Which civilization will be the next big thing after Western civilization collapses (my analysis)


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Apr 15, 2022
My guesses for new civilizations forming...

Green: Would bet on
Yellow: Maybe
Red: Very unlikely.

Civilization begins with a unified culture, a shared ethnicity or ancestry (usually by establishing a coherent racemix or a certain tribe or groups of related tribes), and a common language. From these foundations, a worldview emerges, marking the birth of the civilization. This worldview shapes every aspect of the civilization throughout its lifespan and determines what they'll develop, what their high culture looks like and how it demises

Civilizations typically pass through several stages: they begin with growth, expansion, innovation, and discovery, eventually reaching their peak. However, over time, they often become entangled in destructive conflicts, including major and often futile wars, and experience a decline in spiritual and cultural vitality. People become hedonistic and unproductive. The society then becomes a mere shadow of its former self.

Attempts to revive the civilization often involve the rise of authoritarian regimes. Although these leaders may be charismatic, they are often ineffective, leading to further weakening of the society. Eventually, the civilization reaches a point where it no longer functions cohesively, and people begin to drift away, forming new cultures, societies and ethnicities. The society fractures and ultimately collapses.

Wars and terrible crisis's accelerate the collapse.

Like individuals, civilizations cannot be revived. The weight of the civilization's development is too strong to counter. No examples of civilizational revivial has been shown throughout history according to my knowledge.

Also, civilizations usually develop between a mix of cultures. They usually incorporate aspects of the nearby previous great civilizations (Rome -> The West... or Mesopotamia/Egypt -> Rome). They can not form in the heartland of past major civilizations, nor can they reuse the same worldview as old civilizations.

This is according to what I've learn from consuming Oswald Spengler's content.



Heartlands of Future Great Civilizations (my guess)
1. Patagonia - Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Southern Brazil
2. Chernozym - Southeastern Europe, Caucus Region and Anatolia
3. Southeast Asia - Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand
4. West Africa - Southern Nigeria
5. East Africa - Gregory Rift

I think Patagonia would be the most intellectual and maybe most probable, with people like Jorge Luis Borges showing the capacity for intellectualism in that area. He was obsessed with quantum physics, and I think any new civilization would have a belief based on or that was coherent with it. It also has a birth rate above 2.1

Chernozym would probably be decently intellectual as well, it could use some works from Dostoevsky and use that Turkic energy to conquer and and also it has a birth rate above 2.1.

Southeast asia - maybe. it's industrializing but I don't think they have the genetics for it. Some blockchain leaders emerged from here I think. We'll see

SSA East and West - SSA has fake borders, and the only reason it was relatively peaceful was because SSA is extremely tribal. Once the world breaks down and things get chaotic and supply chains can't function, the whole continent would go to shit and there'd be like 10,000 wars in SSA. The only civilized societies that would be there would probably be Cape, Madagascar and North Africa. SSA would undergo what europe did longgg time ago. they'd have to forego ooga booga behavior and fight wars, develop technology, and compete for which african group can fight for dominance. SSA's genetic diversity shows how tribal the region is. Once tribal competition starts, genetic diversity goes down as evolution and natural selection selects for the most intelligent, conscientious, and fit tribes and they dominate the region they are in and therefore faciliate a genetic cleansing. Once that's done, we can see if anything happens.
The thing about SSA is that it's probable people will tamper with that place since it's so weak. We could see other cultures manipulating, populating or even annexing certain regions there maybe.

thoughts?: @ElTruecel @ryuken @Jason Voorhees
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Eastern Europe and China
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jfl if you think western civilisation will collapse
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please tell me ai wrote this and you didn't actually write that all out
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pretty much the whole chinese bloc (except pakistan)

especially afghanistan

civilization wont collapse though
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Eastern Europe and China
according to oswald spengler and caroll quigley, you can't revive a civilization's prime symbol, therefore it has to either mix cultures with another group, invent a new culture from scratch, or somehow have a new worldview that IS NOT related to the worldview of ancient china or any western ideologies like communism. Also, it can't start in the heartland of ancient china, it has to be somwhere else.
jfl if you think western civilisation will collapse
look at our youth. they all vape, everyones either a slayer, whore or incel/femcel, iq is dropping, even among whites (in before its the ethnics fault)... birth rate is going to zero, etc. --- incapable of creating greats for the most part.

Only way the west can last longer than it is, is by undergoing a religious renaissance.
else, it's over and out society will die in a techno-dystopia, blade runner type of manner.
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look at our youth. they all vape, everyones either a slayer, whore or incel/femcel, iq is dropping, even among whites (in before its the ethnics fault)... birth rate is going to zero, etc. --- incapable of creating greats for the most part.

