Which would you rather for an LTR? MTB sorority/surfer blonde or Stacylite goth?

Which would you rather for an LTR?

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I'd say the reason hockey players get the hottest cold weather women is simply because you CANNOT play hockey and be boneless and weak. Hockey players can get to ogre levels with how much bone they have.

As for surfers I can't comment since I live in the Midwest and surfing really isn't a thing here for obvious reasons. But it seems hockey and surfing require such level of physicality than other sports don't that you're going to have to look very hard to find the ugly people as opposed the other way around. And of course this doesn't even take into account the regional status associated with these activities.

Like in the mountain states the Stacies tend to hang out with the snowboarders and the climbers. Again it's a matter of extreme physicality and status.

Contrast this with goth girls who aren't known for being into any physical activity and also are known for being depressed most of the time. I think part of the goth girl appeal is she doesn't know her worth anyway even if she is a Stacy. But the question would beg why a Stacy would become goth in the 1st place, as turning goth is naturally for low status people, and Stacies are seldom low status unless they are really weird (like the guys on this forum)
Why would you say goth is low status?
Why would you say goth is low status?
It isn't low status per se, just low status people choose to become goth from social isolation and depression
It isn't low status per se, just low status people choose to become goth from social isolation and depression
So you'd rather the blonde for social status
So you'd rather the blonde for social status
No I don't give a shit about that. My current gf is a blonde but if she was a dark haired goth or emo she'd look way hotter
No I don't give a shit about that. My current gf is a blonde but if she was a dark haired goth or emo she'd look way hotter
Are you white women only?
Sorority bitches are nasty and I like alternative femoids better in general.
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What happened to non blonde white and non white girls?

And they’re generally white and blonde women only?
And as for the Latinos did they have a lot of ethnic girls wanting them but they preferred white blonde women?

Jfl one asian I knew had a robust chad bf :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: crazy right?
And what do you rate those two guys?

Not all of the girls the surfers get are blonde. But a white brunette girl is actually kinda rare in SoCal because if she has light brown hair, the sun will bleach it blonde, and very dark brown hair is kinda rare in white people who don't look Hispanic/Med/etc. Especially there for some reason. I have exactly that and even around the millions and millions of people there I felt like I looked very unique, I never saw one guy there with my pheno, and that's part of why I felt like I had so much more SMV down there.

With the majority of my friends and people I've known over the years, being that specific about race or pheno or coloring isn't something most people voice, it's more like people have types but they'll definitely make exceptions. As for the Latino surfers, they're like that, and again when you have a good face and body you just can't go wrong in that niche, they got Latinas that look like Jenna Ortega or Hope Sandoval (so top tier), blonde girls, whatever they want. My friend who looks like Dave Navarro, the girl he was the most into had a white dad and white Brazilian mom. The ones I knew with blonde girls, the blonde girls were usually bigger framed and robust, the shorter and gracile ones were usually with white guys.

My two old housemates, the one with the Stacy GF was like 6'1" and he's hard to rate by PSL standards. Because his facial bones aren't the best but he has a beard, long hair, like the Jesus look, he's appealmaxxed to his natural look and it worked perfectly for him. Like if he had to shave and cut his hair and lose all of his niche appeal, and take him out of SoCal and put him in the Midwest or somewhere, he might be low MTN at best but because of soft looksmaxxing and niche appeal he was pushing Chadlite. He still looks the same and now has an HTB girlfriend. The guy with the Asian girl was like MTN, but he was almost 40 then and was still in great shape and not balding which is worth a lot. It's funny, I moved into that house right after I discovered PSL and was obsessed with bone structure, I was looking at every single person's gonial angle and canthal tilt. And then I meet the guy with the best looking girlfriend I had seen in several years, and he's got all these PSL flaws but he was working with it. Kinda snapped me back into reality out of the overly black pill mindset.
Not all of the girls the surfers get are blonde. But a white brunette girl is actually kinda rare in SoCal because if she has light brown hair, the sun will bleach it blonde, and very dark brown hair is kinda rare in white people who don't look Hispanic/Med/etc. Especially there for some reason. I have exactly that and even around the millions and millions of people there I felt like I looked very unique, I never saw one guy there with my pheno, and that's part of why I felt like I had so much more SMV down there.

With the majority of my friends and people I've known over the years, being that specific about race or pheno or coloring isn't something most people voice, it's more like people have types but they'll definitely make exceptions. As for the Latino surfers, they're like that, and again when you have a good face and body you just can't go wrong in that niche, they got Latinas that look like Jenna Ortega or Hope Sandoval (so top tier), blonde girls, whatever they want. My friend who looks like Dave Navarro, the girl he was the most into had a white dad and white Brazilian mom. The ones I knew with blonde girls, the blonde girls were usually bigger framed and robust, the shorter and gracile ones were usually with white guys.

