Wheat Waffles Drastically Overrates Men

  • JFL
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Well, if you think photofeeler is accurate then it means that wheat waffles actually underrates men. I get 8+ on photofeeler when women rate me (40 votes), but wheat waffles rated me a 7. Proof below:

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ive got rated 8.8-9.6 on photofeeler for attractive and wheat waffles rated me a 8.

tbh all this shit is bullshit and just making man more insecure, if you are HTN or above you should take advice from this site and gtfo or you gonna get toxicited in brain like i did and now when a girl rejectes me i think its cuz im not tall enough/goodlooking enough even tho i mog 90% of guys but act like a autist kekw
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So you only just need to be above average by one point to slay?
No. 5/10 isn't average. Most men are in the 3-4/10 range.

You can slay as a HTN if you lower your standards, are NT or in a good location (like SEA, SA/LA, EE).
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ive got rated 8.8-9.6 on photofeeler for attractive and wheat waffles rated me a 8.

tbh all this shit is bullshit and just making man more insecure, if you are HTN or above you should take advice from this site and gtfo or you gonna get toxicited in brain like i did and now when a girl rejectes me i think its cuz im not tall enough/goodlooking enough even tho i mog 90% of guys but act like a autist kekw
That's why we need a NTmaxxing section
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my eyeme rating is 6.1 with over 50 votes 🥳
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Interesting data point.

I let women of all ages rate me.

It's important to compile all the relevant information and then make an educated guess on the range (with your actual dating history being the final say).
ive got rated 8.8-9.6 on photofeeler for attractive and wheat waffles rated me a 8.

tbh all this shit is bullshit and just making man more insecure, if you are HTN or above you should take advice from this site and gtfo or you gonna get toxicited in brain like i did and now when a girl rejectes me i think its cuz im not tall enough/goodlooking enough even tho i mog 90% of guys but act like a autist kekw

What I realized is that no single rating system or individual can be entirely accurate in rating, especially if the person/people rating are men. Contrary to black pill theory, looks are quite subjective - one person's HTN is another person's normie and another person's Chad. My rule of thumb is that if you're able to get laid with at least average looking women with minimal effort from online dating then you're at least a high tier normie (6/10); if you struggle to get laid from online dating, you're below high tier normie; if women approach you and make it abundantly clear that they're into you, then you're at least Chadlite/Tyronelite etc. If you combine how women treat with the ratings you get, you'll know where you stand. I'd put myself in the HTN/Tyrone-lite category.
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  • Hmm...
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Maybe not PSL wise but /10 scale that guy is indeed a 6
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  • Hmm...
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he either extremly overrates or underrates. He once said pretty boys will get rejected by 99% of women and that only 1% will be attracted to them.
he either extremly overrates or underrates. He once said pretty boys will get rejected by 99% of women and that only 1% will be attracted to them.
I think he said E-boys are only a niche
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He'd never swallow either. @Preston would keep that shit in his mouth until he finally uses it to conceive a kid on his wedding night

Preston would send his "wife" to an arranged breeding party to fuck Hexum and then claim and raise him as the kid lmao.

Preston brb
  • JFL
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Preston would send his "wife" to an arranged breeding party to fuck Hexum and then claim and raise him as the kid lmao.

Preston brb
View attachment 1557764
A 6yo Devansh Danger YNot: "Daddy where did I get my a17 eyes and monster skull from?"

@Preston (sweating): F-f-from the raw liver you've been eating son
  • JFL
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@Mustascend high iq replies (y). and actually lifefuel a bit
The okcupid study is severely misleading as it only reveals data on the men of okcupid. Remember, this study was conducted over 10 years ago. This was back when most people weren't using online dating. The average man was meeting people in the real world. The only men who used okcupid back then were outcasts. Men that had no other option besides online dating. These men were often highly unattractive to begin with.
I can attest. That back in 2006-2011. When I was younger and dating around.
1. online dating for seen as LOSER, low dating value move. People doing is were mostly ashamed of it.

how times have changed.
The reason women were rated more evenly is because women could be attractive, but also shy and introverted. Shy and introverted men however are often just ugly and no one wants to be around them.
I dunno. I would expect the women doing online dating back than. Were also uglies, fatties, odlies, etc...
If you look at speeding dating studies, the average man is rated 5/10.
cool, that you did the studies diggging
Clearly real world statistics tell you women find the average man average looking. You don't have to be top 1 percent to attract women.
We should stop relying on that study for anything. It's outdated and incredibly misleading

My pleasure

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The average male attractiveness to women is lower than it is for females, but only slightly
good source for your claim
So, that graph is saying the average attractiveness of males judged by females in the study was 4.08. Additionally it's 4.42 vice versa (men judging women).
still, it's far from as burtal. that you need to be an actual 8/10 to be considered a 5/10
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still, it's far from as burtal. that you need to be an actual 8/10 to be considered a 5/10
Just found out the study is from 2003

Screen Shot 2022 02 22 at 70704 PM

The data I quoted is more up to date
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Real world statistics haven't changed a man that's considered highly desirable then would be considered as desirable now human psychology is human psychology
Who cares for "real world statistics" when less and less hetersexual couples are meeting that way?


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    methods of dating.png
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Just found out the study is from 2003

View attachment 1558432

The data I quoted is more up to date
As a general note.

Studies data, moggs. BECAUSE they control for factors.
The data from Ok-Cupid, is not on that level. since they control for nothing probably.

Not to say, OK-KUpid date is completely useless.
BUT, it would be better to find data from well setup studies
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Women are a lot harsher

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He just rated the Tinder Swindler a 6/10 facially

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I think a more proper rating is 5/10. Yes it's only a difference of 1 pt decile. But in the dating market, the difference between MTN and HTN is clearly noticeable.
He rates the average 50th percentile guy a 4.8 (via his 1,000 faces video), he actually rates harshly he in no way over-rates men.
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He rates the average 50th percentile guy a 4.8 (via his 1,000 faces video), he actually rates harshly he in no way over-rates men.
The 50th percentile man is a 3.5
He has to overrate his customers to keep them coming back for more especially the ethnics. There's a fine line as I don't think he'll ever rate someone a 2 or less for a paying customer because if they pay for advice from him he wants them to take the advice and in a year or so come back for that second rating adn maybe a third. Ethnics are his bread and butter and the most desperate so he must overrate them even though the market says they're lower SMV. Also, his marketing within his videos and on his FIVER include every race at every level. Dude is cashing in on the desperate black pillers who know the blue and red pill is a lie so this is the new PUA's but in a different way.

The dude doesn't know how to interpret the studies he cites. He deliberately overrates people especially ethnics, and the advice he gives is basic at best and that's being kind. He will team up with a PUA and make some kind of course or seminar or meetups in the future. He's a kid with very little experience with women and little has made little improvements on his own looks. The only thing he has going for him is being one of the first to attempt to profit from the fears and insecurities of men while leveraging YT and FIVER. More power to him but the people who pay for his services are the no better than the simps. Stop the rating crap and stop paying for it. You know your rating by women's reactions in real fucking life. WTF? If you're good looking and you're doing this then you're stroking your ego.

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