Why calories are complete bs

Calories don’t represent the energy equivalence in the food substance. We will never know the actual food substance energy accurately.
it's a label
you can use this shitty argument about pretty much everything

don't call the sea the sea bro cuz we will never know the sea accurately bro
it's possible if you're obese, but sure. it's really satiating so you're right, you'll drop the weight very fast

you can't eat a calorie because it's used as a label for the energy value of a food
guess what happens when you have too much energy? it gets stored as fat... rocket science, right?

with a lack of glucose/carbs in your diet it'll get converted regardless if you eat in excess or not, if you eat in excess you get fat.
Your body will create the very small required amounts of carbs through gluoneogenesis. You do not need to eat exogenous carbohydrates as a human being for optimal health.

Once again, no one will overeat on a 100% carnivore. You would have to willingly do it.
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it's a label
you can use this shitty argument about pretty much everything

don't call the sea the sea bro cuz we will never know the sea accurately bro
Therefor, that’s not science. Science is based on facts, not associations. You’re associating calories with the energy that’s derived from the food substance. FALSE. Case dismissed.
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Your body will create the very small required amounts of carbs through gluoneogenesis. You do not need to eat exogenous carbohydrates as a human being for optimal health.

Once again, no one will overeat on a 100% carnivore. You would have to willingly do it.
if you don't need exogenous carbs for optimal health, explain why the brain prefers glucose as its source of energy rather than fat?
if you say you'll get the energy from gluconeogenesis, it won't be enough considering not only your brain requires it to function.
Therefor, that’s not science. Science is based on facts, not associations. You’re associating calories with the energy that’s derived from the food substance. FALSE. Case dismissed.
calories (energy values) of foods are calculated through the atwater system which is based on facts.
if you don't need exogenous carbs for optimal health, explain why the brain prefers glucose as its source of energy rather than fat?
if you say you'll get the energy from gluconeogenesis, it won't be enough considering not only your brain requires it to function.

calories (energy values) of foods are calculated through the atwater system which is based on facts.
1. There are multiple forms of energy.

2. Calories ONLY represent the heat energy that is produced after consuming the food.

3. We do NOT absorb heat. They are photons of light which have no rest mass.

4. Your brain is made mainly out of saturated fats. If you fully convert to a carnivore lifestyle, your brain will run off of ketones.
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  • JFL
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1. There are multiple forms of energy.
?? what's the point of this point
2. Calories ONLY represent the heat energy that is produced after consuming the food.
did you even read what i was writing?
calories represent the metabolisable energy in foods
3. We do NOT absorb heat. They are photons of light which have no rest mass.
4. Your brain is made mainly out of saturated fats. If you fully convert to a carnivore lifestyle, your brain will run off of ketones.
ketones are an alternative source of energy, they are not ideal & optimal for brain function
producing ATP from glucose is much easier, faster & profitable as opposed to using fats/ketones

sure, at first it'll appear they're better since per molecule, they have more ATP values, but in the long run it's a net-negative.
short-term, it's completely fine. long-term? too stressful to be sustainable for your body

also, if we're gonna go through the 'nature evolution bro' pathway, why would glucose be our primary & preferred source of energy for the most important organ in our body?
surely that means something. it's like saying muh mouth-breathing is better because you inhale more air whilst it's only something that happens when you can't do it through the primary way (nose-breathing)
  • JFL
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?? what's the point of this point

did you even read what i was writing?
calories represent the metabolisable energy in foods


ketones are an alternative source of energy, they are not ideal & optimal for brain function
producing ATP from glucose is much easier, faster & profitable as opposed to using fats/ketones

sure, at first it'll appear they're better since per molecule, they have more ATP values, but in the long run it's a net-negative.
short-term, it's completely fine. long-term? too stressful to be sustainable for your body

also, if we're gonna go through the 'nature evolution bro' pathway, why would glucose be our primary & preferred source of energy for the most important organ in our body?
surely that means something. it's like saying muh mouth-breathing is better because you inhale more air whilst it's only something that happens when you can't do it through the primary way (nose-breathing)
Provide evidence that our brains running off of ketones is detrimental long term. That’s a cause and effect statement. That is just your incompetent opinion.
Provide evidence that our brains running off of ketones is detrimental long term. That’s a cause and effect statement. That is just your incompetent opinion.
The only study I could find about long-term keto that isn't focused on weight loss is this one.
Low-carbohydrate diets were associated with a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality

There's a reason you can't find any proper long-term studies about the effects of constant keto, it's because they all either quit or die without having the chance to participate in a study.

