Why do white women hate curries so much

There hasn’t been 1 white girl who showed me kindness since high school.. do all white women hate us curries?
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First, I don't like generalizations. Second, I didn't mean to come across as abrasive; it's just this self loathing behavior only fuels the superiority complex that some of the members here have.

They read this and it makes them happy that no matter how much of a subhuman they are, "atleast they are not a Pajeet."

Curry women do this on tiktok: "oh no one likes us browns, poor us", and it rubs me off the wrong way.

It won't get people to understand or sympathize, instead it will only make other races feel more superior.

I'm on his side here; I have nothing against him. I'm a curry myself bhai, I'm never gonna be seen as any different to him.

it's just these types of posts have the opposite effect as OP intended.

"By writing this, people will be more understanding to the suffering I go through."

They don't, they are just glad that's it's not them.
Some retarded sfcel reading this post on an incel forum or even any social media for that matter and seeing himself as superior is just plain subhuman delusions. Being "proud“ of something that you had no control over (like being born a certain ethnicity) is a cope of the subhuman.The first reply in this thread is by a guy who took dick in his ass for money but still somehow feels like he is superior to curries. Like I said before its a self preservation method of those who have nothing else going for them and most people in the real world realize this

It doesn't make any difference to you or anyone irl. A white subhuman who thinks of himself to be superior doesn't change anything. I do agree that these kind of woe is me posts tend to rub younger more gullible ethnics in the wrong way encouraging them to self hate more but that's a part of growing up as an ethnic in the west. People will always try to bring you down regardless @murdah
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Some retarded sfcel reading this post on an incel forum or even any social media for that matter and seeing himself as superior is just plain subhuman delusions. Being "proud“ of something that you had no control over (like being born a certain ethnicity) is a cope of the subhuman.The first reply in this thread is by a guy who took dick in his ass for money but still somehow feels like he is superior to curries. Like I said before its a self preservation method of those who have nothing else going for them and most people in the real world realize this

Why give them more fuel regardless?

It doesn't make any difference to you or anyone irl.

It does. It's a compound effect.

One mosquito biting you, not a big deal. Two mosquitos? Mah still fine. Ten? OK it's annoying. 100? Yeah that is painful.

When there is thread after thread and post after post like this, it does affect how people percieve you IRL.

"Bro Ranjeet, I saw this other Indian on TikTok saying white girls avoid y'all? I feel bad bro; I've never held a job for a year straight, but still don't want to be you."

"Yeah she left me on read, but at least she didn't call the police on me for getting close to her. If it was you Rakesh, she would've called the police just for the smell. I remember that one Indian on TikTok crying and saying he got rejected because some white girl wouldn't talk to him. I don't blame her though; I don't like the smell of cow piss near me either."

It's not just men; it's women. No woman wants to date a man of the "pitiful" race.

They see tiktoks of curry men making pity posts and all it will do is give them the ick, excluding a few white women with a savior complex which repulses me.
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Some retarded sfcel reading this post on an incel forum or even any social media for that matter and seeing himself as superior is just plain subhuman delusions. Being "proud“ of something that you had no control over (like being born a certain ethnicity) is a cope of the subhuman.The first reply in this thread is by a guy who took dick in his ass for money but still somehow feels like he is superior to curries. Like I said before its a self preservation method of those who have nothing else going for them and most people in the real world realize this

It doesn't make any difference to you or anyone irl. A white subhuman who thinks of himself to be superior doesn't change anything. I do agree that these kind of woe is me posts tend to rub younger more gullible ethnics in the wrong way encouraging them to self hate more but that's a part of growing up as an ethnic in the west. People will always try to bring you down regardless @murdah

I agree, i've been seeing many retarded right wingers on twitter copy the things currycels say about ourselves then acting surprised when they see an imwf couple
Because when people think of Indians they think of rapists due to the “bob and vagene” thing
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They are too good looking and handsome
Well just think about this. Whites are gifted in virtually any stat you could think of, whether it be intelligence, height, beauty, penis size, etc.. Indians are basically cursed in every stat. That's unfortunate. But there's a good reason for this, and whereas whites are gifted individually, our group dynamic suffers. Too much individuality and pride make it more difficult to form powerful collectives, and this is the strength of many Asian populations (especially Indians).

The main reason for this is actually the British rule. India was doing very well until they showed up.
Older white women have always been good to me; younger white women have treated me the worst of any race.
I’m 32 years old and have seen one Indian man with a white woman in Texas.

But, he was a successful man giving lots of money to satisfy her.

I’ve been to prison and have nothing to offer a woman and can occasionally attract women…

That’s the difference, could a poor Indian man get a white woman?

Cold day in hell.

If you’re Indian, you should really kill yourself
The main reason for this is actually the British rule. India was doing very well until they showed up.
Indian population literally doubled under British rule lmao. And no, a population this big doesn't undergo complete phenotypic changes in a couple hundred years. This is just low IQ shit
Indian population literally doubled under British rule lmao. And no, a population this big doesn't undergo complete phenotypic changes in a couple hundred years. This is just low IQ shit

200 years of resource drainage, extreme poverty and famine can indeed affect phenotype changes.
You don't understand anything about genes or evolution if you believe that's the case. The GDP drop estimate commonly accepted is also ridiculously wrong

Great argument bud

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