Who's the worst user on the forum?

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i wan pat pat!
4cd93eed ebaa 440b ab4c d1c647fa3e4b
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The worst user on every forum is always a contrarian asshole who likes to start debates out of nowhere just to see the other person pissed off. I hate low agreeable, highly confrontational people. They make the worst people in society.
iwannalooksmax is a pretty good example
Oh, definitely! Such an arrogant prick.
i love debating for a mutual benefit. but nigga has his mind set on a perspective and is only there to piss people off. oh yeah he is also a self hating sand nigger.
Explains the amount of projection on his part.
yeah he wants to be precieved as white so badly that he would take the side of any mainstream western opinion automatically. anyways nice that someone agrees with me that nigga is insufferable
I'll go first. @Lebgfinal followed shortly by @BrahminBoss
@AlexBrown84 Don't get me wrong, faggots are terrible. However, faggots who lie about their faggotry to attempt to save their reputation are dirty slutty pigs.
@BrahminBoss is a much better user than you
  • Hmm...
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@AlexBrown84 Don't get me wrong, faggots are terrible. However, faggots who lie about their faggotry to attempt to save their reputation are dirty slutty pigs.
  • WTF
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  • JFL
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I'm just being objective, snownigger
Brahminboss hasn't posted a single quality post maybe ever. He's also been on .org for over a year without putting in minimum effort, dude's so pathetic he can't even get an arranged marriage even though that's what 90% of people do in india :lul: he's like the curry version of lebgfinal
  • Hmm...
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You have?
now suck my dick lil nigga
newfags smh

don’t know legends
"newfags" carry the forum imagine having been on here for several years :lul:, just means you haven't been putting in any effort and rotted on here
@Lebgfinal type shit
now suck my dick lil nigga
Shit threads kys. Lil nigger we're the same height
  • JFL
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No copes here boyo
rad thread could use some editing but the snus thread is objectively good with very useful information including sources, you're coping at this point
rad thread could use some editing but the snus thread is objectively good with very useful information including sources, you're coping at this point
Idk dnr it. Brahminboss has good threads idk what your problem is with him theres way worse users
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Never read any of that, most of it is water anyway
I'll pray for you bro you need to start acting like an adult. I'd recommend that you look into orthodox christianity.
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I'll pray for you bro you need to start acting like an adult. I'd recommend that you look into orthodox christianity.
I am catholic. If I were to "look into" orthodoxy i would be beaten to death where I live
If I were to "look into" orthodoxy i would be beaten to death where I live
catholic moment

But in all honesty I think you should go to church and work on self improvement more. Working on yourself brings honor to God
catholic moment

But in all honesty I think you should go to church and work on self improvement more. Working on yourself brings honor to God
please nigga you barely know the guy and act like you have the solution to his problems
  • JFL
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first we start with the forum narcies this reclusive Species typically include the ones who try to get validation from the forum Autists some notable ones are @Flunkyflamigo aka can’t stop posting his face @WishIwasChico it was ok for like 3 days before the constant unending bragging of merely matching with mid tinder whores got annoying and thirdly we have @BrahminBoss who never posts anything besides dim lighting photos squintmaxxes and screams about zygos and fucking thyroid now we move on to the annoying fuckers we start with the most notable one @Ai Impact 99 percent of his threads are just shitty race baits using the same recycled points and studies and then we got @Xangsane the ceo of autism himself his threads consist of hating white folk hurricanes meaningless statistics and constant asking for validation “am I masc or pretty boy”. “Would I get butt fucked in prison”. “Why”. On a positive note he does occasionally send out a useful thread like the one about gpt
Like half the forum is psychopath narcy zoomers lol
Me im a shitty person that deserves death sentence

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