Why are you guys antiCoping?



Kess mah ess
Oct 18, 2020

This couple is 20 years difference and they look fine together and she still let him creampie her. He’s 52.

Stop antiCoping. Men’s prime is 30-60 years old. Not 18-25 like you believed.
  • JFL
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Hes probably rich
  • +1
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  • JFL
  • +1
  • Woah
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  • JFL
  • +1
  • Woah
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This is not common. Most relationships have an age gap of 1-3 years.
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Reactions: thecel, Chadeep, ToursOverBoyo2020 and 5 others
The girl is very good-looking.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel, TsarTsar444, sandcelmuttcel and 3 others
This is not common. Most relationships have an age gap of 1-3 years.
Even leftist studies show that women like guys 5 years older than them. Real life shows that 10-15 year age difference is very common.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: thecel, Chadeep, ToursOverBoyo2020 and 2 others
Even leftist studies show that women like guys 5 years older than them. Real life shows that 10-15 year age difference is very common.
it's including betabuxxing, any 10-15 year age difference relationship is going to be a betabux 99.9% of the time
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel, ToursOverBoyo2020, Deleted member 10913 and 1 other person
it's including betabuxxing, any 10-15 year age difference relationship is going to be a betabux 99.9% of the time
How in the hell? If a 18 year old married a 35 year old chadlite it’s betabux?
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
How in the hell? If a 18 year old married a 35 year old chadlite it’s betabux?
I say 99.9% and then you pick the theoretical .1% example and still act like you’re disproving anything I said?
  • +1
Reactions: thecel and ToursOverBoyo2020
Not most guys here. We are special.
Unironically, many guys here have above-average intelligence.

But I'm not so sure that many will stay good-looking until 40 (or longer) or get rich. Maybe a few, the majority not. There will be probably more people who will rope tbh.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: thecel, huntergatherer and .*my*.
I say 99.9% and then you pick the theoretical .1% example and still act like you’re disproving anything I said?
Chadlites are 20% of men
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 12611
Chadlites are 20% of men
That number seems off to me but I don’t know enough about it or care enough to argue that point

Where are 18 year olds getting married on any regular basis, besides places where their parents just marry them off? Where are all the 35 year old chadlites wifing up 18 year olds? I’ve never seen it anywhere in the real world.

even your claimed number of chadlites is tiny, after that you have to find 18 year olds in ltrs with them which makes it even tinier, and then to be safe you have to show that they’re not rich so you can know that it’s not a betabux

All this means..... 99.9% of 10-15 year age gap difference relationships are betabuxes. You’re not really arguing anything here

I can confidently say that EVERY non-chadlite+ man in a relationship with a girl 10-15 years younger than himself is betabuxxing, which means it’s NOT something girls go for specifically, it’s obviously something they settle for if it’s a chad or a betabux.
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That number seems off to me but I don’t know enough about it or care enough to argue that point

Where are 18 year olds getting married on any regular basis, besides places where their parents just marry them off? Where are all the 35 year old chadlites wifing up 18 year olds? I’ve never seen it anywhere in the real world.

even your claimed number of chadlites is tiny, after that you have to find 18 year olds in ltrs with them which makes it even tinier, and then to be safe you have to show that they’re not rich so you can know that it’s not a betabux
All this means..... 99.9% of 10-15 year age gap difference relationships are betabuxes. You’re not really arguing anything here
Didn’t read because you’re a clown. I’m sure half your relatives have that kind of age difference and not betabuxers.
Betabux, and they probably don't even have sex
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 11748, gamma and huntergatherer
How in the hell? If a 18 year old married a 35 year old chadlite it’s betabux?
It's not good to marry a 18 year old woman as a 35 year old man. 18 year olds are too immature.

If you want a large age gap, it's better when the woman is still over 25. Like, the man is 35-45 and the woman 25-30. It's still risky, but better then being with a 18 year old.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Wallenberg and .*my*.
Didn’t read because you’re a clown. I’m sure half your relatives have that kind of age difference and not betabuxers.
you're ridiculously low iq. 10-15 year age gap is gigantic and is reserved for chads/betabuxxers, 5 year is normal. Most LTRs are just lesser-tiers of betabuxx btw mr. :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

you're either old as shit and coping, or you're pre-coping for when you become old as shit.
you're ridiculously low iq. 10-15 year age gap is gigantic and is reserved for chads/betabuxxers, 5 year is normal. Most LTRs are just lesser-tiers of betabuxx btw mr. :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

