White mob attacks a middle-aged Black man, and justice is swiftly served by Blacks (Whites BTFO)

My 16 yo highschool autistic self knew better how to fight
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Context: Black dockworker tells White guy to move his boat. White guy refuses and attacks him unprovoked. White guy's family joins in on the beating, Black bystanders proceed to beat the fuck out of White family. 🤣
@DickLatinCel on suicide watch after his Cumskins get fkd up
  • JFL
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Itt White nigger apologists who can't handle their saviors being dealt with swift justice, so they need to somehow make the white family out to be the victims. Like the dumbass @Part-Time Chad who thinks the Blacks were motivated by racism. Well yeah, dumbass. The White family was also motivated by racism but you simply wanted the blacks to just sit back and watch the white family gang up on the nigger, because THAT is clearly fair, right? :rolleyes:
Now I know you're a negrocentric retard.

This was never a discussion about whether it was right for the white guy to hit the black security guard. Neither I, nor you, know what was said, or done, between them.

The beginning of the video doesn't tell the whole story, since it starts with the black security guard pointing at the white guy (taunting him? I can't tell) and the white guy charging and hitting him. One has to wonder why the camera person bothered to start recording in the first place. Obviously, something had happened before the beginning of the video for him to start filming, but neither of us know what. So, claiming that the white guy's actions were motivated by "racism" is just ignorant. They might've been, but you don't know this.

What WAS clearly motivated by racism was all those thugged out lowlifes chimping out and assaulting the whites for sport. They were not "defending" anyone, but just capitalizing on an opportunity to express their hatred for whitey with violence. I've seen shit like this involving nigs go down many times during my life. It's a behavior pattern with them, and everyone knows it. That's why the based old generation used to keep them quarantined in their own neighborhoods, preventing them from spreading crime and chaos everywhere else.

Your argument that "the blacks whopped whitey's ass, and you don't like it" is low I.Q.. That's was never what this argument was about. But that, of course, won't stop you from constantly repeating it.
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spoken like a true bitch nigger
White men in 2k23
IMG 6559
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  • JFL
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Now I know you're a negrocentric retard.

This was never a discussion about whether it was right for the white guy to hit the black security guard. Neither I, nor you, know what was said, or done, between them.

The beginning of the video doesn't tell the whole story, since it starts with the black security guard pointing at the white guy (taunting him? I can't tell) and the white guy charging and hitting him. One has to wonder why the camera person bothered to start recording in the first place. Obviously, something had happened before the beginning of the video for him to start filming, but neither of us know what. So, claiming that the white guy's actions were motivated by "racism" is just ignorant. They might've been, but you don't know this.

What WAS clearly motivated by racism was all those thugged out lowlifes chimping out and assaulting the whites for sport. They were not "defending" anyone, but just capitalizing on an opportunity to express their hatred for whitey with violence. I've seen shit like this involving nigs go down many times during my life. It's a behavior pattern with them, and everyone knows it. That's why the based old generation used to keep them quarantined in their own neighborhoods, preventing them from spreading crime and chaos everywhere else.

Your argument that "the blacks whopped whitey's ass, and you don't like it" is low I.Q.. That's was never what this argument was about. But that, of course, won't stop you from constantly repeating it.
9A91B95C 1071 4942 B521 3B0DD096D061

get back cracka
  • JFL
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subhumans fighting subhumans, and their issues.

Is it strange that I could never find myself in a situation like this?
It's like some people don't have basic risk:gain assessments in their brain.

Let them destroy themselves and take themselves out.
Normal civilized people would never get into a situation like this.

It's what the elites want: People fighting each other, instead of looking at what the real issues in life are and who is to blame.

Divide and conquer.
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Bro trying to play colorblind with "muh asshole family" while also saying shit like "shitskins want revenge on Whites for being successful". Cognitive dissonance ass

it’s shitskins who have the cognitive dissonance, the shitskins who want whites to be colorblind BUT then group all whites together as one when it’s convenient for them.

JFL that’s the entire point i was making you dumb shitskin cuck.
Admit it, you’re a shitskin cuckold for blacks who hates Whites
  • +1
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Now I know you're a negrocentric retard.

This was never a discussion about whether it was right for the white guy to hit the black security guard. Neither I, nor you, know what was said, or done, between them.

The beginning of the video doesn't tell the whole story, since it starts with the black security guard pointing at the white guy (taunting him? I can't tell) and the white guy charging and hitting him. One has to wonder why the camera person bothered to start recording in the first place. Obviously, something had happened before the beginning of the video for him to start filming, but neither of us know what. So, claiming that the white guy's actions were motivated by "racism" is just ignorant. They might've been, but you don't know this.

