When did Looksmax become all about softmaxx? Why's everyone anti-hardmaxxing?

Unironically if your 5’10+ white/black and average face + steroids will ascend you. A lot of guys here fit in that group. Ofc for other people they will need much more

This fourm is very high inhib. Some people are scared to use fucking tret or fin let alone surgery’s
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Because it’s awkward writing essays to some guy about all the surgeries he should get when it’s obvious he will ignore it and cope with going to the gym, bone smashing and mewing.

Yeah but the essay is about how that guy needs bimax to fix a nanometer of recession.
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Yeah but the essay is about how that guy needs bimax to fix a nanometer of recession.
I agree but I’m mainly referring to people who, when you recommend filler and implants, start getting angry because they just wanted you to tell them there is nothing wrong with them, so that they don’t have to commit to surgery.
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This site seems to all be about topical, easy, cheap shit, like wtf? You think the AVERAGE guy is gonna become Chad with topical skincare & going to a gym? LOL It's low-effort & bad, every nigga here fails to give ANY advice beyond style, skincare & the gymcelling, it's cringe.

Yes the average fucking guy has 50k just lying in their bank for bimax with Alfaro.

Your dumbass makes it sound like you walk into a clinic and get double jaw surgery done like a pedicure.

"Shower more, hold frame, use 'X' product/supp, run more to increase cardio, have killer game, avoid carbs."
Half the retards in here don't do any of this shit to begin with. They don't shower, they don't have killer game. Doomer retards like @tents just sit in his room all day doing none of those things. So it's fucking valid advice.
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I agree but I’m mainly referring to people who, when you recommend filler and implants, start getting angry because they just wanted you to tell them there is nothing wrong with them, so that they don’t have to commit to surgery.

We both are correct.

I see this shit on reddit, someone could truly benefit greatly from a geniplasty/jaw surgery on r/amiugly, but motherfuckers are like "nah just change your hair style bro"

On the flipside, I see a mofo telling someone with extremely minor recession to get bimax and these over the top surgeries, instead of working on their social skills.

Both are complete retards.
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Yes the average fucking guy has 50k just lying in their bank for bimax with Alfaro.

Your dumbass makes it sound like you walk into a clinic and get double jaw surgery done like a pedicure.

Half the retards in here don't do any of this shit to begin with. They don't shower, they don't have killer game. Doomer retards like @tents just sit in his room all day doing none of those things. So it's fucking valid advice.
What's the alternative as a sub 4?
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The truth lies in nuance and balance.

Hardmaxxing is not for everyone and telling most people to go for a bimax/infras is highly retarded.

On the other hand there’s guys with obvious failos that do need surgery if they ever want to ascend but won’t do it because of lack of money and courage.

Coping with fillers, roids and minox won’t just cut it to reach HTN/Chadlite level.
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Unironically if your 5’10+ white/black and average face + steroids will ascend you. A lot of guys here fit in that group. Ofc for other people they will need much more

This fourm is very high inhib. Some people are scared to use fucking tret or fin let alone surgery’s
wym by avg
MTN? Roids alone won’t ascend you if you’re sub-HTN. Ofc they’re necessary for dom halo and to not look like a soyboy but like I said, no roids for your face (unless you’re still in puberty then roids will affect how your face develops)
  • Hmm...
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Nothing has changed. There is a section of posters on here who don't like any looksmax that takes effort or time. Everyone should already be softmaxing, it isn't mutually exclusive with hardmaxing. Yet these types of posters turn it into a hard vs soft thing to validate their lack of effort. It does take a lot of effort and time to softmax fully, it's much easier to sit on the internet worshipping plastic surgeons and male models.
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wym by avg
MTN? Roids alone won’t ascend you if you’re sub-HTN. Ofc they’re necessary for dom halo and to not look like a soyboy but like I said, no roids for your face (unless you’re still in puberty then roids will affect how your face develops)

Um roids will ascend MTNs lol. Look at BGM before surgery, look at Alpha Destiny and other tinder experiments on here. A 5’10 MTN with legit body halo (1-3 years of roiding btw) will do well on OLD. Not chad results but still very solid
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Literally just a few years back on Lookism when I posted there & this site prior to 2022 hardmaxxing was spoken of & considered, seen as realistic. Everybody here gives advice to even boneless chinks, Indians, etc. like "just lose weight" or "it's over," like tf? No effort at all...