you're either old as shit and coping, or you're pre-coping for when you become old as shit.
You still didn’t answer about your relatives
You still didn’t answer about your relatives
You didn't ask a question you literal retard, you said "I'm sure"
the "answer" to your "question" is that only ONE person in my entire family has that age difference, and it is a SEAmaxxing pathetic betabuxx situation. An actual greencard marriage.
That's the only example of that kind of age gap I can find in the real world jfl
That guy got some good aging genetics.
He got good skin. I think his skin is better then the females without makeup on. And really good hair for his age. He is probably also very rich that hels alot. I wouldn't surprise that he is also charismatic.
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7419, huntergatherer and .*my*.
That guy got some good aging genetics.
He haves good skin. I think his skin is better then the females without makeup on. And really good hair for his age. He is probably also very rich that hels alot. I wouldn't surprise that he is also charismatic.
Right, because he worked hard, so most men have that potential.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7419
That guy got some good aging genetics.
He haves good skin. I think his skin is better then the females without makeup on. And really good hair for his age. He is probably also very rich that hels alot. I wouldn't surprise that he is also charismatic.
He is 52, author, entrepreneur, investor, has 1 million Instagram followers. His wife is a 35 years old and has 16.9k followers.
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Possible if you use sunscreen, stay in good shape and not bald
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This couple is 20 years difference and they look fine together and she still let him creampie her. He’s 52.

Stop antiCoping. Men’s prime is 30-60 years old. Not 18-25 like you believed.

clearly betabux :lul:
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  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
I’m glad I still got my cock though.

'I StIlL gOt mY cOCk'
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They are looksmatch
When will you noobs understand? There is a big difference between relationships and hookups. It's very easy to get into a relationship as long as you're not extremely autistic, but only a small minority of men are able to consistently hookup with women when they want to. Most guys need to be in a relationship to get laid or they have to be willing to have sex with women that are way below their looks level.

The success that you get on Tinder is usually equal to what you would get in a bar or club because it is completely determined by your looks, the only way there could be a difference is if your pictures make you look worse than you do in real life or if you're above average height, because the effect of being tall works far better in real life than on pictures, even when you're using group pictures.

So, if you want to know what your true SMV (sexual market value) really is, don't go on a forum to ask a bunch of guys to rate you, either go to a bar or club or make a tinder profile and look at how many women are interested in you and what they look like on average, and that will be your true looks level. People can tell you you're ugly all they want but the only opinion that matters on this subject is women's, unless you're gay.

In only 20 days of Tinder, I have managed to get 40 matches, some were overweight, none were obese but most were average looking, which means that I am average looking so those women are my looksmatch, so my rating on Tinder is probably 5/10.

However, in real life, I can attract better looking women due to my height, so my rating in real life is probably 7/10.

It is essential that you know your true rating and that you don't rely on what people on looksmax tell you because if you overestimate your rating, your results will be worse than what you expected and if you underestimate your results, you'll feel like you're too ugly to get women who would be your looksmatch and because of that, you'll miss out on lots of opportunities.

I think it doesn't take a genius to know that the vast majority of men who are 40 or older are not going to be seen as attractive enough for hookups for 18 year old women no matter how much money they have (unless the woman is a gold digger). But a gap of 10 years is usually not a problem unless your genetics for aging are as bad as Tom Welling or Brendan Fraser. Most men's prime for looks are between the ages of 18 and 35, for some guys it might start and end a bit earlier or a bit later but 18-35 is a good estimate.
  • +1
Reactions: TsarTsar444, Chadeep, Wallenberg and 3 others
When will you noobs understand? There is a big difference between relationships and hookups. It's very easy to get into a relationship as long as you're not extremely autistic, but only a small minority of men are able to consistently hookup with women when they want to. Most guys need to be in a relationship to get laid or they have to be willing to have sex with women that are way below their looks level.

The success that you get on Tinder is usually equal to what you would get in a bar or club because it is completely determined by your looks, the only way there could be a difference is if your pictures make you look worse than you do in real life or if you're above average height, because the effect of being tall works far better in real life than on pictures, even when you're using group pictures.

So, if you want to know what your true SMV (sexual market value) really is, don't go on a forum to ask a bunch of guys to rate you, either go to a bar or club or make a tinder profile and look at how many women are interested in you and what they look like on average, and that will be your true looks level. People can tell you you're ugly all they want but the only opinion that matters on this subject is women's, unless you're gay.

