Why Blonde Girls Racemix the Most.

Cause white people keep insult them of being stupid while other race like them
  • JFL
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GypsyCrusader and other streamers, the italitan right wing politicians are all prime examples of this. I think it's because most of these guys are insecure about their race/identity and feed their fragile egos by being racist to ethnics which makes them feel superior
very true
Reminder that OP lives in India and has never seen or talked to a white woman
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@murdah @Jason Voorhees

Trauma from my parents lol. Exact same thing. My mum was so good looking when she was younger (+a rlly sucessful lawyer) and she married my curry father.

Whyyyyyyyyy. She had literally everything.
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No it is because blonde women are low iq
My mum was a successful lawyer (from a really good law school). Was good looking and had blonde hair/green eyes +above average height.

Yet she choose to marry my curry father.
  • JFL
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My mum was a successful lawyer (from a really good law school). Was good looking and had blonde hair/green eyes +above average height.

Yet she choose to marry my curry father.

Your mom and the woman in the OP, I'd say the difference maker is that she's tall, not that she's blonde. Girls taller than 5'7" or so tend to put zero effort into getting a tall and/or good looking guy, they really don't give a shit about looks. They're way more open to dating manlets and even ethnics than short white girls are. Tall girls wait for guys to approach them, while short girls throw themselves at guys who are tall and/or have a great face.

I'm 6'2" and white but darker featured from being distantly mixed. 1000000% my looksmatch is a short blonde girl, I like them and they like me, opposites attract is true in my experience. I've never had a girl taller than 5'7" really give me the chance, they'll fuck manlets and ethnics but never me.
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  • JFL
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You lying, send proof
I'm not gonna send a pic of my mum or her name to some random on a forum.

But it's not a larp. Anyone who looks through my post history can see I've been upfront about who I am since I created the account. I'm a mixed race white curry with a white mum. I'm from Australia and I'm from an upper middle class family. Is a successful lawyer really that much of a stretch to believe?

@murdah @Jason Voorhees


Your example has brown hair. Pick an actual blond and not a british slag.
Your mom and the woman in the OP, I'd say the difference maker is that she's tall, not that she's blonde. Girls taller than 5'7" or so tend to put zero effort into getting a tall and/or good looking guy, they really don't give a shit about looks. They're way more open to dating manlets and even ethnics than short white girls are. Tall girls wait for guys to approach them, while short girls throw themselves at guys who are tall and/or have a great face.

I'm 6'2" and white but darker featured from being distantly mixed. 1000000% my looksmatch is a short blonde girl, I like them and they like me, opposites attract is true in my experience. I've never had a girl taller than 5'7" really give me the chance, they'll fuck manlets and ethnics but never me.
That probably plays a role

I mean my dad's not exactly short either. Not a tall guy but above Australias average. He's not completely dysgenic either and probably had a similar level of success to my mum career wise at the time of marriage. But my mum looked far better than him facially. She could have done a lot better.

Still the end result of their union was a son who is somewhat aspie and rots on .org and a sister who is semi self hating. I mean to be fair they didn't do us any favours by sending us both to a school where 95% of the people are full white and wondering why we didn't socially adjust well. Should have sent us to a hippie school where like 20-30% of the kids are mixed.
My mum has legit blonde hair (from birth/childhood) and green eyes. This is a real phenomenon.
and OP's example has brown hair. I don't see any correlation with hair colour and race mixing.
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Blonde women are angels and are generous enough to get rid of shitskin genetics.
Their children will still end up rotting on .org if a guy or become self hating if a girl.
  • JFL
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That probably plays a role

I mean my dad's not exactly short either. Not a tall guy but above Australias average. He's not completely dysgenic either and probably had a similar level of success to my mum career wise at the time of marriage. But my mum looked far better than him facially. She could have done a lot better.

