Why are jews so obesessed with destroying western white people? What's their beef?



Oct 4, 2019
Hey jews, why are you constantly trying to convince me that a "regular" pale skinned christian or atheist european person is the greatest threat to mankind or something? Like why do you constantly follow them around everywhere around the world and try to fuck up their countries? And then also talk about them in your media as if they are the worst thing on this earth. How are they a threat to me? Please explain. Because they aren't really intelligent, they just do menial factory work or farm work most of the time, they don't commit much crime or terrorism, and they leave people alone for the most part. So it can't be jealousy because they are usually not rich and not intelligent. What the fuck is your obsession with hating them? They are the least intimidating, least scary people on earth. And don't tell me "because muh holocaust" because you've been doing this to them for centuries and that was the reason for your little holocaust to begin with. Why don't you speak about arabs this way despite all the pain and humiliation they have inflicted on you over the centuries and just recently in October. You never speak this way about Muslims and arabs like they are the greatest threat to the earth and must be replaced or whatever. Jews are extinct from muslim countries yet the white people tolerate you in the west. The arabs were gang raping your little teenage Jewish girl's brains out on october 7th, but "ohhh western Europeans are still the worst humans on earth and need to be replaced" lol. Fucking retards.
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Children of Esau - this you
Descendants of Ishmael - this Arab Muslims
Jew hate both
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Children of Esau - this you
Descendants of Ishmael - this Arab Muslims
Jew hate both
They seem to hate western Europeans the most for some reason.
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Atheist european is destroying your countries more than the jews you hate
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"zog zog zog zog zog"
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This is antisemitism
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Hey jews, why are you constantly trying to convince me that a "regular" pale skinned christian or atheist european person is the greatest threat to mankind or something? Like why do you constantly follow them around everywhere around the world and try to fuck up their countries? And then also talk about them in your media as if they are the worst thing on this earth. How are they a threat to me? Please explain. Because they aren't really intelligent, they just do menial factory work or farm work most of the time, they don't commit much crime or terrorism, and they leave people alone for the most part. So it can't be jealousy because they are usually not rich and not intelligent. What the fuck is your obsession with hating them? They are the least intimidating, least scary people on earth. And don't tell me "because muh holocaust" because you've been doing this to them for centuries and that was the reason for your little holocaust to begin with. Why don't you speak about arabs this way despite all the pain and humiliation they have inflicted on you over the centuries and just recently in October. You never speak this way about Muslims and arabs like they are the greatest threat to the earth and must be replaced or whatever. Jews are extinct from muslim countries yet the white people tolerate you in the west. The arabs were gang raping your little teenage Jewish girl's brains out on october 7th, but "ohhh western Europeans are still the worst humans on earth and need to be replaced" lol. Fucking retards.
Take meds schizo
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They seem to hate western Europeans the most for some reason.

Whites dominated them in the past so they interwove a revenge fantasy into their oral history, called it a religion, and obsessed over it daily for thousands of years.

They now believe they have destroy Esau until there is not a remnant left to repair the world, and no attempt at reasoning with them or logic will dissuade them from this thousands-year long inculcated nonsense. You either have to respond in kind or they will never stop.
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Reactions: 1966Ford, Deleted member 52298, Deleted member 23391 and 10 others
This is antisemitism
Who cares? Its not antisemitism, I'm not using their special word. They have a special word for everything. "Holocaust" "antisemite" "blood libel" "pogroms" "tropes". I prefer to use the word "shlomophobe" or jewphobic
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Who cares? Its not antisemitism, I'm not using their special word. They have a special word for everything. "Holocaust" "antisemite" "blood libel" "pogroms" "tropes". I prefer to use the word "shlomophobe" or jewphobic
They are master race that’s why keep coping
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white people destroyed their temple like 2500 years ago or something like that and they are still mad about it
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They are master race that’s why keep coping
Hmm sure. Okay. Yeah i guess so. Since they love degeneracy so much and always have a high IQ and use that high IQ to promote more retarded dumbfuck culture.
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They aren't, you're just a paranoid chud conspiracy theorist.
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white people destroyed their temple like 2500 years ago or something like that and they are still mad about it
Isn't that idolatry then? Obsessing about a physical object? Something they hate? And how can the problems caused by people 2000 years ago translate down to the people today? And Romans were southern European Italian type people. But again there are hardly any jews in Italy fucking up Italy. And arabs did far worse to jews than any Romans did.
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They aren't, you're just a paranoid chud conspiracy theorist.
No, everytime the media groups that have Jewish CEO talk about white people, they are literally trying to convince me that some bitch little white supremacist living in his mom's basement is the scariest most dangerous thing on this earth Hahaha! And they talk about white people like they are human garbage and all the brown and black people should unite and follow behind the jews to replace and destroy all the white people. LoL. Most of the migrants from South America hate jews themselves and support palestine.
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No, everytime the media groups that have Jewish CEO talk about white people, they are literally trying to convince me that some bitch little white supremacist living in his mom's basement is the scariest most dangerous thing on this earth Hahaha!