Nowadays all you fuckers here talk about is skincare, hair styling and steroids? Wtf? Hardly ANY looksmaxxing advice given here passes low-tier, woman shit. What happened to the brains? The "looksmaxxing" advice here is akin to the "advice" women give each other ffs -- low-tier shit.

Like what's next? You niggas gonna tell each other to apply eyeliner and high heels (already got faggots here wearing lifts) rather than considering REAL surgery? I mean don't cope, everyone here isn't a fucking Chad so it's silly to think the softmaxx is the limit when it's plain ignorance & anti-blackpill to reject hardmaxx. It's retarded to pass this info as "useful" you can get the same looksmaxxing tips here you'd get from female looksmaxxing circles. "Oh just do your hair differently." "Oh just hit the butt in the gym." "Oh you look great already!" JFL

This site seems to all be about topical, easy, cheap shit, like wtf? You think the AVERAGE guy is gonna become Chad with topical skincare & going to a gym? LOL It's low-effort & bad, every nigga here fails to give ANY advice beyond style, skincare & the gymcelling, it's cringe.

Half the advice here is not much better than what some Redpill Reddit or even more mainstream, normie Reddit advice will give you.

"Shower more, hold frame, use 'X' product/supp, run more to increase cardio, have killer game, avoid carbs." JFL backwards shit mostly. It's the advice Pajeets & Chinks give each other while trying every "trick" to increase the cringe factor many'd face doing this over the top shit.
Why hardmaxx when you can just mew and chew bricks
  • JFL
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Most of the new greycels who come here aren't softmaxxed though so we don't know what their base looks like.
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They care about a good body
Can someone post a link to that Tinder experiment?

There was a guy with EXTREME sub-4 rat-face (long midface and narrow jaw), who had GigaChad Body (roided ofc), and he did as well as a CHAD on Tinder with ONE autist bathroom selfie.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 5.5psl, Deleted member 17244 and KING REIDYZ
99% of the users are incels and have no experience with women in real life, so of course they’re not going to give great advice because they themselves aren’t getting women anyways. Women care more about personality than looks.
  • JFL
Reactions: 5.5psl
It is because IT WORKS.

The BEST looksmaxxes you can do are literally: weight loss, haircuts/hair maintenance, skincare, steroids for good body, and maybe fillers if you have money.

Hardmaxxing is a MEME.

Foids discuss fillers and other light shit BECAUSE IT WORKS. Women are not autists like faggots.org. They know what they want (Chad), and they choose the MOST effective way to get him (fillers, makeup and weight loss).

PS. Also, like @Hueless said, basement autists do not have money to do ANY hardmax, hell, even fillers.
How tf can I get a job when im always rejected due to my looks?
  • JFL
Reactions: 5.5psl
How tf can I get a job when im always rejected due to my looks?
Rejected to be hired due to looks? :feelsmega:

Bullshit. And 100% incredible autism.
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Literally just a few years back on Lookism when I posted there & this site prior to 2022 hardmaxxing was spoken of & considered, seen as realistic. Everybody here gives advice to even boneless chinks, Indians, etc. like "just lose weight" or "it's over," like tf? No effort at all...

Nowadays all you fuckers here talk about is skincare, hair styling and steroids? Wtf? Hardly ANY looksmaxxing advice given here passes low-tier, woman shit. What happened to the brains? The "looksmaxxing" advice here is akin to the "advice" women give each other ffs -- low-tier shit.

Like what's next? You niggas gonna tell each other to apply eyeliner and high heels (already got faggots here wearing lifts) rather than considering REAL surgery? I mean don't cope, everyone here isn't a fucking Chad so it's silly to think the softmaxx is the limit when it's plain ignorance & anti-blackpill to reject hardmaxx. It's retarded to pass this info as "useful" you can get the same looksmaxxing tips here you'd get from female looksmaxxing circles. "Oh just do your hair differently." "Oh just hit the butt in the gym." "Oh you look great already!" JFL

This site seems to all be about topical, easy, cheap shit, like wtf? You think the AVERAGE guy is gonna become Chad with topical skincare & going to a gym? LOL It's low-effort & bad, every nigga here fails to give ANY advice beyond style, skincare & the gymcelling, it's cringe.

Half the advice here is not much better than what some Redpill Reddit or even more mainstream, normie Reddit advice will give you.

"Shower more, hold frame, use 'X' product/supp, run more to increase cardio, have killer game, avoid carbs." JFL backwards shit mostly. It's the advice Pajeets & Chinks give each other while trying every "trick" to increase the cringe factor many'd face doing this over the top shit.
Softmaxxing is easier and you can do yourself like pore cleansing or laser shavings... Hardmaxxing involves lots of money, dangerous practices such as Bonesmashing or shady SARMS/medications.
Can someone post a link to that Tinder experiment?