Still the end result of their union was a son who is somewhat aspie and rots on .org and a sister who is semi self hating. I mean to be fair they didn't do us any favours by sending us both to a school where 95% of the people are full white and wondering why we didn't socially adjust well. Should have sent us to a hippie school where like 20-30% of the kids are mixed.

Another thing is that women in prestigious careers like laywers and doctors care way less about looks, height, race, etc. The one curry guy white girl couple I know are both doctors and met in medical school.
  • +1
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i believe blonde women are angles and they have savior complex about other races, so they mix with them.
there is story also like an honest woodcutter.
Blonde women are angels and are generous enough to get rid of shitskin genetics.
it may be my curry cope to idealize blondes JFL.:feelswah:
  • A poor woodcutter was chopping wood by a river.
  • His axe fell into the water.
  • A blonde angel appeared and asked what happened.
  • She dove into the river and brought up a golden axe.
  • The woodcutter said, "It's not mine."
  • She dove again and brought up a silver axe.
  • The woodcutter said, "It's not mine."
  • She dove one more time and brought up his old iron axe.
  • The woodcutter said, "That's mine!"
  • The angel was pleased with his honesty.
  • She gave him the golden and silver axes as rewards.
  • The woodcutter went home happy and rich.

  • JFL
Reactions: theonewhocantascend
Yeah I’ve genuinely never seen a true aryan act like this, in fact the opposite View attachment 3052045View attachment 3052046

I'm blond as fuck, and I still hate niggers with passion :chad:
The thing is blonds are rare, so OBVIOUSLY you are gonna see more shit haired dudes who are racist, because racially conscious white people are already quite rare!
Anyway, Mutt IQ, everyone! :what::what:
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  • JFL
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Theory of averageness. Some people subconsciously want themselves or their offspring to fall into average coloring, height, facial harmony, neurology.

Tall men, short women.

White men, Asian women.

Tall women, short men.

Dark skin black, blonde white.

NT/ calm men, autistic/ adhd women.

Aggressive men, quiet women.

Easy going men, goal oriented women.

Rich old men, poor young women.

Some people want from their partner the things they wish they had
Makes no sense for you to say a tall men would want a short bitches genes, or that a white men would want to be a GOOK :lul::lul::lul:

That's what we call SETTLING.
Anyone who claims NOT to be attracted to tall, skinny, blue eyed, Aryan, high PSL stacies is just coping with their lack options.
We are naturally hardwired to seek the best genes to improve our own.
seethe shitskin seethe and keep coping faggot
Lmao aren't you the cumskin faggot who gets his ass on fire at the mere sight of any ethnic/black x white?? Jfl at you're pathetic little existence 🤣. This is no longer the 2000's you rotten pig, ethnics and blacks are on the rise since the past decade and they will continue to do so with the media haloing them even more. All this while you're incel Virgin ass jerks off to your mtb snowbunny tradwife getting railed by tyrone/chadpreet.
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There are massive amounts of white dudes who say asian women only... a good amount who say latina only, and definitely some that say black women only lmfao. There are defo more no white women type of dudes then in reverse
Meanwhile for white women, its really nothing like that. Even the most hardcore snowbunnies still fuck white dudes and the actual "no white men" girls are legitimately like mentally ill shaved head types who likely fucked a white man before going full nutjob anyway.

So in this regard there is a big difference.
Are you serious?

It's not common for either gender of Whites to specifically only go for another race.

I've legit rarely see any White dudes irl go strictly for non-White women even if they're open to Latinas, Asians, or whatever. Being open to dating and fucking other women is not the same as only going for them.

The main White dudes who "only" go for Asian women are either weebs or divorced older men who already started a White family and slept with White women in their youth before settling for a Filipina or Thai wife after they've gotten flabby and washed up.

Snow Bunnies are in the minority but so are yellow fever White dudes. And normie White guys tend to prefer Whiter Latinas who are at least 60% European and can basically pass for Italian or Greek women.
dumb blonde stereotype exists for a reason. probably because blonde genetics are the most desirable and thus evolved to always be taken care of and treated well in their native society, and are thus high in trust, and therefore susceptible to exploitation by (((outsider influences)))
  • Woah
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My mum was a successful lawyer (from a really good law school). Was good looking and had blonde hair/green eyes +above average height.

