Why do young women prefer feminine men over masc?

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Deleted member 15099

Latin king
Aug 25, 2021
Lets just assume that only roasties want hypermasc men, why is that? Why don't jbs care much about masculinity?
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I have always wondered that myself. It wasn't all of them but quite a few. Many of the same females seem to have lost interest in them at least by 24 or so.
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Because face>all and you need delicate features for a face to be good looking
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masculinity lost a lots of value amongst jbs :bluepill:
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Its just a cope by non masculine men
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because young women are subconsciously looking for fun and they figure since all masculine men are usually like to control their women its better to mate with femine men since feminine men also have shit sperm = less chance of pregnancy and some contempt at patriarchy because of feminist propaganda. This is all subconscious but expressed in desire for feminine men thats y if u want proper relationship become masculine if u want to get laid feminine
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Where's the evidence for that? This is bluepilled post worthy of 4chan
because they're underdeveloped.
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pretty sure noodles like big masc jbw. this only applies to wypipo at best
because young women are subconsciously looking for fun and they figure since all masculine men are usually like to control their women its better to mate with femine men since feminine men also have shit sperm = less chance of pregnancy and some contempt at patriarchy because of feminist propaganda. This is all subconscious but expressed in desire for feminine men thats y if u want proper relationship become masculine if u want to get laid feminine
High IQ logic
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anyway j*ws want white extinction so they promote stick fridge looking infertile holes and low t cucked feminine soys as famous people. or niggers
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because young women are subconsciously looking for fun and they figure since all masculine men are usually like to control their women its better to mate with femine men since feminine men also have shit sperm = less chance of pregnancy and some contempt at patriarchy because of feminist propaganda. This is all subconscious but expressed in desire for feminine men thats y if u want proper relationship become masculine if u want to get laid feminine
proper relationship with a hole thoroughly used by prettyboy? :feelshah:
This has been discussed to death. All women prefer beautiful faces. If that beautiful face is masculine, all the better. It's less a case of women's idea of beauty changing as they age, and more a case that women's preference for solely looks declines as they age. Young girls literally only care about looks, but that changes
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pretty sure noodles like big masc jbw. this only applies to wypipo at best
99% of noodles I see are with femboy ricemen or super Low T JBW with recessed jaw, feminine forward growth, feminine browridge, and high E shoulders and chest
because women are aware of their own good features ie lips and seek a reflected version of them in males
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Because guys their age don’t look DOM
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young foids care more about pretty faces than older roasties do, roasties care more about resources and raising kids
I dont know what you are talking about but here in germany all teen women and most women, girls want guys with beards and body hair
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Reactions: Elvisandreaa, datboijj, TrestIsBest and 2 others
Lets just assume that only roasties want hypermasc men, why is that? Why don't jbs care much about masculinity?
Women stop likling pretty boys junior/senior in college. LATEST is 22-23. Once a girl gets a taste of wageslaving/ alone in real world they go straight for Mascesthtic guys 25-35.

I have always wondered that myself. It wasn't all of them but quite a few. Many of the same females seem to have lost interest in them at least by 24 or so.
Closer to 21.

If ur pretty boy/netoinoues and below 6' I would masc max.

I focus on upper chest, back, shoulders, neck, 5mm facial hair and tan and my iOis have exploaded.
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Reactions: Elvisandreaa, Lawton88 and Deleted member 14478
Women stop likling pretty boys junior/senior in college. LATEST is 22-23. Once a girl gets a taste of wageslaving/ alone in real world they go straight for Mascesthtic guys 25-35.

Closer to 21.

If ur pretty boy/netoinoues and below 6' I would masc max.

I focus on upper chest, back, shoulders, neck, 5mm facial hair and tan and my iOis have exploaded.
Tbh if not Chalamet tan is a must.
Lets just assume that only roasties want hypermasc men, why is that? Why don't jbs care much about masculinity?
i mean, too masc is ugly
ideal face is masc but good looking

also the men u call feminine aka tik tok pretty boys are pretty masc most of the time with good jaws and hollow cheeks and testosterone mog most people but they are assumed to be feminine just cause they have long hair and use makeup and stuff

its like a soyboy calling young johnny depp or finn wolfhard feminine while they jaw mog him and are more masc then he will ever be
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Becuase boys have features they don’t have
Natural long and thick eyelashes
Natural thick eyebrows
Prettyboy lips women would pay for
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i mean, too masc is ugly
ideal face is masc but good looking

also the men u call feminine aka tik tok pretty boys are pretty masc most of the time with good jaws and hollow cheeks and testosterone mog most people but they are assumed to be feminine just cause they have long hair and use makeup and stuff

its like a soyboy calling young johnny depp or finn wolfhard feminine while they jaw mog him and are more masc then he will ever be
Wolfhard looks kinda feminine cause of hair and lips but indeed he T mogs most men
Underrated on here ngl young users should try to look like him or Chalamet
Tbh if not Chalamet tan is a must.
it is. Facial hair too.

