Why gymcelling is a cope



Aug 29, 2018

Women are drawn to genetic value. Getting ripped in the gym does not display this value, as literally anyone can fucking do it. Eat your protein, lift weights on a basic noob program 3x a week = you'll make gains. Because anyone can do it, muscle has no value in attracting foids.

The only non-cope part about the gym is reducing your body fat percentage. Which tbh, you can do without going to the gym anyway (just stop eating all that shit you eat and go on a calorie deficit). If you have ever 'bulked', talked about your 'gainz' or drank a bunch of shakes after your workout to maximise protein synthesis, visit Gandy immediately.

Squat 600lbs? How will that improve your face?
Bench 400? Will that make you 5 inches taller?
Deadlift 6 plates? You're still ugly, buddyboyo.

Oh, and BTW, no one gives a shit if you could take down Chad (or even a normie) in a fight. Least of all foids. That 'hurr, but I'm so masc, I could beat this guy up' is pure cope when he's the one getting all the pussy and you aren't. Big fucking deal if he moves off the sidewalk rather than you when you pass each other in the street, he goes home to tap his cute gf's ass while you fill out your spreadsheet with the macros you ate that day.

Gym is cope buddyboyos. No gym for your FACE.

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Gymcelling is legit only if you have good genetics already, it can boost you a little more.
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Gymcelling is legit only if you have good genetics already, it can boost you a little more.

If you got good genetics then you don't need the gym.

Gymcels love to come out with 'well, gym works if you have the frame and height for it. Oh and you need a decent face too'.

Guess what boyos? It was the above stuff that 'worked' if you got laid, gym had nothing to do with it.

There's a reason the term 'gymcelling' was coined.
If you got good genetics then you don't need the gym.

Gymcels love to come out with 'well, gym works if you have the frame and height for it. Oh and you need a decent face too'.

Guess what boyos? It was the above stuff that 'worked' if you got laid, gym had nothing to do with it.

There's a reason the term 'gymcelling' was coined.

True, Chad doesn't need to work out and he still looks good because of his natural frame.

But more width in the shirt is always appreactied, he would get even more respect from other males if he were even more wider.
TBH gymcelling fucked up my chances with this girl that I went on a date with. She was the most pretty girl that I ever went on a date within 2 hours of matching on Tinder.

I started talking about gymcelling and diet (I know it sounds cucked af but I was not that blackpilled back then) since I had to talk about something and I guess she got turned off. Ghosted me after the date tbh.
View attachment 2882

as literally anyone can fucking do it. Eat your protein, lift weights on a basic noob program 3x a week = you'll make gains. Because anyone can do it, muscle has no value in attracting foids.
if it was that easy, I'd be in the gym right now.
I know that going to the gym won't make me more attractive, but I'll get a membership because I need to be phsyically active. I don't like team sports like soccer nor do I like jogging around. Heavy exercise will at least release endorphines which will make me feel better temporarily.
Of course, if you go to the gym to become good looking, it's just stupid and delusional.
However, if you go to the gym for the satisfying feeling afterwards, it's a high quality cope that will improve your well-being.
Welcome to this forum, you've been registered for awhile but this is the first I see from you.

I hope to be able to accomplish what you able to in Thailand in Japan as well as SEA when I go there myself.

You were one of my inspirations.


The gym is important though. You should better than anyone Asian women love lean men so becoming lean as possible the gym is necessary.

Though that's how I see gymcelling I know you are writing this thread in response to those who would advocate getting roided out.

I also believe achieving a six pack is essential to fully LooksMAXXing.

If you're still around I will post my experiences when I go to Tokyo for the first time in January. I'll make it like your thread that got hidden on incels.is with photos of me and the girls, text convos, logistics stuff included.

TBH gymcelling fucked up my chances with this girl that I went on a date with. She was the most pretty girl that I ever went on a date within 2 hours of matching on Tinder.

I started talking about gymcelling and diet (I know it sounds cucked af but I was not that blackpilled back then) since I had to talk about something and I guess she got turned off. Ghosted me after the date tbh.

Yep, never talk about the gym with foids. They just don't care about it.