My two old housemates, the one with the Stacy GF was like 6'1" and he's hard to rate by PSL standards. Because his facial bones aren't the best but he has a beard, long hair, like the Jesus look, he's appealmaxxed to his natural look and it worked perfectly for him. Like if he had to shave and cut his hair and lose all of his niche appeal, and take him out of SoCal and put him in the Midwest or somewhere, he might be low MTN at best but because of soft looksmaxxing and niche appeal he was pushing Chadlite. He still looks the same and now has an HTB girlfriend. The guy with the Asian girl was like MTN, but he was almost 40 then and was still in great shape and not balding which is worth a lot. It's funny, I moved into that house right after I discovered PSL and was obsessed with bone structure, I was looking at every single person's gonial angle and canthal tilt. And then I meet the guy with the best looking girlfriend I had seen in several years, and he's got all these PSL flaws but he was working with it. Kinda snapped me back into reality out of the overly black pill mindset.
What is your pheno? Also agree with everything you say

Also wanted to mention that I'm Christian and in America, Christian men almost always have wives who mog them. And being that I'm good looking enough to be above average but not enough to be Gigachad, I feel it puts me in a good place to date very attractive women in that community. Because I do notice the incredibly good looking Christian guys end up with some mid Becky at best, where the more "Eugene" looking guys get way hotter girls.

I just can't stand being in the church pews and knowing my girl is being fogged and that my eye is wandering while I see schlubby losers with Stacy wives.
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Also wanted to mention that I'm Christian and in America, Christian men almost always have wives who mog them. And being that I'm good looking enough to be above average but not enough to be Gigachad, I feel it puts me in a good place to date very attractive women in that community. Because I do notice the incredibly good looking Christian guys end up with some mid Becky at best, where the more "Eugene" looking guys get way hotter girls.

I just can't stand being in the church pews and knowing my girl is being fogged and that my eye is wandering while I see schlubby losers with Stacy wives.
Why the fuck do the moggers get a MTB at best in the Christian community? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Why the fuck do the moggers get a MTB at best in the Christian community? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
It's not always. There are moggers who get Stacies but it's more common for HTN or just normies to get Stacies in the Christian community. As far as why it happens, I don't know considering I didn't grow up in the Christian community. My guess is Christian women are brainwashed on the notion that women aren't visual and just need a betabuxx provider would be my guess. Maybe good looking guys are seen as too vain, I'm not sure. Christian girls are also very sheltered so they may not be aware of their Stacy status.
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It's not always. There are moggers who get Stacies
These have to be the prettyboys
but it's more common for HTN or just normies to get Stacies in the Christian community. As far as why it happens, I don't know considering I didn't grow up in the Christian community. My guess is Christian women are brainwashed on the notion that women aren't visual and just need a betabuxx provider would be my guess. Maybe good looking guys are seen as too vain, I'm not sure. Christian girls are also very sheltered so they may not be aware of their Stacy status.
Which branch of christianity is this?
goth because we would make money on onlyfans
  • JFL
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Pics? I don't watch TikTok

Maybe they are more into providers aka betabuxx types. And in Christian culture there is this underlying idea that women aren't visual at all, which completely contradicts the blackpill
1 = prettyboy pheno
2 = maesthetic or masc pheno
1 = prettyboy pheno
2 = maesthetic or masc pheno
View attachment 3173782
Well it would have to be #1 simply because of youth. Older guys like the 2nd dude seldom look that way and in Christian circles, guy 2 would be married to a Stacy but he'd be balding and have a potbelly. I'm not saying guy 2 is older or not (he could be AI generated for all I know) but he certainly has way less markers of youth than the 1st guy.

That being said, both of these guys would be rare in any church, and Stacies would be married to guys far less attractive than either of them, but #1 would be more common among the good looking guys at church. I do know a Romanian guy in his 50s (not a typo) who looks not far off from the 2nd fellow, and his wife is a bug eyed MTB (but with nice body) gypsy looking woman (both from Romania). His neighbor lives across the street and his wife is way hotter while he is bald and short. Both couples from Romania, but it's the bald manlet with the prettier wife, while the near model looking guy's wife is just OK looking. I've known both couples for decades, and it's been the case ever since so it's not like aging just took a toll on one of them more than the other. The looks disparity between them has always been the same
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Well it would have to be #1 simply because of youth.
Older guys like the 2nd dude seldom look that way
and in Christian circles, guy 2 would be married to a Stacy but he'd be balding and have a potbelly. I'm not saying guy 2 is older or not (he could be AI generated for all I know) but he certainly has way less markers of youth than the 1st guy.
Why does 2 have less markers of youth than 1?
That being said, both of these guys would be rare in any church, and Stacies would be married to guys far less attractive than either of them, but #1 would be more common among the good looking guys at church.
why more common?
I do know a Romanian guy in his 50s (not a typo) who looks not far off from the 2nd fellow, and his wife is a bug eyed MTB (but with nice body) gypsy looking woman (both from Romania). His neighbor lives across the street and his wife is way hotter while he is bald and short. Both couples from Romania, but it's the bald manlet with the prettier wife, while the near model looking guy's wife is just OK looking. I've known both couples for decades, and it's been the case ever since so it's not like aging just took a toll on one of them more than the other. The looks disparity between them has always been the same
Is it because the chads don't have anything much to offer to the stacies?
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What is your pheno? Also agree with everything you say

I'm mostly Irish but mixed and darker features, also a lanklet and very neotenous, like if you can imagine a mix of O'Pry and young Fidel Castro, that's me. I've seen one guy and two girls my entire life who truly looked like me.

