What's the best leg lengthening procedure?



15,000 karma
Apr 8, 2019
I remember someone saying you can put a remotely controlled expander in your leg to get 1inch/week. Forgot the name of it though.
Wouldn't that fuck up your proportions?
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An inch a week sounds too good to be true. If it’s real tho i’m moneymaxxing fr
Inch a week sounds fake as shit
Precice Stryde
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1mm a day is typically the maximum lengthening. Your bone does not grow fast enough for 1 inch a week, common sense should have told you this.

If money is no object, do stryde on your femurs. You can get 7-8cm lengthened, recovery is faster than the tibia because there is more bloodflow to the area.

Cheap option: external tibias. Recovery is several months longer though and you can only 'safely' lengthen 5cm. It is 3x cheaper than internal femurs though, which is the main reason people do it.
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Gonna do it besides hgh
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stryde internal femurs in greece for 50k is the best option for non richcels i believe. 8cm is usually feasible. i will consider it in a few years if im still a mentalcel. 5'10 -> 6'1 is pretty huge...then ill lift fraud to 6"2-6"3
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1mm a day is typically the maximum lengthening. Your bone does not grow fast enough for 1 inch a week, common sense should have told you this.

If money is no object, do stryde on your femurs. You can get 7-8cm lengthened, recovery is faster than the tibia because there is more bloodflow to the area.

Cheap option: external tibias. Recovery is several months longer though and you can only 'safely' lengthen 5cm. It is 3x cheaper than internal femurs though, which is the main reason people do it.
Is stryde for femurs only? Wouldn't someone need both femur and tibia growth to prevent looking like a disproportionate ape?
Is stryde for femurs only? Wouldn't someone need both femur and tibia growth to prevent looking like a disproportionate ape?

You can get internal nails for tibia - but that's fairly rare given the costs (I.e it's more feasible to do the cheaper external options on tibia than is it on femur).

People have different sized legs/torso naturally. Yes, it's likely your femur would be disproportionate but chance of a normie noticing probably ain't so high. If you do both tibs and femur, you can maintain a normal tib: femur ratio, but you're more likely to have a short torso now compared to your legs - so it's swings and roundabouts really. I'd have thought the height benefits would more than outweigh the proportion losses in any case.
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no because short people usually have short legs
Yes but it's normal that they have short legs because their body is tinier, no?
no because short people usually have short legs

Yes but it's normal that they have short legs because their body is tinier, no?

In general taller people have longer legs as a percentage of their overall height than shorter people. At any rate, people often vary in proportions by several inches even naturally.

You can test it out on yourself by using a full length picture, finding the number of pixels of height in the pic, dividing it by your height in cm to get the 'pixels per cm', then stretching out your leg segments by the desired lengthening out. The problem is though, you're now specifically looking for a difference, and so are unable to judge objectively.

If one feels it looks disproportionate, you could also always wear longer shirts after lengthening to give the illusion of a larger torso.
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In general taller people have longer legs as a percentage of their overall height than shorter people. At any rate, people often vary in proportions by several inches even naturally.

You can test it out on yourself by using a full length picture, finding the number of pixels of height in the pic, dividing it by your height in cm to get the 'pixels per cm', then stretching out your leg segments by the desired lengthening out. The problem is though, you're now specifically looking for a difference, and so are unable to judge objectively.

If one feels it looks disproportionate, you could also always wear longer shirts after lengthening to give the illusion of a larger torso.
Thanks, I will try it with famous people and post the results.
Thanks, I will try it with famous people and post the results.

I just did one myself, using standard issue normie gear of a plain t-shirt and jeans. It's better to do it on yourself since famous people often height fraud, and you need a picture where you're facing the camera straight on.

Clothes final

Middle is me at my natural height. The right pic is with tibia lengthened 5cm. The left pic is tibia lengthened 5cm and femur lengthened 7cm (these are around the maximum possible limits). That's 183cm-171cm-176cm (although I'm wearing shoes in the pic - as you should - as that's how you'll be judged in, so it's actually a few cm taller which should be factored into the pixels per cm calculation).

Personally, I think that no normie is ever going to notice anything being off on the right side pic. Left would be more debatable - but I know that I'm no longer a good judge, as I know there's a difference and am specifically looking for it, and so that'll forever warp my perceptions.

There's also an argument that the benefits of being taller significantly outweigh the negatives of looking like you have weirdly long legs. But that's a choice you'd need to make for yourself.
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