Why Hunter Eyes ARE IDEAL; My Argument



Nov 25, 2022
TLDR: People dont understand what real hunter eyes actually are (Your favourite tiktok psl god probably doesn't have them..) and therefore get the misconception that hunter eyes are not ideal, when in reality they are because they achieve within the top 99% of each eye area measurement, including: hooding from low set straight and prominent brow ridge / bone structure alongside fat pad placement, vertically narrow from high PFL, positive canthal tilt, straight hooding from bone structure, deep set, long medial canthus, perfectly titled eyebrows, perfect IPD, etc etc.

I'll make this short but I would like to hear some peoples thoughts on my opinion. I see a lot of people say "Hunter eyes are cope" which, in my opinion, is a big misconception. Here's why I believe "Hunter Eyes" are really just perfect male eyes.

Let's take a look at people with very attractive eye areas, which some may FALSELY regard to have hunter eyes, but they do not.


Alain Delon: Attractive eyes? Yes, very. But to say he has anything close to hunter eyes is wrong. If we were to change his eye area to fit into the ideal as backed by science and this forum itself, what do you think it would look like? Closer to the narrow, high PFL hunter eyes you'll see below. He falls short in a few measurements, but ofc not by much most notibly eye width to height (PFL and orbital bone issue)


Malik: Again, very ideal eye area. But my argument is the same still; If we were to fix his minor flaws, they would only end up looking like hunter eyes. Increase his medial canthus and lower the gap between his eyebrows and upper eyelid will give him hunter eyes. Long downwards medial canthus and low set eyebrows are obviously ideal, its common sense on here is it not? So why would these people be an exception for some reason?

Now let's look at some people with ACTUAL Hunter eyes, not just people with hooded eyes.. or deep set eyes... or whatever people somehow mistake hunter eyes for.


Sean O'pry: Falls into the ideal in every category you can mention. Is it a coincidence he has the scientifically perfect eye region according to measurements and he is also the TOP male model? No, it's not. And before you say 'Hunter eyes are a modelling trait' please take a nice stroll of these comments of women absolutely praising Sean for his angelic eyes: https://twitter.com/seanopry55?lang=en

Side note: Hunter eyes aren't just 'scary' or 'intimidating' eyes either. Wow he sure looks real scary in these photos doesnt he.... Especially the one on the right..

Gandy: Worlds highest earning male model EVER. It just so happens he has hunter eyes! (I would actually argue he doesn't, if he didn't have good upper eyelid fat pads he wouldnt have them, but he still has the impression of ideal orbitals so I will use him for this arguement) He is also a major sex symbol and is still relevant to this day as an older man.

And my final argument is to look at these renditions of perfect faces scientifically based on the averages of thousands of womens opinions:

Hunter. Eyes.

Here is one with 100% perfect features in terms of measurements:

Ngl these don't look as much huntery as the rest. I could see an arguement here about somewhere in the middle of hunter eyes and pretty eyes is ideal? Let me know your thoughts

Now to wrap things up, I am making this thread to both disprove the cope behind hunter eyes (ppl who say that they aren't good dont understand what they really are) and to also hear some arguments for the other side. Thanks for reading!
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hunter eyes are better simple as that. if i had them i wouldnt be here
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just have good orbital bones theory
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Hunter eyes are a meme and psl autist gaze. There's a reason why most people (especially foids) consider them uncanny and they only work well on men that have very masc features. Also, the morphs you used doesn't even have true hunter eyes, they have a good eye area regardless though.

Deep-set almond eyes with long PFL, slight to moderate UEE, long curled lashes, thick eyebrows, and light-colored eyes have far more appeal to foids then true hunter eyes.
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I prefer Delon eyes over O pry eyes

And the guy with 100% "perfect" features I don't find him attractive at all.
Too much PSL features break attractivity.
Ask girls who they prefer between Zayn/Delon and this "perfect' prototype
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I prefer Delon eyes over O pry eyes

And the guy with 100% "perfect" features I don't find him attractive at all.
Are you gay?
TLDR: People dont understand what real hunter eyes actually are (Your favourite tiktok psl god probably doesn't have them..) and therefore get the misconception that hunter eyes are not ideal, when in reality they are because they achieve within the top 99% of each eye area measurement, including: hooding from low set straight and prominent brow ridge / bone structure alongside fat pad placement, vertically narrow from high PFL, positive canthal tilt, straight hooding from bone structure, deep set, long medial canthus, perfectly titled eyebrows, perfect IPD, etc etc.

