Deleted member 25223

Jan 2, 2023
Calling all UKcels here, all the hot woman in pubs disappear and don't go to clubs where the gender ratio is 4:1.

Why the fuck does this happen? I've heard that plenty of girls have gotten groped in nightclubs but is it really because men just spam approach and any girl above LTB gets hit on 1-5 times a night.

I can even see from people I know the attractive HTBs from my posh college attend only pubs and go clubbing < once a month while being guarded by NT normies.
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Calling all UKcels here, all the hot woman in pubs disappear and don't go to clubs where the gender ratio is 4:1.
View attachment 2372501
Why the fuck does this happen? I've heard that plenty of girls have gotten groped in nightclubs but is it really because men just spam approach and any girl above LTB get hit on 1-5 times a night.

I can even see personally the attractive HTBs from my posh college attending only pubs and only go clubbing while being guarded by NT normies.
@Xangsane @WishIwasChico @forevergymcelling @eduardkoopman
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its the onlyfans era

beta UK orbiters sending $1000s and taking them on exotic trips
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All UK hoes are ugly
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  • JFL
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All UK hoes are ugly
unfortunately, spanish foids fog english girls into oblivion, they have half the obesity rate we do and arent race taxed like slim women in third world countries.
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Chinacurry and try2beme
its the onlyfans era

beta UK orbiters sending $1000s and taking them on exotic trips
this was widely accesible in the 2010s and even late 2000s due to the internet.
  • Woah
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unfortunately, spanish foids fog english girls into oblivion, they have half the obesity rate we do and arent race taxed like slim women in third world countries.
Just get a passport theory
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I’m not from the UK, but you have unironically more chances to see Stacies at London Airport
Just get a passport theory
that is the problem, men always have to pay and try hardr If I want the comparable SMV to a woman I need to move halfway across the world to get the same dating options a woman does
They are sucking big indian cock
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  • JFL
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I’m not from the UK, but you have unironically more chances to see Stacies at London Airport
In very posh upperclass areas girls are alot more attractive, dress better look sharper. Part of the reason is that people from poorer backrounds are twice as likely to be obese.

I thinl London attracts alot of attractive broads because of the money like Miami even if most of them look borderline ethnic.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: angelo, Sexually Disabled, autistic_tendencies and 1 other person
They probably go to exclusive nightclubs where you need to table as a man.
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: eduardkoopman and Deleted member 25223
Clubs are for low class
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Private raves in fancy rooftop/apartment fogs
i need to make some important friends
I know a few stacies who used to go out a lot when they were younger and they usually went to the super high end clubs. Those clubs have giga aggressive promoters that want to attract guys that spend a lot on tables so need to fill the club up with top tier women. The promoters whole job is to find attractive girls, hit them up, offer them free shit (I mean it's actually crazy some clubs I heard give free dinner and freebies to the girl before the club opens).

These clubs usually control the ratio aggressively and cater to wealthy men.
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies and eduardkoopman
Calling all UKcels here, all the hot woman in pubs disappear and don't go to clubs where the gender ratio is 4:1.
View attachment 2372501
Why the fuck does this happen? I've heard that plenty of girls have gotten groped in nightclubs but is it really because men just spam approach and any girl above LTB gets hit on 1-5 times a night.

I can even see from people I know the attractive HTBs from my posh college attend only pubs and go clubbing < once a month while being guarded by NT normies.
They can't find chadlites
Calling all UKcels here, all the hot woman in pubs disappear and don't go to clubs where the gender ratio is 4:1.
View attachment 2372501
Why the fuck does this happen? I've heard that plenty of girls have gotten groped in nightclubs but is it really because men just spam approach and any girl above LTB gets hit on 1-5 times a night.

I can even see from people I know the attractive HTBs from my posh college attend only pubs and go clubbing < once a month while being guarded by NT normies.
They can't find chad
In very posh upperclass areas girls are alot more attractive, dress better look sharper. Part of the reason is that people from poorer backrounds are twice as likely to be obese.

I thinl London attracts alot of attractive broads because of the money like Miami even if most of them look borderline ethnic.
What's wrong with being ethnic
Calling all UKcels here,
i'm not UK brav

all the hot woman in pubs disappear and don't go to clubs where the gender ratio is 4:1.
View attachment 2372501
Why the fuck does this happen?
What is the point actually, of knowing the why? If your observation is correct, than just accept the facttruth of it being like this.
I've heard that plenty of girls have gotten groped in nightclubs but is it really because men just spam approach and any girl above LTB gets hit on 1-5 times a night.
I dunno how it it sthere, and now.
it used to be, in old times like this I recall. About 80% of dudes, sdtayed within their own group and chatted up no one. About 15% of dudes, chatted up an occassional few women, when having had enough drinks or the situation was easy enpough for him to do so.
and like 5% of dudes, where low inhib social guys, that chatted up and what not most all/every girl in da club.
I can even see from people I know the attractive HTBs from my posh college attend only pubs and go clubbing < once a month while being guarded by NT normies.
it was always for sure like that. I recall. Women there, were usually in groups. guarded by their dudes, or female friends, and so on. It was always a an competative environment. Where men competed for da ladies. Most men, just were passive mode though, maybe they unconciously knew they have 0% chance of success.

