Why do people hate Islam

She wasn’t even middle school age she was 6 at marriage it was consummated at 9.
meanwhile the bible

Numbers 31:18
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Matthew 12:33-36

Matthew 15:13

Only israelites are considered to be saved, no matter the faith of the non Israelites, God does not care for non Israelites as he did not make them according to the bible, they are all evil.

these passages do not indicate that only Israelites are considered to be saved. Christianity teaches that salvation is available to all people, regardless of their nationality or heritage. In Acts 10:35, we read, "In every nation the man whom God has chosen he accepts."
these passages do not indicate that only Israelites are considered to be saved. Christianity teaches that salvation is available to all people, regardless of their nationality or heritage. In Acts 10:35, we read, "In every nation the man whom God has chosen he accepts."
Nation = the twelve tribles of israel, it is not a universalist doctrine
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Well, I know why. But let me explain this to you

Have you not seen what Christianity has done to its host land? Have you not seen the degeneracy and filth the land of the Christians have produced, the land and countries are practically cursed with adultery, abortion, faggotry, whoredom and other animal behavior, a possible punishment from God?
Christianity ≠ Christians. Christians aren't sinless; no one is, but him.
So why point the finger at Islam when Islam remains pure and does not have these things.
Muhammad and Juwayriyya bint al-Harith, Muhammad and Maria al-Qibtiyya, The Sahaba was condoned.
Concubinage was practiced heavily all across Arabia.
And Islam is very peaceful and welcoming to all, there is no superiority based on race only actions and devotion
Truth Nuke
compared to Christianity which is wicked and hateful and only for the people of the Bible (Israelites) It is not for all, and according to the bible not all will be saved rather removed when God comes down, he only loves the Israelite people
Israelite's were commanded to slaughter people such as The Canaanites, The Amalekites, The Midianites, The Amorites, Etc. Beacuse they
Were Evil. God knew they would spread Evil. Practices such as child sacrifice, temple prostitution, and gross immorality were common among the Canaanites, Amalekites, and others. The Bible if for all Good, Not Evil.
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Nation = the twelve tribles of israel, it is not a universalist doctrine
However, Acts 10:35 is written in the New Testament, after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The term 'nation' in this context is likely meant in a broader, universal sense, referring to all people groups, not just the Israelite tribes. The passage explicitly states that God accepts people from 'every nation.'

I see that you are pretty well educated on this though, I respect your beliefs even though I personally would not follow Islam
how old was Muhammad's wife?
You know, this is the only argument that a lot of people have and i can understand why.
But what people forget is that we have to look at the societal norms, age expectancy and maturity.

Of course now it would be crazy for a 30-40 year old to marry a 6-9 year old.
But we have to look at the norms, and it wasnt just Islam but also christanity.
two things
Aisha age wasnt mentioned in the Quran nor in the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.
(correct me if i am wrong)

If we look at the age of consent for marriage around the world,

''In the nineteenth century, the minimum age was fourteen for boys and twelve for girls, so Mrs Abernathy could have legally married her daughter off at fifteen.''

What was the age of consent in 1800 in America?
''This led to the age of consent remaining at seven years old throughout the 1800s. Eventually, during the nineteenth to early twentieth century, the age of consent was raised to 16 years old. Women in America from across all racial and class demographics argued against the racism that influenced these laws.''

(Christanity, Catholics)
For Catholics, Saint Aquanis said that
''Now for the most part this age is the fourteenth year in males and the twelfth year in women: but since the ordinances of postive law are consequent upon what happens in the majorty of cases, if anyone reach the required perfection before the aforesaid age, so that nature and reason are sufficiently developed to supply the lack of age, the marriage is not annulled.''

Now there are way more examples of age of consent, i havent even talked about age expectancy yet too, and remember Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) lived 1400 years ago, this was a long time ago.

but hope this could change your mind :Comfy::Comfy::Comfy:

Just want to let you understand, and mind you if i was wrong you can correct me or if you are curious just ask
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