Why do curries on this forum refuse to believe me when I say I don't find white women that attractive?



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022
People like @Gengar @Big White Cuck @yeeyeeslayer

I know it's a self-projection but what's the origin of this? I make no bones about the fact that I like light skinned women; MENA and to a lesser extent Latinos and meds fit that bill. Anything ranging from prime Salma Hayek to Amal Clooney. Even when I posted my crushes growing up:

One of the first comments was, that they all look MENA/latina except two. Actually only half of them are.

I do find whites attractive just not as much. They are on par with gooks tbh. Literally 99% of blonde blue eyes women are basically capped at MTB and HTB in extremely rare cases. Like prime Mia Malkova would be a HTB, but even she has dark eyes and ass halo. It's the same with gooks, I cap them all at MTB and few exceptions like prime Maria Ozawa are HTB - but even she looks like she has some MENA DNA. Sorry about porn examples I literally can't think of any others. I probably only find them HTN because they've made my dick hard.

Meanwhile I can think of tons of HTB+ that are Latina, MENA or med-passing.... I've just never naturally found that Anglo/Germanic/Scandi look that attractive. It is ALWAYS the curries accusing me of being in self denial about this. Never a white person. Idk maybe I was traumatised by a blonde blue eyed white girl as a child and developed a hatred into adulthood - at least say this. It would make more sense. The fact that they're all without exception degenerates also failos them. In the same way Chico would be failed if his name was Ranjeet Patel.

However to say I'm in self-denial about not finding white women attractive and it's somehow in my nature to do so - like bro I get second hand embarrassment. I sometimes wish I could take part in this curry school of thought but it does not resonate with me.
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Kill white women. Behead white women. Roundhouse kick a white blonde women into the concrete. Slam dunk a white baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy white women. Defecate in a white women food. Launch white women into the sun. Stir fry white women in a wok. Toss white women into active volcanoes. Urinate into a white women gas tank. Judo throw white women into a wood chipper. Twist white women heads off. Report white women to the IRS. Karate chop white women in half. Curb stomp pregnant white women. Trap white women in quicksand. Crush white women in the trash compactor. Liquefy white women in a vat of acid. Eat white women. Dissect white women. Exterminate white women in the gas chamber. Stomp white blonde skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate white women in the oven. Lobotomize white women. Mandatory abortions for white women. Grind white fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown white women in fried chicken grease. Vaporize white women with a ray gun. Kick old white women down the stairs. Feed white women to alligators. Slice white women with a katana.
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  • Ugh..
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Even ugly White women are hot.
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  • Ugh..
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bro wrote an essay on white woman 🤣
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Cause they're curries
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  • WTF
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They don’t like you either
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You are ethnic male equivalent of pick-me girls
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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you think ur cool for not liking white girls
Maybe. But if anyone's making me feel cool it's the curries. I grew up thinking this pheno was universally hot and white blonde bimbo only a fetish for certain guys.

I'll admit most guys find white women most attractive though. The pheno I like is fighting for second place with gooks..
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They don’t like you either
Exactly. It’s just a coping mechanism for OP. At best, he can score a LTB landwhale but who wants that anyway? *queue all the poojeets lining up for a shot with a Fat Aryan Queen*
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Blonde foids are definitely the hottest but I dont think I could ever marry one, brunette white girl or ethnic babe only
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Even ugly White women are hot.
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People like @Gengar @Big White Cuck @yeeyeeslayer

I know it's a self-projection but what's the origin of this? I make no bones about the fact that I like light skinned women; MENA and to a lesser extent Latinos and meds fit that bill. Anything ranging from prime Salma Hayek to Amal Clooney. Even when I posted my crushes growing up:

One of the first comments was, that they all look MENA/latina except two. Actually only half of them are.

I do find whites attractive just not as much. They are on par with gooks tbh. Literally 99% of blonde blue eyes women are basically capped at MTB and HTB in extremely rare cases. Like prime Mia Malkova would be a HTB, but even she has dark eyes and ass halo. It's the same with gooks, I cap them all at MTB and few exceptions like prime Maria Ozawa are HTB - but even she looks like she has some MENA DNA. Sorry about porn examples I literally can't think of any others. I probably only find them HTN because they've made my dick hard.

Meanwhile I can think of tons of HTB+ that are Latina, MENA or med-passing.... I've just never naturally found that Anglo/Germanic/Scandi look that attractive. It is ALWAYS the curries accusing me of being in self denial about this. Never a white person. Idk maybe I was traumatised by a blonde blue eyed white girl as a child and developed a hatred into adulthood - at least say this. It would make more sense. The fact that they're all without exception degenerates also failos them. In the same way Chico would be failed if his name was Ranjeet Patel.

