Why I’m Leaving the Looksmaxing Community: It's All About Height and Money

stop showing me celebrities retard. zack bia is a 5’8 LTN manlet and fucked prime madison beer and had her obsessed with him.
Ur brain dead book for doctors appointment genuinely worried for u brain cancer spreading
Ur brain dead book for doctors appointment genuinely worried for u brain cancer spreading
exactly nothing to say retard, there’s plenty of manlet celebrities who are LTN dating stacies just as tall LTN celebrities because they’re CELEBRITIES

tall LTN nobodies don’t get shit
After years spent in the looksmaxing community, particularly on forums like Looksmax.org, I’ve come to a harsh realization: the copes and strategies promoted there don’t hold the key to true success and happiness. In the end, the two most significant factors in ascending and living a good life are height and money.

Ascending in Life: The Uncomfortable Truth About Height and Money

For a long time, I believed that success and happiness were multifaceted, dependent on a blend of personality, skills, and luck. However, my experiences and observations have led me to a more cynical conclusion: in many cases, the primary things you need to ascend in life are height and money. Here’s why.

#### The Power of Height

Height is one of those traits that, unfairly or not, seems to make a significant difference in how people perceive and treat you. Taller individuals are often seen as more authoritative, confident, and attractive. This isn't just anecdotal; numerous studies have shown that taller people tend to earn more and are more likely to be in leadership positions.

1. **Perception of Authority**: Taller individuals are often perceived as more dominant and capable, which can open doors in both personal and professional settings.
2. **Attractiveness**: Height is frequently linked to attractiveness, which can impact dating and social interactions profoundly.
3. **Earnings**: Studies have shown that taller people tend to earn more over their lifetimes, partly because of the positive biases they benefit from in the workplace.

#### The Influence of Money

Money, on the other hand, is a more universally recognized tool for success. It opens up opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible and provides a safety net that allows for greater risk-taking and innovation.

1. **Access to Resources**: Money allows you to access better education, healthcare, and networking opportunities, all of which can significantly boost your chances of success.
2. **Lifestyle and Status**: Financial wealth can drastically improve your quality of life and social status, making it easier to forge influential connections.
3. **Freedom and Security**: Having money provides a sense of security and freedom, enabling you to pursue your goals without the constant stress of financial instability.

#### The Harsh Reality

While this might sound overly simplistic or even defeatist, the reality is that these two factors can have an outsized impact on your ability to succeed. This doesn’t mean that other traits and efforts don’t matter, but height and money provide a substantial head start.

1. **Networking**: Taller individuals and those with money often find it easier to network and build relationships with influential people.
2. **Confidence**: Both height and financial stability can significantly boost your confidence, which in turn affects how you present yourself and how others perceive you.
3. **Opportunities**: Having money can buy opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach, from educational advancements to business ventures.

#### Conclusion it’s 2024 focus on height and money
all im hearing :redpill:
exactly nothing to say retard, there’s plenty of manlet celebrities who are LTN dating stacies just as tall LTN celebrities because they’re CELEBRITIES

tall LTN nobodies don’t get shit
What’s your point that it’s just status
This site is ran by gaslighters they will never tell u the true reason of incel dome which is 1) money without money u can’t even have basic healthy diet which lead to overall health and quality of life and 2) height
wdf are you guys on most of you don't live in third world country, saying you have no money to have basic food means your homeless stop bullshitting.:ROFLMAO:
well the thread is somewhat true to some degree. Everything matters. im around 5’11, Im pretty fkn rich for a 19 yr old. selfmade through trading , im somewhat autistic tho, and my looks had led me to no socializing at all in my teen years since i spent them rotting making $ , going for height surgery soon. and implants as well in a few months. Im really struggling at the moment since what if this doesnt work out at all. And i lose everything or get fkn crippled.
wdf are you guys on most of you don't live in third world country, saying you have no money to have basic food means your homeless stop bullshitting.:ROFLMAO:
I was in a third world. and i made it out the mud. it all depends on how smart you are
I unironically believe this is the next evolution of PSL. It's like how lookism came out of PUA, heightism will be final conclusion of looks theory. Just be Big.
I’m a firm believe in just look different theory. If you look different you will always get first round pick. Tall people stick out like a sore thumb. If a 6’5 guy enter a room, everyone naturally looks at him first.

It is what it is. They also go their whole life physically looking down on people.
exactly nothing to say retard, there’s plenty of manlet celebrities who are LTN dating stacies just as tall LTN celebrities because they’re CELEBRITIES

tall LTN nobodies don’t get shit
Ayo u right if u have status looks doesn’t matter that’s Zack dated her for 2 years
wdf are you guys on most of you don't live in third world country, saying you have no money to have basic food means your homeless stop bullshitting.:ROFLMAO:
Nah fr dude I live on lower end of middle class I barely eat but it’s Aight
Nah fr dude I live on lower end of middle class I barely eat but it’s Aight
if you can/t afford basic food your not no lower end of middle class your poverty class and a homeless-cell:trepidation:
  • +1
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if you can/t afford basic food your not no lower end of middle class your poverty class and a homeless-cell:trepidation:
Ye just positive reaffirming my self I’m beyond broke if truth be told went through home less in 2017 got kicked out in the streets
life starts at 6 feet height
It’s not you’re just too low iq to make money
And it is impossible to change my iq -> impossible to make money. You contradicted yourself. This is true for almost every human, because almost everybody is a poor wageslave. Making money is impossible.
For FUCK sake quit bitching about ur height if ur above 5’8 just fooking wear lifts and call it a day. Life to short to worry about stupid shit. Money on the other hand…. I wish it was as easy as wearing lifts.
  • JFL
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ur height if ur above 5’8 just fooking wear lifts and call it a day. Life to short to worry about stupid shit.
Life is hell when you're below 6'3.You can't just wear lifts and call it a day
  • JFL
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