I'll make this short but I would like to hear some peoples thoughts on my opinion. I see a lot of people say "Hunter eyes are cope" which, in my opinion, is a big misconception. Here's why I believe "Hunter Eyes" are really just perfect male eyes.

Let's take a look at people with very attractive eye areas, which some may FALSELY regard to have hunter eyes, but they do not.

View attachment 2774959
Alain Delon: Attractive eyes? Yes, very. But to say he has anything close to hunter eyes is wrong. If we were to change his eye area to fit into the ideal as backed by science and this forum itself, what do you think it would look like? Closer to the narrow, high PFL hunter eyes you'll see below. He falls short in a few measurements, but ofc not by much most notibly eye width to height (PFL and orbital bone issue)

View attachment 2774961
Malik: Again, very ideal eye area. But my argument is the same still; If we were to fix his minor flaws, they would only end up looking like hunter eyes. Increase his medial canthus and lower the gap between his eyebrows and upper eyelid will give him hunter eyes. Long downwards medial canthus and low set eyebrows are obviously ideal, its common sense on here is it not? So why would these people be an exception for some reason?

Now let's look at some people with ACTUAL Hunter eyes, not just people with hooded eyes.. or deep set eyes... or whatever people somehow mistake hunter eyes for.

View attachment 2774964 View attachment 2774971
Sean O'pry: Falls into the ideal in every category you can mention. Is it a coincidence he has the scientifically perfect eye region according to measurements and he is also the TOP male model? No, it's not. And before you say 'Hunter eyes are a modelling trait' please take a nice stroll of these comments of women absolutely praising Sean for his angelic eyes: https://twitter.com/seanopry55?lang=en

Side note: Hunter eyes aren't just 'scary' or 'intimidating' eyes either. Wow he sure looks real scary in these photos doesnt he.... Especially the one on the right..

View attachment 2774968 Gandy: Worlds highest earning male model EVER. It just so happens he has hunter eyes! (I would actually argue he doesn't, if he didn't have good upper eyelid fat pads he wouldnt have them, but he still has the impression of ideal orbitals so I will use him for this arguement) He is also a major sex symbol and is still relevant to this day as an older man.

And my final argument is to look at these renditions of perfect faces scientifically based on the averages of thousands of womens opinions:
View attachment 2774973
Hunter. Eyes.

Here is one with 100% perfect features in terms of measurements:
View attachment 2774974
Ngl these don't look as much huntery as the rest. I could see an arguement here about somewhere in the middle of hunter eyes and pretty eyes is ideal? Let me know your thoughts

Now to wrap things up, I am making this thread to both disprove the cope behind hunter eyes (ppl who say that they aren't good dont understand what they really are) and to also hear some arguments for the other side. Thanks for reading!

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Hunter eyes are a meme and psl autist gaze. There's a reason why most people (especially foids) consider them uncanny and they only work well on men that have very masc features. Also, the morphs you used doesn't even have true hunter eyes, they have a good eye area regardless though.

Deep-set almond eyes with long PFL, slight to moderate UEE, long curled lashes, thick eyebrows, and light-colored eyes have far more appeal to foids then true hunter eyes.
Pfl fails me
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It's a spectrum you annoying subhumans.
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I don't even know why you retards use models as examples of what women find attractive. As if they're chosen from the amount of girls they match on tinder (something that actually accurately represents smv). Use your fuckinng brain dumb fucks. Website is just garbage now
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O Alien eyes are uncanny they are masculine but not specifically beautiful
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TLDR: People dont understand what real hunter eyes actually are (Your favourite tiktok psl god probably doesn't have them..) and therefore get the misconception that hunter eyes are not ideal, when in reality they are because they achieve within the top 99% of each eye area measurement, including: hooding from low set straight and prominent brow ridge / bone structure alongside fat pad placement, vertically narrow from high PFL, positive canthal tilt, straight hooding from bone structure, deep set, long medial canthus, perfectly titled eyebrows, perfect IPD, etc etc.

