Which of these foid names sound mogger tier?

Which sound mogger?

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Bone pressed. Also how come you were malnourished?
because unlike your parents who likely fed you well and made sure you slept atleast 8-9 hours, i was raised by a single mother, a very low IQ woman if i am being brutally honest who had no regard for her sons development. 5 hours sleep + little to no protein, high carb/sugar diet = malnourished. It's why i am a 174 manlet
  • So Sad
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because unlike your parents who likely fed you well and made sure you slept atleast 8-9 hours, i was raised by a single mother, a very low IQ woman if i am being brutally honest who had no regard for her sons development. 5 hours sleep + little to no protein, high carb/sugar diet = malnourished. It's why i am a 174 manlet
What happened with your dad?
We visit each other as much as possible
ethnic marriages are brutal if you raen't rich, dunno how people fuck with their parents in the house, especially early on in the marriage where the girl is virgin/tight and will make a lot of noise (presumably), this is why you need your own house but at the same time you can't abandon your fmaily. The solution? somehow get 2 houses next to each other, one for wifey and other for parents, brutal for ukcels though since our economy doesn't evne let us afford one
  • So Sad
Reactions: Xangsane
1. Florence
2. Laura
3. Greta
4. Gina
5. Katrina
6. Fiona
7. Idalia
8. Nora
9. Pauline
10. Juliette
11. Jimena
12. Odile
13. Blanca
14. Olivia
15. Rosa
16. Orlene
17. Roslyn
18. Hilary
19. Lidia
20. Norma
ethnic marriages are brutal if you raen't rich, dunno how people fuck with their parents in the house, especially early on in the marriage where the girl is virgin/tight and will make a lot of noise (presumably), this is why you need your own house but at the same time you can't abandon your fmaily. The solution? somehow get 2 houses next to each other, one for wifey and other for parents, brutal for ukcels though since our economy doesn't evne let us afford one
That would have been ideaL
Gonna move out of this shithole with wife asap
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
Why katya
Katya is an abbreviated, full name will be Ekaterina, I like the sound of it, and all the Katya I've seen look good and smart. I also like the name Masha and Vika
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane
Katya is an abbreviated, full name will be Ekaterina, I like the sound of it, and all the Katya I've seen look good and smart. I also like the name Masha and Vika
@SubSigma alt
I've lived in this country for 25 years and i have only ever seen/heard the name laura and juliette IRL, never any of the others, where did you even get them?
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
I've lived in this country for 25 years and i have only ever seen/heard the name laura and juliette IRL, never any of the others, where did you even get them?
Out of my ass tbh ngl
  • JFL
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1. Florence ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Florence sounds really feminine and smart. Sounds like a flower, and would be good to marry. Although Florence might be too boring to hang out with, she is pure. I value chastity so I will say above average for sure, 4 stars

2. Laura ⭐⭐⭐

Very common name amongst the Gen A - Millenials. They just sound normie af though. Half will be good, half will be bad.. so average to 3 stars

3. Greta ⭐

Reminds me of a german witch for some reason. An old name, that you would expect a grandma to have. Similar to "Ruth". Not interested, next!

4. Gina ⭐⭐

Will be bullied growing up. May resort to becoming a hoe, and fulfilling her prophecy having given such an unfortunate name. I feel bad for them, I personally wouldn't ever date a "Gina"... 2 stars it is

5. Katrina ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Hot and seductive. High class, and doesn't sound like a hoe.. unless she's a giga hoe and does OF. Katrina is what I envision Maddison Beer to be (not my type but many other's)

6. Fiona ⭐⭐

I can't get over the fact that this bitch was in Shrek. She's capped at 2 stars. If she was a princess however (can see the memes already :feelskek:), but I would give her 4 stars. It sounds royal

7. Idalia ⭐⭐⭐⭐

High PSL, Low appeal like a user above commented. Good to have as your wife and mother of your children