This is how you look saying these insane chud conspiracies
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This is how you look saying these insane chud conspiracies
"Oyyy veyyy, diz is not true goyim, you're just reading too many conspiracy websites, it's just a coincidence that you are finding so many of us in all these disgusting industries" LMAO
  • JFL
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"Oyyy veyyy, diz is not true goyim, you're just reading too many conspiracy websites, it's just a coincidence that you are finding so many of us in all these disgusting industries" LMAO
You need to be sent to a pscyh ward and medicated asap
There is no scientific, peer reviewed trustable sources for these chud conspiracies
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  • JFL
Reactions: RonnieMcNuttMaxxing and GuyFromSingapore
You need to be sent to a pscyh ward and medicated asap
There is no scientific, peer reviewed trustable sources for these chud conspiracies
Hmm let's see disney ceo is a jew, cnn ceo is a jew, abc ceo is a jew, blackrock ceo is a jew, pfizer ceo is a jew, nbc ceo is a jew, goldman sachs ceo is a jew, Facebook ceo is a jew, Google owner is a jew, pornhub owner is a jew, George soros is a jew, list goes on and on. This is all public info.
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Hmm let's see disney ceo is a jew, cnn ceo is a jew, abc ceo is a jew, blackrock ceo is a jew, pfizer ceo is a jew, nbc ceo is a jew, goldman sachs ceo is a jew, Facebook ceo is a jew, Google owner is a jew, George soros is a jew, list goes on and on. This is all public info.
It's just a coincidence
Stop being jealous because jews are successfull
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Reactions: RonnieMcNuttMaxxing, PrinceLuenLeoncur, Matheus and 1 other person
It's just a coincidence
Stop being jealous because jews are successfull
Yup. Just a coincidence. Why would i be jealous. I'm not jealous of elon musk since he's doing great things for humanity and being rich in the process. Why are gews always found only in the worst most disgusting industries? It's because they love to use their wealth to make everyone miserable.
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How? Tell me. I'm not white by the way.
feminism, lgbt, sexual liberation, misandry, abolishment of capital punishment or any progressive values you can think of are all a product of white atheist cucks.
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Reactions: NoReedemingFeature, PrinceLuenLeoncur and GuyFromSingapore
Jfl if you believe they seriously wanna do that
Its called divide and conquer its all an intentional way to separate people
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Reactions: NoReedemingFeature and GuyFromSingapore
feminism, lgbt, sexual liberation, misandry, abolishment of capital punishment or any progressive values you can think of are all a product of white atheist cucks.
But it's promoted 24/7 by jews
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Jfl if you believe they seriously wanna do that
Its called divide and conquer its all an intentional way to separate people
But they don't bother doing it to China, or Mexico, or Saudi Arabia or even Egypt or Jordan or any Arab countries. Why is it only white countries they do it to?
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Whites dominated them in the past so they interwove a revenge fantasy into their oral history, called it a religion, and obsessed over it daily for thousands of years.

They now believe they have destroy Esau until there is not a remnant left to repair the world, and no attempt at reasoning with them or logic will dissuade them from this thousands-year long inculcated nonsense. You either have to respond in kind or they will never stop.
Who is Esau
Whites dominated them in the past so they interwove a revenge fantasy into their oral history, called it a religion, and obsessed over it daily for thousands of years.

They now believe they have destroy Esau until there is not a remnant left to repair the world, and no attempt at reasoning with them or logic will dissuade them from this thousands-year long inculcated nonsense. You either have to respond in kind or they will never stop.
Well said.

Yes, their historical persecution is the reason why. Then again, their persecution was a result of their inherently subversive nature. Nobody persecutes without a reason.