I'll say it again: FOIDS DO NOT CARE THAT YOU GO TO THE GYM. They don't give a shit if you have muh huge biceps and can squat 600lbs. It's about face.
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Yep, never talk about the gym with foids. They just don't care about it.

I'll say it again: FOIDS DO NOT CARE THAT YOU GO TO THE GYM. They don't give a shit if you have muh huge biceps and can squat 600lbs. It's about face.
The gym is important though. You should better than anyone Asian women love lean men so becoming lean as possible the gym is necessary.

Though that's how I see gymcelling I know you are writing this thread in response to those who would advocate getting roided out.

I also believe achieving a six pack is essential to fully LooksMAXXing.

If you're still around I will post my experiences when I go to Tokyo for the first time in January. I'll make it like your thread that got hidden on incels.is with photos of me and the girls, text convos, logistics stuff included.

Lean is legit (I'm in the middle of losing bf % myself, seen a few results from it).

However, one doesn't need to go to the gym to lose bodyfat. A calorie deficit with enough protein + any sort of physical activity will do just fine.

And 'bulking' (i.e. getting fatter to also pack on muscle) is utterly idiotic. Bloats your face, can often make you look low IQ if you overdo it. Who gives a fuck if normie males respect you more? I want normies to hate me.
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Lean is legit (I'm in the middle of losing bf % myself, seen a few results from it).

However, one doesn't need to go to the gym to lose bodyfat. A calorie deficit with enough protein + any sort of physical activity will do just fine.

And 'bulking' (i.e. getting fatter to also pack on muscle) is utterly idiotic. Bloats your face, can often make you look low IQ if you overdo it. Who gives a fuck if normie males respect you more? I want normies to hate me.
The only ones that matter are foids who care about face and height and not how much you can bench jfl
You just dont get it
Girls prefer a 4/10 ripped guy over a 4/10 framecel.
Girls prefer a 5/10 ripped guy over a 5/10 framecel.
Girls prefer a 6/10 ripped guy over a 6/10 framecel.

Gym is about improving you're PSL range compared to others within that PSL range.
Aint nobody said that you can compete with a chad(lite) framecel
You just dont get it
Girls prefer a 4/10 ripped guy over a 4/10 framecel.
Girls prefer a 5/10 ripped guy over a 5/10 framecel.
Girls prefer a 6/10 ripped guy over a 6/10 framecel.

Gym is about improving you're PSL range compared to others within that PSL range.
Aint nobody said that you can compete with a chad(lite) framecel

If you're a 4 or 5/10, guess what, it's fucking over. Your competition is the 7/10+ guys, like it or not, as that's who foids will actually fuck.
If you're a 4 or 5/10, guess what, it's fucking over. Your competition is the 7/10+ guys, like it or not, as that's who foids will actually fuck.
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If she does date below a 7, it's because he's a betabux, he's getting cucked, or both.

Lots of women would rather remain single than date a sub 7 too.
bro everybody knowsn that muscles dont attract girls.
Girls are attracted to masculinity.

For that you have to train the holy trinity which is NECK + SHOULDERS + TRAPS. No biceps needed, no chest needed, no triceps. Myb forearm but thats it.

If you train your ass, legs, chest, biceps, you are low iq and should leave PSL. Every psler knowsn about the holy trinity, and everything else is cope.
Mewing is the gym for your face
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Welcome to this forum, you've been registered for awhile but this is the first I see from you.

I hope to be able to accomplish what you able to in Thailand in Japan as well as SEA when I go there myself.

You were one of my inspirations.

View attachment 2884

The gym is important though. You should better than anyone Asian women love lean men so becoming lean as possible the gym is necessary.

Though that's how I see gymcelling I know you are writing this thread in response to those who would advocate getting roided out.

I also believe achieving a six pack is essential to fully LooksMAXXing.

If you're still around I will post my experiences when I go to Tokyo for the first time in January. I'll make it like your thread that got hidden on incels.is with photos of me and the girls, text convos, logistics stuff included.