8. Nora ⭐⭐

A common, low-class name. I would think that somebody named Nora would be inbred. But the reason it is not 1 star is because there are very very few Noras, that are top tier. Those would be attractive, and come from good families.. none of them are smart though

9. Pauline ⭐⭐

Sounds like the name of a girl @pneumocystosis would date. Can't help but yawn whenever I see this. Normie for France probably, but would have higher appeal because of "ooh French" everywhere else in the world

10. Juliette ⭐⭐⭐

Same as above but more romantic

11. Jimena ⭐

Wtf is even this shit. Ik it's common amongst the beaners but any parent naming their child Jimena shouldn't be one. Autistic ahh name

12. Odile ⭐⭐

I knew an Odile. Her mother pronounced it o-dial. Her mother was also an alcoholic though, so was probably wrong.

Odile didn't like her name because she knew nobody else with it, but if anyone else tried to imply it was a made up name, she'd defend it. Unfortunately, with the odds stacked against her, she didn't live up to her name.

I like it more than Odette though.

13. Blanca ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I think of "white" when I hear of this for some reason. Sounds pure, and untouched. Rare name, and I lowkey get turned on by the thought of calling my gf that. "Blanca come here for a second". Pristine

14. Olivia ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Fogger name. Will have high appeal from lots of guys. The "hot, pretty, mean" girl in Highschool is likely to be called this. Or Felicity (sounds a bit more hoe and gypsy-ish tho. Watch out for a Felicity)..
I instantly think of blonde tiktok girl with starbucks. Bland personality, and not my type, but will be many people's

15. Rosa ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mind goes to Rosa parks, but also Rosa seems floral and I can see myself being in love with a girl named "Rosa". Marry me Rosa

16. Orlene ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Name means golden.. sounds french and high class. Not common name, but definitely fogger. Low body count, and more picky vibes tho. An upgraded "Juliette" IMO

17. Roslyn ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sounds similar to Rosa but more high class. As if it is more aristocratic and still feminine

18. Hilary ⭐

Equivalent to Karen. Not even going to bother getting into this one

19. Lidia ⭐⭐

We really fell off here. "Lydia" the better version, would have gotten 4 stars. This one just feels like a cheap walmart knock-off

20. Norma ⭐⭐

Great aunt Norma :feelsmage: vibes.. sounds harsh and boring, but hey... At least she'll give you money when you go over to visit!

I like these names personally, that signal to my brain that the girl I'm talking to has striking features:
  • Katrina
reminds me of the colour 💜 for some reason. High PFL, long eyelashes, jet black straight hair. Won't ever marry or get with one, but will admire their strikingness

  • Veronica
reminds me of the colour 💜 for some reason. Mogger Palate, with upturned lips that crease in the corners similar to a vampire

  • Vanessa

  • Vivian - light and elegant
  • Alessandra - feminine, angelic.. needs to be led, and will listen to a man. She knows what she wants, and won't be treated for a fool
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane
1. Florence ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Florence sounds really feminine and smart. Sounds like a flower, and would be good to marry. Although Florence might be too boring to hang out with, she is pure. I value chastity so I will say above average for sure, 4 stars
What psl and appeal?
2. Laura ⭐⭐⭐

Very common name amongst the Gen A - Millenials. They just sound normie af though. Half will be good, half will be bad.. so average to 3 stars
Even gen alpha?
3. Greta ⭐

Reminds me of a german witch for some reason. An old name, that you would expect a grandma to have. Similar to "Ruth". Not interested, next!
And the autistic girl with fetal alcohol syndrome
4. Gina ⭐⭐

Will be bullied growing up. May resort to becoming a hoe, and fulfilling her prophecy having given such an unfortunate name. I feel bad for them, I personally wouldn't ever date a "Gina"... 2 stars it is
Why does Gina sound like a 1980s hoe
5. Katrina ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Hot and seductive. High class, and doesn't sound like a hoe.. unless she's a giga hoe and does OF. Katrina is what I envision Maddison Beer to be (not my type but many other's)
Psl and appea level?
6. Fiona ⭐⭐

