Why do random girls have to fuck it up when i hit up some girl? (Huge post)



Most oppressed user on org Threadmaking REINSTATED
Jun 20, 2020
So i found a girl on Yubo once who was a cute blonde and i was into her but i wouldn't call it oneitis because it's dumb to be like that for a girl you don't really know tbh ngl

Reason why i looked up girls on Yubo instead of real life is because A. I rot inside, i don't have any activities or places to go and B. There are no girls in my class.

So i'll tell you the story. I had matched with her at some point and chatted with her, and while i knew looks were one thing, i liked her personality too from the way she spoke. But after some time the chat died like every other match i had there.

But a month after the dead end i started thinking about her as i saw she was online. I messaged her and i was like actually nvm you're busy with a livestream so i won't bother you
She was like nono you can come too, which i did, but to my surprise, they all spoke Finnish.

I couldn't understand a single word they were uttering, and i made this clear in the stream, and only the dude heard me, which in turn told me she actually doesn't speak English.

So there i was, absolutely dumbfounded by this discovery. I've finally found someone i liked, and i don't have any social anxiety or anything of the sort so of course, fate decides to put a huge language barrier in the way so shit is difficult anyway.

I was feeling good though, because i was the best looking dude in the group.

But i got along with the dude, who had actually gotten her Snapchat at some point, and they were talking, and i didn't bother getting it as well because i don't even have Snapchat, but i know it's a big deal to have someone's Snapchat apparently.

It was at this point that a girl from my country joined and stayed a bit of a permanent member in the group we had going.

At some point when it was only me and the dude i came clean that i liked the girl too and neither of us were bothered about it, we actually made it a bit of a game

What me and the dude did is every time she was in the stream he'd translate for me what she said and asked, and when i replied he would translate back.
In turn i would tell the dude if his pickup lines were lame or not and gave him advice

The girl actually did compliment me, saying that i had cute ''fluffly hair'' or something like that.

One day i had become bored and i stayed in the stream but turned off the mic and they all went INSANE. The girl started begging me to come back in pm and that she was sorry and the rest asked me if i was mad. When i came back i was utterly confused. I had no idea what they could've even be talking about, and i still don't know to this day.

But since the girl messaged me i replied and we started chatting again. Kept that going for a while and the girl started to talk to me more in pms and on stream with translations

She asked me my height, and i truthfully replied 5'7''. While the dude, who i may add was 5'8'' and the other girl started laughing and talking shit, the main girl was like actually that's good and i was like why, how? and she said she was short. I asked well is that under 160cm then (5'3'') and she said yes.
This was quite weird to me, because even my mum is 5'5'', but i liked how it meant that she liked my height and it was a good thing.

I felt like everything was going REALLY well. While me and the dude were just playing in stream i decided to ask the girl a bit of a competition question, i asked her who she thought was cuter, me or him, and she said it was a hard question but ended up saying me because ''i'm cute and have nice hair and am short'' or something like that. My plan was to casually keep going until i felt it was the right moment to come clean. And i had never been rejected before so i was feeling good.

It felt unreal to me to be THIS CLOSE to having a girlfriend. Whether it's a LDR 5000km away or a normal relationship, i've never had anything of the sort as a KHHV and it was truly epic to me, my birthday was coming up and i figured this is the best present i could've had.

Even better, my mate had a falling out with the girl, and now i was the only one in the game.

Thing is, the other girl in our group didn't like this. Kept saying that she was ugly and fat and whatnot all the time.

It was completely whatever to me though i didn't care about what she had to say.
What did matter though is when the main girl joined and the other one was still there, she took it upon herself to Google Translate that i have a crush on her or something and that i am in love with her, and asking if she is with me as well and if she would have a relationship with me and whatever, and followed it up with [My name] heart [Her name]. And i KNEW that this shit was the fucking end, because it was fucking cringe and we hadn't spoken long enough for this to slide

So what the girl said was no, but she emphasized on ONLY because i lived far away, apologised and left. Other girl stayed to mock me and rub it into my face how she denied me. So the question is. Why did some complete other girl have to fuck shit up if i didn't like her and she didn't like me? What was the point? Don't get it.

In the end, she got bitter against the other dude as well and my mate was blocked off her Snapchat.