I'll make this short but I would like to hear some peoples thoughts on my opinion. I see a lot of people say "Hunter eyes are cope" which, in my opinion, is a big misconception. Here's why I believe "Hunter Eyes" are really just perfect male eyes.

Let's take a look at people with very attractive eye areas, which some may FALSELY regard to have hunter eyes, but they do not.

View attachment 2774959
Alain Delon: Attractive eyes? Yes, very. But to say he has anything close to hunter eyes is wrong. If we were to change his eye area to fit into the ideal as backed by science and this forum itself, what do you think it would look like? Closer to the narrow, high PFL hunter eyes you'll see below. He falls short in a few measurements, but ofc not by much most notibly eye width to height (PFL and orbital bone issue)

View attachment 2774961
Malik: Again, very ideal eye area. But my argument is the same still; If we were to fix his minor flaws, they would only end up looking like hunter eyes. Increase his medial canthus and lower the gap between his eyebrows and upper eyelid will give him hunter eyes. Long downwards medial canthus and low set eyebrows are obviously ideal, its common sense on here is it not? So why would these people be an exception for some reason?

Now let's look at some people with ACTUAL Hunter eyes, not just people with hooded eyes.. or deep set eyes... or whatever people somehow mistake hunter eyes for.

View attachment 2774964 View attachment 2774971
Sean O'pry: Falls into the ideal in every category you can mention. Is it a coincidence he has the scientifically perfect eye region according to measurements and he is also the TOP male model? No, it's not. And before you say 'Hunter eyes are a modelling trait' please take a nice stroll of these comments of women absolutely praising Sean for his angelic eyes: https://twitter.com/seanopry55?lang=en

Side note: Hunter eyes aren't just 'scary' or 'intimidating' eyes either. Wow he sure looks real scary in these photos doesnt he.... Especially the one on the right..

View attachment 2774968 Gandy: Worlds highest earning male model EVER. It just so happens he has hunter eyes! (I would actually argue he doesn't, if he didn't have good upper eyelid fat pads he wouldnt have them, but he still has the impression of ideal orbitals so I will use him for this arguement) He is also a major sex symbol and is still relevant to this day as an older man.

And my final argument is to look at these renditions of perfect faces scientifically based on the averages of thousands of womens opinions:
View attachment 2774973
Hunter. Eyes.

Here is one with 100% perfect features in terms of measurements:
View attachment 2774974
Ngl these don't look as much huntery as the rest. I could see an arguement here about somewhere in the middle of hunter eyes and pretty eyes is ideal? Let me know your thoughts

Now to wrap things up, I am making this thread to both disprove the cope behind hunter eyes (ppl who say that they aren't good dont understand what they really are) and to also hear some arguments for the other side. Thanks for reading!

Your argument is basically that hunter eyes are better because they have better measurments.

But who determined these "perfect" measurments, is it girls in their prime or PSL autists?

Tiktok and IG are where prime girls vote for the genetically superior male, and what i see there are pretty eyes, not hunter hooded ones.

Hunter eyes are ideal for older women since they look for more masculine partners, for younger pretty eyes are better
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I don't even know why you retards use models as examples of what women find attractive. As if they're chosen from the amount of girls they match on tinder (something that actually accurately represents smv). Use your fuckinng brain dumb fucks. Website is just garbage now
I have to strongly disagree with you on that bro. Why do we use people who have their lives handed to them because of their beauty as examples of what women find attractive? Top models are top models for a reason. I followed O pry on insta way before all the tiktokers came and he had like 300k followers of women adoring his eyes and calling him a ken doll, does that not mean anything if he isn't on tinder? Have you not read the comments women leave on these peoples posts and videos?
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I don't see your point
Not making a point

