When I look in the mirror I see a borderline model



Oct 10, 2021
Not really into the incel stuff, and I’m pretty new here, but I just have pretty bad body dysmorphia, but it seems to be more so “reverse bdd”. When I look in the mirror I see a 7/10. Beautiful pretty boy eyes, thick hunter eyebrows, strong jawline, good cheekbones, Roman nose that’s kinda buttonish, somewhat large forehead but not necessarily to a horrible fault, more like Fez from Euphoria. I’d actually say I look pretty similar to Fez from Euphoria from my pov.

However, on dating apps, this is what swipes right on me:

When I post about it on Reddit people tell me I’m mid and that this is my looksmatch. Am I crazy?

(I’d say #5 is pretty cute)

Here’s some more of me with different haircuts:


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  • JFL
Reactions: Broski, bwrauycnee, ChristianChad and 2 others
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Reactions: Deleted member 21044
u are quite handsome. i think u need a less shit hairstyle
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  • JFL
Reactions: Mongrelcel, Deleted member 21192, Varicella and 8 others
You are above average id say just keep on looking eventually u should find a looksmatch
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Reactions: Deprived, Deleted member 19036, elzde95 and 2 others
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Reactions: Erik-Jón, TsarTsar444, Deleted member 19036 and 5 others
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Reactions: Erik-Jón, Deleted member, Niklaus Mikaelson and 1 other person
Good-looking but no charisma
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Reactions: TsarTsar444 and Deleted member 19905
  • JFL
Reactions: aBetterMii
u are quite handsome. i think u need a less shit hairstyle
I’ve been razor bald to semi bald (length of the shirtless, non imgur photo) for the past few months. I think my hair is kinda shit so hopefully it helps a bit.
@Deusmaximus thoughts?
so what your current hairstyle ?
you look pretty good
U need to be chico tier to get landwhales
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  • JFL
Reactions: Tasty17, TsarTsar444, bwrauycnee and 2 others
Holy shit get rid of the facial pubes. You have a jaw, so why are you shooting yourself in the foot? It's abominable. Go clean-shaven and get a fade haircut with a 4 or on the top.

Some people man.... some people. Deformed people like me exist. No matter what I do, I still don't get matches on dating apps. You would have chadlite SMV if u unironically took redditors advice on getting a haircut and taking a shower.

It's just squandering wasted potential. U hate to see it.
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Reactions: Deleted member 20679, AscendingHero, elzde95 and 2 others
Most guys who aren't chads but still above average will mostly match with LTB and fat women on dating apps, rarely a hot one. It is what it is.

you can't take OLD as a reliant way to measure your SMV or even your looks. Some people have told me I'm gl and look like Aron Piper, others have told me I'm 4 psl. It seems like I'm never having a veredict on this, it doesn't matter anyways.

Thing is, you only seeing privileges so the speak when you get within 6 psl realm, probably. Anything below that means you need to hassle (such is life as a man). If you'll need to put on work anyways and will never get a precise avaliation on your looks, might as well believe in whatever you feel like when you see yourself in the mirror and go get shit done.
  • Woah
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Reactions: Kingcel32 and rand anon
Also OP, even though ur pretty gl and mog most people here, u do give off a cuckish vibe in ur photos, so that might be a factor. Think it's probably the facial hair that's causing it, it needs to go
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Reactions: Deleted member 19905, Deleted member 21062 and bwrauycnee
its just your hair dumb ass. grow hair and shave the beard
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Reactions: Deleted member 20679 and rand anon
you guys get so worried and insecure over girls who are like actual abomination 2/10s lmfao grow some balls
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  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 16501, gymmaxedhorse, Deleted member 9003 and 4 others
If youre a model then im too
I actually looked at your posts and agree. Not sure why you’re struggling, or why everyone is getting on your ass. Your jawline is insane. Good luck with your struggles though homie.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8608
good jaw chin is a bit too big though

Your nose is bulbous from the front and you are balding. Your upper lip doesn’t exist.
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456AB677 6A32 46CB 88D2 490857849665
6654A002 2F6A 4FC8 ABC6 8162A186A695
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never began
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Reactions: Deleted member 21161 and Deleted member 8608
You're a pretty gl guy. Only problems are balding, beard is too long which covers your jawline, skinny untrained body, bulbous nose is not ideal but not bad
lose weight
sporty or social pictures, not introverted
don’t smile like that, looks gay
Stop using dating apps, the women who use them are garbage and the real market is only open to 8-9/10 guys. I prefer meeting people in real life not on a computer screen.
  • +1
Reactions: elzde95
non outward gonions, cheekbones not high enough, skinny and still have face fat, chin not wide enough, skull lack mass, lack upper body musculature/neck size etc
High tier normie
You look average to a bit above average. Depending on the pic
non outward gonions, cheekbones not high enough, skinny and still have face fat, chin not wide enough, skull lack mass, lack upper body musculature/neck size etc
You look good in some pics but appear as a soy cuck in others. Which is the real you?
Because they know that once i leanmaxx and softmax imma mog almost everyone.... my only issue i have is fat, bad brows and bad skin... and they hate because of who am I, i'm one of the worst users in this site
i think its ur eyes thats the problem, + lips. wide ipd. i need to see pic again tho i cant remember that well
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Reactions: Deleted member 8608
Bro you have a lot of potential, you need to go CLEAN SHAVEN and get to like 10-12% BODYFAT and PUT ON A LITTLE BIT OF MUSCLE and keep the sides of your hair short and have a few inches on top. You might be balding, unless your hairline has always been like that. You should see a dermatologist to see if you are balding and if you are, get on hair loss meds. You would look great with a hair transplant, a lower and more squared off hairline but I am not sure if any hair transplant surgeon would do it for you because you aren't balding bad right now or anything
normie, but you have those cuck vibe tbh
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Reactions: Deleted member 8608
Your eye area and lower third are top tier. You're a chad fishing for abominations. You got the looks but no brain
Narcy Htn- chadlite
You look good in some pics but appear as a soy cuck in others. Which is the real you?
You be the judge. Look up RickyTwoShoes on YouTube. That’s me
  • +1
Reactions: BeestungLipsTheory
Dating apps are really fucked today. It looks like each and every dating app wants you to buy boosts, premium, etc. All for less female attention then you'd get in other places. The entire algorithm is against men. I've experienced the same as you outside of tinder. Tinder was my favorite dating app at one time but I'm super perma banned off of there. I'm also close to model like. I've been told by a lot of people that I should model and my selection looks the same as yours if not at times worse.
Holy shit get rid of the facial pubes. You have a jaw, so why are you shooting yourself in the foot? It's abominable. Go clean-shaven and get a fade haircut with a 4 or on the top.

Some people man.... some people. Deformed people like me exist. No matter what I do, I still don't get matches on dating apps. You would have chadlite SMV if u unironically took redditors advice on getting a haircut and taking a shower.

It's just squandering wasted potential. U hate to see it.
This guy isn't a chadlite. He is a white normie who needs to softmax.
Your hair is either buzzed or long. Try somewhere in the middle
mogs everyone in forum to gandy heaven and back
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Reactions: TsarTsar444
Looking good just put on some muscle and get a better haircut. Beard or no beard really don’t matter just keep it stubble length and keep it clean
Yeah you're pretty gl.

Htn with broad appeal

You are right to be confident in yourself
HTN, but very generic look. Wont stand out in a sea of profiles. Shit hair

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