What WAS clearly motivated by racism was all those thugged out lowlifes chimping out and assaulting the whites for sport. They were not "defending" anyone, but just capitalizing on an opportunity to express their hatred for whitey with violence. I've seen shit like this involving nigs go down many times during my life. It's a behavior pattern with them, and everyone knows it. That's why the based old generation used to keep them quarantined in their own neighborhoods, preventing them from spreading crime and chaos everywhere else.

Your argument that "the blacks whopped whitey's ass, and you don't like it" is low I.Q.. That's was never what this argument was about. But that, of course, won't stop you from constantly repeating it.
Fucking moron

If you admit can't prove that the Whites were motivated by racism, then you neither can prove the Blacks were. Shit you're so easy to dispose of. Med (Arab) tier IQ
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they picked the wrong guy to lynch
Fucking moron

If you admit can't prove that the Whites were motivated by racism, then you neither can prove the Blacks were. Shit you're so easy to dispose of. Med (Arab) tier IQ
Except the whites were family, while the nigs were not related at all. Big difference, buddy.

Not only that, most of the nigs didn't even know what the fuck the fighting was about. All they saw from a distance was whites fighting blacks, and they all automatically decided to attack the whites, like a pack of hyenas hungry for prey.

Think before you attack anyone's I.Q.. They may shatter the glass house you're living in.
  • +1
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Alabama's filled with retarded niggas and inbred whites
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Except the whites were family, while the nigs were not related at all. Big difference, buddy.

Not only that, most of the nigs didn't even know what the fuck the fighting was about. All they saw from a distance was whites fighting blacks, and they all automatically decided to attack the whites, like a pack of hyenas hungry for prey.

Think before you attack anyone's I.Q.. They may shatter the glass house you're living in.
yep this is why race blindness can be fatal. other groups that DO band together based on race will dominate your group cuz your group are all individualized
yep this is why race blindness can be fatal. other groups that DO band together based on race will dominate your group cuz your group are all individualized
Absolutely agree.
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Unless you're black yourself, why do you think this is funny??

Whites only stick up for each other if they're related, while blacks stick up for each other simply because they don't like whitey, so they'll take advantage of any chance they get to chimp out on them. They're the most racist motherfuckers on the planet, yet they have the audacity to call others "racist". JFL.

All those baboons that jumped in to beat the white family should've been immediately arrested and charged with as many counts as possible (including "hate crimes", if they have those in Georgia). They had absolutely no business interfering in that altercation, except being racially motivated. Unfortunately, some of the cops on the scene were foids, which means they were useless. What a joke of a society we're living in.

The media's reporting of this incident is beyond biased, saying shit like "people joined in the fight". No, BLACKS joined in. They were motivated purely because of their racial animosity towards whites. Period. Report the facts, you liberal scumbags.

Those lowlifes should've tried this shit in a blue collar Italian neighborhood in the 80s. The result would've been much different.
the intitlement of you bigots is insane, you wanted that guy being jumped to be a victim. You think because the guy is black he deserves to be attacked and bring up the 1980s, well guess what its 2023 its not the 1980s.
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Bro trying to play colorblind with "muh asshole family" while also saying shit like "shitskins want revenge on Whites for being successful". Cognitive dissonance ass
bigots love to play stupid and use word games.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21147, PrinceLuenLeoncur and Deleted member 23778
Except the whites were family, while the nigs were not related at all. Big difference, buddy.

Not only that, most of the nigs didn't even know what the fuck the fighting was about. All they saw from a distance was whites fighting blacks, and they all automatically decided to attack the whites, like a pack of hyenas hungry for prey.

Think before you attack anyone's I.Q.. They may shatter the glass house you're living in.
Listen Paco, if my family was beating up on an innocent man, I wouldn't join in especially if my bitchass cousin was beating on an old man. But you're too BITCHMADE to understand this
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  • JFL
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Listen Paco, if my family was beating up on an innocent man, I wouldn't join in especially if my bitchass cousin was beating on an old man. But you're too BITCHMADE to understand this
How the fuck do you know he was innocent?? Did you see what happened before the onlookers started recording? No, you didn't. So STFU, Pageet.

It was a fair fight. No one was beating on anyone, until the whites jumped in to help their family member against the dock worker, who was twice his size. Watch the video again, before you run your mouth, fucking dipshit.
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The more time i spend on this website the more i realize how much of a joke the white race is
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  • JFL
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The more time i spend on this website the more i realize how much of a joke the white race is
Another pathetic 5'2 pradeep trying to attach himself to black SMV jfl.
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  • JFL
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Bro who tf attacks a pudgy middle aged man WITH THEIR WHOLE FAMILY like wtf, these people should have been publicly lynched
Dishonest piece of shit. Dude who first attacked was fighting one on one with the black security guard and then the other people joined in . He didnt ask them to join in
I'd argue you are whatever you look like. Race is a made-up concept used to describe appearance so it only makes sense to describe it based as such.

