What's your plan B in case your looksmaxxing fails?

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
By failing I mean you didn't manage to reach the looks level you envisioned, not that you necessarily ended up looking worse or your life didn't improve at all.

I'll probably visit Dr Zarrinbal in Berlin for lower third consultation in October. In the ideal case I'd get bimax or / and chin wing next year, depending on his analysis. That would be my last hardmaxxing procedure.

If I still fail to get the girls I 100% desire afterwards, I'd probably continue my current way of living, just in a much more negative manner. I'd probably stop caring so much about diet and gymcel less frequently. I'd also spend more free time rotting instead of going outside / doing something meaningful. Dating would be completely abandoned unless some girl makes everything easy for me.

Whether I'd eventually rope, Idk. I still have many hobbies to cope with (books, movies, food, games etc), and I take pleasure in them. But the fact that I'm eternally inferior to chad and can never get what I want most in life will haunt me permanently. Just wait and see how much longer my heart can endure that pain.
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My Remington 870
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East Asia / Africa maxx or go off grid and live in the forest
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I will move to east asia
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How the fuck you all have money for Dr Z :lul:
How old are you bro ?

Concerning myself IDK, tbh I'm faily certain that after bimax, with my height, pheno and starting point I can regularly get PSL5 girls and LTR a PSL6 girl. But I'll go to Japan some times anyway
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Drugging 14 yos and calling it a day
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The only goal is improvement son
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east asia or rope
kill myself
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How the fuck you all have money for Dr Z :lul:
How old are you bro ?

Concerning myself IDK, tbh I'm faily certain that after bimax, with my height, pheno and starting point I can regularly get PSL5 girls and LTR a PSL6 girl. But I'll go to Japan some times anyway
28:feelsbadman: time is not on my side.

I had psl 5+ gf before but her body was shit. My current fwb has good body but psl 4 face. I just want a psl 5-5.5 girl with hot body but that's unachievable with my fucked up jaw. Besides I want to instamaxx and become locally famous. So lower third surgery or death.
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finally visit gandy heaven
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There is no fucking plan B
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I'm still quite sceptical regarding looksmaxing
Would be surprised if I reach 1 PSL point up
Eye area maxing is gonna defined how much can I really improve
If I get Ballou-like eyebrows with any PFL increase then I can go forward with skinmaxxing and Delissola-like hair quality
My "last" hope is beardmaxxing with minox, but will wait 2-3 years <im 24 now and I want to date 18 yo+- so agemaxing is nah for me>

If that doesnt work I will still go with
- do anything theory <aka worse looking guys than me have laids, so will be proactive - tinder,social life>
- moneymax/status that will lead to just be close theory
- worst case scenario: SEA/Colombia
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28:feelsbadman: time is not on my side.

I had psl 5+ gf before but her body was shit. My current fwb has good body but psl 4 face. I just want a psl 5-5.5 girl with hot body but that's unachievable with my fucked up jaw. Besides I want to instamaxx and become locally famous. So lower third surgery or death.
Fuark bro I'm seeing all these youngcels so I'm feeling old at 22 ngl, seeing some oldcels put things into perspective and make me stop being a pussy
So you got 15k for Dr Z ? TBH I wanted to go to Andreishchev but I don't even know anymore, I can't seem to find a surgeon who consistently offers good results.
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Fuark bro I'm seeing all these youngcels so I'm feeling old at 22 ngl, seeing some oldcels put things into perspective and make me stop being a pussy
So you got 15k for Dr Z ? TBH I wanted to go to Andreishchev but I don't even know anymore, I can't seem to find a surgeon who consistently offers good results.
I still want to live like a young man for a few years ngl. That's another reason why I'm hard maxxing - the better you look the less you're bound by unwritten social rules.

I'll see my insurance first. Getlooksordie only paid 5k for bimax + chin wing because his insurance covered most of the cost for him.
2F067033 43FD 4B27 9DEE A3EDB821A8BC
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Fuck off and ropemaxx and call it a day. About time if it comes to that, I've already had enough of this gay earth reality tbh
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I still want to live like a young man for a few years ngl. That's another reason why I'm hard maxxing - the better you look the less you're bound by unwritten social rules.

I'll see my insurance first. Getlooksordie only paid 5k for bimax + chin wing because his insurance covered most of the cost for him.
View attachment 588745
Oh yeah if you're german definitively, I'm in a neighboring country and I doubt social security would cover the cost of a stranger surgeon lmao
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damn thats hard to say
it used to bother me im not really tall ( 175cm ), but im willing to go to japan ( call me a weeb, its ok im disgusting ) and japaneses are really fucking short. not counting the fact that theres only beta simps with small dick on japan as well, easy japanese pussy for me i guess.
edit: if i fail its fine, i used to be EXTREMELY thoughtfull about how i look now im dont care much i used to care, i think its actually better this way.
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Don't be an asshole. Go get your surgeries while hobbymaxxing. Honestly, after a certain looks threshold, you can get all types of women (especially if white). Obviously, if you ain't Chad, you're gonna need to surround yourself with those types of women you like. I'm telling you from personal experience, you can't just be in a small city or town and find dimes that are available. However, if you live in a place like LA AND actually hangout where they hangout and build your status, you WILL lay, (maybe not slay) but still. If you cannot rely solely on your looks, you better work hard at other shit.
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I don't have a plan b

Be chad or dye tbh
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I still want to live like a young man for a few years ngl. That's another reason why I'm hard maxxing - the better you look the less you're bound by unwritten social rules.