Even the Jewish historian Josephus said

“For that it was a seditious temper of our own that destroyed it, and that they were the tyrants among the Jews who brought the Roman power upon us, who unwillingly attacked us, and occasioned the burning of our holy temple”
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But they don't bother doing it to China, or Mexico, or Saudi Arabia or even Egypt or Jordan or any Arab countries. Why is it only white countries they do it to?
China mexico and saudi arabia are completely different countries to like the states and uk
Regardless it still happens internationally . Usa started the ukraine war for example and russia got the blame.
Who is Esau

In Jewish mythology there are twin brothers Jacob (ancestor of the jews) and Esau. Esau was the firstborn and was supposed to inherit the kingdom, but Jacob, which means deceiver in Hebrew (something they're literally proud of.. which they won't admit to, cause that's a catch 22), who came out of the womb second while clutching onto Esau's heel, pretended to be Esau and got their blind father to agree to give him the kingdom instead, aka he stole it. And then there's some retarded side story that Esau is starving to death so Jacob offers him food in exchange for Esau giving up his claim to inherit the kingdom, so he does to survive. Esau then gets mad and goes to war against Jacob anyways to try and get it back but fails. Jews actually think Jacob is the victim in this story cause he won the bargain fair and square through trickery but got attacked violently by the mindless beast Esau.

The story is an allegory for their strategy. Esau is Rome, Rome takes over the world, Jews then steal the world through trickery while pretending to be whites, Jews play victim when whites fight back.
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Hey jews, why are you constantly trying to convince me that a "regular" pale skinned christian or atheist european person is the greatest threat to mankind or something? Like why do you constantly follow them around everywhere around the world and try to fuck up their countries? And then also talk about them in your media as if they are the worst thing on this earth. How are they a threat to me? Please explain. Because they aren't really intelligent, they just do menial factory work or farm work most of the time, they don't commit much crime or terrorism, and they leave people alone for the most part. So it can't be jealousy because they are usually not rich and not intelligent. What the fuck is your obsession with hating them? They are the least intimidating, least scary people on earth. And don't tell me "because muh holocaust" because you've been doing this to them for centuries and that was the reason for your little holocaust to begin with. Why don't you speak about arabs this way despite all the pain and humiliation they have inflicted on you over the centuries and just recently in October. You never speak this way about Muslims and arabs like they are the greatest threat to the earth and must be replaced or whatever. Jews are extinct from muslim countries yet the white people tolerate you in the west. The arabs were gang raping your little teenage Jewish girl's brains out on october 7th, but "ohhh western Europeans are still the worst humans on earth and need to be replaced" lol. Fucking retards.

In Jewish mythology there are twin brothers Jacob (ancestor of the jews) and Esau. Esau was the firstborn and was supposed to inherit the kingdom, but Jacob, which means deceiver in Hebrew (something they're literally proud of.. which they won't admit to, cause that's a catch 22), who came out of the womb second while clutching onto Esau's heel, pretended to be Esau and got their blind father to agree to give him the kingdom instead, aka he stole it. And then there's some retarded side story that Esau is starving to death so Jacob offers him food in exchange for Esau giving up his claim to inherit the kingdom, so he does to survive. Esau then gets mad and goes to war against Jacob anyways to try and get it back but fails. Jews actually think Jacob is the victim in this story cause he won the bargain fair and square through trickery but got attacked violently by the mindless beast Esau.

The story is an allegory for their strategy. Esau is Rome, Rome takes over the world, Jews then steal the world through trickery while pretending to be whites, Jews play victim when whites fight back.
So what do they gain from villainizing regular white europeans? Like is every jew born with this whole idea pre-programmed into their brains or something?
So what do they gain from villainizing regular white europeans? Like is every jew born with this whole idea pre-programmed into their brains or something?
Not much gain to be seen. There is the very real concept of mutually assured destruction built in to their anti-white hatred. We’re seeing it play out recently when their golems started turning on them due to them seeing Israel as a white colonialist state.

Regardless, I’ve let go of my hatred of them a while ago and I think they’re brilliant people. For such an incredibly small percentage of the world population, they’ve historically managed to completely dominate most of history. That is admirable in my opinion.
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So what do they gain from villainizing regular white europeans? Like is every jew born with this whole idea pre-programmed into their brains or something?

No it's a cult, but being a deceiver is genetic to them, just as it is in arabs, indians, basically all non-whites.. they all love to 'barter' and try to scam each other whereas whites are just upfront and want the same price for everyone and hate haggling.

They gain an outlet for their frustration, like the frustration of being a bullied little boy who slowly poisons his bully until one day his bully is too weak to bully anymore and then the little boy gets to unleash his hatred and frustration against the bully.
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No it's a cult, but being a deceiver is genetic to them, just as it is in arabs, indians, basically all non-whites.. they all love to 'barter' and try to scam each other whereas whites are just upfront and want the same price for everyone and hate haggling.

