why are pretty boys prefered over dom looking guys?

I read a study that slightly feminine men attractive men actually have better sperm quality than masculine men. Estrogen is needed for ideal spermatogenesis, so it makes sense in this current society where fighting ability is required that women would go for healthy looking, symmetrical, pretty boys.
Cope and a half.
Most girls are bi these days so they prefer feminine looking men
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Girls on tiktok are young. Adult women are attracted to more masculine guys.

Further, I have a theory that the "prettyboy" look is mostly comprised of 1) looking/being young and 2) having a thin neck/low overal muscular development.
and smaller bones (compared to doms, not compared to the average
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High androgen exposure suggests a more deceptive, selfish, aggressive personality less likely to cooperate socially. Masculine traits suggest high androgen exposure and thus those negative traits.

Guys with more feminine traits look more high trust and thus more “relationship material”.

That’s why, in my opinion, this isn’t ideal:

View attachment 1061588

However, girls also want a guy with high androgen exposure as that suggests good health (ability to withstand higher levels of immunosuppressant hormones) and also ability to protect, which is why this isn’t ideal either:

View attachment 1061597
A blend of both is always ideal, which is often what ends up getting labelled as pretty boy or masculine pretty boy:

View attachment 1061602View attachment 1061603View attachment 1061607
So would you label jeremy meeks a masculine prettyboy?
Nigga ive literally seen you on instagram, that shit is sad as fuck ngl. I remember looking at Jordan barret insta page and seeing comment "mogs me" and clicking on the account, and i swear to fucking allah it was you.
Felt bad for u ngl cuz i thought damn this nigga must be autistic as shit why do his pics get like 5 likes
lmfao definitely not me bro
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on tiktok and in the social media and shit every girl likes pretty boys over masculine guys and i don't care if you post some masculine guy or some 'masthetic guy' or whatever im just talking about dom guys in general

seriously what is so attractive about some feminine looking normie with a perm, these guys are preferfed over dom chadlites and high tier normies why?

do traits like, high fwhr, browridge, sloped forehead, downturned brows, hooded eyes not account for anything anymore? the only masc feature girls seem to care about is jaw but even then they seem to care about hair, skin, lips, height more then anything, also why do girls on tiktok say that like brown eyes better then blue wtf are they even getting at blue eyes mog brown so hard its not even funny

i don't understand girls that use tiktok and girls that follow weird social trends it seems it is over for dom guys

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who gets more jbs?
I got more iois with longer hair and clean shave look from jbs but not diff with older women
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Because beauty is always the ideal.

Pure beauty is what lights the female soul on fire.

They'll settle for dominance or size..physically they like it, but beauty inspires both their bioligy and their soul
Masculinity can be beautiful.
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So would you label jeremy meeks a masculine prettyboy?
No as he doesn’t have great proportions or many standout feminine, aesthetic traits.

He’s pretty Much just masculine with disproportionately large lips and no eyebrows.

Overrated in my opinion.
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  • +1
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Most girls are bi these days so they prefer feminine looking men
Would that make feminine males essentially lesbians in the eyes of females? It seems pretty boys are not seen as breeding material which would make them less likely to experience straight sex(breeding). Instead they are more likely to have lesbian sex(mutual masturbation).
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Let's not get it twisted

Older women like masculine men but they still have to be GL and have some kind of "prettiness" to their face

Masc ogrecels don't get shit.
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Masculinity can be beautiful.

Yes but women don't ususally see the beauty in extremely muscular robust guys ie Mike Tyson. Men do.

It's like that meme of guys who get into bodybuilding thinking they're gonna get all the chicks, yet it's mainly dudes complimenting them.
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Yes but women don't ususally see the beauty in extremely muscular robust guys ie Mike Tyson. Men do.

It's like that meme of guys who get into bodybuilding thinking they're gonna get all the chicks, yet it's mainly dudes complimenting them.
No, when I say that I mean forward grown faces with prominent brow ridges. Maybe a bit of a beard too.​
No, when I say that I mean forward grown faces with prominent brow ridges. Maybe a bit of a beard too.​


But a masc guy with also some prettyboy features will do better than a purely masc guy
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But a masc guy with also some prettyboy features will do better than a purely masc guy
If the woman isn't loyal, she's going to leave him after she's had her fill. I think 100% masc is bad ye, but optimal is definitely not more than 25% "pretty." That's the feeling I get if that makes sense.​
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on tiktok and in the social media and shit every girl likes pretty boys over masculine guys and i don't care if you post some masculine guy or some 'masthetic guy' or whatever im just talking about dom guys in general

seriously what is so attractive about some feminine looking normie with a perm, these guys are preferfed over dom chadlites and high tier normies why?

do traits like, high fwhr, browridge, sloped forehead, downturned brows, hooded eyes not account for anything anymore? the only masc feature girls seem to care about is jaw but even then they seem to care about hair, skin, lips, height more then anything, also why do girls on tiktok say that like brown eyes better then blue wtf are they even getting at blue eyes mog brown so hard its not even funny

i don't understand girls that use tiktok and girls that follow weird social trends it seems it is over for dom guys

View attachment 1046423View attachment 1046424

who gets more jbs?
Both look equally autistic
I read a study that slightly feminine men attractive men actually have better sperm quality than masculine men. Estrogen is needed for ideal spermatogenesis, so it makes sense in this current society where fighting ability is required that women would go for healthy looking, symmetrical, pretty boys.
Those sperm quality studies are unreliable because the count/quality is often affected by semen volume (affects sperm cell spacing) and they often don't control for abstinence from masturbation (which affects count). The study you are describing likely didn't control for enough factors. I read one study that found facial masculinity was positively correlated to both sperm count and volume.

The pretty boys are mainly preferred by high testosterone semi-bisexual women with masculine brain wiring or 12 year old girls who see anything above age 16 as masculine. Feminine attractive women prefer masculine male faces.
Kpop. Boy bands.
Also prettyboys are often seen as more ltr material to girls

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