Why Dick Size Does Not matter



Hardstuck MTN
Aug 25, 2023
Cock mogging is the most common cope on this forum for some reason, even though it matters almost nothing compared to other factors that contribute to your SMV for three main reasons

The main reason being is that you need to have good factors in your SMV other than cock size in order for your dick to be used. You could have a 7.5 x 6 with perfect aesthetics but if you have a truecel face or you’re 5’5 it will never be used with a women so who cares? Focus on cock after you start getting women, it’s completely useless otherwise

Second reason being that girls do not care about dick size as much as some of you might think. Obviously it matters, but mainly for extreme ends of the spectrum. Girls don’t see a dick and think “this looks 6.5 x 5.” They place you into 3 categories subconsciously , small, average, or big. Statistically, most humans are average so for people with average size it likely won’t affect sex in a negative or positive way or the chance of a girl wanting to hookup again. If you’re below 5 inches in length I’d say it will start to matter, as you might not be able to pleasure girls as well. But either the focus here is that girls cannot accurately determine dick size, and it really only is important if you’re severely below or above average

Lastly, and a reason I don’t see mentioned enough is that most of us are focusing on ‘slaying’ rather than a LTR. Meaning for you it matters even less. The reason being the goal of a slay/ONS is for your enjoyment and bragging rights. Nobody cares about pleasuring the girl in a ONS because the idea is that you will never see them again nor will they interact with you or your friends. So why would your dick size matter here? Even if you were sub 5 and you didn’t make her finish. It quite literally dosent matter because she will be out of your life the second you leave the room and you can still say you slayed and you got to finish. It matters almost nothing in comparison to a LTR where there is reoccurring sex, your gf will want to enjoy it because it’s going to happen for the foreseeable future and she may be part of your social circle which could potentially spread word of your cock size. But even then this dosent happen super often.

TLDR: If you never use your dick with women the size is irrelevant, women don’t accurately determine sizes, and it hardly matters for slays.

Inb4: “small dick cope”
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@ShawarmaFilth @TechnoBoss @Aero @Jason Voorhees @yeeyeeslayer @Michael Meyers
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mirco penis pride ☝☝
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Cock mogging is the most common cope on this forum for some reason, even though it matters almost nothing compared to other factors that contribute to your SMV for three main reasons

The main reason being is that you need to have good factors in your SMV other than cock size in order for your dick to be used. You could have a 7.5 x 6 with perfect aesthetics but if you have a truecel face or you’re 5’5 it will never be used with a women so who cares? Focus on cock after you start getting women, it’s completely useless otherwise

Second reason being that girls do not care about dick size as much as some of you might think. Obviously it matters, but mainly for extreme ends of the spectrum. Girls don’t see a dick and think “this looks 6.5 x 5.” They place you into 3 categories subconsciously , small, average, or big. Statistically, most humans are average so for people with average size it likely won’t affect sex in a negative or positive way or the chance of a girl wanting to hookup again. If you’re below 5 inches in length I’d say it will start to matter, as you might not be able to pleasure girls as well. But either the focus here is that girls cannot accurately determine dick size, and it really only is important if you’re severely below or above average

Lastly, and a reason I don’t see mentioned enough is that most of us are focusing on ‘slaying’ rather than a LTR. Meaning for you it matters even less. The reason being the goal of a slay/ONS is for your enjoyment and bragging rights. Nobody cares about pleasuring the girl in a ONS because the idea is that you will never see them again nor will they interact with you or your friends. So why would your dick size matter here? Even if you were sub 5 and you didn’t make her finish. It quite literally dosent matter because she will be out of your life the second you leave the room and you can still say you slayed and you got to finish. It matters almost nothing in comparison to a LTR where there is reoccurring sex, your gf will want to enjoy it because it’s going to happen for the foreseeable future and she may be part of your social circle which could potentially spread word of your cock size. But even then this dosent happen super often.

TLDR: If you never use your dick with women the size is irrelevant, women don’t accurately determine sizes, and it hardly matters for slays.

Inb4: “small dick cope”
Agreed on everything except dick size, dick size determines wether she will want to fuck again or not. It's even more important than lasting long. Girls do actually know about dick sizes, how are you so naive about women? Is not like they do not know what the average height, dick size and income is.
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Didn’t read yet but I’ve been saying this.