Just think about it, you said yourself that the less work your body does the healthier it'll be, right?
So if gluconeogenesis is a whole lot more effort for your body as opposed to glycolysis, what is the smarter move?

Oh by the way, if I don't have studies to prove that brains running off of ketones are detrimental, you don't have studies to prove that brains running off of ketones are optimal.
We're at a blockade due to a lack of literature & all we can do is look at the facts & use logic.
If you live a very slow & sedentary lifestyle, sure. Go zero carb, who gives a shit. Your body won't be needing any fast energy so the fatty acids & ketones will be enough for you.

But if you have anything remotely close to an active lifestyle (natural & optimal according to you), you will be needing glucose for your body.
  • JFL
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Low-carbohydrate diets were associated with a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality
Stopped reading after that.

Another association “study”. Not a long term 100% controlled study with humans locked in labs for multiple decades watching everything they eat.

Those are opinions based on incompetence and propaganda.

Case dismissed.
Stopped reading after that.

Another association “study”. Not a long term 100% controlled study with humans locked in labs for multiple decades watching everything they eat.

Those are opinions based on incompetence and propaganda.

Case dismissed.
No such study exists you dumb fuck.
If your brain wasn't so slow from your zero carb diet you'd be able to read a few sentences within a minute as opposed to you taking 4 minutes to read 1 sentence, type out a shitty response with a red colour + font & say DNRD in a fancy way.

You have not proved anything to me, or to anyone in fact. The only people you convince are 15 year old retards like OP who are outcasts & need a scape-goat (their diet).

Sure, I agree that animal foods are ideal for nutrition, but carbs are ideal for fuel.
You cannot prove to me that this statement is wrong, the best you can do is send me a video of a fully bald 30 year old man that looks 60 yapping about how mixing carbs + fats are causing chronic inflammation in your body.
No such study exists you dumb fuck.
If your brain wasn't so slow from your zero carb diet you'd be able to read a few sentences within a minute as opposed to you taking 4 minutes to read 1 sentence, type out a shitty response with a red colour + font & say DNRD in a fancy way.

You have not proved anything to me, or to anyone in fact. The only people you convince are 15 year old retards like OP who are outcasts & need a scape-goat (their diet).

Sure, I agree that animal foods are ideal for nutrition, but carbs are ideal for fuel.
You cannot prove to me that this statement is wrong, the best you can do is send me a video of a fully bald 30 year old man that looks 60 yapping about how mixing carbs + fats are causing chronic inflammation in your body.
Either go and learn about the Randle Cycle or die
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
Either go and learn about the Randle Cycle or die
Just don't eat carbs & fats at the same time theorem except you're a sissy with an eating disorder in denial so you completely avoid one or the other
Just don't eat carbs & fats at the same time theorem except you're a sissy with an eating disorder in denial so you completely avoid one or the other
Retard, eating multiple meals a day consisted of one being fat and protein and the others being carbs will still activate the Randle Cycle. That will last up to 3 days regardless of when you take breaks to eat.
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
Retard, eating multiple meals a day consisted of one being fat and protein and the others being carbs will still activate the Randle Cycle. That will last up to 3 days regardless of when you take breaks to eat.
The randle cycle occurs when you have too much of one or the other, dumbass.

Just don't be a glutton theorem, just eat a normal amount of food theorem.
  • JFL
Reactions: Never Get Up
The randle cycle occurs when you have too much of one or the other, dumbass.

Just don't be a glutton theorem, just eat a normal amount of food theorem.
Enjoy your early death bitch
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  • JFL
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Enjoy your early death bitch
Jfl if you think cutting out all your carbs & glucose will give you a long life

Just stress your body out 24/7 and live a long life theorem

Just be a cortisol powerhouse and live a long life theorem
Just don't eat carbs & fats at the same time theorem except you're a sissy with an eating disorder in denial so you completely avoid one or the other
Just drink raw milk. When I say just, it's just. Why consume anything else
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This is what 300lb black women preach on tiktok

kill yourself nigga
Just drink raw milk. When I say just, it's just. Why consume anything else
This incel said milk will activate your randle cycle & lower your life-span.

