White men already have their scapegoats for their failures



Jan 10, 2019
Feminism, liberals, gays, minorities. That's it. Not any of people or policies that have funneled millions to the top, leaving little money or education for the rest of people to lift themselves up. You stupid fucks complaining about Bernie Sanders and AOC's proposals when FDR's policies had higher taxes. They want a 70% top marginal tax. Our marginal tax rate in the successful years of America was 90%. They had to amend the constitution because of how popular FDR was. The estate tax was higher. We can't even have tax income from weed or prostitution because of fools like you guys supporting big business. Don't like giving out subsides? Guess that's why you let companies like Amazon pay no taxes on over 11 billions dollars of profit whiling still wanting tax payers to pay for his fucking helipad. Its been proven that every dollar you spend educating a person they make 7 back. So a 7:1 ratio isn't good enough to put people through school. The how can we pay for it is proof you guys are really just cucks pretending to be alpha. Endless wars, subsides for big business, the pentagon spending money out of the ass. Corporations have sucked the Earth dry for the middle and poor now those effects are hurting you whites and you see the truth of life. They've gotten the oil, other natural resources, and cheap labor, now they its your turn. You may not get beaten or shot in the streets by a cop, but they will lay your ass off (like we saw in the 2008 recession) and outsource your jobs. Now automation is coming to take most jobs in the world. What will you say then when the world looks like Elysium? The same IQ and competition cope. Climate change won't care about race. Look at the deaths from wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and extreme cold temperatures. It has cost us 350 billion over the past decade and will go up substantially. In the next few years hundreds of thousands of people will die because of this. You fools shun UBI. How the fuck can we make any money when literally 90% of jobs will be gone. Talk about competition when algorithms and robots come all you want, you won't be able to keep up. You guys are just mad that others are getting more freedoms while your drugs called delusion and narcissism can't save you anymore. Literally all of domestic terrorist attacks last year were right wingers. I know I'll only get the same bullshit IQ arguments with no one debunking my points. Debunk my points. Any bullshit about IQ will be ignored. Come at me bitches.
No takers? Where are your great debating skill guys?
this is a looks maxing forum
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Why u keeping on “you”. Nah nigga that’s a “you” problem not a “me” problem
No takers? Where are your great debating skill guys?
Bring it on faggit. My argument is just work harder and stop complaining u over sissified bitch
this is a looks maxing forum
Yeah and so many people in their arena keep talking about IQ. Then bring that shit and debunk what I spoke.
Why u keeping on “you”. Nah nigga that’s a “you” problem not a “me” problem

Bring it on faggit. My argument is just work harder and stop complaining u over sissified bitch
Oh course we should work hard but the world is skewed like crazy. How you feel as an ugly dude is what minorities are treated like in real life with other things like jobs, the cops, and so on.
Yeah and so many people in their arena keep talking about IQ. Then bring that shit and debunk what I spoke.
It's more of a redpilltalk topic
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I'll ignore the straw manning of "white men" and address a couple of your points:
FDR's policies were popular therefore they were good
Ad populum fallacy
Our marginal tax rate in the successful years of America was 90%
Hardly anyone actually paid that rate, see: https://taxfoundation.org/taxes-rich-1950-not-high/
We need to increase education spending
Federal spending on education has exploded over the last 40 years, but outcomes have stagnated: See: https://www.cato.org/publications/c...mpact-federal-involvement-americas-classrooms
They will lay you off and offshore your jobs
Good, if that's what is most economically efficient I'm all for it.
What will you say when the world looks like Elysium?
As long as its a result of the free market, I support it. Survival of the fittest.
Climate change
Sure, I agree we need to engage in preparations for the effects of climate change.
90% of the jobs will be gone due to automation
[Citation needed]. But sure, if this happens a basic income via something like Freidman's negative income tax might work, so long as it replaces all other welfare programs. Otherwise it's simply fiscally untenable.
you guys are just mad about drug legalization
Nope, I support drug legalization.
all domestic terrorist attacks were right-wingers
Yeah, hardly anyone denies that. There are lots of backward rednecks in this country.

Btw, I'm saying all of this as a moderate (fiscally conservative, socially liberal), I'm not some kind of alt-right trump supporter.
I'll ignore the straw manning of "white men" and address a couple of your points:

Ad populum fallacy

Hardly anyone actually paid that rate, see: https://taxfoundation.org/taxes-rich-1950-not-high/

Federal spending on education has exploded over the last 40 years, but outcomes have stagnated: See: https://www.cato.org/publications/c...mpact-federal-involvement-americas-classrooms

Good, if that's what is most economically efficient I'm all for it.

As long as its a result of the free market, I support it. Survival of the fittest.

Sure, I agree we need to engage in preparations for the effects of climate change.

[Citation needed]. But sure, if this happens a basic income via something like Freidman's negative income tax might work, so long as it replaces all other welfare programs. Otherwise it's simply fiscally untenable.

Nope, I support drug legalization.

Yeah, hardly anyone denies that. There are lots of backward rednecks in this country.

Btw, I'm saying all of this as a moderate (fiscally conservative, socially liberal), I'm not some kind of alt-right trump supporter.
Well god damn good shit. Someone who actutally somewhat woke in this bitch. But FDR's policies were both. I mean true about the spending on education but the cost has gone through the roof so it means nothing. What jobs do ou think will be around when automations and robtos hit?

Also cut the shit on not caring if the world is like Elysium. Our world ends its chance at stepping into intergalltic travel if that's the case. Hell at most things if we let the world be that unbalanced. Not saying you support Trump but lots of whites still carry the stuck view about minorities while the rich literally strip everything from people.
Well god damn good shit. Someone who actutally somewhat woke in this bitch. But FDR's policies were both. I mean true about the spending on education but the cost has gone through the roof so it means nothing. What jobs do ou think will be around when automations and robtos hit?

Also cut the shit on not caring if the world is like Elysium. Our world ends its chance at stepping into intergalltic travel if that's the case. Hell at most things if we let the world be that unbalanced. Not saying you support Trump but lots of whites still carry the stuck view about minorities while the rich literally strip everything from people.
I was taking your reference to Elysium to be a critique of extreme social stratification, which is not something I oppose on its own grounds. I recognize that the exact realization of the Elysium arrangement would be far from socially or environmentally optimal. But I would have to challenge you on the notion that the rich are stripping "literally everything" from "the people": the fact is that humans have never been better off economically (including the bottom 20% of developed world citizens who live better than the top 20% did a century ago, measured in utility terms), and that is in large part due to the innovations introduced by the entrepreneurial class.
I was taking your reference to Elysium to be a critique of extreme social stratification, which is not something I oppose on its own grounds. I recognize that the exact realization of the Elysium arrangement would be far from socially or environmentally optimal. But I would have to challenge you on the notion that the rich are stripping "literally everything" from "the people": the fact is that humans have never been better off economically (including the bottom 20% of developed world citizens who live better than the top 20% did a century ago, measured in utility terms), and that is in large part due to the innovations introduced by the entrepreneurial class.
You really think the rich are the only ones capable of good ideas? Fuck no. They just have the money to actually produce it. That's unfair and slows our society down vastly. You act like planned obsolescence is not real. Imagine where we would be if companies didn't hold us back for bottom line?
Didn't read,but if you said jews you would be correct, jews are the best scapegoats because they control the media, Hollywood and federal reserve and banking system.

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