In only 20 days of Tinder, I have managed to get 40 matches, some were overweight, none were obese but most were average looking, which means that I am average looking so those women are my looksmatch, so my rating on Tinder is probably 5/10.

However, in real life, I can attract better looking women due to my height, so my rating in real life is probably 7/10.

It is essential that you know your true rating and that you don't rely on what people on looksmax tell you because if you overestimate your rating, your results will be worse than what you expected and if you underestimate your results, you'll feel like you're too ugly to get women who would be your looksmatch and because of that, you'll miss out on lots of opportunities.

I think it doesn't take a genius to know that the vast majority of men who are 40 or older are not going to be seen as attractive enough for hookups for 18 year old women no matter how much money they have (unless the woman is a gold digger). But a gap of 10 years is usually not a problem unless your genetics for aging are as bad as Tom Welling or Brendan Fraser. Most men's prime for looks are between the ages of 18 and 35, for some guys it might start and end a bit earlier or a bit later but 18-35 is a good estimate.
Over for your adhd
When will you noobs understand? There is a big difference between relationships and hookups. It's very easy to get into a relationship as long as you're not extremely autistic, but only a small minority of men are able to consistently hookup with women when they want to. Most guys need to be in a relationship to get laid or they have to be willing to have sex with women that are way below their looks level.

The success that you get on Tinder is usually equal to what you would get in a bar or club because it is completely determined by your looks, the only way there could be a difference is if your pictures make you look worse than you do in real life or if you're above average height, because the effect of being tall works far better in real life than on pictures, even when you're using group pictures.

So, if you want to know what your true SMV (sexual market value) really is, don't go on a forum to ask a bunch of guys to rate you, either go to a bar or club or make a tinder profile and look at how many women are interested in you and what they look like on average, and that will be your true looks level. People can tell you you're ugly all they want but the only opinion that matters on this subject is women's, unless you're gay.

In only 20 days of Tinder, I have managed to get 40 matches, some were overweight, none were obese but most were average looking, which means that I am average looking so those women are my looksmatch, so my rating on Tinder is probably 5/10.

However, in real life, I can attract better looking women due to my height, so my rating in real life is probably 7/10.

It is essential that you know your true rating and that you don't rely on what people on looksmax tell you because if you overestimate your rating, your results will be worse than what you expected and if you underestimate your results, you'll feel like you're too ugly to get women who would be your looksmatch and because of that, you'll miss out on lots of opportunities.

I think it doesn't take a genius to know that the vast majority of men who are 40 or older are not going to be seen as attractive enough for hookups for 18 year old women no matter how much money they have (unless the woman is a gold digger). But a gap of 10 years is usually not a problem unless your genetics for aging are as bad as Tom Welling or Brendan Fraser. Most men's prime for looks are between the ages of 18 and 35, for some guys it might start and end a bit earlier or a bit later but 18-35 is a good estimate.
F6C0391E 416D 4587 91BA FCB38FB5DC3C
“I’m a 7/10”
  • JFL
Reactions: TsarTsar444 and .*my*.
Over for your adhd
Like I said, I tested Tinder, I get 2 matches per day which are mostly average looking women (women who are 5/10 in looks) and for me I want minimum 6 or 7/10 in looks for hookups, to get that I need to meet women in real life or improve my looks for Tinder.

I plan to do both, I'm improving my looks and when the quarantine ends, I'll go meet women in real life, even before my jaw surgery I was able to attract women who were 7/10 IRL, now I can attract women who are 8/10 IRL, that is mainly why I'm not willing to lower my standards, because I know that if there wasn't any quarantine, my results would be better.

Anyways, when I'll be done gymmaxxing, neckmaxxing and leanmaxxing, and when the quarantine will be over for good, I'll be able to get laid from bars and clubs very easily with lots of beautiful women whenever I want throughout my 20s and 30s. My looksmaxxing will only take me 2-3 years at most and then I'll have everything I have ever wanted.

