Why do white women hate curries so much



recessed subhuman
May 5, 2024
There hasn’t been 1 white girl who showed me kindness since high school.. do all white women hate us curries?
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because curries are horrible subhuman creatures?
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There hasn’t been 1 white girl who showed me kindness since high school.. do all white women hate us curries?
This white milf made me fuck her to some Indian music once and I kinda felt disgusted.

Another milf I was pillow talking with told me she took some curry boys virginity a week before seeing me.

If I can get em, you can too
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White women have treated with my kindness. The only women who have been rude to me were pajeetas and sheboons. One sheboon refused to give me ice cream because I forgot a tip as a child. (I didn't know you were supposed to tip in the US)
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they don’t hate you they just don’t even think about your existence

not sure if that’s any better
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Well just think about this. Whites are gifted in virtually any stat you could think of, whether it be intelligence, height, beauty, penis size, etc.. Indians are basically cursed in every stat. That's unfortunate. But there's a good reason for this, and whereas whites are gifted individually, our group dynamic suffers. Too much individuality and pride make it more difficult to form powerful collectives, and this is the strength of many Asian populations (especially Indians).

Whites and Indians have like opposite evolutionary strategies in so many ways. So of course white women won't like you, to a white woman a white man is the standard, and as most Indians would lose a 1 to 1 comparison to most whites, the entire race is basically subhuman to her on a subconscious level.

Don't take this the wrong way, this is just nature at work. Whites have never had large populations and probably never will. What you guys are good at is establishing massive colonies of people all doing the same thing like worker ants. So you should be proud of that
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White women have treated with my kindness. The only women who have been rude to me were pajeetas and sheboons. One sheboon refused to give me ice cream because I forgot a tip as a child. (I didn't know you were supposed to tip in the US)
I never tip JFL
Well just think about this. Whites are gifted in virtually any stat you could think of, whether it be intelligence, height, beauty, penis size, etc.. Indians are basically cursed in every stat. That's unfortunate. But there's a good reason for this, and whereas whites are gifted individually, our group dynamic suffers. Too much individuality and pride make it more difficult to form powerful collectives, and this is the strength of many Asian populations (especially Indians).

Whites and Indians have like opposite evolutionary strategies in so many ways. So of course white women won't like you, to a white woman a white man is the standard, and as most Indians would lose a 1 to 1 comparison to most whites, the entire race is basically subhuman to her on a subconscious level.

I’m above average in intelligence and height in western countries. And I’m average looking

Don't take this the wrong way, this is just nature at work. Whites have never had large populations and probably never will. What you guys are good at is establishing massive colonies of people all doing the same thing like worker ants. So you should be proud of that
That’s not true. Europeans were probably the largest group of people until the mid 20th century

It's just you. White girls have always been the nicest to me out of all races, followed by black girls and then muzzie foids at the bottom.
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I’m above average in intelligence and height in western countries. And I’m average looking

That’s not true. Europeans were probably the largest group of people until the mid 20th century

View attachment 3026061
Simply not true, places like China and India have historically been the most populated places on earth for milennia

The graph your looking at only compares European and Sub Saharan Africans
White women have treated with my kindness. The only women who have been rude to me were pajeetas and sheboons. One sheboon refused to give me ice cream because I forgot a tip as a child. (I didn't know you were supposed to tip in the US)
Chadpreet treatment
It's just you. White girls have always been the nicest to me out of all races, followed by black girls and then muzzie foids at the bottom.
Must be the leftist white women, right wing white women absolutely despise ethnics
wymxn are eugenics machines, therefore it can be surmised that they accurately gauge indians as one of if not the most subhuman sub species on the planet
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I’m above average in intelligence and height in western countries. And I’m average looking

That’s not true. Europeans were probably the largest group of people until the mid 20th century

View attachment 3026061
When people look at you, they don't just see you, they see everything associated with you. Pattern recognition can be really brutal in this way. If I've met a thousand Mexican people who were pieces of shit, I'm going to carry that baggage with me and subconsciously apply it to every Mexican I ever meet. White women won't like you because they've seen a ton of subhuman jeets before you. Just how it is.

There have always been more Asians than whites
Screenshot 20240711 223135 Opera2
Must be the leftist white women, right wing white women absolutely despise ethnics
European women have always been more open-minded than their American counterparts. Not to mention, women being right-wing here is rare. If they hate anyone, it's Islamic people and not necessarily ethnics by default.
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European women have always been more open-minded than their American counterparts. Not to mention, women being right-wing here is rare. If they hate anyone, it's Islamic people and not necessarily ethnics by default.
European love shitskins :feelsgood:
  • JFL
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When people look at you, they don't just see you, they see everything associated with you. Pattern recognition can be really brutal in this way. If I've met a thousand Mexican people who were pieces of shit, I'm going to carry that baggage with me and subconsciously apply it to every Mexican I ever meet. White women won't like you because they've seen a ton of subhuman jeets before you. Just how it is.

