Why do I look exactly the same at 15% bf as I did at >20%

Deleted member 1089

Deleted member 1089

Luv fightin and beer
Feb 22, 2019
I literally look exactly the same,
I even think I looked better at over 20%
I dont understand why though but I guess I have shit fat distribution or something like that.
Ogre ngl but the positive thing is I can giga ogre bulk as much as I want until I can get surgeries.
Anyone else have the same problem?
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are you even looksmaxxing if your not 30% bodyfat?
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Could be bad fat distribution. Remember its only over if you're sub 12% and have also tried all debloating techniques, if you're ugly after that its over
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Cos bones bro

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you need 10%
15% is not enough for shit tier bone
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you need 10%
15% is not enough for shit tier bone

Well I will keep going for sure so I know,
But so far I dont have much hope.
Try 10% bodyfat.
It depends a lot on so many factors. I look good at 18% but I havent tried less imo
It depends a lot on so many factors. I look good at 18% but I havent tried less imo

See you are 18 and you look more lean then me
because losing bodyfat isnt a guarantee for anything. the places at which % you lose bodyfat from is genetically blueprinted. you could go down 2% more and it may go all from your face.. or not, and you have to go even deeper. you cant know till you actually go very lean
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Could be bad fat distribution. Remember its only over if you're sub 12% and have also tried all debloating techniques, if you're ugly after that its over
Can try PGCL too. If you still don't look good after that. PGCL is last hope if you still look like shit sub 12%.
because losing bodyfat isnt a guarantee for anything. the places at which % you lose bodyfat from is genetically blueprinted. you could go down 2% more and it may go all from your face.. or not, and you have to go even deeper. you cant know till you actually go very lean
Yep it just happens to lose it at one time I used to be 23-25% in december and now Im like 18-19% and you can see how my face has improved
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Yep it just happens to lose it at one time I used to be 23-25% in december and now Im like 18-19% and you can see how my face has improved
im 18% atm myself, you were 30% and now you're around 25%. people underrate their bodyfat all the time

but yes, your face can/will always improve if u lower bodyfat and people also underrate how much their face could improve from even lower bf
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Yep it just happens to lose it at one time I used to be 23-25% in december and now Im like 18-19% and you can see how my face has improved
I'm like 26-28% and I look like 18% with a top on. Holding hardly any fat on my back. Holding way more fat than I should on my chest. Face is not noticeably bloated. My fat distribution is messed up. Will look like a manboob-cel til I get very lean. Chest and stomach will be the last to go. My back is shredded at 28%. Bodyfatdistribution-cel, lowmatebolism-cel, insulinresistance-cel :(
im 18% atm myself, you were 30% and now you're around 25%. people underrate their bodyfat all the time

but yes, your face can/will always improve if u lower bodyfat and people also underrate how much their face could improve from even lower bf
Id say I was 28% max now Im like 20%

My scale said 23 at the time I think but now it says 19.4%
Go lower to 11-12
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Id say I was 28% max now Im like 20%

My scale said 23 at the time I think but now it says 19.4%

scales are extremely inaccurate and dont mean shit. the only proper way to assess is by dexa scan
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scales are extremely inaccurate and dont mean shit. the only proper way to assess is by dexa scan
Did you get dexa scan for 18%?

What matters is that you look non bloated in the end you can obviouslly see how my face changed in the 3 weeks of me cutting fat
Did you get dexa scan for 18%?
no i didnt, its an estimation based on my complete weight loss journey initially from 130 kg to 95kg and now im up to 113kg(gymcelling through body recomp so no additional fat gained whatsoever). its obviously not factual data as its not dexa scan, but i'm pretty sure im not leaner than 18%. if anything it's even more body fat. and im way leaner than you are, so you're not 18%.

What matters is that you look non bloated in the end you can obviouslly see how my face changed in the 3 weeks of me cutting fat

"bloat" is one galactical cope. most of the people (including you in this case) cope with "bloat" under facial fat. bloat does exists but its way less impactful than its portrayed usually and the round face originates from fat tissue and not water retention in 9 out 10 cases I see

Lifefuel if true tbh. Are you sure?

Yes I'm sure. I've taken over 3000 selfies over my journey from 35% body fat to 18%. Face changes all the fucking time and at random body fat %s. Sometimes I lost fat from legs, abs or hands and face didnt change for a long while(3-5 weeks) and then out of sudden it changes again. Its super random
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no i didnt, its an estimation based on my complete weight loss journey initially from 130 kg to 95kg and now im up to 113kg(gymcelling through body recomp so no additional fat gained whatsoever). its obviously not factual data as its not dexa scan, but i'm pretty sure im not leaner than 18%. if anything it's even more body fat. and im way leaner than you are, so you're not 18%.

"bloat" is one galactical cope. most of the people (including you in this case) cope with "bloat" under facial fat. bloat does exists but its way less impactful than its portrayed usually and the round face originates from fat tissue and not water retention in 9 out 10 cases I see

Yes I'm sure. I've taken over 3000 selfies over my journey from 35% body fat to 18%. Face changes all the fucking time and at random body fat %s. Sometimes I lost fat from legs, abs or hands and face didnt change for a long while(3-5 weeks) and then out of sudden it changes again. Its super random
Yeh but im prob 19-20% anyway doesent matter I like to rather see it how it looks visual.
"bloat" is one galactical cope. most of the people (including you in this case) cope with "bloat" under facial fat. bloat does exists but its way less impactful than its portrayed usually and the round face originates from fat tissue and not water retention in 9 out 10 cases I see
That being said a lot of ethnics (usually mongs) have genetic fat pads.
loose skin, stay at lower bodyfat for longer periods of time, also if you have weak bones being fat helps you cover that and being fat>being skinny with bad face, ultimate cope is also growing a beard, the only 100% solution for weak jaw and chin (I mean hipster beard, some girls like that) If you dont have that naturally try miodixl
shred to 8

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