View attachment 2885
  • +1
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Stop with this bullshit. Gymcelling is part of looksmaxing but it wont get u +9looks points.
TBH gymcelling fucked up my chances with this girl that I went on a date with. She was the most pretty girl that I ever went on a date within 2 hours of matching on Tinder.

I started talking about gymcelling and diet (I know it sounds cucked af but I was not that blackpilled back then) since I had to talk about something and I guess she got turned off. Ghosted me after the date tbh.
ye keep blaming that on gymcelling if it makes you sleep better at night :feelshaha:
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yoooooo fucking itsOVER !! legend bro
If you aren't gymcelling or similar you aren't looksmaxing, if you are fatslobmaxxing then go and kys, if you are framecelmaxxing go kys, end of the story

Stop making fucking excuses, just be true to yourself and say "I don't want to even try" bit don't come WITH that shit

If you are above 5'9", at least a 5/10 (normie) then gymcell and show some respect for yourself; we aren't Chad, we need to fight against this fucking life and if you aren't willing then go and kill some foids, kikes or rope, and I'm very serious here
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Here we go, as the ultimate gymmaxxer, Imma speak

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Women are drawn to genetic value. Getting ripped in the gym does not display this value, as literally anyone can fucking do it. Eat your protein, lift weights on a basic noob program 3x a week = you'll make gains. Because anyone can do it, muscle has no value in attracting foids.

The only non-cope part about the gym is reducing your body fat percentage. Which tbh, you can do without going to the gym anyway (just stop eating all that shit you eat and go on a calorie deficit). If you have ever 'bulked', talked about your 'gainz' or drank a bunch of shakes after your workout to maximise protein synthesis, visit Gandy immediately.

Squat 600lbs? How will that improve your face?
Bench 400? Will that make you 5 inches taller?
Deadlift 6 plates? You're still ugly, buddyboyo.

Oh, and BTW, no one gives a shit if you could take down Chad (or even a normie) in a fight. Least of all foids. That 'hurr, but I'm so masc, I could beat this guy up' is pure cope when he's the one getting all the pussy and you aren't. Big fucking deal if he moves off the sidewalk rather than you when you pass each other in the street, he goes home to tap his cute gf's ass while you fill out your spreadsheet with the macros you ate that day.

Gym is cope buddyboyos. No gym for your FACE.

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GYM WILL FIX YOUR DATING LIFE IF YOU ARE TALL, AVERAGE FACE (OR ABOVE) LIKE ME DUE TO APPROACHING MORE AND BEING MORE CONFIDENT. IF YOU ARE SHORT GYMCELLING WILL HELP BUT NOT BY MUCH. Not anyone can get buff in gym, it takes dedication and hard work. I havent read such bullocks in a long time, how come women are attracted to me now before I started doing gym... JFL just makes me mad lol

Stop with this bullshit. Gymcelling is part of looksmaxing but it wont get u +9looks points.

It will get you 0.5-1.5 points

bro everybody knowsn that muscles dont attract girls.
Girls are attracted to masculinity.

For that you have to train the holy trinity which is NECK + SHOULDERS + TRAPS. No biceps needed, no chest needed, no triceps. Myb forearm but thats it.

If you train your ass, legs, chest, biceps, you are low iq and should leave PSL. Every psler knowsn about the holy trinity, and everything else is cope.

Are you serious? Girls are attracted to muscles. You need to train legs to have a nice ass, deadlifting is a must. You obviously arent lifting.

Gymcelling is legit only if you have good genetics already, it can boost you a little more.

Not really, it will help a bit better as it will give you a normal body if you have a really bad one

If you're a 4 or 5/10, guess what, it's fucking over. Your competition is the 7/10+ guys, like it or not, as that's who foids will actually fuck.

Such incel mentality is retarded, you need to be above avg. I attract girls and Im average.

