What’s the point of being ≥ 6'3" if your face is ≤ 4/10?



narrow-orbits brachy-skull ogre
May 16, 2020
Being tall comes with a whole host of inconveniences and annoyances:
  • Every object that's elevated off the ground—e.g. chairs, tables, countertops, doorknobs, light switches, sinks, toilets, fences, washing machines—feels really low to you.
    • Seriously—elevated surfaces, fences, and wall-mounted objects feel low to me even though I'm only 5'6"!
  • You have trouble fitting in cars, not only with legroom but also with headroom in sedans and sports cars.
  • You're more likely to suffer from back pain when you're older.
  • You need to look down to avoid accidentally kicking toddlers and stepping on dirty stuff. Looking down makes you seem shy, unconfident, and beta.
The advantage of height exists only when you have sufficient facial attractiveness and frame size. If you're ugly and/or narrow-framed, being super tall ain't worth it.
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it still feels good being tall and a lot of girls have tall guy fetishes
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GTY adriana lima husband jtm 140502 4x3t 992
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Deep voice > 6'3
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Deep voice > 6'3
My voice is naturally deep since I am a Quebecer. Most French men have a very high pitched feminine accent, while Quebecers have a very low pitched masculine accent. Americans are kind of in between the two.
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Do you think the mogging advantage outweighs all the functional disadvantages of being much taller than the heights all the products in the world are designed for?
Unless you're 6 foot 7 or taller, you're not going to suffer terrible disadvantages. As a 6 foot 4 man, I have been in hotels that had toilets and showers that were too small to use comfortably but where I live right now, I don't have that problem. And I never have trouble finding my shoe size or pant size since my shoe size is only 12 and I buy my jeans directly on the Levi's website which has all sizes.

So now it definitely is not a disadvantage, as a 6 foot 4 man, I am in the top 1% of height so in many places that I go, I get stared at, and it is often beautiful young women who stare at me, so you can already imagine that if I were to approach them, my success rate would be much higher than the men who are 5 foot 9 or shorter who never get stared at.
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My voice is naturally deep since I am a Quebecer. Most French men have a very high pitched feminine accent, while Quebecers have a very low pitched masculine accent. Americans are kind of in between the two.
What is the reason behind this?
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Being tall comes with a whole host of inconveniences and annoyances:
  • Every object that's elevated off the ground—e.g. chairs, tables, countertops, doorknobs, light switches, sinks, toilets, fences, washing machines—feels really low to you.
    • Seriously—elevated surfaces, fences, and wall-mounted objects feel low to me even though I'm only 5'6"!
  • You have trouble fitting in cars, not only with legroom but also with headroom in sedans and sports cars.
  • You're more likely to suffer from back pain when you're older.
  • You need to look down to avoid accidentally kicking toddlers and stepping on dirty stuff. Looking down makes you seem shy, unconfident, and beta.
The advantage of height exists only when you have sufficient facial attractiveness and frame size. If you're ugly and/or narrow-framed, being super tall ain't worth it.
U can slay being 3.5/10 at 6'4"
A 3/10 6'4" man has as much smv as a 5/10 5'10" man
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What is the reason behind this?
His autism. Autism is correlated with high testosterone, which is correlated with lower pitched voice. Thus, his autism indiclrectly gave him a mogger voice
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His autism. Autism is correlated with high testosterone, which is correlated with lower pitched voice. Thus, his autism indiclrectly gave him a mogger voice
He doesn’t have autism
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I’ve seen retarded looking tall guys slay while short chadlites get rejected
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A 3/10 6'4" man has as much smv as a 5/10 5'10" man

nicolas cage laughing GIF

Dude, tf are you on?

A 3/10 man NEVER mogs a 5/10 man (unless the 5/10 man is an utter manlet, like 5'2").

At 5'10", a 5/10 man mogs a 3/10 man of any height.
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nicolas cage laughing GIF

Dude, tf are you on?

A 3/10 man NEVER mogs a 5/10 man (unless the 5/10 man is an utter manlet, like 5'0").
Tales from ching ching ching ching
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Does he look Asian?

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You kinda look like him but better looking

Cope. He has a normal IPD (not cyclops-tier like mine), he has blue eyes, he's masculine, and he isn't recessed with an underbite like I am.
What is the reason behind this?
Because of our history, my ancestors from the 1500s and 1600s were French but they moved to Quebec permanently and their accent changed. French people tend to have a more civilized high class accent while Quebecers tend to have a less civilized low class accent, you'd have to watch youtube videos where Quebecers talk to see exactly what I mean here.

I spent a lot of time during my childhood living in Switzerland, I spent 3 years at a French school in Zurich and 4 years at a bilingual international school located between Geneva and Lausanne so my accent isn't exactly full Quebecer, it is a mix between French, Quebecer and English speaker since I speak both french and english at the highest language proficiency level.

By the way, the Chad that I made a thread about earlier that I said I knew from school, is actually a Canadian guy from Toronto who developed a French accent by staying in that same French school that I went to but for much longer than me, so today, he still has that high pitched feminine accent, while I have a lower pitched masculine accent.

Here is the guy I am talking about: https://looksmax.org/threads/rate-guy-who-was-popular-with-girls-at-my-school.254113/

And it is entirely because of the accent because every French guy that I know has that accent and it makes them sound less masculine, there are some exceptions probably but most guys who have that accent sound less masculine than those who have the Quebecer accent. And no @higgabigga my voice is not due to autism, it's due to having a Quebecer accent. Accents switch the more time you live in a certain place but they are more likely to change when you're a kid than when you're older, so I got lucky because if I had stayed in Zurich, I would have a higher pitched accent.
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Because size makes you more respectable and feared. Also it's a key part of attraction.

To mog someone 6+ inches taller and broader you have to be insanely better looking facially especially irl.
6'5 3/10 Mogs 5'9 5/10 brutally
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tall subhuman guy is like subhuman foid with nice body

foids can tell themselves 'well at least he's tall' when they're with them
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Being tall comes with a whole host of inconveniences and annoyances:
  • Every object that's elevated off the ground—e.g. chairs, tables, countertops, doorknobs, light switches, sinks, toilets, fences, washing machines—feels really low to you.
    • Seriously—elevated surfaces, fences, and wall-mounted objects feel low to me even though I'm only 5'6"!
  • You have trouble fitting in cars, not only with legroom but also with headroom in sedans and sports cars.
  • You're more likely to suffer from back pain when you're older.
  • You need to look down to avoid accidentally kicking toddlers and stepping on dirty stuff. Looking down makes you seem shy, unconfident, and beta.
The advantage of height exists only when you have sufficient facial attractiveness and frame size. If you're ugly and/or narrow-framed, being super tall ain't worth it.
The only point if being tall with an ugly face is.

is that you can pack on some muscle, and thus look and be strong.
So people don't dare to make fun of your ugly face, like they wiould do of you were short.
So at least you get repect, based on fear.

Respect based on admiration, is the best.
But respect based on fear, comes in 2nd place.
It's for sure better than getting disrespected to your face.
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