What’s the best injectable dht steroid for masculinity?

Ok so the straight-up hormone which might even be dumber

So basically you don't get the benefits of muscle building as DHT-derived steroids, you get the same benefits of testosterone but you can't take finasteride or dutasteride to stop balding or BPH cause it won't work and have a way greater chance of getting those side effects.

Sounds like a very smart idea!
You can administer Finasteride or Dutasterise while you're on DHT-derived steroids. It just needs to be the topical variants of these DHT blockers instead of the oral ones. They are effective and specific in their action. Your serum androgen levels will be hardly affected at all when you apply them to your scalp. The only problem is that they're kinda expensive, but if you have the money to buy PEDs then you should have the money to buy topical DHT blockers too.
you said this stop hiding from it retard "Males with no testosterone looks 100% the same as males with no dht"

In the case of low t of course you can develop male characteristics. I never denied dthat

A woman can't have male t levels without steriods, on steriods they get a deeper voice more masculine facial structure broader frame and their clitoris can grow doesn't sound like a women body to me. "Keep coping" 🤓
I'm turning 19 soon and my objective is to framemax (get wider clavicles, bigger ribcage and thicker bones). What if I run T, DHT and AI at the same time? Like what if I administer DHT-derivatives in small amounts and also hop on TRT while maintaining aromatization (and delaying clavicular ossification) with an AI? Maybe add peptides and HGH to that stack too? And then I can trigger T/DHT receptor proliferation using L-carnitine and high-load high-intensity exercise. Would I see significant changes in my frame and bone size if I follow this regimen for the next 5 years or so?
Males with no testosterone looks 100% the same as males with no dht

masculination of the body happends due to other reasons, dht or dht deritavea help with those reasons

Utterly Retard
I'm almost 19 and I've got shit T and DHT. If I were to run DHT derivatives like Masteron, Proviron or Anavar along with peptides and GH for the next few years, would my bone mass and frame increase? What if I also were to add T to the stack?
You can administer Finasteride or Dutasterise while you're on DHT-derived steroids. It just needs to be the topical variants of these DHT blockers instead of the oral ones. They are effective and specific in their action. Your serum androgen levels will be hardly affected at all when you apply them to your scalp. The only problem is that they're kinda expensive, but if you have the money to buy PEDs then you should have the money to buy topical DHT blockers too.
good luck trying that, The only thing that might work is RU when on DHT fin and dut will not work.
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I'm almost 19 and I've got shit T and DHT. If I were to run DHT derivatives like Masteron, Proviron or Anavar along with peptides and GH for the next few years, would my bone mass and frame increase? What if I also were to add T to the stack?
You are 19 dht isnt that important in development anymore, I would just run test if you are gonna run something, you will see results and its less risky.

I mean DHT derivatives arent as bad as running pure dht as op suggested but it will increase your chances of bad side effects such as hairloss, shit skin, ageing, acne. Most people on here think they will look like David laid on steroids but end up looking like an ogre like Jason blaha.
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What’s the best injectable dht steroid you reckon?
ive been trying to research this and if you want direct DHT you have to buy DHT powder and solve it into an injectable solution, it sounds hard but is the easiest shit ever. the thing is buying the dht powder im trying to find a good source and when i do it ill buy it, anyways im going to make a thread about this in a moment
I am in a group where they inject massive doses of dht in their body

No acne, no hairloss . only benefits

Keep blaming dht instead of you bad genetics
interested in that group send link nigga
You are 19 dht isnt that important in development anymore, I would just run test if you are gonna run something, you will see results and its less risky.

I mean DHT derivatives arent as bad as running pure dht as op suggested but it will increase your chances of bad side effects such as hairloss, shit skin, ageing, acne. Most people on here think they will look like David laid on steroids but end up looking like an ogre like Jason blaha.
a.View attachment 3003653
Well that's interesting because not too long ago I saw a study showing that DHT significantly contributes to bone mass (more so than testosterone since it attaches itself to your receptors longer, increasing the impact that the androgen has on your body) and I could really use some size on my wrists and skull. And I don't know if you have heard of androgenicogre/loox but didn't he also ascend mostly with the help of DHT-derivatives like Masteron? I am aware of its sides and I don't think think I will be affected much because I have pretty good hair and skin genetics (or just aging genetics in general). If David Laid and Jeff Seid who inject roids like diabetics inject insulin came out looking fine, I will too for sure.

