Why christianity is kinda of right and Islam is kind of dumb.



Jul 12, 2024
Now don’t get me wrong now. A belief is a belief. I have no hate for any type of religion. (Except Satanist). First let’s talk about how you need to study a whole language just to convert to Islam. This is dumb. Why do I need to learn a whole language that is very hard to speak( it’s hard if it’s not your first ever language). And learn. But for Christianity you can pray to God in any language. (How?) because God is a Omni God. Basically can grab information and do things and have knowledge that is very complex and very indescribable and is without our reach of understanding. Also, fun fact. God can see use at all times because he live in a way higher dimension that is very indescribable to explain. Anyways let’s also talk about how Worshipping anyone or anything other than God, known as shirk is the worst Sin for Islam.
How can I even know if Allah is real when I never got any messages, was born in a Christian household and never was teach or taught any info about Islam. Now if Allah was real and it judgement day time. It’s just not fair. “Your just lazy how about you do anything to reach Allah” I Guess your right. Anyways here’s another reason why Islam is dumb. You basically have to wear these clothes that covers your face and stuff. Like yea I’m Good. I don’t know that much about Islam but yea it’s so weird. But no hate, I love Islams. Now bye. 👋
nigga your god shits and eats
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Both are false but Christianity is way more cucked and illogical
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Reactions: GabachoCopium, fxckz, altbones and 1 other person
? Ok?….. don’t know what that’s supposed to prove. But I don’t think so?
god isn't supposed to need anything how does your god need to eat and sleep etc. a god that needs something like this isn't all powerful
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Islam is a religion of war and violence. The Quran condones it. Islam has ruined so many lives. No other religion has as much blood on its hands as Islam does. Islam is spread by the sword, not free will like the other religions.
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Islam is a way of colonization that's why they need to learn the language of their colonizers, Arabs in this case... The countries in middle east lost all their culture after embracing this shit religion
Imagina having such an amazing culture like Egypt then forgetting it to pray to some ripoff god from a ginger "Prophet" :pepefrown:
Both are false but Christianity is way more cucked and illogical
If Christianity is illogical why Islam is a bad copy of it, it's basically a copy of Judaism and Christianity + copes from sandniggers :pepefrown:
If Christianity is illogical why Islam is a bad copy of it, it's basically a copy of Judaism and Christianity + copes from sandniggers :pepefrown:
True but all religions are plagiarized to an extent. Christianity is def no exception
True but all religions are plagiarized to an extent. Christianity is def no exception
Obv, the thing is Judaism created most of it
I am actually following a history channel that draws parallels btw Mainstream religions and cultures where they got things from (probably), you can't say for certain they copied other religions or cultures, in the case of Judaism, because their religion is very old too, there's some evidences here and there, but in the case of Christianism there's more evidences and in the case of Islam is a complete joke, it's a bunch of things thrown together
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Now don’t get me wrong now. A belief is a belief. I have no hate for any type of religion. (Except Satanist). First let’s talk about how you need to study a whole language just to convert to Islam. This is dumb. Why do I need to learn a whole language that is very hard to speak( it’s hard if it’s not your first ever language). And learn. But for Christianity you can pray to God in any language. (How?) because God is a Omni God. Basically can grab information and do things and have knowledge that is very complex and very indescribable and is without our reach of understanding. Also, fun fact. God can see use at all times because he live in a way higher dimension that is very indescribable to explain. Anyways let’s also talk about how Worshipping anyone or anything other than God, known as shirk is the worst Sin for Islam.
How can I even know if Allah is real when I never got any messages, was born in a Christian household and never was teach or taught any info about Islam. Now if Allah was real and it judgement day time. It’s just not fair. “Your just lazy how about you do anything to reach Allah” I Guess your right. Anyways here’s another reason why Islam is dumb. You basically have to wear these clothes that covers your face and stuff. Like yea I’m Good. I don’t know that much about Islam but yea it’s so weird. But no hate, I love Islams. Now bye. 👋
Don’t need to study the language to convert u can get someone to help u recite shahadah, you can pray to god for things in English but you just have to read it in Arabic when praying salah (which isn’t difficult you just learn how to say thr words you don’t need to know the meaning or anything, like rehearsing a script).

Clothes that cover the face is only for women when they leave the house and the face part isn’t necessary (nor is the head garment it’s promoted but no necessary) but most women that aren’t forced or just extremely pious wear just the head scarf.
Mohammed is a literal pedophile yet you still believe him :feelskek:
We don’t worship Muhammad pbuh, he is just a messenger of God,

You are an agecuck faggot because your kings and generals married the young like it was a norm

Age of consent 100 years ago was 7 in jewmerica and there are no age cuck laws in Christianity

You are a hypocrite for following man made laws made by the same people who go to epstein island regularly and actually rape babies, kys :bigbrain:

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