why do users here pretend "being high inhib" and being a fucking subhuman are 2 completely unrelated things?

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yeah, just like every 23+ yo self-proclaimed aspie/autist has been diagnosed with it at the age of 5

step 1 of ultimate losers: realizing they are constantly being ignored and stepped over, and have a bottom tier status
step 2: they start internalizing those pseudo-aspie mannerisms and pretending successful and popular people are automatically shallow assholes. the type that thinks they are superior because they read wiki articles on a saturday night while "primitive normtards" are just getting wasted and engaging in superficial discussions. lmao, so typical.

i mean, nothing wrong with that, but it's just a defense mechanism our brain uses to make our situation in life bearable
I'm sorry but what's your point?

Yes a lot of self proclaimed "mentalcels" are only that way because of their looks - they would be different if they had the chance.

But there are also plenty legit "mentalcels" who are that way only because of genetics and/or upbringing - not their looks.

I know too many normies who are slayers entirely because of their personalities, and gl guys who are terrible with women.

There is no causational relation between your looks and mentalceldom, and whatever correlation may exist will only be apparent at the extreme ends of the spectrum (legit ugly guys becoming non-nt or legit gl guys becoming extroverted because people are always nice to them).
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not a catch. most people you are above average in terms of looks are around the 5psl range. 6psl+ is legit model tier.

i'd take this incel-made categories and numerical evaluations with a grain of salt, but then again i m not a retard
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I'm sorry but what's your point?

Yes a lot of self proclaimed "mentalcels" are only that way because of their looks - they would be different if they had the chance.

But there are also plenty legit "mentalcels" who are that way only because of genetics and/or upbringing - not their looks.

I know too many normies who are slayers entirely because of their personalities, and gl guys who are terrible with women.

There is no causational relation between your looks and mentalceldom, and whatever correlation may exist will only be apparent at the extreme ends of the spectrum (legit ugly guys becoming non-nt or legit gl guys becoming extroverted because people are always nice to them).

fair enough. just saying a lot of guys who only fail because they are ugly are trying to sell themselves as legit "mentalcels", when that's just their adaptive mechanism they internalized once they realized they won't be able to cruise through life by looking good
i'd take this incel-made categories and numerical evaluations with a grain of salt, but then again i m not a retard
then don't claim 6psl and just say above average or use the normie scale. psl scale is legit btw.
Nobody here is "good looking mentalcel" and no such guy ever posted in the history of PSL since 2015. since I was present.
Users here are generally recesed, and/or uncanny looking, like they have one good feature and another one bad, and they are recessed in places normies never are, their faces just look off and you can see that they are losers just from one look at them (and no it's not the fact they are taking bathroom selfies, it's their genetic phenotype that if just weird and off).
As for ASD, it is very rare and very recognizable, only few users on PSL ever had it, one of them was that MRZ guy on lookism, another one was Willmonfrette who pretended to be indian for some reason, you can recognize them in literally two or three posts, you can count them on fingers of one hand on PSL.
Although I understand why one could think that people using online dating apps as a proof of real life dating dynamics must be autistic.
PSL-ers are off-looking even compared to generic normies let alone Chads.
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Nope. Genetic variation exists in personality as well. I don't agree with this environmental bs
High inhib Chads don't exist, it's all ascended volcels who stopped being fat or surgerymaxxed after their developmental years
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  • Hmm...
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Met a really extroverted guy, amazing personality. But he's 25yo, manlet and completely bald.

He told me he used to have long hair like me, and showed me pictures of when he was in high-school:
He was HTN if not chadlite in his youth.

Personality is formed in childhood/teenage years. If you were ugly then, but ascend later, you can be high inhib and good-looking.
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Nope. Genetic variation exists in personality as well. I don't agree with this environmental bs
Unless you exhibit ALL symptoms of autism/aspergers other than "social anxiety" (namely ticks, OCD, hyperfixation on certain subjects, weird body posture, etc.) the "genetic variation" excuse really doesn't hold up

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