I ran pretty boy pale swimmer build for like 6 months to try somthing new. iOis collapsed and had zero appeal.

I started heavy lifting agian, grew facial hair and tanned and I kid you not I must have gained 2pts from a few milmetters of preceived chin/jaw(hair) and a golden tan.
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Wolfhard looks kinda feminine cause of hair and lips but indeed he T mogs most men
Underrated on here ngl young users should try to look like him or Chalamet
i mean finn has masculine cheekbones and jaw and not to mention hollow cheeks which is the singlemost masculine trait


looks fem but heres some masc traits he has

good jaw, wide af face, thick eyebrows, above average chin, long nose and wide jaw

honestly i can understand finn but i never understand chalamets appeal
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i mean finn has masculine cheekbones and jaw and not to mention hollow cheeks which is the singlemost masculine trait

View attachment 1384233
looks fem but heres some masc traits he has

good jaw, wide af face, thick eyebrows, above average chin, long nose and wide jaw

honestly i can understand finn but i never understand chalamets appeal
Well imo Chalamet hair and collagen are top tier, then his eyebrows are really long, dark with kinda flattened curve, and low set
Then his midface is compact, nose is ok, FWHR is really good, jaw is above average, lips too, problem is his recession+ NCT+ bad chin.
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Well imo Chalamet hair and collagen are top tier, then his eyebrows are really long, dark with kinda flattened curve, and low set
Then his midface is compact, nose is ok, FWHR is really good, jaw is above average, lips too, problem is his recession+ NCT+ bad chin.
well i never understood

Images   2021 10 29T211028884
Images   2021 10 29T211012002
Images   2021 10 29T210956119

how do people call this nigga feminine when he has a good widows peak with mature hairline, wide chin and jaw, and some of the most masc eyes on planet earth
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Reactions: Deleted member 2729 and Deleted member 14478
pretty sure noodles like big masc jbw. this only applies to wypipo at best
Actually Asian women are the most likely to prefer prettyboys, even well into their 30s.

I'd say the strength of women's preferences for prettyboys over masc goes like this:

East Asian
Other South Asian
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well i never understood

View attachment 1384235View attachment 1384236View attachment 1384237

how do people call this nigga feminine when he has a good widows peak with mature hairline, wide chin and jaw, and some of the most masc eyes on planet earth
Lips and colouring basically imo
And yh his eyes are PSL God tier imo
Maybe compact midface really is a feminine trait?
I also never understood how the high trust- low trust debate comes into this tho
Real prettyboys can be found on TikTok
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Lips and colouring basically imo
And yh his eyes are PSL God tier imo
Maybe compact midface really is a feminine trait?
I also never understood how the high trust- low trust debate comes into this tho
Real prettyboys can be found on TikTok
maybe fem only means good coloring and skin most of the time with being skinny i guess
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They don’t
DOM looks like Sommerhalder tho

yes , esp his brows resemble the dom guy, DOM = threatening brows/ browridge with good jaw . DOM and good looking beats pretty boy and good looking.

Not Cain Velasquez type of DOM , more like Sommerhalder DOM.
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yes , esp his brows resemble the dom guy, DOM = threatening brows/ browridge with good jaw . DOM and good looking beats pretty boy and good looking.

Not Cain Velasquez type of DOM , more like Sommerhalder DOM.
Agree, but Cain is ethnic tho
Luckily I always got complimented on my PCT and low, thick, straight with flattened curve eyebrows
Their brain is not enough developed and cant understand sexual dysmorphism enough. Women are proven to be less preferable when it comes to sexual dysmorphism.
because young women are subconsciously looking for fun and they figure since all masculine men are usually like to control their women its better to mate with femine men since feminine men also have shit sperm = less chance of pregnancy and some contempt at patriarchy because of feminist propaganda. This is all subconscious but expressed in desire for feminine men thats y if u want proper relationship become masculine if u want to get laid feminine
This is the truth, i've been trying to explain this to people on here for a while now
Probably because that's how guys around them their age tend to look. After 15-16 years old I've seen girls go for more androgenic-looking (but still aesthetic) guys already.
I bet guys like Chalamet/that Twilight guy/etc have the highest appeal among pre-pubescent teenage girls. But they do have good universal (looks good on women/men) features aka hair, collagen, jaw which gives them more appeal. "Chad is Chad".

Another good example of hair/jaw/collagen trifecta which made JB's around the world wet years ago combined with status:

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Reactions: faggotchadlite and Deleted member 14478
Lets just assume that only roasties want hypermasc men, why is that? Why don't jbs care much about masculinity?
Probably because men tend to masculinize with age, so less masculine is a more age appropriate desire for younger girls
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I got those dom eyebrows but people call me a rapist lmao
@Xangsane @datboijj

you two fags who puke reacted my post are hairless low T faggots who are incels because you are not just ugly but really fucking dumb
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Young woman aren’t thinking about reproducing or continuing their blood line so they go for men who look gay. But as a woman gets older she wants children and so tries and get with men who look masculine, dominant, etc.
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