Also I'm worried about nuking my natural T production with TRT because I have dealt with T imbalances all my life (I had an undescended testicle which had to be resolved through surgical intervention when I turned 3). Is there any way to increase endogenous T? I've seen a bunch of studies which suggest that certain herbs like Shilajit and Tongkat Ali can significantly increase serum T levels. Complimenting that with an AI should then inhibit aromatization and maintain or further increase serum T.
Well that's interesting because not too long ago I saw a study showing that DHT significantly contributes to bone mass (more so than testosterone since it attaches itself to your receptors longer, increasing the impact that the androgen has on your body) and I could really use some size on my wrists and skull. And I don't know if you have heard of androgenicogre/loox but didn't he also ascend mostly with the help of DHT-derivatives like Masteron? I am aware of its sides and I don't think think I will be affected much because I have pretty good hair and skin genetics (or just aging genetics in general). If David Laid and Jeff Seid who inject roids like diabetics inject insulin came out looking fine, I will too for sure.

Also I'm worried about nuking my natural T production with TRT because I have dealt with T imbalances all my life (I had an undescended testicle which had to be resolved through surgical intervention when I turned 3). Is there any way to increase endogenous T? I've seen a bunch of studies which suggest that certain herbs like Shilajit and Tongkat Ali can significantly increase serum T levels. Complimenting that with an AI should then inhibit aromatization and maintain or further increase serum T.

This man has 5ar deficiency meaning his body does not produce any dht
Images 1

The left two you could say have bigger frames while not producing any dht. The guy on the right is normal.

Testosterone clearly drives male growth, taking dht probably wont do much bone growth except make you bald, hairy, and have shit skin. For every jeff seid and David laid that do roids there is ten bald ogre meatheads at the gym that do roids.

You will not be "fine" there is no "safe" steriod and they will ruin your natural production, age you, and shorten your lifespan.

Do you go to the gym? If you have low T at 19 your lifestyle is no good. Focus on lifting, diet, and sleep. I wouldn't touch steroids if you haven't been in the gym for at least 3 years.

If i were to run something I would only run test e when I'm around 24-25 which i doubt I will.
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This man has 5ar deficiency meaning his body does not produce any dht
View attachment 3004169
The left two you could say have bigger frames while not producing any dht. The guy on the right is normal.

Testosterone clearly drives male growth, taking dht probably wont do much bone growth except make you bald, hairy, and have shit skin. For every jeff seid and David laid that do roids there is ten bald ogre meatheads at the gym that do roids.

You will not be "fine" there is no "safe" steriod and they will ruin your natural production, age you, and shorten your lifespan.

Do you go to the gym? If you have low T at 19 your lifestyle is no good. Focus on lifting, diet, and sleep. I wouldn't touch steroids if you haven't been in the gym for at least 3 years.

If i were to run something I would only run test e when I'm around 24-25 which i doubt I will.
I am fairly active. I usually do calisthenics, isometrics and bodyweight exercises (with added weights sometimes) but not any compound movements. This is the routine I have been following for about 2 years. I have had low T and DHT my entire life (and puberty) because I had congenital birth defects (undescended testicles and shit). I weigh 57 kilograms at 5'9-10 but I am fairly strong for a skinny framecel of my size.

My problem is I just don't seem to gain significant or even noticeable mass no matter what I eat or how much I train my ass off. I'm guessing my hormones are to be blamed for that. The thing is that I've been researching on this stuff and I've come across various studies on the internet suggesting that DHT is more potent at building bone mass than T and that DHT-derivatives significantly increased bone mass in deficient individuals on a single 6 to 12 week cycle without affecting the patients' HPTAs to as much extent as even T. The study you're citing however seems to suggest that skeletal maturation can occur even when DHT conversion is inadequate or virtually absent. Now I'm presented with a conundrum. I think it has a lot to do with the sensitivity and quantity of one's androgen receptors too. I'm thinking of just cruising on T for now and complementing it with an AI as I continue to research on androgens and peptides.
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I am fairly active. I usually do calisthenics, isometrics and bodyweight exercises (with added weights sometimes) but not any compound movements. This is the routine I have been following for about 2 years. I have had low T and DHT my entire life (and puberty) because I had congenital birth defects (undescended testicles and shit). I weigh 57 kilograms at 5'9-10 but I am fairly strong for a skinny framecel of my size.

My problem is I just don't seem to gain significant or even noticeable mass no matter what I eat or how much I train my ass off. I'm guessing my hormones are to be blamed for that. The thing is that I've been researching on this stuff and I've come across various studies on the internet suggesting that DHT is more potent at building bone mass than T and that DHT-derivatives significantly increased bone mass in deficient individuals on a single 6 to 12 week cycle without affecting the patients' HPTAs to as much extent as even T. The study you're citing however seems to suggest that skeletal maturation can occur even when DHT conversion is inadequate or virtually absent. Now I'm presented with a conundrum. I think it has a lot to do with the sensitivity and quantity of one's androgen receptors too. I'm thinking of just cruising on T for now and complementing it with an AI as I continue to research on androgens and peptides.
If you have insurance just go to an endocrinologist, they will prescribe you trt if you have birth defects relating to T, with free bloodwork.

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