I'll see my insurance first. Getlooksordie only paid 5k for bimax + chin wing because his insurance covered most of the cost for him.
View attachment 588745
how do you get insurance to cover bimax for aesthetic reasons?
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how do you get insurance to cover bimax for aesthetic reasons?
Most jaw surgeries are also health related. Besides I'm sure I have sleep apnea.

I'm not saying my insurance will cover the surgery cost 100%, but I'll talk to them first.
Most jaw surgeries are also health related. Besides I'm sure I have sleep apnea.

I'm not saying my insurance will cover the surgery cost 100%, but I'll talk to them first.
i see
I'm alr sexy af so it don't matter
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What's there else to do?

You have to accept and that's it, it was completely down to luck, we just were unlucky, not our fault
Gotta live with other pleasures in life such as entertainment and food, as you mentioned
Also, consider lucky for gaining the PSL knowledge to try and change things, most ugly people will live on in complete cluelessness
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I don't have a plan B.
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Live away from Western countries and live in a pacific island, fishing and being a local engineer/crafter. Or kill myself.
I have never considered that my looksmaxxing journey could fail. The only 2 ways I could see my hardmaxxing journey failing is if I have a botched surgery or if I have too many surgeries to the point where I look like this guy:
15D5CE93 1208 4FA4 BA97 EA499DE8EEC6

I will be softmaxxing (to some extent) until I die.
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Time Online: 197d 21h 26m

You definitely don't go out much
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In my head there is no scenario where all of my looksmaxes don’t go according to plan.

If anything comes up I’ll deal with it along the way, I don’t like making plan Bs because it makes you less motivated to achieve plan A.
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I have never considered that my looksmaxxing journey could fail. The only 2 ways I could see my hardmaxxing journey failing is if I have a botched surgery or if I have too many surgeries to the point where I look like this guy:
View attachment 588823
I will be softmaxxing (to some extent) until I die.

Hmmm, i tried...
20200814 191038

Could be a surgeon fakeChad, if he wasn't so extreme. Probably would get all the fake tit big ass blonde Stacys at the Plastic Surgery facility JFL
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I will kms if my full-on surgerymaxxing fails
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Hmmm, i tried...
View attachment 588901

Could be a surgeon fakeChad, if he wasn't so extreme. Probably would get all the fake tit big ass blonde Stacys at the Plastic Surgery facility JFL

When hardmaxxing I think you have to try and look aunthenic as possible. Its fairly easy to pick up on fake looking people. While they usually tend to look "good" you can tell its fake, which puts them into the uncanny valley region.

Although most people on this forum are poorcels and youngcels (me inc) when they talk about their asension plan they basically want to print a new skull out. This guy is the result of what trying to print out a new skull looks like.

I think the best mindset for hardmaxxing is fix falios then add a few highlights (implants etc) after.
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For me it's looksmax or Auschwitz. Im not planning any surgery though, so i guess ill be fine.
Whats your PSL right now @OP?
Which PSL you guess you could be after surgery?
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By failing I mean you didn't manage to reach the looks level you envisioned, not that you necessarily ended up looking worse or your life didn't improve at all.

I'll probably visit Dr Zarrinbal in Berlin for lower third consultation in October. In the ideal case I'd get bimax or / and chin wing next year, depending on his analysis. That would be my last hardmaxxing procedure.

If I still fail to get the girls I 100% desire afterwards, I'd probably continue my current way of living, just in a much more negative manner. I'd probably stop caring so much about diet and gymcel less frequently. I'd also spend more free time rotting instead of going outside / doing something meaningful. Dating would be completely abandoned unless some girl makes everything easy for me.

Whether I'd eventually rope, Idk. I still have many hobbies to cope with (books, movies, food, games etc), and I take pleasure in them. But the fact that I'm eternally inferior to chad and can never get what I want most in life will haunt me permanently. Just wait and see how much longer my heart can endure that pain.
go to some rural village and betabuxx a virgin srs

There is no plan B

This or death
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Monkmaxx in the mountains and live like a savage
Just rot till death tbh i will never ascend so its over for me..

All these surgeries that i have in mind are just mental masturbatiom tbh i am.mever gonna get them i use them to just cope for now and hold onto some hopr ngl

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