Erection quality and firmness and girth matter so much more (assuming you have Atleast 5 inches or more)

Most men are walking around slinging shrimpies and hoping it wakes up inside like Evanescence.
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Agreed on everything except dick size, dick size determines whether she will want to fuck again or not. It's even more important than lasting long. Girls do actually know about dick sizes, how are you so naive about women? Is not like they do not know what the average height, dick size and income is.
Like I said, it matters but really only if you’re very small or super big. If you’re small obviously she will be less likely to want to fuck again and if you’re big she’ll be more inclined, but for average sizes your stroke game and overall sex ability is going to matter more. People with larger dicks just have a leg up. And as far as sizes I’m not naive, I’ve asked multiple of my female friends to show what they think average is with their hands and then say the measurements and the results are completely scattered. They can tell to an extent like I said, but they can’t do exact measurements at all
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Didn’t read yet but I’ve been saying this.

Erection quality and firmness and girth matter so much more (assuming you have Atleast 5 inches or more)

Most men are walking around slinging shrimpies and hoping it wakes up inside like Evanescence.
This, this this this

erection quality made me realize how big my dick actually is I thought I had a 7 inch small wiener
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This, this this this

erection quality made me realize how big my dick actually is I thought I had a 7 inch small wiener
oh yeah not just length, with shit eq i had a girth under 5 inches but then when i did nofap for 2 weeks and eat raw meat i measured a clean 5.1
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I have amicropenis and a ltn face and I will never find love and die a Virgin who never experienced being loved
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Woman love my pencil dick they think its cute
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im 8x5 so maybe i do have a small dick yikes
Agreed on everything except dick size, dick size determines wether she will want to fuck again or not. It's even more important than lasting long. Girls do actually know about dick sizes, how are you so naive about women? Is not like they do not know what the average height, dick size and income is.
even more brootal when you realize they discuss your dick size with their friends so if you got a small dick she can ruin your entire reputation
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even more brootal when you realize they discuss your dick size with their friends so if you got a small dick she can ruin your entire reputation
This. women share everything, all your conversations are shared with her friend so be careful of what you say. They might even share dick pics. Women have a foids group.
IMG 5657
  • JFL
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Only once you've hit the minimum of 6.45 nbp x 5.3
This. women share everything, all your conversations are shared with her friend so be careful of what you say. They might even share dick pics. Women have a foids group.
This isn’t wrong, but for slays this won’t matter becaause their social circles are separate from yours
Please don’t turn this into a dick size discussion :feelswah:
This. women share everything, all your conversations are shared with her friend so be careful of what you say. They might even share dick pics. Women have a foids group.
even the escorts i fuck talk about me jfl, imagine a foid youre emotionally connected to
The main reason being is that you need to have good factors in your SMV other than cock size in order for your dick to be used. You could have a 7.5 x 6 with perfect aesthetics but if you have a truecel face or you’re 5’5 it will never be used with a women so who cares? Focus on cock after you start getting women, it’s completely useless otherwise
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even more brootal when you realize they discuss your dick size with their friends so if you got a small dick she can ruin your entire reputation
dont date a female with "friends" lmfao
I feel like the girth would be better rather than smashing your long dick into the girls cervixes
some girls like it smashing into their cervix, complete lengthlet cope

i agree my girth would be better at 5.5 but calling my dick small is org brainrot, maybe if i was 8x4.5
  • Hmm...
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He is @Gengar now :feelsgiga::feelswow:

No tag :feelswah:

I am LTR only :feelshah:

But I have 5.8 Inch cock, brutal
Ah, I’m glad he’s back to gengar

I’ll tag you next time.

5.8 is fine, don’t listen to these people who measure incorrectly or inflate their size. Apparently everyone here is magically 6.5:feelskek:
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I agree with the 3 categories they put you in

U need a bare minimum of 7.5 bp which i think most people can reach with 1-2 years of pe

Its literally so easy to get into the “big” category

but overall i think its one of the best things in life to have a big dick still
  • JFL
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Reactions: got.daim, ChadL1te and DalitBoss
Ah, I’m glad he’s back to gengar

I’ll tag you next time.

5.8 is fine, don’t listen to these people who measure incorrectly or inflate their size. Apparently everyone here is magically 6.5:feelskek:
Yeah exactly

My theory is everyone measures wrong tbh, even from the top it’s easy to measure wrong
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Ah, I’m glad he’s back to gengar

I’ll tag you next time.

5.8 is fine, don’t listen to these people who measure incorrectly or inflate their size. Apparently everyone here is magically 6.5:feelskek:
6.5 isnt even crazy it’s within average just high end
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?? Most people are within 6 inches

You can literally gain 1 inch in a year and reach 7-7.5 bp

Then just go 11% bf and boom ur around 7 nbp which is pretty fucking big
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