However to say I'm in self-denial about not finding white women attractive and it's somehow in my nature to do so - like bro I get second hand embarrassment. I sometimes wish I could take part in this curry school of thought but it does not resonate with me.
We get it bro, your don’t DM white women bobs and vegana, you’ve beat the allegations you can stop begging it now
  • JFL
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People like @Gengar @Big White Cuck @yeeyeeslayer

I know it's a self-projection but what's the origin of this? I make no bones about the fact that I like light skinned women; MENA and to a lesser extent Latinos and meds fit that bill. Anything ranging from prime Salma Hayek to Amal Clooney. Even when I posted my crushes growing up:

One of the first comments was, that they all look MENA/latina except two. Actually only half of them are.

I do find whites attractive just not as much. They are on par with gooks tbh. Literally 99% of blonde blue eyes women are basically capped at MTB and HTB in extremely rare cases. Like prime Mia Malkova would be a HTB, but even she has dark eyes and ass halo. It's the same with gooks, I cap them all at MTB and few exceptions like prime Maria Ozawa are HTB - but even she looks like she has some MENA DNA. Sorry about porn examples I literally can't think of any others. I probably only find them HTN because they've made my dick hard.

Meanwhile I can think of tons of HTB+ that are Latina, MENA or med-passing.... I've just never naturally found that Anglo/Germanic/Scandi look that attractive. It is ALWAYS the curries accusing me of being in self denial about this. Never a white person. Idk maybe I was traumatised by a blonde blue eyed white girl as a child and developed a hatred into adulthood - at least say this. It would make more sense. The fact that they're all without exception degenerates also failos them. In the same way Chico would be failed if his name was Ranjeet Patel.

However to say I'm in self-denial about not finding white women attractive and it's somehow in my nature to do so - like bro I get second hand embarrassment. I sometimes wish I could take part in this curry school of thought but it does not resonate with me.
Tanned white milf stacy with big tiddies is always the ideal keep crying
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wait are you that curry that got denied by middle eastern hoes?
white girls >>>mena nigger women take the pill boyo
White girls will never look like this

Any white girl who is HTB+ is likely 16-18 and will age like milk. White women are just fuck toys with expiry dates, MENA women are LTR material.
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Curries are noticably ugly and retarded, they boost White Women ego because they literally become dogs for them. 1.5B of them probably reduced the quality to dirt.
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Curries are noticably ugly and retarded, they boost White Women ego because they literally become dogs for them. 1.5B of them probably reduced the quality to dirt.
.In this age of technology you would've thought curri swould've found out how much white women hate them and think they would've stopped simping or had some self-respect.... But instead they just simp for them even more.
I think they are overrated but I don't see how you can hate them
I think they are overrated but I don't see how you can hate them
Tbh I'm ngl my hatred comes from the fact that they're slutty. If they weren't slutty I probably would find them a bit more attractive. Hence why I sometimes simp for Chechen and Bosniak women.
Tbh I'm ngl my hatred comes from the fact that they're slutty. If they weren't slutty I probably would find them a bit more attractive. Hence why I sometimes simp for Chechen and Bosniak women.
All women are slutty is just some just don't have rights.

Except Asians they will suck your dick and play mario kart with you and stay loyal, shame I don't find them attractive.
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All women are slutty is just some just don't have rights.
Women's rights are bullshit and a modern phenomenon. Feminism should've ended at the first wave (e.g. women can be doctors). It became something completely different nowadays (e.g. dressing like an escort).
Except Asians they will suck your dick and play mario kart with you and stay loyal, shame I don't find them attractive.
If you're white.
Women's rights are bullshit and a modern phenomenon. Feminism should've ended at the first wave (e.g. women can be doctors). It became something completely different nowadays (e.g. dressing like an escort).

If you're white.
Guys thought to make girls slutty and they thought they could hit aswell and 80 percent of men are sexless lol
Nigga white girls are the easiest, JFL at you. Laying MENA is huge ego boost cause it’s harder. Curry girls are hit or miss, usually a miss. Noodles usually have no appeal to me personally barring some slim thick ones
Dude I think you miss the appeal. Blonde hair and germanic facial structure is basically the prostitute phenotype, the Romans took such women and used them as courtesans and then every prostitute in the empire dyed their hair blonde. Whenever I see a young blonde female I think of how she needs to be raped and enslaved
  • JFL
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Nigga white girls are the easiest, JFL at you. Laying MENA is huge ego boost cause it’s harder. Curry girls are hit or miss, usually a miss. Noodles usually have no appeal to me personally barring some slim thick ones
Fr I feel like it's easier to slay white girls (sub-MTB) than curries or MENA. For curries MENA women are harder, for whites MENA women are easier. Depends on how liberal the hoe is.
Ethniks complain about muh JBW then foam over every basic cumskin Becky jfl. As a curry I think a spic/pajeeta/MENA HTB+ mog white HTB+ majority of the time. Although the latter are usually slightly more attractive on average
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Reactions: datboijj and SecularIslamist
People like @Gengar @Big White Cuck @yeeyeeslayer

