Where do I find muslims in Eastern Europe?


Not all support that, me and other shias for example (many Sunnis too)
There's enough muslims who support THAT so it's relevant enough of a point for us non-muslims.

Our prophet did not marry a prepubescent child. That’s what Sunnis say, not everyone here is Sunni. Shi’as rightfully say that’s false. And our prophet was illiterate, he could neither read nor write, so you’re just saying false things only here. :feelswhat:

try again
Damn bro! I can't believe he didn't comply with the current laws of the USA in 2024. :feelswhat: How disgusting!
In what world is it ok or normal or healthy to fuck and impregnate a 9yo girl who hasn't even reached biological puberty? You disgust me.
There’s is not 1 single Shia narrated in which our imams say that she was 9, I personally checked and looked and asked many

She was likely 17
I think she was between 14 and 18, closer to 14 probably.
That’s ur prophet too lol,

Imagine believing in a prophet that can’t read or write lol
You pretend as if someone’s worth is determined by their literacy. Shameful and narrow-minded thinking.
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See? This is my problem with muslims. They are all fanatic. Appears to me as if for one to be a "proper muslims", one is demanded to be fanatical. If you're not a religious fanatic (muslim), you're not a "true muslim". This is why all muslims need to be caged and deported out of Europe ASAP. Europe is white people's continent, go back to the desert.
WeiWei starts thread:
where do i find muslims to burn their Pedo Prophet's Quaran in front of? These mudslims need to be caged with their retarded mediaval logic + "religion of peace"

st.tiktokcel insulting muslims again:
You'll get beheaded if you do this in Rosija (Specifically, Chechnya and Dagestan). They are very aggressive.

Michael Myers: based

WeiWei more like crycry: you see this is my problem and whole lot of yap after starting a thread with the first sentence: i want to burn their book infront of them

smartest crycry moment:soy:

  • JFL
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OK so where does their extreme reaction stem from? Surely it must be in the book? Since all muslim teachings stem from Quaran, no? Just using common sense here

That isn't modesty. Those motherfuckers are covered up like mediaval knights lmao. You can't even see their faces.

That their entire religion is incompatible. Muslims seem to base their entire lives around their religion. Which is out-of-date to begin with. So muslims are always going to be behind times to say the least.
1. They don't read the Quran JFL they just listen to whatever retard preaches at their local mosque.
2. modesty - behaviour, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency
3. Okay tell me whats incompatible.
There's enough muslims who support THAT so it's relevant enough of a point for us non-muslims.

try again

In what world is it ok or normal or healthy to fuck and impregnate a 9yo girl who hasn't even reached biological puberty? You disgust me.
>not every muzzie is a Sunni

I said this to you already. She wasn’t 6 or 9.
You pretend as if someone’s worth is determined by their literacy. Shameful and narrow-minded thinking.
It’s not befitting that the role model for humanity was so ignorant that he was illiterate
Aren’t you the coomer who always gushes over women? Sounds like you just hate Islam because it doesn’t allow women to be naked. That’s why you hate Islamic people who actually practice their religion. :fuk: And most raised muzzie foids don’t wear a burqa, it’s an Arabic tradition, it’s usually white reverts that wear a burqa. :feelshaha:
No. I hate Islam and muslims because I recognize them as a huge liability for public safety. I say one wrong thing about your pedophile Prophet Muhammad and immediately muslims are gonna try to kill me, whose consequences they wouldn't enjoy trust me :owo:
But still, not to digress, no other religion births extremist retards like this common muslim reaction to ANYONE critisizing your Prophet or your religion. Show me ONE other religion that's like this.
  • Ugh..
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There’s is not 1 single Shia narrated in which our imams say that she was 9, I personally checked and looked and asked many

She was likely 17
True but girls marrying at that age was really common at that time so its possible (Syeda Fatima was either 9 or 19 at her marriage too).
To burn their Pedo Prophet's Quaran in front of? These mudslims need to be caged with their retarded mediaval logic + "religion of peace"
6x6 :lul:

I’m gonna post this shit whenever I see you.
Bruh you're gonna get beaten badly if you try this in Bosnia or something.
It’s not befitting that the role model for humanity was so ignorant that he was illiterate
That is where the problem arises, you conflate illiteracy with ignorance and backwardness. I don’t. In the case of the prophet, I think it only makes his case much stronger. An illiterate man produced a literary masterpiece, a title that even that Christians do not argue. I would find Islam less interesting if the prophet had been a literate man, actually.
>not every muzzie is a Sunni

I said this to you already. She wasn’t 6 or 9.
Where's your proof she wasn't pre-pubescent? Show me
1. They don't read the Quran JFL they just listen to whatever retard preaches at their local mosque.
2. modesty - behaviour, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency
3. Okay tell me whats incompatible.
Where's the logic behind women being unable to show their faces at the very least being decent or void of degeneracy? It's a fucking FACE. Not ass or sth.