Seems like incel sites are leaking again, this is a looksmaxxing site not an incel site lmao
Of course, if you go to the gym to become good looking, it's just stupid and delusional.
However, if you go to the gym for the satisfying feeling afterwards, it's a high quality cope that will improve your well-being.
gym will make you attractive, if you are average.
If you aren't gymcelling or similar you aren't looksmaxing, if you are fatslobmaxxing then go and kys, if you are framecelmaxxing go kys, end of the story

Stop making fucking excuses, just be true to yourself and say "I don't want to even try" bit don't come WITH that shit

If you are above 5'9", at least a 5/10 (normie) then gymcell and show some respect for yourself; we aren't Chad, we need to fight against this fucking life and if you aren't willing then go and kill some foids, kikes or rope, and I'm very serious here
Women dont want chads. Most want Above average looking guys. If your average you can still get a girlfriend. I really had to anwser a lot but it pisses me off when Incels say shit
Face first, everything else second.
Face> Height> Frame. Gymcelling still matters tho
GYM WILL FIX YOUR DATING LIFE IF YOU ARE TALL, AVERAGE FACE (OR ABOVE) LIKE ME DUE TO APPROACHING MORE AND BEING MORE CONFIDENT. IF YOU ARE SHORT GYMCELLING WILL HELP BUT NOT BY MUCH. Not anyone can get buff in gym, it takes dedication and hard work. I havent read such bullocks in a long time, how come women are attracted to me now before I started doing gym... JFL just makes me mad lol

Oh sweet lord, you actually believe that muh kunfidunce bullshit.

Here's the reality of gymcelling:

- Tall or short, it's fucking useless. If you're short, it'll make you look overly stocky, and you'll just look even shorter because you're wider (i.e. your proportions will be fucked). If you're tall, gymcelling will STILL make you look shorter (so although you've got more leeway on this because of your starting point, it's still not good). If you're short, you'll get jacked much quicker (which is a good thing since most people quit the gym in the first year, and your prime doesn't last forever) but it won't look so impressive. If you're tall, have fun waiting 2 or more years for any serious difference in appearance.

And after all that hard work, gym fees, and gymcel diet, chicks will STILL care 100x more about your face than body.

Everyone can 'get buff', genetically speaking. Some people don't want to, but they could with the proper motivation.
If you aren't gymcelling or similar you aren't looksmaxing, if you are fatslobmaxxing then go and kys, if you are framecelmaxxing go kys, end of the story

Stop making fucking excuses, just be true to yourself and say "I don't want to even try" bit don't come WITH that shit

If you are above 5'9", at least a 5/10 (normie) then gymcell and show some respect for yourself; we aren't Chad, we need to fight against this fucking life and if you aren't willing then go and kill some foids, kikes or rope, and I'm very serious here

Gymcelling isn't a looksmax since foids do not care about your fucking body.

The only legit part is getting lean - which doesn't require the gym.
Oh sweet lord, you actually believe that muh kunfidunce bullshit.

Here's the reality of gymcelling:

- Tall or short, it's fucking useless. If you're short, it'll make you look overly stocky, and you'll just look even shorter because you're wider (i.e. your proportions will be fucked). If you're tall, gymcelling will STILL make you look shorter (so although you've got more leeway on this because of your starting point, it's still not good). If you're short, you'll get jacked much quicker (which is a good thing since most people quit the gym in the first year, and your prime doesn't last forever) but it won't look so impressive. If you're tall, have fun waiting 2 or more years for any serious difference in appearance.

And after all that hard work, gym fees, and gymcel diet, chicks will STILL care 100x more about your face than body.

Everyone can 'get buff', genetically speaking. Some people don't want to, but they could with the proper motivation.

Gymcelling isn't a looksmax since foids do not care about your fucking body.

The only legit part is getting lean - which doesn't require the gym.
Would you approach without confidence? More confidence > More escalating
I got a serious diffrence in lifting 4 months after I started

How about you start for 6 months and then we can talk if gym is cope or not? There is 99% of guys who say gym isnt cope and only 1% that says gym is cope.
Lol. I gained like 7-8kgs muscle in 3 months when I roided. Girls even knew that I roided. I got way more attention than I ever had before.

My real life experience >>> Your Incel theory
Would you approach without confidence? More confidence > More escalating
I got a serious diffrence in lifting 4 months after I started

How about you start for 6 months and then we can talk if gym is cope or not? There is 99% of guys who say gym isnt cope and only 1% that says gym is cope.

