Why is everyone here so religious?

Think about it like this, God has created you, given you eyes to see with, ears to hear with, limbs to walk with, made the earth a nice smooth surface to walk on, provided sunlight, shelter, etc you can keep going on. You can't even count the blessings god has given us look at the biology of the human body and despite seeing these signs, all god want is for you to acknowledge him. Yes people suffer but that's not always directly from god, blame the destructive nature of man that causes poverty in some countries. But you would say "why does god allow it" well look at this way? The world is so temporary, suffering here comes to an end. While the afterlife everything is eternal. Pain to strive for good in this world results in happiness for eternity in the next, wouldn't you say that's steal for us. And you would say why would I get punished for etnerity in hell. Well think about it this way the bad deeds you would do on the earth would also always dictate that if you lived for an eternity on earth you would always be a sinner. So you could say it's a fair judgement. That's what the purpose of the death. A person will come know who he really is or what kind of person he is at the time of death. If he was an evil person he will realize. Isn't that what the purpose of death is or atleast one of the purpose. At time of death your true reality will come
Nice cope you've got.

Best of luck
I suggest you do some research first tbh, Islam also believes in Jesus, we believe he camed for the children of Israel as a prophet to spread monotheism. And also we value and believe all the prophets. And maybe do the some reasearch on why Muhammad(pbuh) was the final prophet. A lot of strong evidences
Lol who wants to worship a pedophile goat fucker? Muhammad PBUH (piss be upon him)
Nice cope you've got.

Best of luck
It's not cope tbh, I just can't imagine after death it's all over, that wouldn't be fair, because what about all the criminals that got away with their sins, no judgement will be passed on them? That's why afterlife is real
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i believe in god because it can only turn out good. if i believe in god and he exists and expects me to believe in him = i win
if theres no god but i believe in him while not going to church etc = i dont lose shit
you lose time by wasting your thoughts on a hypothetical god
Lol who wants to worship a pedophile goat fucker? Muhammad PBUH (piss be upon him)

Is that why Kevin H hart listed him as the 100 most influential men in history? Above the likes of Isaac newton and Jesus Christ? And you are not worshipping he's just an example of how to follow the religion
Is that why Kevin H hart listed him as the 100 most influential men in history? Above the likes of Isaac newton and Jesus Christ?
Keep coping. Go fuck a goat, mudslime
Why do threads about race and religion always get 10+ pages
Think about it like this, God has created you, given you eyes to see with, ears to hear with, limbs to walk with, made the earth a nice smooth surface to walk on, provided sunlight, shelter, etc you can keep going on. You can't even count the blessings god has given us look at the biology of the human body and despite seeing these signs, all god want is for you to acknowledge him. Yes people suffer but that's not always directly from god, blame the destructive nature of man that causes poverty in some countries. But you would say "why does god allow it" well look at this way? The world is so temporary, suffering here comes to an end. While the afterlife everything is eternal. Pain to strive for good in this world results in happiness for eternity in the next, wouldn't you say that's steal for us. And you would say why would I get punished for etnerity in hell. Well think about it this way the bad deeds you would do on the earth would also always dictate that if you lived for an eternity on earth you would always be a sinner. So you could say it's a fair judgement. That's what the purpose of the death. A person will come know who he really is or what kind of person he is at the time of death. If he was an evil person he will realize. Isn't that what the purpose of death is or atleast one of the purpose. At time of death your true reality will come
But it's so easy to be a good person as a Chad or Stacy. You only ever get treated well for something you had no control over, the opposite for ugly people. Shouldn't the rules be the same for everyone for a real judgement?
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But it's so easy to be a good person as a Chad or Stacy. You only ever get treated well for something you had no control over, the opposite for ugly people. Shouldn't the rules be the same for everyone for a real judgement?
what constitutes or makes a good person? I'm talking about religion, it would be hard for chad,Stacy and rich people to be good, since they are open to more sins/temptations due to their looks and resources compared to poor people. And yes poor people will enter paradise first and won't be judged as harshly as rich. Not the same as looks but I'm pretty sure everybody will be judged accordingly to what god gave them. Hope that helps
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what constitutes or makes a good person? I'm talking about religion, it would be hard for chad,Stacy and rich people to be good, since they are open to more sins/temptations due to their looks and resources compared to poor people. And yes poor people will enter paradise first and won't be judged as harshly as rich. Not the same as looks but I'm pretty sure everybody will be judged accordingly to what god gave them. Hope that helps
yes thank you brother
i just mirin the iq of those who believe that they are right tbh
Tbh, tbh, ngl, if we think their is no morals and everyone is out for themselves, what makes us different than a large portion normies who think the same, and as a result descend into degenerancy, hypergamy, short-term gratification etc, because of this low IQ belief.

In the modern day it is easier to ldar and moan that it's over, or cope that the world is all sunshine and rainbows and all we need to do is to end climate change. but once you do that you've already lost the fight against the people at the top poisoning us (we may cope that we aern't part of the masses, but we are) with flawed ideologies. We blackpillers need to remember that we have to stand for something, to keep us motivated to keep on going even in the face of this grim rotten world.

So cope with religion, if it keeps u moral, cope, with anything that gives you something to stand and fight for. The guys at the top poison us from within, putting estrogen in our food etc. To keep us complacent, to keep us distracted, to keep us from finding the real root cause of our problems.

Essentially, I think that instead of not caring about anything *apart from slaying muh height, hunter eyes, etc* We should care more. The reason that the world has become so degenerate today is because us (the little guy, the masses stopped caring) so governments, the establishment, the elite can do what they want, they can abuse their power, make u into wagecucks. Because now we have so many insignificant copes we don't care about the real world anymore. This is why religion in the modern world should be congratulated to an extent..

Because it makes u care, ur no longer the untouchable center of the world. and once we care about something greater than ourselves, we can finally be rid of the mind forged shackles that modern authority has put on us.

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Islam makes you dark triad
Tbh I’m no religious at all I use to be when I was 16 but now my only god is the blackpill
Allah is the lord of the worlds cunt


Tbh I’m no religious at all I use to be when I was 16 but now my only god is the blackpill

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