Why can’t aspies be treated like downies



biggest rotter on the internet
Aug 5, 2023
This is so stupid I’m tired of being forced to socialize, study, work, date, fuck, etc. Nah fuck this I have Ausadhd diagnosed at 8 and had a IEP but I’ve never been placed in any special Ed places. In fact I was always grouped in with high achieving ntfags & around turbo NT athletes. I was able to mask it younger but now I can’t

This is so stupid low functioning autism > high functioning autism. Imagine not needing to worry about a job, having a gf, having friends, being the best at everything, studying, top tier athleticism because you’re retarded.

But no disability is impossible to get but welfare is easy if you’re a single slut leech whore or some degenerate 60 iq thug subhuman who just engages in crime. Yea man it’s better to give off free money to leeching violent savages instead of a standard autist who just can’t function in society. kikes despite autists and want them to suffer

@butterworld @alurmo @nword49 @wishIwasSalludon @PrinceLuenLeoncur
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It's one of those sicknesses you wish you could make people around you experience for a day to understand it. Otherwise it is just impossible unless they see a graphic from a doctor or some high society achievement nigger like Mbappe explaining it because "He is on TV dude he must be right". There is a reason people think a 16 year old athlete opinions have more value than let's say the average citizen. It's all about image.
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It's one of those sicknesses you wish you could make people around you experience for a day to understand it. Otherwise it is just impossible unless they see a graphic from a doctor or some high society achievement nigger like Mbappe explaining it because "He is on TV dude he must be right". There is a reason people think a 16 year old athlete opinions have more value than let's say the average citizen. It's all about image.
Agreed. Plus the issue is this increased self diagnosis nonsense and retards who are the opposite of underdogs believing that they are. A lot of people see these kind of possible aspie like guys on tV and pretend they relate to them. But the reality is they shit on the actual guys irl or fail to recognize them.

Like I see it all the time from the sodomite faggots irl who fall into the latter but self diagnose themselves to be autistic
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