I'm not a mentalcel, but I had low self worth before the quarantine and I thought that I wasn't attractive enough to get laid with good looking women but what I didn't know is that I could have gotten lots of hookups since the age of 18 since at that age I was old enough to go to the bars and clubs and women were attracted to me. My ADHD wasn't what prevented me from getting laid, it was the fact that I thought that the girls that I wanted were out of my league, even though I wanted them, I thought that they didn't want me and I came to that conclusion without even trying once. There are lots of guys with ADHD who get laid with ease, so it's not a valid excuse, the truth is that I just viewed myself as lower value than what I really was and that made me avoid the women that I wanted.
  • +1
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Like I said, I tested Tinder, I get 2 matches per day which are mostly average looking women (women who are 5/10 in looks) and for me I want minimum 6 or 7/10 in looks for hookups, to get that I need to meet women in real life or improve my looks for Tinder.

I plan to do both, I'm improving my looks and when the quarantine ends, I'll go meet women in real life, even before my jaw surgery I was able to attract women who were 7/10 IRL, now I can attract women who are 8/10 IRL, that is mainly why I'm not willing to lower my standards, because I know that if there wasn't any quarantine, my results would be better.

Anyways, when I'll be done gymmaxxing, neckmaxxing and leanmaxxing, and when the quarantine will be over for good, I'll be able to get laid from bars and clubs very easily with lots of beautiful women whenever I want throughout my 20s and 30s. My looksmaxxing will only take me 2-3 years at most and then I'll have everything I have ever wanted.

I'm not a mentalcel, but I had low self worth before the quarantine and I thought that I wasn't attractive enough to get laid with good looking women but what I didn't know is that I could have gotten lots of hookups since the age of 18 since at that age I was old enough to go to the bars and clubs and women were attracted to me. My ADHD wasn't what prevented me from getting laid, it was the fact that I thought that the girls that I wanted were out of my league, even though I wanted them, I thought that they didn't want me and I came to that conclusion without even trying once. There are lots of guys with ADHD who get laid with ease, so it's not a valid excuse, the truth is that I just viewed myself as lower value than what I really was and that made me avoid the women that I wanted.
No one's going to read any post from you, you write novels each time you post, at least put a tl dr at the end :feelskek:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4430 and Deleted member 12611
First of all, you used FaceApp to give me a fake smile which isn't what I look like at all when I smile so I look uglier on that morph.

And second, women don't judge attractiveness based on black pill standards, so you don't have to be Chico Lachowski or Sean O Pry to be considered good looking, you just have to have some features that women are into, one of the most important ones is height. And the face does matter a lot too but the facial features that women consider to be attractive do not match what the black pill describes.

I know that most people here deny that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but it is true to a certain extent, men who are not in the Chad category and not in the ugly incel category will be rated differently by each woman. And it is not true that women prefer hunter eyes and chiseled jawlines, maybe some do but they're not all like that.

Some features are considered to be universally attractive while some details will be judged differently from person to person.

I have met some women who preferred men who were muscular at a high body fat percentage, to them, men who were skinny or just lean were not seen as "real men" but were instead seen as frail and weak. And I have also met some women who preferred men who were muscular at a low body fat percentage because they liked their six pack abs and aesthetic physique.

So, not all women have the same tastes, but what is definitely true is that most women don't want a fat or anorexic guy, and most women don't want a disfigured guy, so because of that, beauty is not 100% in the eye of the beholder. But if you tell a group of women to judge average looking men, they will all be interested in different types of men, so, because of that, even though the men are average, they are all attractive to a certain extent.

People who claim that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder always use the extremes to prove their point because it works, but if they were to use average healthy people of the same age instead, then they would find that beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder at that level.

So, although by the black pill's standards, I am a 5/10 or even 4/10 to some here, by women's standards in real life, I am a 7/10. That is what I meant.

Also, what I failed to mention earlier is that there is clearly a difference in rating between Tinder and real life unless your Tinder profile has lots of great high quality pictures but it's not the case for most people. So my tinder rating is 5/10 (the same as this forum gave me), but my IRL rating is probably 7 or 8/10, not just due to height. This is not because women on Tinder have higher standards, it's because they judge us differently since they have only our pictures to judge us, while in real life, they have so much more than that.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: some1h0peless, Deleted member 5818 and Wallenberg
No one's going to read any post from you, you write novels each time you post, at least put a tl dr at the end :feelskek:
Some people do read my posts, otherwise I wouldn't get so many likes on them. If you're too lazy to read, that's your problem.

My posts are long because I have a lot of things to say
  • +1
Reactions: some1h0peless, Deleted member 7419 and DrTony
When will you noobs understand? There is a big difference between relationships and hookups. It's very easy to get into a relationship as long as you're not extremely autistic, but only a small minority of men are able to consistently hookup with women when they want to. Most guys need to be in a relationship to get laid or they have to be willing to have sex with women that are way below their looks level.

