Which civilization will be the next big thing after Western civilization collapses (my analysis)


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it would have to be shunned/discouraged, not outlawed.
Changing culture is the only solution, not rules. Or else it becomes tyrannical and people will resist.
even then, i struggle to see that happen.
when i say outlaw i mean, abortion clinics need to go or be restricted to only women who have been raped/etc, not aviaalble to random sluts. Ban tiktok/etc total degenerate app, ban all lgbtq/homo shit, promote religion/conservative values throughout the education system cycle. The main thing that needs to cahnge is that women need to convinced/encouraged to not sleep around/be sluts but jews have totally brainwashed them, the newer generation needs to cahnge but it doesn't look like anything is changing.
If the west collapses everyone's done that's the thing
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If the west collapses everyone's done that's the thing
it would be a severe hit but the world wouldn't be over
another great high iq thread from our friend enchanted elixir based
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it would be a severe hit but the world wouldn't be over
We'll be back to the metal ages if it collapses, the west's economy is litteraly a pillar for other economies
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We'll be back to the metal ages if it collapses, the west's economy is litteraly a pillar for other economies
mirin metal ages
high tech medieval castles
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when i say outlaw i mean, abortion clinics need to go or be restricted to only women who have been raped/etc, not aviaalble to random sluts. Ban tiktok/etc total degenerate app, ban all lgbtq/homo shit, promote religion/conservative values throughout the education system cycle. The main thing that needs to cahnge is that women need to convinced/encouraged to not sleep around/be sluts but jews have totally brainwashed them, the newer generation needs to cahnge but it doesn't look like anything is changing.
Jews just accelerate the decline they aren’t responsible for it. Civilizations on the rise promote traditionalism, faith, rationality, scientific growth, national identity, wealth equality, compassion. Jews cannot thrive in societies like these. It’s once society embraces decadence and degeneracy and lose sight of their national identity that the Jews take hold and accelerate the collapse even more. Jews are like a virus, they can only infect a nation with a weak immune system. Strong and healthy societies are immune to Jewish influence. The west started to collapse initially around 1900 and WW2 was Germany’s attempt to distant themselves from the western economic stranglehold and the invariable decline and to achieve a state of economic and cultural independence. Western civilization had already been high jacked by Jews at that point and was on the way out.
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100% right, we need a complete revamp, degeneracy needs to be outlawed/shunned/discouraged, religion needs to be promoted, only then can society truly prosper. But who are we kidding? jews ain't letting that happen.
Degeneracy is an inevitable side effect of a culture that embraces free thinking and innovation
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Degeneracy is an inevitable side effect of a culture that embraces free thinking and innovation
I heard a historian say that Islamic/Arabian civilization reverted to religion because they figured that out when they were in their golden age
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  • WTF
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Degeneracy is an inevitable side effect of a culture that embraces free thinking and innovation
It's a side-effect of jews brainwashing the masses and promoting total degeneracy.
Jews just accelerate the decline they aren’t responsible for it. Civilizations on the rise promote traditionalism, faith, rationality, scientific growth, national identity, wealth equality, compassion. Jews cannot thrive in societies like these. It’s once society embraces decadence and degeneracy and lose sight of their national identity that the Jews take hold and accelerate the collapse even more. Jews are like a virus, they can only infect a nation with a weak immune system. Strong and healthy societies are immune to Jewish influence. The west started to collapse initially around 1900 and WW2 was Germany’s attempt to distant themselves from the western economic stranglehold and the invariable decline and to achieve a state of economic and cultural independence. Western civilization had already been high jacked by Jews at that point and was on the way out.
So it's basically over at this point since we aren't getting rid or ousting the jews.
So it's basically over at this point since we aren't getting rid or ousting the jews.
Jews are taking advantage of a broken and vulnerable system and parasitizing it for their own benefit. The West just needs to collapse and start anew.
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Nga what

The West and esp America was always at the forefront of degeneracy even in their best days
degeneracy was never at a level where it is currently at. Traditionalism/Conservatism was the norm back in those days, not whatever the fuck we have going on now.
Nga what

