What’s your most radical and extreme opinion?


Deleted member 2846

Aug 17, 2019
not really radical but i absolutely won't change my mind and any politician who doesn't support it is an insant shill who doesn't give a shit about anything

nuclear energy, you can support it or you can be an obstacle in humanity's development
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I have a monster cock
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Nice try FBI
  • JFL
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Yes bro
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Reactions: SikKunt
1 leader > a large government full of useless Cunts
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Age of consent should be the same as the UKs age of consent(16) all around the world (im a 16 yr old ukcel lol)
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The holocaust is a hoax, but I wish it was real
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I’d have to think about that but I guess right now I’m convinced the government lies to us about a lot of stuff in America

Oh and the age of consent around America should be 16. Everywhere around the world it is except Here
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1 leader > a large government full of useless Cunts
There will always be tons of people involved, regardless of who’s labeled the leader.

That’s why it’s best to just label them all and have them publicly labeled.

Shadow government still exists to a degree but with a single leader it’s extremities magnify
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Disabled people should not be allowed to pass on their genes.
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I’d have to think about that but I guess right now I’m convinced the government lies to us about a lot of stuff in America
They don’t lie about cancer and flu shots or other autistic shit people think they do.

However they do look for any loophole they can to avoid paying any taxes and do tons of unethical and unjust write offs
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Eugenics are progressive if implemented properly
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Reactions: Cleftcel, Currycellmate, EckhartTollemaxx and 1 other person
There will always be tons of people involved, regardless of who’s labeled the leader.

That’s why it’s best to just label them all and have them publicly labeled.

Shadow government still exists to a degree but with a single leader it’s extremities magnify

As in the 1 leader doesn’t need the permission of the useless cunts, he can be advised but he still has the supreme power.
I think culture should be even more openly sexually degenerate than it already is

We should all talk about sex constantly at work with each other. Sexual flirting should be open and commonplace instead of in secret.
Human life has no value and everything is meaningless.
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Reactions: Cleftcel, Petsmart, Framletgod and 3 others
They don’t lie about cancer and flu shots or other autistic shit people think they do.

However they do look for any loophole they can to avoid paying any taxes and do tons of unethical and unjust write offs
Yeah I agree with that I’m just saying stuff like what you said:

taxes, involvement in other countries politics or assassinations, events that happened that were never known because of cover ups, or advanced technology they don’t let us in on etc.
not really radical but i absolutely won't change my mind and any politician who doesn't support it is an insant shill who doesn't give a shit about anything

nuclear energy, you can support it or you can be an obstacle in humanity's development
Why is nuclear any better than anything else? If the current system aint broke dont try and fix it tbh ded srs
Yeah I agree with that I’m just saying stuff like what you said:

taxes, involvement in other countries politics or assassinations, events that happened that were never known because of cover ups, or advanced technology they don’t let us in on etc.
From college culture courses I’ve realized that American history books barely co align with virtually any other European nations.

US does favorable revisionist history in the form of propaganda with their history books. Not to say they literally lie, but they slyly highlight certain figureheads and overemphasize them while leaving other key players out.
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Radical : can the government disclose that aliens have visited us in the past so we can get of this fucken rock and advance civilization we are so low IQ of a species it’s not even funny how the fuck are we ever going to get this shit solar system
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Human life has no value and everything is meaningless.
I've tried defending moral nihilism in my philosophy class and everyone hated me in that class.
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I think culture should be even more openly sexually degenerate than it already is

We should all talk about sex constantly at work with each other. Sexual flirting should be open and commonplace instead of in secret.
Because women would be more straightforward about who and what they want. Talking about sex is more fun it gives motivation. If we are all workcelling we can talk about fucking eachother. Maybe guy 1+ girl 1 go fuck eachother in the bathroom during work.

It’s easier to motivate yourself when you know you’re getting a reward.

For the guys who nobody finds attractive or reasonable they can get blackpilled on the spot and go rot and live their lives how they want. Instead of spending their skills in an office environment that is just stripping them of their time away and a society that lied to them about what came with the status of that job.
  • JFL
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I've tried defending moral nihilism in my philosophy class and everyone hated me in that class.
Yeah. It's impossible to debunk yet so many people can't even comprehend it & start using emotions instead of logic. It's frustrating yet remarkable to see the mind of a perfectly intelligent person just shut down.
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i think fatcels need to be reigned in with some kind of public shaming and mandatory dieting

like if you see a fatcel eating unhealthy or outside of dining hours its your duty to fat shame them publicly and they could face stiff penalty including jail time with mandatory fasting
  • JFL
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Why is nuclear any better than anything else? If the current system aint broke dont try and fix it tbh ded srs
well, a kilogram of natural gas can be combusted for about 55 megajoules of heat energy

a kg of natural uranium can generate 2.8E7 (28000000) megajoules
well, a kilogram of natural gas can be combusted for about 55 megajoules of heat energy

a kg of natural uranium can generate 2.8E7 (28000000) megajoules
Stuff is dangerous, this has been shown in the past. Nuclear gets mogged by every other energy source.
Every white women, and also women of other races impregnated by a >25% white man should be forced to get an abortion when they're pregnant.
Stuff is dangerous, this has been shown in the past. Nuclear gets mogged by every other energy source.
it's literally the safest and has caused the least deaths out of every other source available for decades but okay

if you care about danger you should want to ban hydroelectric plants, that's where 94% of the deaths are caused at
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I dont have any radical thoughts, because all my thoughts are correct.
this thread rly has me firing on all cylinders

if i could take some some shots of these fatcels eating fast food and upload it to social media costing them theyre reputation and livelihood i be gobsmacked

we should all be between 8-12% bf
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Reactions: Deleted member 2846
People that receive more in direct public assistance then they pay in taxes should not be allowed to vote.

Also, see sig
All, and every, vital industry should be nationalised. Privatisation is mainly a farcical idea pushed by neo colonialists, so America can buy their shit at cheap prices. Oh, and I hate whites.
  • JFL
  • Woah
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All, and every, vital industry should be nationalised. Privatisation is mainly a farcical idea pushed by neo colonialists, so America can buy their shit at cheap prices. Oh, and I hate whites.
Extremely spicy take
Nine inch nails blows and head like a hole is the only good song ive heard by nin
I believe that world leaders all serve an elite. Not necessarily Jews although some of them may be.
everything should stop being so liberal
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Reactions: Deleted member 685
I rather not
i think fatcels need to be reigned in with some kind of public shaming and mandatory dieting

like if you see a fatcel eating unhealthy or outside of dining hours its your duty to fat shame them publicly and they could face stiff penalty including jail time with mandatory fasting
No, because it can be sickness or hormonal.
I eat a lot more than a fatcell I never gain any weight.
Only let in women in country. And start war in other country so women fle to my country
Eugenics should be a thing.
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Reactions: Cleftcel and Deleted member 685
  1. Euthanasia should be legal for sub 5 males.
  2. People who don't like LOTR trilogy should be exterminated.

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