There was a guy with EXTREME sub-4 rat-face (long midface and narrow jaw), who had GigaChad Body (roided ofc), and he did as well as a CHAD on Tinder with ONE autist bathroom selfie.
Teracope. Even if he could manage to get some dates, he would have been rejected after a few seconds of meeting
Rejected to be hired due to looks? :feelsmega:

Bullshit. And 100% incredible autism.
Women work at HRs so they only care about face and height solely
  • JFL
Reactions: Artemis
Women work at HRs so they only care about face and height solely
Sry i cannot argue with autism.

And this is pure autism.

Unless you were interviewing for a fashion model or TV actor.
Literally just a few years back on Lookism when I posted there & this site prior to 2022 hardmaxxing was spoken of & considered, seen as realistic. Everybody here gives advice to even boneless chinks, Indians, etc. like "just lose weight" or "it's over," like tf? No effort at all...

Nowadays all you fuckers here talk about is skincare, hair styling and steroids? Wtf? Hardly ANY looksmaxxing advice given here passes low-tier, woman shit. What happened to the brains? The "looksmaxxing" advice here is akin to the "advice" women give each other ffs -- low-tier shit.

Like what's next? You niggas gonna tell each other to apply eyeliner and high heels (already got faggots here wearing lifts) rather than considering REAL surgery? I mean don't cope, everyone here isn't a fucking Chad so it's silly to think the softmaxx is the limit when it's plain ignorance & anti-blackpill to reject hardmaxx. It's retarded to pass this info as "useful" you can get the same looksmaxxing tips here you'd get from female looksmaxxing circles. "Oh just do your hair differently." "Oh just hit the butt in the gym." "Oh you look great already!" JFL

This site seems to all be about topical, easy, cheap shit, like wtf? You think the AVERAGE guy is gonna become Chad with topical skincare & going to a gym? LOL It's low-effort & bad, every nigga here fails to give ANY advice beyond style, skincare & the gymcelling, it's cringe.

Half the advice here is not much better than what some Redpill Reddit or even more mainstream, normie Reddit advice will give you.

"Shower more, hold frame, use 'X' product/supp, run more to increase cardio, have killer game, avoid carbs." JFL backwards shit mostly. It's the advice Pajeets & Chinks give each other while trying every "trick" to increase the cringe factor many'd face doing this over the top shit.
Because surgery is most of the time copes and ascends only subhuman jawless
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There were many more frequent posts inquiring about surgery, advice, etc. that didn't come mostly in the form of advice like just losing weight & getting a haircut. You're just blinded by this shit because you too have become brainwashed by the new-wave of softmaxxing crowd.

There was a much more prominent anti-redpill and pro-blackpill crowd years back that have been replaced with teen copers on here today, shifting posting topics from de-Chinkifying or de-Niggyfying to shit like thinking every nigga just needs low bf% to become Chadlite.
Show me a single legit before after from normie to chadlite
OP you need a lefort 3
i’m not autistic, just understand looks and don’t unironically claim that ryan gosling is chad
Tf said ryan gosling was chad lol
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Well for me, I won’t be able to afford the Hardmaxxes I need for a couple of more years, so for now I‘m focusing on Softmaxxing. But it‘s not like I have given up on Hardmaxxing for good
Everyone should be softmaxxed as much as possible before hardmaxxing... YES softmaxxing won't make you Chad but your grooming, body, etc. shouldn't be holding you back. There's a good majority of guys who look 'decent' where if they were softmaxxed they COULD get a girl with some effort. There's also some people who are below average and NEED surgery for a woman to even talk to them, it completely depends on the individual.
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  • JFL
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Economic collapse of 2022 probably has something to do with it.

I’ve gone from comfortably able to afford my surgeries and live out my prime to “probably will have to wageslave in a few years after getting surgeries”.

For people who failed to stack any money during the great bull market it’s even worse and even having a semi comfortable life is becoming questionable. Rent and bills are easily 80-90% of your take home pay anywhere except USA.
First, lack of money

Second, lack of information about risks, and it’s tough to trust a lot of surgeons when they operate as a business and will tell you what you want to hear

Third, scared of going under/pain of recovery

Fourth, social stigma, softmaxxes seen by society as not indicative of mental illness, but unveil your new implant-enhanced or bimax-enhanced lower third and see the level of revulsion and shock from the people you knew from before

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