I can't get over the fact that this bitch was in Shrek. She's capped at 2 stars. If she was a princess however (can see the memes already :feelskek:), but I would give her 4 stars. It sounds royal
7. Idalia ⭐⭐⭐⭐

High PSL, Low appeal like a user above commented. Good to have as your wife and mother of your children
Why low appeal?
8. Nora ⭐⭐

A common, low-class name. I would think that somebody named Nora would be inbred. But the reason it is not 1 star is because there are very very few Noras, that are top tier. Those would be attractive, and come from good families.. none of them are smart though
Red neck?
9. Pauline ⭐⭐

Sounds like the name of a girl @pneumocystosis would date. Can't help but yawn whenever I see this. Normie for France probably, but would have higher appeal because of "ooh French" everywhere else in the world
Pauline sounds like an old hag
10. Juliette ⭐⭐⭐

Same as above but more romantic
11. Jimena ⭐

Wtf is even this shit. Ik it's common amongst the beaners but any parent naming their child Jimena shouldn't be one. Autistic ahh name
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: CAGED AT AUTISTIC NAME
Do you live near Latinas?
12. Odile ⭐⭐

I knew an Odile. Her mother pronounced it o-dial. Her mother was also an alcoholic though, so was probably wrong.

Odile didn't like her name because she knew nobody else with it, but if anyone else tried to imply it was a made up name, she'd defend it. Unfortunately, with the odds stacked against her, she didn't live up to her name.

I like it more than Odette though.
Why does Odile mog Odette?
13. Blanca ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I think of "white" when I hear of this for some reason. Sounds pure, and untouched. Rare name, and I lowkey get turned on by the thought of calling my gf that. "Blanca come here for a second". Pristine
Also soler
14. Olivia ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Fogger name. Will have high appeal from lots of guys. The "hot, pretty, mean" girl in Highschool is likely to be called this. Or Felicity (sounds a bit more hoe and gypsy-ish tho. Watch out for a Felicity)..
I instantly think of blonde tiktok girl with starbucks. Bland personality, and not my type, but will be many people's
Basic Taylor swift lover?
15. Rosa ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mind goes to Rosa parks, but also Rosa seems floral and I can see myself being in love with a girl named "Rosa". Marry me Rosa
16. Orlene ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Name means golden.. sounds french and high class. Not common name, but definitely fogger. Low body count, and more picky vibes tho. An upgraded "Juliette" IMO
Why an upgraded Juliette?
17. Roslyn ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sounds similar to Rosa but more high class. As if it is more aristocratic and still feminine
Why, what psl and appeal?
18. Hilary ⭐

Equivalent to Karen. Not even going to bother getting into this one
19. Lidia ⭐⭐

We really fell off here. "Lydia" the better version, would have gotten 4 stars. This one just feels like a cheap walmart knock-off
JFL that’s how the beaners spell Lydia
20. Norma ⭐⭐

Great aunt Norma :feelsmage: vibes.. sounds harsh and boring, but hey... At least she'll give you money when you go over to visit!
How would she do on tinder
I like these names personally, that signal to my brain that the girl I'm talking to has striking features:
  • Katrina
reminds me of the colour 💜 for some reason. High PFL, long eyelashes, jet black straight hair. Won't ever marry or get with one, but will admire their strikingness

  • Veronica
reminds me of the colour 💜 for some reason. Mogger Palate, with upturned lips that crease in the corners similar to a vampire

  • Vanessa

  • Vivian - light and elegant
  • Alessandra - feminine, angelic.. needs to be led, and will listen to a man. She knows what she wants, and won't be treated for a fool
most vivians in America these days are squishy squishy
1. Florence
2. Laura
3. Greta
4. Gina
5. Katrina
6. Fiona
7. Idalia
8. Nora
9. Pauline
10. Juliette
11. Jimena
12. Odile
13. Blanca
14. Olivia
15. Rosa
16. Orlene
17. Roslyn
18. Hilary
19. Lidia
20. Norma
Laura is the best name out of these

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