Also, as for looks discrepancies. I lived in the Midwest as a teenager. There are huge differences in what girls find attractive in different parts of the US. In the Midwest, looking high trust is everything, I can imagine seeing a mid looking guy with a Stacy wife at a church, I know couples like that from high school. My first guess would be that guy is very high trust looking, which is necessary to appeal to women in that way. In SoCal that same guy would probably be with an Asian girl because high trust just on its own is worth a lot less there.
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Which one has wider hips and thick thighs
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Why does 2 have less markers of youth than 1?

why more common?

Is it because the chads don't have anything much to offer to the stacies?
Skin quality gives it away and the 5 o clock shadow. Young looking guys don't have such dark stubble unless they're ethnic. Also the weaker soft tissue to stronger bone ratio. The 2nd guy has thinner lips and slightly more pronounced bones.

The reason good looking young guys are more common is the same reason good looking young women are more common. Youth just mogs for beauty in both sexes it is what it is. Older guys can be gl but much less common.

Why would the Chads not have much to offer? As far as why I think Chads may be less popular, I have remembered hearing church girls call very good looking men gay acting. Almost as if in very conservative circles strong looksmaxxing can actually be a failo.
  • JFL
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Skin quality gives it away and the 5 o clock shadow. Young looking guys don't have such dark stubble unless they're ethnic. Also the weaker soft tissue to stronger bone ratio. The 2nd guy has thinner lips and slightly more pronounced bones.

The reason good looking young guys are more common is the same reason good looking young women are more common. Youth just mogs for beauty in both sexes it is what it is. Older guys can be gl but much less common.
How old would you estimate both guys to be?
Why would the Chads not have much to offer? As far as why I think Chads may be less popular, I have remembered hearing church girls call very good looking men gay acting. Almost as if in very conservative circles strong looksmaxxing can actually be a failo.
Because they know the chads have a lot of options :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
2 looks 35? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
To be fair the prompt was to make him half North African
For marriage yeah that makes sense. Women marry the safe option
Stacies and stacylites prioritize money, and women are more likely to end up with average looking men who make more than them. It's fate-based.
and the chad/chadlite charts (NOT husbands, but the men being the chart owners) either show being married to a MTB, or unmarried
Fated predicted marriage partners for 400 people were analyzed based on vedic (not western) astrology which is blackpilled and deterministic.

Of 200 wives and 200 husbands, only 2% were high HTN-chad husbands, and 30% were high HTB-stacy wives. None of the 2% of women who got the hot husbands were above HTB.
No. The 2 women who did get a predicted chadlite/chad husband were both low-medium appeal HTBs.
One thing they had in common were good bones
does this surprise you?
25 vs 35

For marriage yeah that makes sense. Women marry the safe option
This was the best-looking predicted husband (foid was a low-mid appeal HTB)

  • He has a strong, masculine facial structure with a well-defined jawline, high cheekbones, and sharp features.
  • His smooth, firm skin is youthful and resilient, with minimal wear, giving him a healthy and radiant appearance.
  • His eyes are likely intense, with balanced, symmetrical features that convey both strength and refinement.
  • He likely has dark brown to black hair, medium to light skin, with full lips, a straight, balanced nose, intense eyes, and firm, smooth soft tissue, with a well-groomed, clean-cut hairstyle or slightly longer.
  • His facial harmony is likely high, with well-balanced and symmetrical features that complement his strong bone structure, creating a refined and cohesive appearance.
  • His possible facial flaws or deviations might include slight asymmetry or minor imperfections, but nothing that significantly detracts from his overall attractiveness or harmony.
  • He is likely 6'0, with a lean, muscular body that is athletic yet naturally well-proportioned.
  • He is likely to be in a professional or technical field that requires specialized knowledge, possibly in areas like engineering, technology, or finance, with a salary that is moderately high but likely similar or slightly below XXXXX's income at the time of meeting, based on the chart's indications of balance in career and resources.
  • Based on the chart, the age gap is likely to be minimal, with a difference of 1 to 2 years either way.
  • His skin and collagen quality will keep him looking youthful, firm, and healthy, complementing his structured face without the sagging or wear that comes with age or environmental stress.
  • JFL
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