There have always been more Asians than whitesView attachment 3026068

Asia is split between lots of different racial groups

Whites also live in many other continents including Africa, Americas, Oceania
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European love shitskins :feelsgood:
Yeah, and they're the best-looking. Earlier today you said white women weren't the best-looking and looking at American white women, I can see why you'd say that. Latinas look better, in my opinion. However the white women I see are much better looking than American women. And they're much nicer, so it's a win-win situation, really. :ogre:
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Yeah, and they're the best-looking. Earlier today you said white women weren't the best-looking and looking at American white women, I can see why you'd say that. Latinas look better, in my opinion. However the white women I see are much better looking than American women. And they're much nicer, so it's a win-win situation, really. :ogre:
Yes, when I refer to white women I mean the ones here. European women are on a next level of beauty and objectively the most attractive. Nordic and Slavic women are top tier, better personality than the ones here thats for sure.
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Asia is split between lots of different racial groups

Whites also live in many other continents including Africa, Americas, Oceania
True, there are lots of ethnic groups in Asia, just like in Europe. Virtually all ethnic groups in Asia (excepting Arabs) similarly exhibit this same strength in collectives. The greatest, most international empires have all been white, but the most populous and longest lasting empires have been Asian.

It's unfortunate that India has been a region so commonly plagued by famine
Yeah, and they're the best-looking. Earlier today you said white women weren't the best-looking and looking at American white women, I can see why you'd say that. Latinas look better, in my opinion. However the white women I see are much better looking than American women. And they're much nicer, so it's a win-win situation, really. :ogre:

i had a crush on a latina, she was a 4'11 incel factory but beautiful feminine face
Yes, when I refer to white women I mean the ones here. European women are on a next level of beauty and objectively the most attractive. Nordic and Slavic women are top tier, better personality than the ones here thats for sure.
Ahh, right. I completely understand now and I completely agree. Why do you think American women look worse? Is it because they are white mutts? Many of them have different ancestries (i.e. mixed German and Scottish, or any other white mix). That could explain why.
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Don't they retaliate back. I remember being told that they make most of their salary through tips so tipping is obligatory

maybe in a poor shithole state where everything is dirt cheap, but I live in a high cost of living area where a sundae can cost $20 so i dont think they expect tips
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i had a crush on a latina, she was a 4'11 incel factory but beautiful feminine face
Did she have a nice body? I watch a bunch of porn and they have some of the best asses I have ever seen.
maybe in a poor shithole state where everything is dirt cheap, but I live in a high cost of living area where a sundae can cost $20 so i dont think they expect tips
Mirin high class curry:chad:
There hasn’t been 1 white girl who showed me kindness since high school.. do all white women hate us curries?

Please don't say "us" when it's just you my good man.
  • JFL
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Ahh, right. I completely understand now and I completely agree. Why do you think American women look worse? Is it because they are white mutts? Many of them have different ancestries (i.e. mixed German and Scottish, or any other white mix). That could explain why.
Mixing + Goyslop Diet
  • JFL
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It's just you. White girls have always been the nicest to me out of all races, followed by black girls and then muzzie foids at the bottom.
White women have treated with my kindness. The only women who have been rude to me were pajeetas and sheboons. One sheboon refused to give me ice cream because I forgot a tip as a child. (I didn't know you were supposed to tip in the US)

where are you finding all these white foids treating you with kindness? :feelswat:
It's just you. White girls have always been the nicest to me out of all races, followed by black girls
same, but also latinas :feelsautistic::Comfy::Comfy:
and then muzzie foids at the bottom.
that's odd cause the few pajeetas that don't treat me like shit hve been muzzie :feelsthink::feelsthink:
There hasn’t been 1 white girl who showed me kindness since high school.. do all white women hate us curries?
they are nervous

every white women wants a indian male
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Taking the piss.
there was an indian brah that pissed on a white women

she bent over as if she was going to take it doggy style until the brah did not insert and starting peeing on her
  • JFL
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Please don't say "us" when it's just you my good man.
See this is what I mean by toxic behavior @murdah , automatically dismissing OP's opinion as coming from an incel if it doesn't aslign with theirs. This is such a low iq and shitty coping strategy man.

Just ignore what someone has to say about anything just because he is ugly. I see this often among ethnics they just pull other ethnics down and call them low tier because they've had a different experiences comapred to them instead of listening to their problems and understanding them. This complete lack of accountability and self analysis is the reason why ethnic countries are so behind the west.This is such toxic behavior. White people don't do this
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Poor, low inhib on average and look like a mix of african and southeast asian

but mostly because of poverty, poverty is peak factor for descending ppl
See this is what I mean by toxic behavior @murdah , automatically dismissing OP's opinion as coming from an incel if it doesn't aslign with theirs. This is such a low iq and shitty coping strategy man.

Just ignore what someone has to say about anything just because he is ugly. I see this often among ethnics they just pull other ethnics down and call them low tier because they've had a different experiences comapred to them instead of listening to their problems and understanding them. This complete lack of accountability and self analysis is the reason why ethnic countries are so behind the west.This is such toxic behavior. White people don't do this

First, I don't like generalizations. Second, I didn't mean to come across as abrasive; it's just this self loathing behavior only fuels the superiority complex that some of the members here have.

They read this and it makes them happy that no matter how much of a subhuman they are, "atleast they are not a Pajeet."

Curry women do this on tiktok: "oh no one likes us browns, poor us", and it rubs me off the wrong way.

It won't get people to understand or sympathize, instead it will only make other races feel more superior.

I'm on his side here; I have nothing against him. I'm a curry myself bhai, I'm never gonna be seen as any different to him.

it's just these types of posts have the opposite effect as OP intended.

"By writing this, people will be more understanding to the suffering I go through."

They don't, they are just glad that's it's not them.

There hasn’t been 1 white girl who showed me kindness since high school.. do all white women hate us curries?

It's unfortunate that this has been the case for you, but these types of pity posts will only end up backfiring on you and on every other curry bhai.

The members here don't care; they are reading this to only make themselves feel better they aren't brown.
Whites dont HATE you
Arabs HATE you
Whites are just not drawn to u

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