TL;DR: Language baited by a girl, but got quite far anyways, until another girl had to ruin it for no reason. Lesson learned: always be able to understand them.

I truly was THIS CLOSE. But alas.
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Obligatory didn't ask post
not reading that book
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jfl at writing something that no one will read
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jfl at writing something that no one will read
Maybe that's better. Idk. But it's out here for those who do have the patience and attention span for it.
Tried to include a TL;DR, [Huge post] tag in the title but nothing is ever enough. Damn.
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Skimmed through it.
Jfl at not having a snapchat in 2020 when every girl has one:incel:
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resume it nigga
Didn't read a single word nigga
Jfl at All these autists with the attention span of a goldfish and needing to spam this thread with their retarded posts
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It's really boring imo tbh
So? It's a texting app, and people use it to send people random shit they see in the moment to spark up conversation. For example when I'm travelling I just snap a pic of me at the airport and if the girl is interested she will ask where I'm going. Or I send a picture of good food and they will start a convo. Or even I see a fucking car crash you just take a quick snap and send it to a shit ton of people to spark up convo.

You are actually cucking yourself if you don't have a snapchat and are talking to girls that are 29 and under.
So? It's a texting app, and people use it to send people random shit they see in the moment to spark up conversation. For example when I'm travelling I just snap a pic of me at the airport and if the girl is interested she will ask where I'm going. Or I send a picture of good food and they will start a convo. Or even I see a fucking car crash you just take a quick snap and send it to a shit ton of people to spark up convo.

You are actually cucking yourself if you don't have a snapchat and are talking to girls that are 29 and under.
Yeah but i literally have nothing to cover lmao
She probably did find you atleast attractive so she felt jealous that you liked the other girl
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Bro did you roast the bitch that made fun of you?

She was probably jealous because you guys didnt find her attractive due to her subhumanity
Rope read
  • JFL
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Bro did you roast the bitch that made fun of you?

She was probably jealous because you guys didnt find her attractive due to her subhumanity
Nah i left it be but i stopped responding to her stream invites for fun and she got mad pissed
I read it but I barely understood anything, just get a snapchat and start chatting up only girls who you can speak to
I read it but I barely understood anything, just get a snapchat and start chatting up only girls who you can speak to
I tried snapchat once but it keeps on deleting everything. Pisses me off. Glitch?
I tried snapchat once but it keeps on deleting everything. Pisses me off. Glitch?
no, its desined to delete chats unless you or the other person save them
no, its desined to delete chats unless you or the other person save them
Well that is another con about it i guess. But perhaps it's assimilate or smv suicide
Read it, tldr: foids suck
Unless the girl you were talking was retarded or something like 12, she was lying about not being able to speak English. Finns in general have quite broad vocabulary and have no great trouble in understanding English. It's extremely rare for someone to be completely unable to communicate in English. We're taught a lot of mandatory and challenging English in school and unlike most other European nations, nothing in Netflix or TV is dubbed, so we learn it even by watching Simpsons, Breaking Bad or w/e.
  • +1
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Unless the girl you were talking was retarded or something like 12, she was lying about not being able to speak English. Finns in general have quite broad vocabulary and have no great trouble in understanding English. It's extremely rare for someone to be completely unable to communicate in English. We're taught a lot of mandatory and challenging English in school and unlike most other European nations, nothing in Netflix or TV is dubbed, so we learn it even by watching Simpsons, Breaking Bad or w/e.
She was a couple of months younger than me. I was 15 at the time.
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She was a couple of months younger than me. I was 15 at the time.
15 and she can't talk a word of English? I don't know bro, smells a little fishy.
15 and she can't talk a word of English? I don't know bro, smells a little fishy.
Idk. We had a chat function and if i typed something in English she would butcher it every time. She only knew really basic shit
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So i found a girl on Yubo once who was a cute blonde and i was into her but i wouldn't call it oneitis because it's dumb to be like that for a girl you don't really know tbh ngl

Reason why i looked up girls on Yubo instead of real life is because A. I rot inside, i don't have any activities or places to go and B. There are no girls in my class.

So i'll tell you the story. I had matched with her at some point and chatted with her, and while i knew looks were one thing, i liked her personality too from the way she spoke. But after some time the chat died like every other match i had there.