These are all mulattos with black and white mothers but all of them look white and thus are considered white by most of society on face value. Only one drop retards who knew their ancestary would consider them black.
View attachment 2367028View attachment 2367030View attachment 2367033
Tate doesnt look white he is obviously mixed. You shitskin? Jfl at shitskin standards of whiteness . If ur lighter than coal you're white
  • Hmm...
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No insult needed lol your existence is an insult
With this amount of creativity being typical of your kind it is no wonder the white race stopped progressing and is facing a genocide by miscegenation. Your countries economies will soon be overtaken by great India. Jai Hind!
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and LampPostPrime
Dishonest piece of shit. Dude who first attacked was fighting one on one with the black security guard and then the other people joined in . He didnt ask them to join in
Doesn't fucking matter, they had zero business doing so
How the fuck do you know he was innocent?? Did you see what happened before the onlookers started recording? No, you didn't. So STFU, Pageet.

It was a fair fight. No one was beating on anyone, until the whites jumped in to help their family member against the dock worker, who was twice his size. Watch the video again, before you run your mouth, fucking dipshit.
Muh we don't know what happened

I'll put it simply to your basement dwelling ass

Putting your hands on someone who didn't put their hands on you IS BY DEFINITION NOT FAIR. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But go ahead and defend attacking an old man. Muh twice his size, yeah and dude was more than half his age.
Caring about race in general is subhuman antisocial behavior.

I promise you, there’s a white guy who is an exact personality clone of you, and an asian guy as well, an arab, a latino, even a fucking gypsy.

The world is not separated into black and white
It’s separated into asshole and decent. Don’t be a subhuman Farrakhan, be a Chad Luther King Jr.
Caring about race in general is subhuman antisocial behavior.

I promise you, there’s a white guy who is an exact personality clone of you, and an asian guy as well, an arab, a latino, even a fucking gypsy.

The world is not separated into black and white
It’s separated into asshole and decent. Don’t be a subhuman Farrakhan, be a Chad Luther King Jr.
Nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your culture and phenotype

And you can think like this if you want but you're asking to be conquered if you do
JFL whites are pathetic. The history books will look at them as retarded in 10000 years when they have been replaced and gone extinct due to their own stupidity.

JFL at SFcels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your culture and phenotype

And you can think like this if you want but you're asking to be conquered if you do
Nothing happens when you die. Even biblically nothing happening on earth matters when you’re dead. You’re applying importance where there is none.

also that last part is pure cringe, nobody is trying to conquer anything or anybody. Schizophrenic incel fantasies.

But even still, let’s pretend all of that shit is real and matters, there’s a massive difference between preserving your culture and phenotype (which is cope because I guarantee you wouldn’t be opposed to something like a Brit mixing with a Lithuanian despite them having different phenotypes and cultures), and actively hating other groups of people. You can preserve your culture and phenotype without thinking other ones are somehow worse or thinking other groups of people are bad.
  • +1
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Muh we don't know what happened

I'll put it simply to your basement dwelling ass

Putting your hands on someone who didn't put their hands on you IS BY DEFINITION NOT FAIR. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But go ahead and defend attacking an old man. Muh twice his size, yeah and dude was more than half his age.
Dude, how the fuck did this suddenly morph into an argument about the dock worker? Oh, that's right, when you lost the argument about the nigs jumping in and pummelling the white family for no other reason than because they hate whitey.

Listen, bro, just give up at this point. You keep wiggling away and receding into ever more remote corners every time you lose an argument. It's gotten to the point of absurdity. I understand you don't wanna lose face, but c'mon man. You've been handily defeated.
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Nothing happens when you die. Even biblically nothing happening on earth matters when you’re dead. You’re applying importance where there is none.

also that last part is pure cringe, nobody is trying to conquer anything or anybody. Schizophrenic incel fantasies.

But even still, let’s pretend all of that shit is real and matters, there’s a massive difference between preserving your culture and phenotype (which is cope because I guarantee you wouldn’t be opposed to something like a Brit mixing with a Lithuanian despite them having different phenotypes and cultures), and actively hating other groups of people. You can preserve your culture and phenotype without thinking other ones are somehow worse or thinking other groups of people are bad.
Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Pass this info onto the nigs.
Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Pass this info onto the nigs.
The only black people who are racist are suburban ones who grow up around white people and are insecure about their own perceived lack of blackness, so they overcompensate by becoming nation of islam members.

