Why cant just one fucking person agree with me?



Jan 19, 2020
Even the biggest subhuman nowadays, doesnt give me right. Even when i mog him to hell and back. Why can tpeople simply admit that iam right and they know nothing , like today? They just dont see it and are ignorant asf. So much stupidity around you and you need to keep your track on this route, but how? They arent logical, theyre brainwashedfrom everything and cant even think for their own. You just can hate the human race. Its full of braindead retards. JUST ONE PERSON, whose thinking logical and not irrational. Cunts like @Gudru are what i mean. Action and reaction. If you react to something you didnt do anything wrong, because there was an action before. Why cant people understand this simple concept? And why you should get punished for the reaction you made to the action? THERES ZERO LOGICAL REASON BEHIND THIS LOGIC, I simply cant get it and will never accept it.
Wtf does this mean explain to me
Bro get to a psychiatrist ASAP (srs)
I will have to decipher this interesting
@Nosecel I take it back I don like this guy
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This is now going to be a copypasta of mine.

1207D861 80ED 4D15 A582 4F84030D2EFB
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OP are you scandinavian? Since you said "give me right", sounds Norwegian bro.

Anyways, look up determinism. That sounds like what you are talking about. I am myself a determinist, however society is set up around the concept of free will, and it largely works in making the world go around. In terms of morality though, you are correct. Your reaction to a given action is never really something you yourself decide, as you have been formed by factors (environment and genetics) outside of your control since birth.
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I don't think I read tbh
So what do y'all think about Mexican food
Bro get to a psychiatrist ASAP (srs)

Iam by one, but doesnt help if your problems are looks. And even then, when i mog subhumans, they really think theyre more worth than me.
I just dont give up to retarded nts and people who cant grasp the simplest concept of logic. Iam not born to fail and people will realize that sooner or later.
OP are you scandinavian? Since you said "give me right", sounds Norwegian bro.

Anyways, look up determinism. That sounds like what you are talking about. I am myself a determinist, however society is set up around the concept of free will, and it largely works in making the world go around. In terms of morality though, you are correct. Your reaction to a given action is never really something you yourself decide, as you have been formed by factors (environment and genetics) outside of your control since birth.

Society just works for braindead lemmings with no free will.
he already is on disability welfare

I get extra money, because of "mental problems", thats all.
Iam by one, but doesnt help if your problems are looks. And even then, when i mog subhumans, they really think theyre more worth than me.
I just dont give up to retarded nts and people who cant grasp the simplest concept of logic. Iam not born to fail and people will realize that sooner or later.

Bro just benzomaxx I see you posting these threads and you seem agitated as fuck all the time. the others here Including myself are borderline mentalcels but you just need to relax and find something to enjoy/cope tbh. This forum is good but come back to it when you feel stable (not trying to be rude).

this forum has funny shit and is entertaining but my dude if your mental health is progressively getting worse then log off. do you play any sports? Where do you live? There has to be some sort of outdoors activity like hiking or skiing that you can spend some time doing. Both are good copes srs
ppl w/o bpd wont understand bro
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Bro just benzomaxx I see you posting these threads and you seem agitated as fuck all the time. the others here Including myself are borderline mentalcels but you just need to relax and find something to enjoy/cope tbh. This forum is good but come back to it when you feel stable (not trying to be rude).

this forum has funny shit and is entertaining but my dude if your mental health is progressively getting worse then log off. do you play any sports? Where do you live? There has to be some sort of outdoors activity like hiking or skiing that you can spend some time doing. Both are good copes srs

Its not bc of the forum.
Bro just benzomaxx I see you posting these threads and you seem agitated as fuck all the time. the others here Including myself are borderline mentalcels but you just need to relax and find something to enjoy/cope tbh. This forum is good but come back to it when you feel stable (not trying to be rude).

this forum has funny shit and is entertaining but my dude if your mental health is progressively getting worse then log off. do you play any sports? Where do you live? There has to be some sort of outdoors activity like hiking or skiing that you can spend some time doing. Both are good copes srs

But ill leave now, so you can get rid off me like all the others and live your fabulous life together with all the others here.
Its not bc of the forum.
I dont mean just the forum. I mean being chronically online. YouTube, politics, Reddit whatever. a lot of this shit is designed to get you riled up, emotionally charged even if you’re a normie and if you find yourself worsening in mental health the best thing you can do is something wholesome and in the real world. All these screen things are addicting too
Even the biggest subhuman nowadays, doesnt give me right. Even when i mog him to hell and back. Why can tpeople simply admit that iam right and they know nothing , like today? They just dont see it and are ignorant asf. So much stupidity around you and you need to keep your track on this route, but how? They arent logical, theyre brainwashedfrom everything and cant even think for their own. You just can hate the human race. Its full of braindead retards. JUST ONE PERSON, whose thinking logical and not irrational. Cunts like @Gudru are what i mean. Action and reaction. If you react to something you didnt do anything wrong, because there was an action before. Why cant people understand this simple concept? And why you should get punished for the reaction you made to the action? THERES ZERO LOGICAL REASON BEHIND THIS LOGIC, I simply cant get it and will never accept it.

Ok I see what you are saying you post something and an autist reacts inapropriately. But there is no punishment for them acting that way that's why you are mad.

Yes I agree with you , mods should take action against them but this is the one forum they don't.

This forum relies on free speech , it's the conflict that brings out black pill facts . Yes there are assholes but it is what it is. It's not ideal but it's functional . You have an ignore button to use on them.

Fyi everyone gets shit posted by autists . They are not targeting you solely.

This ok?
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