I guess all new-born infants are doomed when they suckle on their mothers tits bro, the randle cycle is wreaking havoc on their body bro.
  • JFL
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Just drink raw milk. When I say just, it's just. Why consume anything else
@Never Get Up recommending blood to the 2 month old infant after he realises that breast milk has more carbs than fat/protein
dracula dead and loving it GIF
  • JFL
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This incel said milk will activate your randle cycle & lower your life-span.

I guess all new-born infants are doomed when they suckle on their mothers tits bro, the randle cycle is wreaking havoc on their body bro.
milk is designed to fatten the baby up before their teeth grow in to chew raw meat you fucking faggot

Sugar + carbs you incel loser
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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This incel said milk will activate your randle cycle & lower your life-span.

I guess all new-born infants are doomed when they suckle on their mothers tits bro, the randle cycle is wreaking havoc on their body bro.
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milk is designed to fatten the baby up before their teeth grow in to chew raw meat you fucking faggot

Sugar + carbs you incel loser
But all that inflammation from the Randle Cycle wouldn't let the baby fatten up bro!
Neither his bones nor any of his organs would grow from the constant chronic inflammation!
But all that inflammation from the Randle Cycle wouldn't let the baby fatten up bro!
Neither his bones nor any of his organs would grow from the constant chronic inflammation!
Yes the baby will grow up a Jew
Yes the baby will grow up a Jew
Okay so tell me how will a healthy baby grow in the first half year of his life when he's inflicted with chronic inflammation from his mothers milk?
If the baby only got 'fattened' up like you said, it wouldn't be able to move, breathe or live at that. It'd simply die.
Okay so tell me how will a healthy baby grow in the first half year of his life when he's inflicted with chronic inflammation from his mothers milk?
If the baby only got 'fattened' up like you said, it wouldn't be able to move, breathe or live at that. It'd simply die.
Do you understand that the human body is capable of adapting? It evolved this way specifically to enable the likelyhood of the baby surviving. You will never see a baby who is lean.
  • JFL
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Do you understand that the human body is capable of adapting? It evolved this way specifically to enable the likelyhood of the baby surviving. You will never see a baby who is lean.
Just ignore the question theorem
@raleqtambrobret The Randle Cycle doesn’t kill you instantly you idiot. It takes decades of consuming carbs to do so.
@raleqtambrobret The Randle Cycle doesn’t kill you instantly you idiot. It takes decades of consuming carbs to do so.
But babies are very sensitive, did you know that?
If a years of inflammation from the randle cycle can destroy an adult then only a few months of the same will destroy a baby, yet a baby survives on their mothers milk for about the first half year of their life.
But babies are very sensitive, did you know that?
If a years of inflammation from the randle cycle can destroy an adult then only a few months of the same will destroy a baby, yet a baby survives on their mothers milk for about the first half year of their life.
All foods cause inflammation, even meat. The babies will live long enough via the Randle Cycle the first couple of years until their teeth grow in. They’ll be ok. Adults get diseases caused by chronic Randle Cycle activation after 10+ years of eating carbs + fats daily.
  • JFL
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All foods cause inflammation, even meat. The babies will live long enough via the Randle Cycle the first couple of years until their teeth grow in. They’ll be ok. Adults get diseases caused by chronic Randle Cycle activation after 10+ years of eating carbs + fats daily.
A small common cold can kill a baby but chronic inflammation won't?

Oh boy...
Yet you’re here typing to me
You'll need to elaborate on this one, bub.
Your ketogenic brain seems to have adapted to the autistic nature of your diet & has lost all sense of humour.
You'll need to elaborate on this one, bub.
Your ketogenic brain seems to have adapted to the autistic nature of your diet & has lost all sense of humour.
Live debate rn
  • JFL
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
The best way to lose weight. For me. Just eating a lot less food and I can lose like 1.5 kg a week from it :lul:

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