They gain an outlet for their frustration, like the frustration of being a bullied little boy who slowly poisons his bully until one day his bully is too weak to bully anymore and then the little boy gets to unleash his hatred and frustration against the bully.
Whites are honest and loyal? Yeah right, whites are very disloyal with their divorce rates and cheating rates being so high.
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Whites are honest and loyal? Yeah right, whites are very disloyal with their divorce rates and cheating rates being so high.

Whites are honest in business. Other races love bartering and try to scam each other. I will not argue about this easily observable and historically well-known FACT any further.
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Whites are honest and loyal? Yeah right, whites are very disloyal with their divorce rates and cheating rates being so high.

And that's our women, dunce, women are universally known for being deceitful, they don't count in matters of war and global affairs.
Hey jews, why are you constantly trying to convince me that a "regular" pale skinned christian or atheist european person is the greatest threat to mankind or something?
Because we are. Our perfect mankind doesn’t involve their existence. Why do you think literally every race believes in white supremacy. It’s just a given they don’t even discuss it. East Asians cuck their own men for avg white dudes same goes for south Asian. Blm exists because they believe in white supremacy and are intimidated by it. They all know they’re a burden on white peoples in western nations. Jews know this, hence the reason we have horrible immigration problems. Jews have know this since the dawn of time and have been plotting and scheming since the dawn of time. Hope that helped :)
Because we are. Our perfect mankind doesn’t involve their existence. Why do you think literally every race believes in white supremacy. It’s just a given they don’t even discuss it. East Asians cuck their own men for avg white dudes same goes for south Asian. Blm exists because they believe in white supremacy and are intimidated by it. They all know they’re a burden on white peoples in western nations. Jews know this, hence the reason we have horrible immigration problems. Jews have know this since the dawn of time and have been plotting and scheming since the dawn of time. Hope that helped :)
So you are the biggest threat to the world because "we are so handsome" hahaha! South Asians are niggers, they have black skin half the time, they are basically black people, and we all know, nobody likes black women (sheboons). But still i don't see why jews keep picking on regular Europeans like they are a threat to them or something? White people can't do shit. They aren't vicious and violent enough at least not today
So you are the biggest threat to the world because "we are so handsome" hahaha! South Asians are niggers, they have black skin half the time, they are basically black people, and we all know, nobody likes black women (sheboons). But still i don't see why jews keep picking on regular Europeans like they are a threat to them or something? White people can't do shit. They aren't vicious and violent enough at least not today
No because Europeans conquer everything, we stronger and smarter than everyone else hence the reason for the Jewish attacks.
Keep barking for your overloads on obscure Internet forums
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Keep barking for your overloads on obscure Internet forums
So who is the overlord? Jews or whites? Because it definitely seems like the jews own you whites and every single one of your countries
No because Europeans conquer everything, we stronger and smarter than everyone else hence the reason for the Jewish attacks.
Europeans are not smarter. If Jews weren’t the smartest group of people, they wouldn’t completely dominate intellectual fields. Law, medicine, literature,etc. Jews are allergic to manual labor and make their money without a single drop of sweat, and it’s because they’re extremely smart.

Europeans are stronger but not smarter
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No because Europeans conquer everything, we stronger and smarter than everyone else hence the reason for the Jewish attacks.
But your western civilization is in shambles. Your birthrates are so low that you have no future generation. Wtf are you conquering? This isn't 200 years ago. And if you are so smart then why are most of you blue collar ditch diggers, farmers, truck drivers, and factory workers? When it comes to jews, vast majority of them are all in high level jobs involving business, medicine, science, law, media, and banking.
Europeans are not smarter. If Jews weren’t the smartest group of people, they wouldn’t completely dominate intellectual fields. Law, medicine, literature,etc. Jews are allergic to manual labor and make their money without a single drop of sweat, and it’s because they’re extremely smart.

Europeans are stronger but not smarter
Exactly what i said. Jews don't do manual labor lol. But that brings back my original question. These Europeans are just harmless blue collar workers. Why are jews so obesessed with painting them as the greatest threat to the world? They have no power.
Niggas wanna blame Jews cause they can't stick their penis into a woman's vagina
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Niggas wanna blame Jews cause they can't stick their penis into a woman's vagina
Gews invented all the dating apps giving ugly women access to chads and realizing their true value which they didn't know before. Gews invented feminism. Gews invented race division, Gews invented social media so girls can get a non stop supply of compliments
  • JFL
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Gews invented all the dating apps giving ugly women access to chads and realizing their true value which they didn't know before. Gews invented feminism. Gews invented race division, Gews invented social media so girls can get a non stop supply of compliments

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