The success that you get on Tinder is usually equal to what you would get in a bar or club because it is completely determined by your looks, the only way there could be a difference is if your pictures make you look worse than you do in real life or if you're above average height, because the effect of being tall works far better in real life than on pictures, even when you're using group pictures.

So, if you want to know what your true SMV (sexual market value) really is, don't go on a forum to ask a bunch of guys to rate you, either go to a bar or club or make a tinder profile and look at how many women are interested in you and what they look like on average, and that will be your true looks level. People can tell you you're ugly all they want but the only opinion that matters on this subject is women's, unless you're gay.

In only 20 days of Tinder, I have managed to get 40 matches, some were overweight, none were obese but most were average looking, which means that I am average looking so those women are my looksmatch, so my rating on Tinder is probably 5/10.

However, in real life, I can attract better looking women due to my height, so my rating in real life is probably 7/10.

It is essential that you know your true rating and that you don't rely on what people on looksmax tell you because if you overestimate your rating, your results will be worse than what you expected and if you underestimate your results, you'll feel like you're too ugly to get women who would be your looksmatch and because of that, you'll miss out on lots of opportunities.

I think it doesn't take a genius to know that the vast majority of men who are 40 or older are not going to be seen as attractive enough for hookups for 18 year old women no matter how much money they have (unless the woman is a gold digger). But a gap of 10 years is usually not a problem unless your genetics for aging are as bad as Tom Welling or Brendan Fraser. Most men's prime for looks are between the ages of 18 and 35, for some guys it might start and end a bit earlier or a bit later but 18-35 is a good estimate.
I agree with this however the results from Tinder will differ a LOT from bars/clubs depending on your height/frame/physique. If you are above average in all three of those categories you will have decent success at bars/clubs while you may get no results from OLD. OLD is determined by SMV + Quality of pics. Lot's of guys have decent SMV but have terrible pictures. When I was bloated and 20% body fat, I still had some success with 6-7s at bars/clubs due to being 6 foot tall and jacked. I wasn't 8% body fat, but my physique and height was above average compared to the other guys around me. Some chicks are also just attracted to that big, strong, rugby player look, however the vast majority of chicks prefer LEAN guys. Also stuff like social proof/status matters more in bars/clubs as opposed to Tinder.
  • +1
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When will you noobs understand? There is a big difference between relationships and hookups. It's very easy to get into a relationship as long as you're not extremely autistic, but only a small minority of men are able to consistently hookup with women when they want to. Most guys need to be in a relationship to get laid or they have to be willing to have sex with women that are way below their looks level.

The success that you get on Tinder is usually equal to what you would get in a bar or club because it is completely determined by your looks, the only way there could be a difference is if your pictures make you look worse than you do in real life or if you're above average height, because the effect of being tall works far better in real life than on pictures, even when you're using group pictures.

So, if you want to know what your true SMV (sexual market value) really is, don't go on a forum to ask a bunch of guys to rate you, either go to a bar or club or make a tinder profile and look at how many women are interested in you and what they look like on average, and that will be your true looks level. People can tell you you're ugly all they want but the only opinion that matters on this subject is women's, unless you're gay.

In only 20 days of Tinder, I have managed to get 40 matches, some were overweight, none were obese but most were average looking, which means that I am average looking so those women are my looksmatch, so my rating on Tinder is probably 5/10.

However, in real life, I can attract better looking women due to my height, so my rating in real life is probably 7/10.

It is essential that you know your true rating and that you don't rely on what people on looksmax tell you because if you overestimate your rating, your results will be worse than what you expected and if you underestimate your results, you'll feel like you're too ugly to get women who would be your looksmatch and because of that, you'll miss out on lots of opportunities.

I think it doesn't take a genius to know that the vast majority of men who are 40 or older are not going to be seen as attractive enough for hookups for 18 year old women no matter how much money they have (unless the woman is a gold digger). But a gap of 10 years is usually not a problem unless your genetics for aging are as bad as Tom Welling or Brendan Fraser. Most men's prime for looks are between the ages of 18 and 35, for some guys it might start and end a bit earlier or a bit later but 18-35 is a good estimate.
I love your posts. Very logical. I have managed to smash blonde blue eyed Instagram influencer with 250k followers (what many here would chop their dick off to smell her fart). I have only 100 followers. Does that make me Chad? I also had 12 years difference with her! (23 vs 35) . It is also a recurrent theme in my life I can attract younger girls relatively consistently
  • Woah
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He's white and rich
and looks fit
  • +1
Reactions: .*my*.
First of all, you used FaceApp to give me a fake smile which isn't what I look like at all when I smile so I look uglier on that morph.