Yet she choose to marry my curry father.
That's disgusting, but less worse than if she had breed with some nigger, because at least indians usually have thin features.

Women who breed with niggers should be dismembered in public.
99% of their kids are monstrously ugly :feelsrope::feelsrope:
Are you serious?

It's not common for either gender of Whites to specifically only go for another race.

I've legit rarely see any White dudes irl go strictly for non-White women even if they're open to Latinas, Asians, or whatever. Being open to dating and fucking other women is not the same as only going for them.

The main White dudes who "only" go for Asian women are either weebs or divorced older men who already started a White family and slept with White women in their youth before settling for a Filipina or Thai wife after they've gotten flabby and washed up.

Snow Bunnies are in the minority but so are yellow fever White dudes. And normie White guys tend to prefer Whiter Latinas who are at least 60% European and can basically pass for Italian or Greek women.
Yeah, that's like being Chad and saying "No I'm low tier Becky only" :lul::lul::lul::lul:

It's a mentall illness to date outside your race in general but people who are vocal about it are even more fcked up, they usually have some big trauma.
White men obsessed with asian woman are almost always incels with abused dog syndrome from being laughed at by blonde Stacy in their formative years.
Yeah, that's like being Chad and saying "No I'm low tier Becky only" :lul::lul::lul::lul:

It's a mentall illness to date outside your race in general but people who are vocal about it are even more fcked up, they usually have some big trauma.
White men obsessed with asian woman are almost always incels with abused dog syndrome from being laughed at by blonde Stacy in their formative years.
I support IR dating but these dudes are lying by implying that it's normal to see regular White dudes "only" go for non-White women.

I'd say both genders of White people are open to IR dating on a circumstantial basis but it's not common to "only" go for non-Whites and the ones who do express that preference ironically get called out for it by woke types who claim that they're fetishizing Black men, Asian women, or whatever.

There's a reason why the main White dudes who SEAmaxx the most are older men who already started families with White women before they decided to find a Filipina or Thai wife as a last resort. These dudes are washed up and flabby and mainly dealing with bar girls and gold diggers. Very rarely do you see young White guys in their prime flying out to SEA Asia for a girlfriend lol.

I swear....these White guys online who have vendettas against White women just make shit up lol.
Are you serious?

It's not common for either gender of Whites to specifically only go for another race.

I've legit rarely see any White dudes irl go strictly for non-White women even if they're open to Latinas, Asians, or whatever. Being open to dating and fucking other women is not the same as only going for them.

The main White dudes who "only" go for Asian women are either weebs or divorced older men who already started a White family and slept with White women in their youth before settling for a Filipina or Thai wife after they've gotten flabby and washed up.

Snow Bunnies are in the minority but so are yellow fever White dudes. And normie White guys tend to prefer Whiter Latinas who are at least 60% European and can basically pass for Italian or Greek women.
I agree with your post, its not common for sure. All good points

There are defo more white dudes who say asian women only/yellow fever though. Ive met them in person. Many are nerdy dweebs and dudes who are in the LTN range + not NT and struggle to pull white women and can do better with asian women. But I jsut met a 6'3 chadlite dude who was the friend of one of my firends who said he was yellow fever and only wanted ABG and westernized asian girls and said "they are tighter" lol

I also have friend who is a 6'4 skinny alt-white type dude who is basically a wigger and he told me he prefers lightskins and darkskins girls...