I know it's a self-projection but what's the origin of this? I make no bones about the fact that I like light skinned women; MENA and to a lesser extent Latinos and meds fit that bill. Anything ranging from prime Salma Hayek to Amal Clooney. Even when I posted my crushes growing up:

One of the first comments was, that they all look MENA/latina except two. Actually only half of them are.

I do find whites attractive just not as much. They are on par with gooks tbh. Literally 99% of blonde blue eyes women are basically capped at MTB and HTB in extremely rare cases. Like prime Mia Malkova would be a HTB, but even she has dark eyes and ass halo. It's the same with gooks, I cap them all at MTB and few exceptions like prime Maria Ozawa are HTB - but even she looks like she has some MENA DNA. Sorry about porn examples I literally can't think of any others. I probably only find them HTN because they've made my dick hard.

Meanwhile I can think of tons of HTB+ that are Latina, MENA or med-passing.... I've just never naturally found that Anglo/Germanic/Scandi look that attractive. It is ALWAYS the curries accusing me of being in self denial about this. Never a white person. Idk maybe I was traumatised by a blonde blue eyed white girl as a child and developed a hatred into adulthood - at least say this. It would make more sense. The fact that they're all without exception degenerates also failos them. In the same way Chico would be failed if his name was Ranjeet Patel.

However to say I'm in self-denial about not finding white women attractive and it's somehow in my nature to do so - like bro I get second hand embarrassment. I sometimes wish I could take part in this curry school of thought but it does not resonate with me.
Only blonde gymrats with narcissistic personality gets me hard at this point.
People like @Gengar @Big White Cuck @yeeyeeslayer

I know it's a self-projection but what's the origin of this? I make no bones about the fact that I like light skinned women; MENA and to a lesser extent Latinos and meds fit that bill. Anything ranging from prime Salma Hayek to Amal Clooney. Even when I posted my crushes growing up:

One of the first comments was, that they all look MENA/latina except two. Actually only half of them are.

I do find whites attractive just not as much. They are on par with gooks tbh. Literally 99% of blonde blue eyes women are basically capped at MTB and HTB in extremely rare cases. Like prime Mia Malkova would be a HTB, but even she has dark eyes and ass halo. It's the same with gooks, I cap them all at MTB and few exceptions like prime Maria Ozawa are HTB - but even she looks like she has some MENA DNA. Sorry about porn examples I literally can't think of any others. I probably only find them HTN because they've made my dick hard.

Meanwhile I can think of tons of HTB+ that are Latina, MENA or med-passing.... I've just never naturally found that Anglo/Germanic/Scandi look that attractive. It is ALWAYS the curries accusing me of being in self denial about this. Never a white person. Idk maybe I was traumatised by a blonde blue eyed white girl as a child and developed a hatred into adulthood - at least say this. It would make more sense. The fact that they're all without exception degenerates also failos them. In the same way Chico would be failed if his name was Ranjeet Patel.

However to say I'm in self-denial about not finding white women attractive and it's somehow in my nature to do so - like bro I get second hand embarrassment. I sometimes wish I could take part in this curry school of thought but it does not resonate with me.
White Women are not ugly, BUT DISGUSTING

Bodycount at least 10 with 20 years old
White girls will never look like this
View attachment 2720974

Any white girl who is HTB+ is likely 16-18 and will age like milk. White women are just fuck toys with expiry dates, MENA women are LTR material.
>Claims he doesn't like white foids
>Posts a white-passing ethnic foid
OP deep down
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curries are very self hating so any woman with dark skin reminds them of themselves
>Claims he doesn't like white foids
>Posts a white-passing ethnic foid
OP deep down
View attachment 2739506
I don't like shitskin pajeetas obviously nigga. I like light not white girls. And they must have dark hair, eyes etc. Basically 90% of MENA girls - not the 5% that are curry passing (Mia Khalifa).
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People like @Gengar @Big White Cuck @yeeyeeslayer

I know it's a self-projection but what's the origin of this? I make no bones about the fact that I like light skinned women; MENA and to a lesser extent Latinos and meds fit that bill. Anything ranging from prime Salma Hayek to Amal Clooney. Even when I posted my crushes growing up:

One of the first comments was, that they all look MENA/latina except two. Actually only half of them are.