Only way the west can last longer than it is, is by undergoing a religious renaissance.
else, it's over and out society will die in a techno-dystopia, blade runner type of manner.
dont worry hamza and andrew tate will save the next generation :feelsgood:
  • JFL
Reactions: d3m4g5, Ascеnd and enchanted_elixir
according to oswald spengler and caroll quigley, you can't revive a civilization's prime symbol, therefore it has to either mix cultures with another group, invent a new culture from scratch, or somehow have a new worldview that IS NOT related to the worldview of ancient china or any western ideologies like communism. Also, it can't start in the heartland of ancient china, it has to be somwhere else.
I think what spengler and quigley are missing is that we live under total zionist control. They were not jewpilled
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pretty much the whole chinese bloc (except pakistan)

especially afghanistan
Afghanistan probably wouldn't count in oswald spengeler's pov since according to spengler, you can't use a prime symbol (a worldview to build a civlization) twice.

for china...
according to oswald spengler and caroll quigley, you can't revive a civilization's prime symbol, therefore it has to either mix cultures with another group, invent a new culture from scratch, or somehow have a new worldview that IS NOT related to the worldview of ancient china or any western ideologies like communism. Also, it can't start in the heartland of ancient china, it has to be somwhere else.

the chinese bloc will fragment, not unify, they're only together because they dislike the west/partnered with china, so...
look at our youth. they all vape, everyones either a slayer, whore or incel/femcel, iq is dropping, even among whites (in before its the ethnics fault)... birth rate is going to zero, etc. --- incapable of creating greats for the most part.

Only way the west can last longer than it is, is by undergoing a religious renaissance.
else, it's over and out society will die in a techno-dystopia, blade runner type of manner.
thats all lower class

doesnt exist in the elites

the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer
dont worry hamza and andrew tate will save the next generation :feelsgood:
sex and fast cars won't create greats, civilizations are born with philosophers, enlightened people and saints.
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thats all lower class

doesnt exist in the elites

the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer
can't run a society like that.
also, most of the elite's kids will probably lose the money and probably have no passion or will.
IQ has no correlation with conscientousness.
  • JFL
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thats all lower class

doesnt exist in the elites

the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer
Go to any upper middle class town in America. It’s all the same shit.
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  • JFL
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upper middle class isnt elite
well western society is a psychological neutering machine, it'll neuter the lower class, the middle class and the elite's children.

most people are meaningless, passionless, hedonistic, and lazy.
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upper middle class isnt elite
Rich kids all act like degens and rely on their parents for everything. They can’t produce shit.
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Whole sub saharan africa will become an improved version of Wakanda that's what I bet.

Pan-Africanism is the future no matter whether you want or not
Not in a long time.
Plus, it's likely to devolve into a Bantu v Cushitic/Ethiopid v White-Mixed Cape people v MENA rivalry than pan-Africanism
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upper middle class isnt elite
as much as I would like to try to fix western society, the gravity is too strong.
We'll die out soon like every other great civilization.

Our peak was the 1600s-1900s.
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as much as I would like to try to fix western society, the gravity is too strong.
We'll die out soon like every other great civilization.

Our peak was the 1600s-1900s.
When do you see the west completely declining? What time frame?
Not in a long time.
Plus, it's likely to devolve into a Bantu v Cushitic/Ethiopid v White-Mixed Cape people v MENA rivalry than pan-Africanism
You know what? There will be no civilization. Every male has microplastics in the testes, infertility is skyrocketing and our DNA is forever damaged. Forget about it. We are the last of our species, there's no coming back.
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I think what spengler and quigley are missing is that we live under total zionist control. They were not jewpilled
Oh, he was. he said that when democracy gets overrided by capitalism, it is surely going to die out. I can't find the quote though.

i think here's a good summary of his point by another person.

"In The Hour of Decision and The Decline of the West, Spengler argued that, around theturn of the third millennium, the Western (Faustian) culture would experience the formation ofCaesarism. This impending appearance of force politics occurs alongside the collapse of democracy –which Spengler merely views as a tool utilized by the forces of money and cosmopolitanism. In thesecond volume of his magnum opus, Spengler provides us with a critique of Western forms ofjournalism and the political press, foreseeing the rise of contemporary hyper commercialism. Spenglerenvisioned a battle between what he termed “the forces of dictatorial money-economics” and thepolitical will-to-order of the emerging Caesarism, where the latter conquers the realm of the former.The “world-cities” are the embodiment of the forces of dictatorial money, these cosmopolitanstrongholds attempting to destroy the motherland of the respective culture. Spengler claimed that thesoil of the motherland creates man and his respective culture; ironically, man attempts to exploitnature and enslave it, only to be enslaved by a microcosm of his own creation – money, thecosmopolitan cities, and technics. Thus, this paper will briefly shed light on the arguments concerningthe second religiousness in the West and the existential threat of Faustian (Western) technics thatSpengler provides in Man and Technics, as well as the emerging hatred towards money, machine,and the city – which accompanies the forthcoming Caesarism and the ecological crisis as a result ofman’s war against nature."