And second, women don't judge attractiveness based on black pill standards, so you don't have to be Chico Lachowski or Sean O Pry to be considered good looking, you just have to have some features that women are into, one of the most important ones is height. And the face does matter a lot too but the facial features that women consider to be attractive do not match what the black pill describes.

I know that most people here deny that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but it is true to a certain extent, men who are not in the Chad category and not in the ugly incel category will be rated differently by each woman. And it is not true that women prefer hunter eyes and chiseled jawlines, maybe some do but they're not all like that.

Some features are considered to be universally attractive while some details will be judged differently from person to person.

I have met some women who preferred men who were muscular at a high body fat percentage, to them, men who were skinny or just lean were not seen as "real men" but were instead seen as frail and weak. And I have also met some women who preferred men who were muscular at a low body fat percentage because they liked their six pack abs and aesthetic physique.

So, not all women have the same tastes, but what is definitely true is that most women don't want a fat or anorexic guy, and most women don't want a disfigured guy, so because of that, beauty is not 100% in the eye of the beholder. But if you tell a group of women to judge average looking men, they will all be interested in different types of men, so, because of that, even though the men are average, they are all attractive to a certain extent.

People who claim that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder always use the extremes to prove their point because it works, but if they were to use average healthy people of the same age instead, then they would find that beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder at that level.

So, although by the black pill's standards, I am a 5/10 or even 4/10 to some here, by women's standards in real life, I am a 7/10. That is what I meant.

Also, what I failed to mention earlier is that there is clearly a difference in rating between Tinder and real life unless your Tinder profile has lots of great high quality pictures but it's not the case for most people. So my tinder rating is 5/10 (the same as this forum gave me), but my IRL rating is probably 7 or 8/10, not just due to height. This is not because women on Tinder have higher standards, it's because they judge us differently since they have only our pictures to judge us, while in real life, they have so much more than that.
I’m willing to try high quality pics this summer as I’m almost finished my leanmaxx journey only problem is idk what pics to take without looking cringe 😂

This couple is 20 years difference and they look fine together and she still let him creampie her. He’s 52.

Stop antiCoping. Men’s prime is 30-60 years old. Not 18-25 like you believed.

male prime = 25- 35 IF a man is lucky
  • +1
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I’m willing to try high quality pics this summer as I’m almost finished my leanmaxx journey only problem is idk what pics to take without looking cringe 😂
Here are good examples that I found by myself by swiping with a catfish. Lots of guys on here have told me that most of us don't stand a chance if those guys are our competition but the truth is that those profiles are rare, I had to swipe over 100 times before finding just one of these profiles, so they are definitely not the norm but most of those guys probably get over 100 likes on Tinder very quickly because they are in the top 1%.

All you need to achieve the same results is a good camera, and good looks and a good location for your pictures (not your bedroom or bathroom). Some guys on this forum think that Chad would get laid with just bathroom selfies and although it is true that he would get some results, to get the best results for your looks, you need pictures that make you look your best without changing important aspects of your looks with photoshop. You need to look your best while still looking the same as when you look at yourself in the mirror, photoshop can help with that but don't overdo it.

Also, being lean is not enough, you also need to be muscular and you need a thick neck.
Once you are muscular, all you need is clothes that fit you well to show off your muscles and a shirtless pic at a pool or at the beach and you will look much better than the average man.

I have found that by using this method, with my current looks I am able to get 2 likes per day from average looking women on Tinder. Back when my pictures were not as good, I could only attract the ugliest and fattest women on Tinder, so I improved my profile just by improving my pictures. But I am still limited by the fact that I am skinny, I'm at 15% body fat and I have a pencil neck. So, I am at a point where no matter how much I improve my pictures, my profile won't get better. So for now, I am mainly focusing on gymmaxxing, neckmaxxing AND leanmaxxing, because in your first year of serious training in the gym, you can recomp by losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time. In 1 year, if I take new high quality pictures, I will already get better results than what I get now.

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Max Thick Neck 2
Marc Antoine 4
Marc Antoine 5
Marc Antoine
Samuel 2
Jean Philippe
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