If you have to approach, it's over. If foids want you, THEY will approach.

If I started for 6 months, then came back and said it was a waste of time, your next cope would be 'b b but you're just bitter cos it didn't work for you'. Anything before you copers will admit the gym is a waste of time.
Lol. I gained like 7-8kgs muscle in 3 months when I roided. Girls even knew that I roided. I got way more attention than I ever had before.

My real life experience >>> Your Incel theory

JFL at taking roids. Chances of face bloat, hair loss, and acne, all for something that foids don't care about.

But damn, I guess because that Chad moved off the sidewalk when you passed them, that makes it all worth it. Meanwhile, Chad goes home to eat pizza and bang his cute gf while you gymcels sit at home obsessing over your brosplits and your macros.
Getting a suiting haircut is cope? Taking care of you skin is cope? Growing a beard is cope? No. All these things are things that will make you a little bit more appealing, maybe not by alot but by a little. The same thing applies with gymcelling. Of coure if you look absolutely hideous, gymcelling wont do much for you, but if your somewhere just below average or higher it will have its effect.
TBH gymcelling fucked up my chances with this girl that I went on a date with. She was the most pretty girl that I ever went on a date within 2 hours of matching on Tinder.

I started talking about gymcelling and diet (I know it sounds cucked af but I was not that blackpilled back then) since I had to talk about something and I guess she got turned off. Ghosted me after the date tbh.
It wasn't gymcelling, it was your autism
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Obviously it won't completely transform all of your looks & insecurities, but it sure as fucking hell is better to be jacked with a low body fat %, more defined muscles, & more strength than sitting around like a weak twig or bloated pig. Gymcelling is an EASY +2 points to your looks. If you're a 1, obviously you will only bump up to a 3, but being a 5-6 transforms you to near god-tier.
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Obviously it won't completely transform all of your looks & insecurities, but it sure as fucking hell is better to be jacked with a low body fat %, more defined muscles, & more strength than sitting around like a weak twig or bloated pig. Gymcelling is an EASY +2 points to your looks. If you're a 1, obviously you will only bump up to a 3, but being a 5-6 transforms you to near god-tier.

Being able to heightmog + bloatmog everyone is HUGE
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View attachment 2882

Women are drawn to genetic value. Getting ripped in the gym does not display this value, as literally anyone can fucking do it. Eat your protein, lift weights on a basic noob program 3x a week = you'll make gains. Because anyone can do it, muscle has no value in attracting foids.

The only non-cope part about the gym is reducing your body fat percentage. Which tbh, you can do without going to the gym anyway (just stop eating all that shit you eat and go on a calorie deficit). If you have ever 'bulked', talked about your 'gainz' or drank a bunch of shakes after your workout to maximise protein synthesis, visit Gandy immediately.

Squat 600lbs? How will that improve your face?
Bench 400? Will that make you 5 inches taller?
Deadlift 6 plates? You're still ugly, buddyboyo.

Oh, and BTW, no one gives a shit if you could take down Chad (or even a normie) in a fight. Least of all foids. That 'hurr, but I'm so masc, I could beat this guy up' is pure cope when he's the one getting all the pussy and you aren't. Big fucking deal if he moves off the sidewalk rather than you when you pass each other in the street, he goes home to tap his cute gf's ass while you fill out your spreadsheet with the macros you ate that day.

Gym is cope buddyboyos. No gym for your FACE.

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I agree with the fact that gymcelling is useless if you're below average in terms of your face, but it can give you a boost if your face is above average. or at the very least average.
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I agree with the fact that gymcelling is useless if you're below average in terms of your face, but it can give you a boost if your face is above average. or at the very least average.
Yep, I very much agree. Bonus points if you are tall (I would say my dating options increased drastically after it, I still dont date tho)
People who throw around the “going to the gym and being healthy Is cope” are usually just lazy fucks who have no intention on improving themselves. A muscular build adds to your masculinity, which in turn increases your attraction to the opposite sex. But by all means continue to be a lazy shit brain who makes excuses on why he can’t get laid.

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