But a month after the dead end i started thinking about her as i saw she was online. I messaged her and i was like actually nvm you're busy with a livestream so i won't bother you
She was like nono you can come too, which i did, but to my surprise, they all spoke Finnish.

I couldn't understand a single word they were uttering, and i made this clear in the stream, and only the dude heard me, which in turn told me she actually doesn't speak English.

So there i was, absolutely dumbfounded by this discovery. I've finally found someone i liked, and i don't have any social anxiety or anything of the sort so of course, fate decides to put a huge language barrier in the way so shit is difficult anyway.

I was feeling good though, because i was the best looking dude in the group.

But i got along with the dude, who had actually gotten her Snapchat at some point, and they were talking, and i didn't bother getting it as well because i don't even have Snapchat, but i know it's a big deal to have someone's Snapchat apparently.

It was at this point that a girl from my country joined and stayed a bit of a permanent member in the group we had going.

At some point when it was only me and the dude i came clean that i liked the girl too and neither of us were bothered about it, we actually made it a bit of a game

What me and the dude did is every time she was in the stream he'd translate for me what she said and asked, and when i replied he would translate back.
In turn i would tell the dude if his pickup lines were lame or not and gave him advice

The girl actually did compliment me, saying that i had cute ''fluffly hair'' or something like that.

One day i had become bored and i stayed in the stream but turned off the mic and they all went INSANE. The girl started begging me to come back in pm and that she was sorry and the rest asked me if i was mad. When i came back i was utterly confused. I had no idea what they could've even be talking about, and i still don't know to this day.

But since the girl messaged me i replied and we started chatting again. Kept that going for a while and the girl started to talk to me more in pms and on stream with translations

She asked me my height, and i truthfully replied 5'7''. While the dude, who i may add was 5'8'' and the other girl started laughing and talking shit, the main girl was like actually that's good and i was like why, how? and she said she was short. I asked well is that under 160cm then (5'3'') and she said yes.
This was quite weird to me, because even my mum is 5'5'', but i liked how it meant that she liked my height and it was a good thing.

I felt like everything was going REALLY well. While me and the dude were just playing in stream i decided to ask the girl a bit of a competition question, i asked her who she thought was cuter, me or him, and she said it was a hard question but ended up saying me because ''i'm cute and have nice hair and am short'' or something like that. My plan was to casually keep going until i felt it was the right moment to come clean. And i had never been rejected before so i was feeling good.

It felt unreal to me to be THIS CLOSE to having a girlfriend. Whether it's a LDR 5000km away or a normal relationship, i've never had anything of the sort as a KHHV and it was truly epic to me, my birthday was coming up and i figured this is the best present i could've had.

Even better, my mate had a falling out with the girl, and now i was the only one in the game.

Thing is, the other girl in our group didn't like this. Kept saying that she was ugly and fat and whatnot all the time.

It was completely whatever to me though i didn't care about what she had to say.
What did matter though is when the main girl joined and the other one was still there, she took it upon herself to Google Translate that i have a crush on her or something and that i am in love with her, and asking if she is with me as well and if she would have a relationship with me and whatever, and followed it up with [My name] heart [Her name]. And i KNEW that this shit was the fucking end, because it was fucking cringe and we hadn't spoken long enough for this to slide

So what the girl said was no, but she emphasized on ONLY because i lived far away, apologised and left. Other girl stayed to mock me and rub it into my face how she denied me. So the question is. Why did some complete other girl have to fuck shit up if i didn't like her and she didn't like me? What was the point? Don't get it.

In the end, she got bitter against the other dude as well and my mate was blocked off her Snapchat.

TL;DR: Language baited by a girl, but got quite far anyways, until another girl had to ruin it for no reason. Lesson learned: always be able to understand them.

I truly was THIS CLOSE. But alas.
Read the story and mogs me
But at least I can cope with your height


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you were never close stop reminiscing
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ldr would never work. you were just validation to her.
Still think things would've gone differently if this harlot didn't fuck it all up for no reason
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You havnt learned girls are assholes yet?
You havnt learned girls are assholes yet?
quite often but that's some doomer shit. i ain't gon go live without gettin any pussy
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this story is er fuel ngl
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moet je maar nederlands spreken, droplul
That was brutal to read
OP never again talk to a girl who doesnt speak english

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