Enjoy a nice video of 2 normies failing miserably.
I know a few stacies who used to go out a lot when they were younger and they usually went to the super high end clubs. Those clubs have giga aggressive promoters that want to attract guys that spend a lot on tables so need to fill the club up with top tier women. The promoters whole job is to find attractive girls, hit them up, offer them free shit (I mean it's actually crazy some clubs I heard give free dinner and freebies to the girl before the club opens).

These clubs usually control the ratio aggressively and cater to wealthy men.
the "club scene", is an business model. Where club owners, try to extort as much money as possible FOR DUDES. While most dudes, have borderline zero chance of a hookup happening. Just the mere 0.001% chance on that happening, makes guys spend a shitton of money I guess.

I recall, being a LTN back in 2005. I already concluded back than, it was a money waiste. And never went clubbing and shit anymore. Only when doing with a group of friends/people already know, to go out for a bit of fun.

for slays success in clubs. you need to be like HTN and good body shape probably. Or be high status, like the dj or woner there or some shit maybe.

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They go to the gay bars to avoid getting approached by incels
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you'll only meet high quality women through your social circle, they don't go to clubs or bars to pick up men.

many of them don't even use dating apps.
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corporate offices are clubbing for women. they become receptionists or whatever and meet men there.
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unfortunately, spanish foids fog english girls into oblivion, they have half the obesity rate we do and arent race taxed like slim women in third world countries.
>Shitskin latinas
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the "club scene", is an business model. Where club owners, try to extort as much money as possible FOR DUDES. While most dudes, have borderline zero chance of a hookup happening. Just the mere 0.001% chance on that happening, makes guys spend a shitton of money I guess.

I recall, being a LTN back in 2005. I already concluded back than, it was a money waiste. And never went clubbing and shit anymore. Only when doing with a group of friends/people already know, to go out for a bit of fun.

for slays success in clubs. you need to be like HTN and good body shape probably. Or be high status, like the dj or woner there or some shit maybe.

Lmaoooo 2005? Are you generation x? How old even are you?
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dunno what generation X means. I just checked. I probably fall in catagory early generation Y

Dude what are you doing on incel forums at 40 years old 😶
Dude what are you doing on incel forums at 40 years old 😶
This is a lookmaxxing forum 4 me. And I have defeated the agepill, from informations here, and also shared my own research and knowledge here for defeating or comabtting the looks agepill. This was mostly back in 2020 and so on, the site was filled with wisdom and shit. Dunno how it is now, I don't check much
  • Hmm...
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This is a lookmaxxing forum 4 me. And I have defeated the agepill, from informations here, and also shared my own research and knowledge here for defeating or comabtting the looks agepill. This was mostly back in 2020 and so on, the site was filled with wisdom and shit. Dunno how it is now, I don't check much
I can tell just by the way you post you are not really culturally the same as us shit posters
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I never understood having millennial starting birth years as the early '80s they were more like generation x in how they grew up
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ugly, bitch ass, annoying country tbh @Xangsane @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Chadelite
Some hot girls are there I see them when I’m clubbing a lot the problem is how picky all women Are here. The effort to slay an 5/10 here would be the same an American would put in to slaying an 7 that’s how fucked the uk is
  • So Sad
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Too many unattractive men approach them so they go elsewhere
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Some hot girls are there I see them when I’m clubbing a lot the problem is how picky all women Are here. The effort to slay an 5/10 here would be the same an American would put in to slaying an 7 that’s how fucked the uk is
I dont get this tho yalls men are ugly too. Dont see how standards can be higher.
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Clubs are for low class
Virgins spotted.

Calling all UKcels here, all the hot woman in pubs disappear and don't go to clubs where the gender ratio is 4:1.
View attachment 2372501
Why the fuck does this happen? I've heard that plenty of girls have gotten groped in nightclubs but is it really because men just spam approach and any girl above LTB gets hit on 1-5 times a night.

I can even see from people I know the attractive HTBs from my posh college attend only pubs and go clubbing < once a month while being guarded by NT normies.

Hasn't tit always been this way?
  • Hmm...
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