The West and esp America was always at the forefront of degeneracy even in their best days
i meant islamic/arabian civilization threw away science and fully reverted to religion after seeing it could destroy their society.
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Jews are taking advantage of a broken and vulnerable system and parasitizing it for their own benefit. The West just needs to collapse and start anew.
the west can't restart according to spengler.
do you agree with him?
Yeah. But that’s not to say that something new and unique can’t rise from the ashes.
Caroll quigley said that civilizations can't start in the heartland of old civlizations since they'd just readopt a deadbeat worldview and baggage that has fully been tested.

do you agree?
look at our youth. they all vape, everyones either a slayer, whore or incel/femcel, iq is dropping, even among whites (in before its the ethnics fault)... birth rate is going to zero, etc. --- incapable of creating greats for the most part.

Only way the west can last longer than it is, is by undergoing a religious renaissance.
else, it's over and out society will die in a techno-dystopia, blade runner type of manner.
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degeneracy was never at a level where it is currently at. Traditionalism/Conservatism was the norm back in those days, not whatever the fuck we have going on now.
America in its best economic era (1950) was considered degenerate because women were allowed to work and vote.

Non conformist societies will just be the most degenerate, everything has a negative
i meant islamic/arabian civilization threw away science and fully reverted to religion after seeing it could destroy their society.
And look where it got them jfl. Almost every muzzie country is a shithole
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America in its best economic era (1950) was considered degenerate because women were allowed to work and vote.

Non conformist societies will just be the most degenerate, everything has a negative
that is not my definition of degenerate, what is truly degenerate are modern women.
that is not my definition of degenerate, what is truly degenerate are modern women.
Someone born in 2050 wont consider 999+ bodycount foids degenerate.

The only objective way to measure "degeneracy" in countries is by comparing them to other countries in the same era
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War in east africa stopped, look the tourism
Fuckin beautiful with nobody, need to invest RIGHT NOW OP DONT BE A FAGGOT PUT ALL UR MONEY HERE

  • JFL
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War in east africa stopped, look the tourism
Fuckin beautiful with nobody, need to invest RIGHT NOW OP DONT BE A FAGGOT PUT ALL UR MONEY HERE

Will probably go back to war very soon if anything bad happens to supply chains.
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I would probably say that the 7 asian tigers (Malasia, Indonesia, Philipines, SK, Japan, Birmania) will be the next great civilization, here are my reasons:

1. Economic and Technologic global hubs:
In these countries 50% of all technologic garments are made, and this can develop a high economical stability and growth. For example brands like Redmi, or Samsung are from there, among others.

2. Shared Ethnicity:
This countries share a lot of things in common, like some traditions of hard work, interventionism amongst families, and being respected for having a great job. This is very helpful to develop a great civilization.

3. Worldwide acceptance:
Almost every country shares commercial relationships with these ones, and the 7 asian tigers are accepted in the global community, besides other countries like China (50/50).
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What abt china
That would literally have the opposite effect of what you said:feelskek:
The tribes were isolated, only as they become more advanced and start meeting other tribes and get in wars is when violence occurs.
  • JFL
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i don't think western civilization will collapse, their civilization already won and the rest of the world is copying their model

any nations which surpass those we know as western nations would do with a model that builds on and improves western civilization
  • JFL
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When the West falls, the whole world will plunge into the dark ages. The fall of Rome plunged Europe into the dark ages for several centuries. The fall of the dominant civilization always leads to the apocalypse.
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according to oswald spengler and caroll quigley, you can't revive a civilization's prime symbol, therefore it has to either mix cultures with another group, invent a new culture from scratch, or somehow have a new worldview that IS NOT related to the worldview of ancient china or any western ideologies like communism. Also, it can't start in the heartland of ancient china, it has to be somwhere else.
What do you think of what Turkeys doing rn, especially in light of the recent events in Syria, do you think they could end up provong spengler and quigley wrong by (partially) restoring the Ottoman empire?
  • Hmm...
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What do you think of what Turkeys doing rn, especially in light of the recent events in Syria, do you think they could end up provong spengler and quigley wrong by (partially) restoring the Ottoman empire?
They have intentions of doing that but I really can't say since things can go in so many ways.
Turkey is trying to expand their sphere of influence in the middle east, and they could possibly regain it to some degree.
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