Just wondering if its based on actual attraction or just what you believe is attractive
Hunter eyes are most common among autistic incels, my friend has them and gets blocked by every morbidly obese woman he tries talking to (literally hundreds at this point and he always asks me to message them to try and get him unblocked JFL)
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Reactions: Heinrich Schmidt and STUPIDREFEREES
Copers say opry is uncanny with no appeal but thats not true, would a guy with no appeal have this caliber of women?
IMG 0917

Fogs all the high appeal mens girlfriends to hell(cavill, pitt, leo)
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Elias de poot, atesh salih and de la Cruz have the ideal eye areas @arab o pry as well
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Elias de poot, atesh salih and de la Cruz have the ideal eye areas @arab o pry as well
I think depoots hooding tilt is too much and his eyebrows could use more density, ateshs eyes would mog oprys if it wasnt for his undereyes, de la crux has the worst eyes of the bunch tbh
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I made a poll once where I asked who has betger eyes opry or drago, and most dumbasses chose drago jfl
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I think depoots hooding tilt is too much and his eyebrows could use more density, ateshs eyes would mog oprys if it wasnt for his undereyes, de la crux has the worst eyes of the bunch tbh
What about Andreas Eriksen
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What about Andreas Eriksen
His lateral canthus is too round hut 9/10 eye area overall, thoughts on bomers eye arezin this particular pic IMG 3010
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Copers say opry is uncanny with no appeal but thats not true, would a guy with no appeal have this caliber of women?
"Sean Opry is uncanny. It's not real female gaze they prefer xyz"
Utter cope. The dude had his life handed to him at age 17 because of his looks. He is being flown across the globe so people can take photos of his face. Paris, Dubai, Exotic locations are just a part of his job because of his face. Hundreds of thousands of comments from women calling him a 10/10, a ken doll, the most handsome on Earth. Millions of dollars a year and has been the top male model in the world for his entire adult life and still is to this day. But sure... His eyes aren't ideal.. Tell that to his female fanbase JFL
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half of the comments are getting mad at him smoking and the other half loves him
hunter eyes are really a meme to my opinion (the whole concept), when i refer to hunter eyes I refer to the slanted eyebrows with slightly positive lateral tilt and full hoodedness .

this guy doesn't have hunter eyes , but very beautiful . Maliks eye area is beautiful as well.


O pry has no upper eyelid exposure compared to this guy above which has minimal. But the hokey player does have minimal scleral show in the lateral and middle part of the lower eyelid which you could find in the hunter eyes.

Either way the eyebrow tilt /and if it is low set or high set makes someone more hunter like or not hunter like, more masculine or more feminine. Overall both Tom and Brad were very attractive in their prime (height aside) . Cruise has a more masculine face with a better chin and lower set eyebrows. Brad Pitt is considered universially attractive. Hence " I'm no Brad Pitt " saying.


this is why jason momoa looks very aggresive glabela/browridge giving him slanted eyebrows. his canthal tilt is in the negative as far as i know. The same goes for Ian Sommerhalder. His masculine presence comes from his eyebrows , aside from his jaw of course.


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hunter eyes are really a meme to my opinion (the whole concept), when i refer to hunter eyes I refer to the slanted eyebrows with slightly positive lateral tilt and full hoodedness .
I agree with what you say. In my opinion I still believe hunter eyes from the likes of Opry, Barrett or gandy are ultimately the best, but the difference between true hunter eyes and these very pretty eyes you mention is negligible. Like a 3% increase in eye area attractiveness (in favour of hunter eyes) comparing hunter eyes to truly pretty eyes like maliks
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I agree with what you say. In my opinion I still believe hunter eyes from the likes of Opry, Barrett or gandy are ultimately the best, but the difference between true hunter eyes and these very pretty eyes you mention is negligible. Like a 3% increase in eye area attractiveness (in favour of hunter eyes) comparing hunter eyes to truly pretty eyes like maliks

at this point is all preference I guess, I would say that this guy could be considered very handsome by girls . But once again beauty is judged as a whole, he has a very good jaw and proportions. In my experience , eye flaws/hailos could be minimized by lighter eyes. It distracts away from the eye hollowness in the upper region to the blue eyes. same with jared leto .

