Why do so many top-tier Chads have mid (sometimes even ugly) wives/girlfriends?

I called it a long time ago

dating someone 5 psl below you maked them indebted to your compassion in choosing someone so subhuman
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Some girls who want to date me were Stacy-tier when I was younger and slimmer (no bragging).

So, I guess I should date a short MTB kinda overweight post-Wall brown bitch for being in a "perfect" relationship.
There's nothing that screams more alpha than being wirh a women that mogs ypu hard. It's like thr ultimate display of dominance having a beautiful women submit to you as an ugly ogre is everything. Look how high t this subhuman looks with gl women next tohim. Ypur worth as a man= hoe much your women mogs you. These are the true chads not subhumans like the one in OP

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Except when the nigga cheats on the stacy, everyone flames the subhuman and his true genetic worth shows. Women know that when they choose the LTN its out of security, its not due to dominance, so when he behaves outside of his role and thinks hes a chad now, she puts him in his place by calling him ugly and the fact she settled.

After that she becomes strictly chad only. Never think you have any power over a stacy being a genetic gargoyle

Men who cheat on stacy when they're LTNs are the biggest low iq niggas I've ever seen.

If i was Adriana Lima and that IPD cel cheated on me, I wouldve set his dick on fire and offered him to the next procession being sacrificed to God.
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same reason stacies settle for HTNs because they're confident in that thier genetics will bless their offspring so they don't feel the need to select for the absolute best
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same reason stacies settle for HTNs because they're confident in that thier genetics will bless their offspring so they don't feel the need to select for the absolute best
And sub stacylite?
dealing with bodymaxxed stacies is hell on earth even for chads. Once they have fucked every girl you ever dreamt of they decide to live peacefully with a cute htb
Here is my theory as to why chads get in LTR s with average looking women - they want a woman who they mog to be by their side and support them financially, so they can always cheat on her for numerous hotter women and enjoy the beckie’s wealth and company. The average looking woman a chad is with is likely to forgive her n number of times for cheating on her by hooking up with multiple stranger women who are stacies. Unlike with the case of Beckies, Chad can’t cheat on Stacy and get away with it many times imo.
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Here is my theory as to why chads get in LTR s with average looking women - they want a woman who they mog to be by their side and support them financially, so they can always cheat on her for numerous hotter women and enjoy the beckie’s wealth and company. The average looking woman a chad is with is likely to forgive her n number of times for cheating on her by hooking up with multiple stranger women who are stacies. Unlike with the case of Beckies, Chad can’t cheat on Stacy and get away with it many times imo.
Don’t generalise and demonise
Maybe they are just wonderful, kind, human beings...
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This is a case of reverse lookism. Assuming ugly people, or less attractive people per se, are more nice or "better" people than attractive ones. The reason betabuxxing is a thing.

I've even see attractive men with Becky-tier and even LTB girls but with hot bodies. and HTBs with LTN, even, subhumans but usually taller and overweight.

It's like that.
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This is a case of reverse lookism. Assuming ugly people, or less attractive people per se, are more nice or "better" people than attractive ones. The reason betabuxxing is a thing.

I've even see attractive men with Becky-tier and even LTB girls but with hot bodies. and HTBs with LTN, even, subhumans but usually taller and overweight.

It's like that.
Why does this happen particularly beckies with Chads?
Why does this happen particularly beckies with Chads?
Usually they think these girls are interesting and think attractive girls are so "dumb" or "shallow".
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Usually they think these girls are interesting and think attractive girls are so "dumb" or "shallow".
Anything else? And this is for ltr/marriage and not short term.
Anything else? And this is for ltr/marriage and not short term.
Well, LTR and marriage tend to be more attractive than LTB but not Stacy-tier.
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I believe when people worry about looks so much, or are pressured into looking good and that just plays such an huge role in their life, they start to care less about it in others and want more of an personality as their now more understanding about the hierarchy and the blackpill
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I believe when people worry about looks so much, or are pressured into looking good and that just plays such an huge role in their life, they start to care less about it in others and want more of an personality as their now more understanding about the hierarchy and the blackpill
but if that were the case then stacies would have lower standards than MTBs which is clearly isn't the case, otherwise our entire experience with the dating market would be completely different
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but if that were the case then stacies would have lower standards than MTBs which is clearly isn't the case, otherwise our entire experience with the dating market would be completely different
Nah allot of models settle for people who look allot worse. Like adriana and all the other examples. We see ugly dudes with pretty girls all the time, i truely believe that when looks rape your mental health, you value it less in others
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This is a case of reverse lookism. Assuming ugly people, or less attractive people per se, are more nice or "better" people than attractive ones. The reason betabuxxing is a thing.

I've even see attractive men with Becky-tier and even LTB girls but with hot bodies. and HTBs with LTN, even, subhumans but usually taller and overweight.

It's like that.
I don't think that at all, I know gl people aren't necessarily better or nicer, and I also know that chad cares about personality (he has that luxury). But one would assume that these top SMV guys have so many options that they can pick a woman who has both the looks and personality
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I don't think that at all, I know gl people aren't necessarily better or nicer, and I also know that chad cares about personality (he has that luxury). But one would assume that these top SMV guys have so many options that they can pick a woman who has both the looks and personality
You're acting like a resentful socialist (no offense). Attractive people has the "failo" that people assume they are irresponsible and shallow (some sure they really are) and that's why they think ugly people have "better personalities" (LOL).

One friend of mine was fucking JBs and attractive BPD foids but he was a thugmaxxed gigaNT ogre that nobody took him seriously and even were scared of him, but sexual-wise, he was living the Chad's life.

