys give you dirty looks, especially older men, it often reflects a complex interplay of societal norms, personal biases, and individual insecurities. Older generations, in particular, may adhere more strongly to traditional norms and expectations regarding appearance and behavior. Your acne scars or your buzz cut hairstyle could be perceived as unconventional or outside their accepted standards of beauty or grooming, prompting reactions that assert their perceived superiority or conformist mindset. These gestures, like nose-rubbing, may subtly communicate disapproval or a desire to maintain social boundaries based on appearance.

Moreover, these reactions can intersect with racial or ethnic biases, particularly as a Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and Black individual. Prejudices and microaggressions may come into play, influencing how some individuals perceive and react to you in public spaces. These biases can manifest through dismissive looks, lack of acknowledgment, or even overt hostility, underscoring broader societal issues of discrimination and stereotyping.

The lack of gratitude when you hold doors open is unfortunately commonplace in today's society, indicative of a growing sense of entitlement and self-absorption. Many individuals may overlook acts of kindness, expecting them as a given without acknowledging the effort extended. This societal shift prioritizes individualism and self-interest over communal values and basic manners, contributing to a culture where reciprocal appreciation is often overlooked.

In interactions with women, dynamics can be equally intricate and influenced by perceptions of attractiveness and social status. Some women may avoid eye contact or exhibit aloof behavior, perceiving you as outside their social circle or conventional standards of attractiveness. This perception can stem from ingrained societal biases that equate certain physical traits or appearances with desirability or social acceptance. Conversely, overly friendly or flirtatious behavior from certain women might reflect a desire to validate their own attractiveness or social status by engaging positively with someone they perceive as non-threatening or lower in the social hierarchy.

This phenomenon highlights a larger societal pattern where individuals navigate interactions based on superficial judgments and perceived social hierarchies. Attractive individuals, secure in their social status, may not perceive you as a threat, thus engaging with you in a dismissive or patronizing manner. This behavior can reinforce feelings of marginalization or invisibility, particularly when juxtaposed with more overtly friendly interactions from individuals seeking validation through positive attention.

Navigating these complex social dynamics can be emotionally taxing, leading to feelings of frustration or insecurity. However, it's crucial to recognize that these reactions are often rooted in societal conditioning and personal insecurities rather than a reflection of your intrinsic worth or value. Building self-confidence and cultivating relationships with individuals who appreciate you beyond superficial criteria can help counteract these negative experiences.

In conclusion, while these interactions may be disheartening, maintaining awareness of societal influences and fostering genuine connections based on mutual respect can empower you to navigate social landscapes with resilience and authenticity. By prioritizing self-awareness and positive relationships, you can mitigate the impact of superficial judgments and navigate interactions with greater confidence and clarity."
  • JFL
Reactions: morbidlymorbid and Darkeningstar
Sometimes I’ll be walking somewhere and a guy walking by usually an older guy, will look at me and then rub the bottom of his nose and give a dirty look. Or if I hold the door open men don’t ever say thank you.

I have minor acne scaring on my nose and I get paranoid it’s bc of that but I’ve experienced the same thing wearing a face mask.

I’m Hispanic and middle eastern and black men never treat me that way.

I look really low trust with a buzz cut.

Sometimes women won’t even make eye contact when talking to me but then really attractive or promiscuous women are flirty and friendly, and will give ioi’s when I walk past and make eye contact.

I feel like I might be so ugly that really hot, secure women don’t even see me as a threat and more like a source of validation. And everyone else is trying to “put me in my place”
It means he thinks u pussy and wants to fight
. Building self-confidence and cultivating relationships with individuals who appreciate you beyond superficial criteria can help counteract these negative experience
Fucking bluepilled chat GPT
it’s a hidden meaning for gay guys telling you to fuck them or they will kidnap and rape you in 7 days
  • JFL
Reactions: glizzygnasher68
It means you mog them and you're 9 psl theyre jealous and want your looks
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Sometimes I’ll be walking somewhere and a guy walking by usually an older guy, will look at me and then rub the bottom of his nose and give a dirty look. Or if I hold the door open men don’t ever say thank you.

I have minor acne scaring on my nose and I get paranoid it’s bc of that but I’ve experienced the same thing wearing a face mask.

I’m Hispanic and middle eastern and black men never treat me that way.

I look really low trust with a buzz cut.

Sometimes women won’t even make eye contact when talking to me but then really attractive or promiscuous women are flirty and friendly, and will give ioi’s when I walk past and make eye contact.

I feel like I might be so ugly that really hot, secure women don’t even see me as a threat and more like a source of validation. And everyone else is trying to “put me in my place"
Older people look at me wrongly too because I mog them, however it obviously also depends on your non-verbal language. I for example behave a bit like a snob and am therefore perceived as untrustworthy by some.
they want to suck you off
When a person gives you dirty looks it usually means they have a problem with you or they are narcissistic. Or they're disgusted by your looks
it’s a hidden meaning for gay guys telling you to fuck them or they will kidnap and rape you in 7 days
Gay Hispanic, southeast Asian, and black men act catty and rude, with me but I peak interest for white and Asian gay men. For context
they want you dead
*exterminated from the gene pool
When a person gives you dirty looks it usually means they have a problem with you or they are narcissistic. Or they're disgusted by your looks
Feels like everyone’s narcissistic to an extent. I don’t even see things that way in terms of lookism, but it’s the game people have to play so I looksmax
Older people look at me wrongly too because I mog them, however it obviously also depends on your non-verbal language. I for example behave a bit like a snob and am therefore perceived as untrustworthy by some.
But do you think younger people feel the same way, it’s just that older people develop lower inhibitions due to aging and life experiences so they don’t care about acting cordial ?
  • +1
Reactions: Darkeningstar
But do you think younger people feel the same way, it’s just that older people develop lower inhibitions due to aging and life experiences so they don’t care about acting cordial ?
Yes I think it is also because of this

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