In "The Hour of Decision" and "The Decline of the West," Oswald Spengler predicted that Western (Faustian) culture would experience the rise of Caesarism around the third millennium, coinciding with the collapse of democracy. He viewed democracy as a tool used by the forces of money and cosmopolitanism. In the second volume of his work, Spengler critiques Western journalism and the political press, predicting the emergence of hyper-commercialism. He foresaw a struggle between "the forces of dictatorial money-economics" and the political "will-to-order" of the emerging Caesarism, where the latter would eventually dominate. Spengler argued that "world-cities," as symbols of money's power, attempt to destroy their own culture's motherland. He believed that while the land shapes man and culture, humanity ironically exploits and ultimately becomes enslaved by its own creations — money, cities, and technology. This paper explores Spengler's arguments on the West's "second religiousness," the existential threat posed by Faustian technics, and the emerging disdain for money, machines, and cities that accompanies the rise of Caesarism and the ecological crisis caused by humanity's conflict with nature.

link: https://trivent-publishing.eu/img/cms/4- Naif Al Bidh - PJCV 2023-1.pdf
by naif al bidh
When do you see the west completely declining? What time frame?
i don't know but spengler says something like --- 200 years after the death of democracy (when presidents and prime ministers create an overpowered executive branch) to solve the crisis of the early 2020s.

so like around 2220 AD.

i think wars - if ww3 happens, and the declining birth rate will accelerate it.
Dnr a single molecule, MENA is the next best civilization
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@Xangsane, vote and tag people please
I think what spengler and quigley are missing is that we live under total zionist control. They were not jewpilled
Jewish influence is more of a symptom rather than the cause of civilizational decline. Civilizations that are on the rise value traditionalism, faith, national identity, wealth equality. The Jews simply cannot survive in a society like this. The culture and values of the nation don’t give Jews the opportunity to thrive. Once the civilization starts to decline and embrace decadence while losing sight of their national identity, then the Jews take hold and accelerate the decline even more.
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Jewish influence is more of a symptom rather than the cause of civilizational decline. Civilizations that are on the rise value traditionalism, faith, national identity, wealth equality. The Jews simply cannot survive in a society like this. The culture and values of the nation don’t give Jews the opportunity to thrive. Once the civilization starts to decline and embrace decadence while losing sight of their national identity, then the Jews take hold and accelerate the decline even more.
They also value innovation, creativity, knowledge and fluid intelligence as well.
Without that, you're just describing Afghanistan.
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Islam is what made that shithole great, 3.14% of the world invention and most influential ppl were made during that narrow period, when Islam was at its peak and the government was islamic, laws were Islamic etc… when Islam got taken out the downfall came with it.
it can't be under islam though if that happens.
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Islam is what made that shithole great, 3.14% of the world invention and most influential ppl were made during that narrow period, when Islam was at its peak and the government was islamic, laws were Islamic etc… when Islam got taken out the downfall came with it.
according to spengler, you can't reuse worldviews to make a civilization.
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Islam is what made that shithole great, 3.14% of the world invention and most influential ppl were made during that narrow period, when Islam was at its peak and the government was islamic, laws were Islamic etc… when Islam got taken out the downfall came with it.
true though
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The 4th reich started by the Aryan Pakistani Federation.
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according to spengler, you can't reuse worldviews to make a civilization.
Well Spengler can suck my tiny cock he’s wrong I’m right. Islam shall rule mena again
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pretty much the whole chinese bloc (except pakistan)

especially afghanistan

civilization wont collapse though
Cope. Imran Khan will become PM again and bring Pakistan to a never before seen height of civilization.
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look at our youth. they all vape, everyones either a slayer, whore or incel/femcel, iq is dropping, even among whites (in before its the ethnics fault)... birth rate is going to zero, etc. --- incapable of creating greats for the most part.

Only way the west can last longer than it is, is by undergoing a religious renaissance.
else, it's over and out society will die in a techno-dystopia, blade runner type of manner.
Oldfags complaiming about young people is a tale as old as time. Only real problem is birthrate but thats a problem for any developed country
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look at our youth. they all vape, everyones either a slayer, whore or incel/femcel, iq is dropping, even among whites (in before its the ethnics fault)... birth rate is going to zero, etc. --- incapable of creating greats for the most part.

Only way the west can last longer than it is, is by undergoing a religious renaissance.
else, it's over and out society will die in a techno-dystopia, blade runner type of manner.
100% right, we need a complete revamp, degeneracy needs to be outlawed/shunned/discouraged, religion needs to be promoted, only then can society truly prosper. But who are we kidding? jews ain't letting that happen.
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100% right, we need a complete revamp, degeneracy needs to be outlawed/shunned/discouraged, religion needs to be promoted, only then can society truly prosper. But who are we kidding? jews ain't letting that happen.
it would have to be shunned/discouraged, not outlawed.
Changing culture is the only solution, not rules. Or else it becomes tyrannical and people will resist.
even then, i struggle to see that happen.
Patagonia would be a very interesting concept. Although I think ze jews will control the world in the future and make all goyims their slaves 😢

They are the chosen people that are going to be destroyed :feelsshh:
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Patagonia would be a very interesting concept. Although I think ze jews will control the world in the future and make all goyims their slaves 😢

They are the chosen people that are going to be destroyed :feelsshh:
patagonia is a very interesting concept to be fair.
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can you guys vote? just made a poll
Eastern Europe and China
please tell me ai wrote this and you didn't actually write that all out
jfl if you think western civilisation will collapse
thats all lower class

doesnt exist in the elites

the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer
Dnr a single molecule, MENA is the next best civilization
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