And there was a high MTN white looking guy who only had one gf that despised him for not be "too social".
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but if that were the case then stacies would have lower standards than MTBs which is clearly isn't the case, otherwise our entire experience with the dating market would be completely different
Are you rich or well connected?
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to balance ego clashes, two hot people will have egos and they want the attention for themselves. In a relationship, someone has to play the role of the submissive...master-slave dynamic is present in everything
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Cuz maybe they think they would be better mothers than a Stacy who is in Instagram all day.
I wonder why prettyboys often have better looking gfs than maesthetic/robust prettyboy/masc types
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I wonder why prettyboys often have better looking gfs than maesthetic/robust prettyboy/masc types
Cuz they want a literal prettyboy to have pretty kids, especially daughters. A hypermasculine guy would have breed too masculine girls and masc ogre men that would only reproduce in a non fancy ambient.

Also, prettygirls don't want to feel dominated or dominate anyone when prettyboy.
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to balance ego clashes, two hot people will have egos and they want the attention for themselves. In a relationship, someone has to play the role of the submissive...master-slave dynamic is present in everything
This applies also with friendship. I've seen attractive looking, more masculine or more intelligent men being treated like gods by peers, but ugly, weaker and/or dumb guys get bullied and treated like shit by anyone. :feelsree:

And if you don't believe this about "friendship" then you're bluepilled. :soy:
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Cuz they want a literal prettyboy to have pretty kids, especially daughters. A hypermasculine guy would have breed too masculine girls and masc ogre men that would only reproduce in a non fancy ambient.

Also, prettygirls don't want to feel dominated or dominate anyone when prettyboy.
I mean I thought maesthetics would get the hottest GFs but not even robust prettyboys get the same quality of GFs as pretty prettyboys it seems.
I mean I thought maesthetics would get the hottest GFs but not even robust prettyboys get the same quality of GFs as pretty prettyboys it seems.
No way bro is fallen to the female appeal of prettyboys :soy:
I mean I thought maesthetics would get the hottest GFs but not even robust prettyboys get the same quality of GFs as pretty prettyboys it seems.
Prettyboys are dominant and safe for foids and obviously they would make pretty daughters.

We don't live in Prehistoric times anymore (even if Paleolithic or Neolithic one) and we are more into feminine way of living (socialize, lies, double standards and caring about reputation, etc.) so prettyboys are ideal for foids.
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Prettyboys are dominant and safe for foids and obviously they would make pretty daughters.

We don't live in Prehistoric times anymore (even if Paleolithic or Neolithic one) and we are more into feminine way of living (socialize, lies, double standards and caring about reputation, etc.) so prettyboys are ideal for foids.
All foids want prettyboys these days. For them would you say going with a masc/maesthetic GL guy is settling?
All foids want prettyboys these days. For them would you say going with a masc/maesthetic GL guy is settling?
HTB/Stacylites settle with prettyboys. Maesthetic guys settles with MTB to LTB ethnic foids.
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HTB/Stacylites settle with prettyboys. Maesthetic guys settles with MTB to LTB ethnic foids.
I wonder why that's the case.... and it's not even the robust prettyboys. It's the pretty prettyboys even with good bodies
I think maybe the females were more attractive when they first met? Maybe they let themselves go. This often happens with females who just want the D.
I want to add something else: IRL attraction is different. It's called pheromones. When people are around each other they can become attracted through hormones, even if they aren't on the same physical level. This is why you can see mismatched looks. Those women are not ugly by any means, though. They are just past their due date.
I want to add something else: IRL attraction is different. It's called pheromones. When people are around each other they can become attracted through hormones, even if they aren't on the same physical level. This is why you can see mismatched looks. Those women are not ugly by any means, though. They are just past their due date.
Usually attractive women tend to be attracted to not so attractive guys. And vice versa. Attractive men are attracted to not so attractive girls. Hypermasculine men being the most matched with uglier and more obese women.
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I wonder why prettyboys often have better looking gfs than maesthetic/robust prettyboy/masc types

Prettyboys tend to be submissive, more loyal, just an overall better deal for females than some high libido masc ogre

Edit: also I guess prettyboys have higher standards, they probably want their gf to be more cute than them in the first place LOL
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Prettyboys tend to be submissive, more loyal, just an overall better deal for females than some high libido masc ogre
I mean Maesthetic, not ogre.
Edit: also I guess prettyboys have higher standards, they probably want their gf to be more cute than them in the first place LOL
Why so?
Almost every MTB is "cuter" than a chad Maesthetic, it would feel weird as fuck to have a GF that looks less femine than you, thus prettyboys probably have higher standards
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Unfortunately all the discussions he's had on his podcast has led him to the understanding that boys get primarily their mothers looks and girls their fathers.

You can't hate him for wanting Chad boys:

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Almost every MTB is "cuter" than a chad Maesthetic, it would feel weird as fuck to have a GF that looks less femine than you, thus prettyboys probably have higher standards
Define higher standards?
Anything else
My theory is that the more masculine you are the more you will care about body, me, a femboy only really cares about face, I suppose prettyboys also give little importance to body, while masc men overrate females a lot thanks to that and that's how chads end up with ugly looking females
Now I'm not mocking these men (except one or two cases), they mog the shit out of me and probably understand women much better than most of us here do (they probably rammed through thousands of stacies before settling with their current partner too) but it's still an interesting phenomenon that makes me think. If the 10/10 stacies we all fantasize about don't marry men like that, who are they going with? The only explanation I can thin of is that when your SMV and access to women is THAT high, looks become secondary to other desirable traits like loyalty, being a good wife and mother, stuff like that. But surely men like that can get the 1% of women that are both super hot and have those traits? Examples:

Cuck ruins his bloodline,Son will despise him.


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