Most black people are chill and not racist.
  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Muh we don't know what happened

I'll put it simply to your basement dwelling ass

Putting your hands on someone who didn't put their hands on you IS BY DEFINITION NOT FAIR. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But go ahead and defend attacking an old man. Muh twice his size, yeah and dude was more than half his age.
can you believe these idiots its a dock-worker, he didn't want to fight and was doing hes job. Thats is not no fair fight and the bigots are acting stupid so they can have excuse to be bigots.
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and Deleted member 23778
Dude, how the fuck did this suddenly morph into an argument about the dock worker? Oh, that's right, when you lost the argument about the nigs jumping in and pummelling the white family for no other reason than because they hate whitey.

Listen, bro, just give up at this point. You keep wiggling away and receding into ever more remote corners every time you lose an argument. It's gotten to the point of absurdity. I understand you don't wanna lose face, but c'mon man. You've been handily defeated.
Nigger the boat people were LITERALLY PARKED THERE SEEING WHAT WAS HAPPENING since the dumbass white family REFUSED to cooperate. They pummeled an old man, and got what was coming to them. That's fucking it. You putting your head in the sand because you want to own the niggers doesn't change that no matter how loudly you bark
Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Pass this info onto the nigs.
Finally you showed your true colours

Took a while but the cumskin supremacist in you wasn’t able to remain level headed forever I know your dumb ass would come out and expose your ass as a racist cunt.
  • +1
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Nigger the boat people were LITERALLY PARKED THERE SEEING WHAT WAS HAPPENING since the dumbass white family REFUSED to cooperate. They pummeled an old man, and got what was coming to them. That's fucking it. You putting your head in the sand because you want to own the niggers doesn't change that no matter how loudly you bark
You're not only stupid, but also blind.

There were blacks that came running from way upstairs, because they saw white people from the distance and just couldn't resist being a part of the action. You can clearly see this in the video. And the ones that came off the boat were obviously looking for trouble, as they came after the melee had been pretty much over. Those thugged out motherfuckers went all the way to the white family's boat, and started hitting them, thereby reigniting the riot.

There's a world of difference between the white family, who jumped in to help their relative, and a bunch of black strangers, who jumped in for no other reason but because they wanted a chance to beat whitey.

You sound desperate to make these lowlifes look good, no matter what the video shows. Wtf is you motivation? Must be because you identify with them, as you're clearly a lowlife yourself.

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  • +1
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Finally you showed your true colours

Took a while but the cumskin supremacist in you wasn’t able to remain level headed forever I know your dumb ass would come out and expose your ass as a racist cunt.
How the fuck are you any less racist than me??
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  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Nothing happens when you die. Even biblically nothing happening on earth matters when you’re dead. You’re applying importance where there is none.

also that last part is pure cringe, nobody is trying to conquer anything or anybody. Schizophrenic incel fantasies.

But even still, let’s pretend all of that shit is real and matters, there’s a massive difference between preserving your culture and phenotype (which is cope because I guarantee you wouldn’t be opposed to something like a Brit mixing with a Lithuanian despite them having different phenotypes and cultures), and actively hating other groups of people. You can preserve your culture and phenotype without thinking other ones are somehow worse or thinking other groups of people are bad.
nihilist reddit atheist retard cringe in first part, not worth replying to. if i put a gun to your head you'd cry like a bitch even though you say "dying dont matter"

and how is wanting to preserve your culture and pheno mean that you hate others? lol. and thats a horrible example, lithuanian and brit have way closer pheno than fucking white vs black. half the time it would be impossible to tell who is brit and who is lithuanian anyways. its like your trying to make a bad argument at this point lol.

and its sickeningly obvious white people are trying to be conquered, just look at fucking france you dolt. you're either ethnic or white cuck faggot putting your head in the sand
can you believe these idiots its a dock-worker, he didn't want to fight and was doing hes job. Thats is not no fair fight and the bigots are acting stupid so they can have excuse to be bigots.
not a fair fight ???? the dock guy was twice the white guys size lol. extreme intellectual dishonesty
  • Ugh..
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muh culture. muh pasta recipes. muh fermented fish. muh big toe shape.
you guys sure don't sing this same song when . . . white people move into your neighborhoods lol. then y'all cry and scream at the top of your lungs about "muh gentrification" lol (which basically just means whites are way more successful than blacks and can actually be civilized)
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  • Hmm...
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How the fuck are you any less racist than me??
I never said I was… and I’m a troll but you see a racist coward for denying it for so long h til you showed your true colours. At least I never hide from my opinions and it’s clear my racism is in jest but yours is real and evil like that faggot @LampPostPrime
  • JFL
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