Why am i even here? There is no hope for me. I dont belong here

Are you serious.....?? DUDE i did the exact same shit i forget to mention that, highschool was 10 years ago for me, when ever my friend left early i had to sit alone outside on a bench while everyone is with each other, at some point some random dude approached me and harassed me, After that i followed my friends advice who when i left early just was in the bathroom untill lunch break was over and this was 30 fucking minutes!! he told me he just played angry birds on his phone, i did the same played tetris on my phone because i didnt have a fancy phone, i got bullied once a guy yanked my backbag randomly so from that day i went all the way to the fifth floor bathroom and i got caught twice but kept wasting time where ever i could... Man remembering all this stuff looking back is just really sad damn but how much i have changed over the years.. and still getting better
I remember I would draw on the bathroom walls too lol. I had to pass the time somehow once my phone ran out of battery. All my stays in the bathroom would be me basically waiting for the "hey (insert name), you in here?" and I'd just say "yep". Then they'd give me the whole rant on how I couldve been passed out on the floor convulsing and nobody would know because I hadn't showed up to class. As if I cared at the time lol
I will studycel and try to forget everything related to women or looksmaxxing. Nofap day 10 and 0 desire to fap because I see no point in fapping to something i will never experience.

I am a subhuman and I should accept it. Probably gonna castrate myself. I am low t anyway. An underdeveloped, boneless babyfaced faggot I am. No girl likes me. Women turn their heads when I look at them.

I will be a virgin until my dead. The only cope I have is the university and Fortnite.
I doubt you are too ugly even for an ugly girl
I remember I would draw on the bathroom walls too lol. I had to pass the time somehow once my phone ran out of battery. All my stays in the bathroom would be me basically waiting for the "hey (insert name), you in here?" and I'd just say "yep". Then they'd give me the whole rant on how I couldve been passed out on the floor convulsing and nobody would know because I hadn't showed up to class. As if I cared at the time lol

man... school just sucks in general doesnt it, IT school was a joke for me literally a cock fest one of the biggest reason i never experienced girls at a young age, NO GIRLS in the whole building....i dropped out of that after a 10months, After did i battled anxiety which lasted 3 years for me to get over it and i was just home 2 years was needed to get back on track, i wanted to increase my muscle which i never really focused on enough and stayed skinny another year was needed to figure out what i wanted to do tried multiple tings in the process but didnt get accepted things like cook school even security gaurd i got kicked while being interviews because i didnt hold eye contact enough, last year i finally decied to try again went to barber school got kicked within a record of only a month of school, and thats when i had enough and decided 2019 is the time to forget everything and peruse the things i really wanted in the first place which is build muscle to survive and fix my skin etc and the cosmetic surgery. thats why im still single... because all this fuckery with school slowed me down.... i never experienced school with girls. i did last year saw some good things but i got kicked.... so this year no school i might try again next year
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man... school just sucks in general doesnt it, IT school was a joke for me literally a cock fest one of the biggest reason i never experienced girls at a young age, NO GIRLS in the whole building....i dropped out of that after a 10months, After did i battled anxiety which lasted 3 years for me to get over it and i was just home 2 years was needed to get back on track, i wanted to increase my muscle which i never really focused on enough and stayed skinny another year was needed to figure out what i wanted to do tried multiple tings in the process but didnt get accepted things like cook school even security gaurd i got kicked while being interviews because i didnt hold eye contact enough, last year i finally decied to try again went to barber school got kicked within a record of only a month of school, and thats when i had enough and decided 2019 is the time to forget everything and peruse the things i really wanted in the first place which is build muscle to survive and fix my skin etc and the cosmetic surgery. thats why im still single... because all this fuckery with school slowed me down.... i never experienced school with girls. i did last year saw some good things but i got kicked.... so this year no school i might try again next year
I've never even attempted a job interview because I knew I wouldn't be able to make even a second of eye contact. I'm probably better by now though, but I don't need a job anyway I could probably just get a small loan of a million dollars from some member of my family
I've never even attempted a job interview because I knew I wouldn't be able to make even a second of eye contact. I'm probably better by now though, but I don't need a job anyway I could probably just get a small loan of a million dollars from some member of my family

Gib mal bisschen Geld Bruder :3
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I've never even attempted a job interview because I knew I wouldn't be able to make even a second of eye contact. I'm probably better by now though, but I don't need a job anyway I could probably just get a small loan of a million dollars from some member of my family

Yep not to forget moneymaxxing, im in deffo need for money to buy the things i want which means i have to search for a job....i worked for ups for one day and quit on the same day... dont have a good record with jobs only attempted 1 job interview before that and ques what they kicked me from the interview... because i didnt show enough enthusiasm......... FUCK OFFF!!! i really wanna punch that bitch in the face.
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