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Why water is wet; my argument.
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at this point is all preference I guess, I would say that this guy could be considered very handsome by girls . But once again beauty is judged as a whole, he has a very good jaw and proportions. In my experience , eye flaws/hailos could be minimized by lighter eyes. It distracts away from the eye hollowness in the upper region to the blue eyes. same with jared leto .

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He's like Barett since they both have very extreme forward growth of the upper maxilla. The sub-ideal eye area balances this and is more harmonious than hunter eyes would be. This is why Barett looks, while aesthetic, like a gay alien.
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Reactions: Heinrich Schmidt and blmratiopiggypoop
You dont even have hunter eyes retard
Hunter eyes are a meme and psl autist gaze. There's a reason why most people (especially foids) consider them uncanny and they only work well on men that have very masc features. Also, the morphs you used doesn't even have true hunter eyes, they have a good eye area regardless though.

Deep-set almond eyes with long PFL, slight to moderate UEE, long curled lashes, thick eyebrows, and light-colored eyes have far more appeal to foids then true hunter eyes.
exactly - i have basically exactly this and girls tell me i genuinely have the most beautiful eyes they’ve ever seen
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Reactions: Heinrich Schmidt
exactly - i have basically exactly this and girls tell me i genuinely have the most beautiful eyes they’ve ever seen
Female gaze eyes are pic-related.
3476302 9034DC16 2B55 4279 8174 21AD2463ED89

Hunter eyes are psl autist gaze.
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Female gaze eyes are pic-related.
View attachment 2816888
Hunter eyes are psl autist gaze.
would look way better hooded, he has to squint to get it to look like that if they were hunter they would look like that 24/7
cats are considered the best looking animals
and are the most successful land animal predators on earth because of their eyes
there is no gaze involved
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Snow leopard numbers far higher than thought but threats to elusive big  cats remain | IBTimes UK
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would look way better hooded, he has to squint to get it to look like that if they were hunter they would look like that 24/7
cats are considered the best looking animals
and are the most successful land animal predators on earth because of their eyes
there is no gaze involved
View attachment 2816946View attachment 2816945
Snow leopard numbers far higher than thought but threats to elusive big  cats remain | IBTimes UK
View attachment 2816948
No he wouldn't. His almond eyes are fine just the way they are highly appealing to women in real life, unlike the Mongolian slit eyes that are praised here. You are coping hard if you think hunter eyes have any appeal outside PSL/modeling.
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No he wouldn't. His almond eyes are fine just the way they are highly appealing to women in real life, unlike the Mongolian slit eyes that are praised here. You are coping hard if you think hunter eyes have any appeal outside PSL/modeling.
I did all the research when i went to female discord servers
cope somewhere else
cope his eyes when at rest are hooded

They aren't fully hooded though, he has slight UEE (which is ideal) and his eyes are only partially hooded. The classic hunter eyes are fully hooded and James doesn't have them. His eye area regardless is aesthetic though.
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They aren't fully hooded though, he has slight UEE (which is ideal) and his eyes are only partially hooded. The classic hunter eyes are fully hooded and James doesn't have them. His eye area regardless is aesthetic though.
anyone who's goal isn't hunter eyes is aiming too low to be on this forum
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anyone who's goal isn't hunter eyes is aiming too low to be on this forum
Maesthetic eyes are ideal and will attract prime foids, having hunter eyes (which are usually apart of hypermasc faces) will only attract roasties.

The most attractive male faces have a mixture of mostly masculine with a few feminine characteristics, and there is nothing wrong with that.
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Maesthetic eyes are ideal and will attract prime foids, having hunter eyes (which are usually apart of hypermasc faces) will only attract roasties.

The most attractive male faces have a mixture of mostly masculine with a few feminine characteristics, and there is nothing wrong with that.

lion GIF
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