Everything's incompatible. The whole religion is just based on extreme beliefs or rules. eg back when I worked for VOIS, I had a muslim colleague back from Egypt who actually ended up getting fired because he would always not come back from a "religious break" (prayers) on time. He would always be late. Upon being questioned, he said : "I might lose my job, but I am not going to lose my religion". Can you find this extreme belief in other religions?
Bruh you're gonna get beaten badly if you try this in Bosnia or something.
Shit that's even too far from here. But I'd go. Nothing a knife wouldn't solve right :owo:
No. I hate Islam and muslims because I recognize them as a huge liability for public safety. I say one wrong thing about your pedophile Prophet Muhammad and immediately muslims are gonna try to kill me, whose consequences they wouldn't enjoy trust me :owo:
But still, not to digress, no other religion births extremist retards like this common muslim reaction to ANYONE critisizing your Prophet or your religion. Show me ONE other religion that's like this.
Why should I care what other people from other religions do? I’m just glad to see muzzies make people like you seethe, because you spread lies about the prophet. And wrong. You hate Islam also because it doesn’t allow for the degeneracy you are a fan of.
Why should I care what other people from other religions do? I’m just glad to see muzzies make people like you seethe, because you spread lies about the prophet. And wrong. You hate Islam also because it doesn’t allow for the degeneracy you are a fan of.
Dude I already asked you to show me proof Aisha wasn't pre-pubescent. You replied not with proof but words. :soy:
Where's your proof she wasn't pre-pubescent? Show me
Why would the Prophet wait three years to consummate the marriage (according to the Sunni hadith that you're using) for any other reason than to wait until she was pubescent.
Dude I already asked you to show me proof Aisha wasn't pre-pubescent. You replied not with proof but words. :soy:
Your proof is also words, what idiotic remark is this? :hnghn:
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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In the case of the prophet, I think it only makes his case much stronger.
Our belief is that the Prophet was taught everything by Allah but didn't read or write in front of people, so people couldn't say he wrote the Quran himself.
Our belief is that the Prophet was taught everything by Allah but didn't read or write in front of people, so people couldn't say he wrote the Quran himself.
LMAO. Yeah right. The invisible Sky Daddy aka Allah, Yahve, Jesus, etc. Lmao.
Again, prove to me she wasn't pre-pubescent and I'll acknowledge I was wrong.
There was a good site I found but you’ll just TL;DR it and keep repeating this lie. :Comfy:
You’re not doing shit lol
Where's the logic behind women being unable to show their faces at the very least being decent or void of degeneracy? It's a fucking FACE. Not ass or sth.
Covering the face is not mandatory in Islam.
Our belief is that the Prophet was taught everything by Allah but didn't read or write in front of people, so people couldn't say he wrote the Quran himself.
That’s the Shi’a belief? Interesting. Yes, he was taught the information of course, but that doesn’t mean he wrote anything or could read himself. I am neither Sunni nor Shi’a myself.
Shit that's even too far from here. But I'd go. Nothing a knife wouldn't solve right :owo:
Tbh I've never understood why Balkan people hate Muslims so much. There's like 0 practical cultural differences between Balkan Muslims and Balkan Christians.

Like there's hardly any difference between a croatian or serb and a bosniak. Albanian christians and muslims are extremely similiar. None of these people actually practice their religion in any real capacity.

At least in the west there's a drastic cultural difference between the muslims and the other groups, this doesn't exist in EE much.
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Where's the logic behind women being unable to show their faces at the very least being decent or void of degeneracy? It's a fucking FACE. Not ass or sth.
I said earlier that burqa is an Arabic tradition, it’s not Islamically mandated. What is Islamically mandated is covering body and hair, not face. But if people choose to cover their face, then that’s their choice isn’t it? I am not a fan of the burqa either.
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Tbh I've never understood why Balkan people hate Muslims so much. There's like 0 practical cultural differences between Balkan Muslims and Balkan Christians.

Like there's hardly any difference between a croatian or serb and a bosniak. Albanian christians and muslims are extremely similiar. None of these people actually practice their religion in any real capacity.

At least in the west there's a drastic cultural difference between the muslims and the other groups, this doesn't exist in EE much.
I'm neither a Balkan Muslim nor a Balkan Christian. I'm atheist. Plus I'm, not even from the Balkans lol. I just hate all muslims for they are a huge public liability in Europe and are incompatible with European white people all in all. If they all gtfo'd back to their deserts I'd be fine and stfu.
LMAO. Yeah right. The invisible Sky Daddy aka Allah, Yahve, Jesus, etc. Lmao.
Allah does not live in the sky nor is He anyone's father.
Yet they do it en masse
No they don't.
And those who do, its because its recommended, not obligatory.
Allah does not live in the sky nor is He anyone's father.

No they don't.
And those who do, its because its recommended, not obligatory.
"Invisible Sky Daddy". ie you say he exists yet you cannot prove it. Goes for Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. Lol. Marx was right: Religion is the Opium of the Masses. Millions of retards influenced by the words of a few.
"Invisible Sky Daddy"
Allah is not invisible. He does not have a body, He does not occupy space or time. He transcends all matter.
He is the Creator of the sky, He does not live in it.
He does not beget nor is He begotten.
Allah is not invisible. He does not have a body, He does not occupy space or time. He transcends all matter.
He is the Creator of the sky, He does not live in it.
He does not beget nor is He begotten.
LMFAO. Right :lul::lul::lul: It's like I'm in the movies. Meet my friend: Micky Mouse. He's totally real too.

Happy Mickey Mouse GIF by Disney Jr.
To burn their Pedo Prophet's Quaran in front of? These mudslims need to be caged with their retarded mediaval logic + "religion of peace"
CE11BD8D 0FE8 4457 B6E5 6E1C946F7C81

I looked down to not read what he wrote but before even scrolling down I know its gonna be some stupid shit from wei wei again
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To burn their Pedo Prophet's Quaran in front of? These mudslims need to be caged with their retarded mediaval logic + "religion of peace"
werent you apologising for some shit you said like this what, also do it in albainia theyll love it
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There were quite a few in Warsaw tbh
Retarded cumjeet moment. Can’t even spell correctly.

Not to mention, muzzies were the OG dickmaxxers. Jelqing was invented by Arabs. You’re following Arabic traditions by dickmaxxing. :feelshaha:
Arabs have such small dicks that they needed to invent a method to make it bigger :lul::lul::lul::lul:
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Arabs have such small dicks that they needed to invent a method to make it bigger :lul::lul::lul::lul:
I’m Pakistani, so…

[laughs in natural 6.5 x 5.9]


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