I do find whites attractive just not as much. They are on par with gooks tbh. Literally 99% of blonde blue eyes women are basically capped at MTB and HTB in extremely rare cases. Like prime Mia Malkova would be a HTB, but even she has dark eyes and ass halo. It's the same with gooks, I cap them all at MTB and few exceptions like prime Maria Ozawa are HTB - but even she looks like she has some MENA DNA. Sorry about porn examples I literally can't think of any others. I probably only find them HTN because they've made my dick hard.

Meanwhile I can think of tons of HTB+ that are Latina, MENA or med-passing.... I've just never naturally found that Anglo/Germanic/Scandi look that attractive. It is ALWAYS the curries accusing me of being in self denial about this. Never a white person. Idk maybe I was traumatised by a blonde blue eyed white girl as a child and developed a hatred into adulthood - at least say this. It would make more sense. The fact that they're all without exception degenerates also failos them. In the same way Chico would be failed if his name was Ranjeet Patel.

However to say I'm in self-denial about not finding white women attractive and it's somehow in my nature to do so - like bro I get second hand embarrassment. I sometimes wish I could take part in this curry school of thought but it does not resonate with me.
those are all caucasoid leaning
Stop with the tales, you clearly know no middle eastern foid would ever match a genuine white one
Curries screaming at u for saying this meanwhile this should be lifefuel for them. God their too far gone
  • +1
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Stop with the tales, you clearly know no middle eastern foid would ever match a genuine white one
Bro couldn’t get with white women even if he wanted to cuz he can’t even get mena foids, all he posts is white passing and light mena/curry girls despite being dark.
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Bro couldn’t get with white women even if he wanted to cuz he can’t even get mena foids, all he posts is white passing and light mena/curry girls despite being dark.
Yeah and he's not even MENA himself to begin with, he's bengali or something. That's why he's coping claiming white females are uglier
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Bro couldn’t get with white women even if he wanted to cuz he can’t even get mena foids, all he posts is white passing and light mena/curry girls despite being dark.
Yeah and he's not even MENA himself to begin with, he's bengali or something. That's why he's coping claiming white females are uglier
I've had IOIs from them IRL. Also I live in UK there is almost zero MENA here. If there are, they are way too secular.
I've had IOIs from them IRL. Also I live in UK there is almost zero MENA here. If there are, they are way too secular.
There are many mena women in uk
IMG 1276

IMG 1277

So stop the cope, u just want a white passing mena girl, that’s why you are so obsessed with them. Unfortunately most of them didn’t fit your standards. You could have just go for an light skin Bengali fob with 1 or 2 below your looks point level knowing that girls are giga hyper famous , but yeah you just have a white fetish since menas are generally white passing than pajeetas.
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That's fucking 0.4% if the population you retard. And how many of them are based in London? Probably like 80% of them. Also they're in West and North.

I literally grew up in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire and saw more farm animals than fucking humans. The only MENAs I've met IRL in the UK I can count with my fingers.
So stop the cope, u just want a white passing mena girl, that’s why you are so obsessed with them. Unfortunately most of them didn’t fit your standards. You could have just go for an light skin Bengali fob with 1 or 2 below your looks point level knowing that girls are giga hyper famous , but yeah you just have a white fetish since menas are generally white passing than pajeetas.
Yes I prefer lighter skin women and MENA women are lighter skin by default. Also yes I don't like curry passing women. Wtf is your point? I don't want a blonde, pale slut as I said in OP. I don't mind a med-passing one. These pheno are ideal.


Funilly enough my morph (avi) is ideal too. Are you gonna call that white passing as well?
That's fucking 0.4% if the population you retard. And how many of them are based in London? Probably like 80% of them. Also they're in West and North.

I literally grew up in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire and saw more farm animals than fucking humans. The only MENAs I've met IRL in the UK I can count with my fingers.

Yes I prefer lighter skin women and MENA women are lighter skin by default. Also yes I don't like curry passing women. Wtf is your point? I don't want a blonde, pale slut as I said in OP. I don't mind a med-passing one. These pheno are ideal.

View attachment 2760701View attachment 2760702

Funilly enough my morph (avi) is ideal too. Are you gonna call that white passing as well?
Yes they are white passing according to us census, do you know that 90% of mena women don’t look like that?. They look like this on average;

Brown skin but 2 shade lighter than pajeeta.
ok we get it ur not a pathetic white worshipping curry like 99% of ur kind, ur different, you happy?
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Looks Bengali. That's not average nigga. Have you even travelled?
I have travelled to Saudi when I was young , Yemen once. They just look pajeetas with headscarf.

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