Anecdotes for sure, but it exists
Lmao aren't you the cumskin faggot who gets his ass on fire at the mere sight of any ethnic/black x white?? Jfl at you're pathetic little existence 🤣. This is no longer the 2000's you rotten pig, ethnics and blacks are on the rise since the past decade and they will continue to do so with the media haloing them even more. All this while you're incel Virgin ass jerks off to your mtb snowbunny tradwife getting railed by tyrone/chadpreet.
lmao keep seething and coping with your fantasy you shitskin rat.
6'3 with 50+ whitegirl slays meanwhile you're a pathetic shitskin getting mogged.
Another thing is that women in prestigious careers like laywers and doctors care way less about looks, height, race, etc. The one curry guy white girl couple I know are both doctors and met in medical school.

No it’s not that. 90% of the white women I’ve dated fall into that category. They’re even stricter on literally everything.

It’s just women in prestigious careers in the US/UK are more likely to be in diverse and integrated environments and not immediately failo ethnics.

Average person derives their experiences from low class, culturally unadapted ethnics, or media. The black homeless guy, the smelly Indian FOB taxi driver, rapist Arab kebab vendor.
Also op is, as most of this forum, retarded and looks-obsessed.

Human behavior is explained by a lot more than looks. Hair color has 0 to do with whether someone mixes it up.
  • JFL
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I'm blond as fuck, and I still hate niggers with passion :chad:
The thing is blonds are rare, so OBVIOUSLY you are gonna see more shit haired dudes who are racist, because racially conscious white people are already quite rare!
Anyway, Mutt IQ, everyone! :what::what:
You’re a frail manlet, muhh aryan.
No it’s not that. 90% of the white women I’ve dated fall into that category. They’re even stricter on literally everything.

It’s just women in prestigious careers in the US/UK are more likely to be in diverse and integrated environments and not immediately failo ethnics.

Average person derives their experiences from low class, culturally unadapted ethnics, or media. The black homeless guy, the smelly Indian FOB taxi driver, rapist Arab kebab vendor.

They’re stricter on everything else besides looks. Tall, professional women do not care about looks, they have low sex drives and slut shame themselves out of putting even a drop of effort into getting a tall and good looking guy.

I’ve never seen a single drop of evidence that women like that select guys based on looks, and plenty that they don’t. It’s not even that they date ethnics and manlets, it’s that they end up with ones whose faces are average at best.

These couples usually form through proximity, and at no point was the girl like “OMG he’s so hot”. I know the stories of quite a few.
I agree with your post, its not common for sure. All good points

There are defo more white dudes who say asian women only/yellow fever though. Ive met them in person. Many are nerdy dweebs and dudes who are in the LTN range + not NT and struggle to pull white women and can do better with asian women. But I jsut met a 6'3 chadlite dude who was the friend of one of my firends who said he was yellow fever and only wanted ABG and westernized asian girls and said "they are tighter" lol

I also have friend who is a 6'4 skinny alt-white type dude who is basically a wigger and he told me he prefers lightskins and darkskins girls...

Anecdotes for sure, but it exists

I think you'll be just as likely to find White girls with the same mentality. In fact, the Koreaboo phenomenon is primarily driven by young White women as opposed to young White men.
Shes not even naturally blond
lmao keep seething and coping with your fantasy you shitskin rat.
6'3 with 50+ whitegirl slays meanwhile you're a pathetic shitskin getting mogged.
Tales from the deepest darkest and smelliest ghettos of muttmerica. We all know you're a 5'5 lanklet that's never left his basement and jerks off to bbc cuckolding porn. Cope and seethe white pig. 50 slays my ass 🤣. You don't mog shit subhuman

@murdah @Jason Voorhees

most men will approach blonde white women

white brah will say its not true but its true

eventually deepak will approach 1000 white women and 1 % of that 1000 would be 100 that goes interracial while the white brah is online talking about how barrett and chico post a new photo on IG
Because nordics are the most firm in their whiteness. They already know they are ubermensch so they don't even need to prove it others this is the reason why most sfcels are balkaners, slavs or americans it's because they are insecure about their race and where they stand @StrangerDanger @Magnum Opus

Michael Jordan Lol GIF
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