Why is evolution so controversial here?


Deleted member 21182

No face for your fucked up mind
Aug 1, 2022
For a forum filled with blackpillers who believe in genetic determinism being why looks hold such an important role in mating

You realise if evolution didn’t exist women wouldn’t look for the most genetically fit male to reproduce with as other mammals do similar to us

All of this to ensure the strongest and most capable offspring to keep species and evolution going foreword

If this isn’t the case than blackpill is also false
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I just don’t think many people put much thought into this since many people are simultaneously extremely blackpilled but also very Christian or Muslim therefore denying evolution

If evolution isn’t real than looks don’t matter at all and you’d logically be bluepilled

Seems a little hypocritical to me tho feel free to argue
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For a forum filled with blackpillers who believe in genetic determinism being why looks hold such an important role in mating

You realise if evolution didn’t exist women wouldn’t look for the most genetically fit male to reproduce with as other mammals do similar to us

All of this to ensure the strongest and most capable offspring to keep species and evolution going foreword

If this isn’t the case than blackpill is also false
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dude evolution is the LEAST of your problems, cut to 12% and lean bulk to 16% and debloat
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dude evolution is the LEAST of your problems, cut to 12% and lean bulk to 16% and debloat
I’m Posing a question as to the reason mating based on health indicators is there to begin with

Being blackpilled and denying evolution is like being a feminist and saying women are inferior to men :feelskek:

It makes no sense
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Because blackpillers do not fall to the lies of society
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Bc most people are retarded (<120IQ)
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Because this forum is filled with muslims and christians which are religions incompatible with the concept of evolution.
God created you, meaning you don't have a common ancestor with other species. Creationism is incompatible with darwinism.
It's that simple.
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Because blackpillers do not fall to the lies of society
The thing with the blackpill is it is literally a part of Darwin’s studies in evolution

If u believe in genetic determinism but don’t believe in the blackpill it is comparable to someone who believes in feminism but says men are superior to women

U can’t be blackpilled and deny it at the same time since In a world where evolution isn’t real there would be no need for genetic determinism
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Evolution is cope
Because this forum is filled with muslims and christians which are religions incompatible with the concept of evolution.
God created you, meaning you don't have a common ancestor with other species. Creationism is incompatible with darwinism.
It's that simple.
Exactly but therefore the blackpill would also be fake to these people

Since the blackpill itself backs up evolution
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I just don’t think many people put much thought into this since many people are simultaneously extremely blackpilled but also very Christian or Muslim therefore denying evolution

If evolution isn’t real than looks don’t matter at all and you’d logically be bluepilled

Seems a little hypocritical to me tho feel free to argue
Lot of people who deny evolution deny darwinism in itself but still believe in human genetics affecting offsprings. Because small-scale evolution is literally IMPOSSIBLE to deny, because you see it from your own eyes. Large-scale evolution of species drastically adapting to their environement is what darwin proved, and this is what religious cucks do not believe.
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Evolution is cope
Then you aren’t blackpilled is my point

Usually I’m very open to different ideas and beliefs but the main point of the blackpill directly backs up evolution

If evolution isn’t real than looks are subjective and the bluepill is the real pill to take or redpill
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Lot of people who deny evolution deny darwinism in itself but still believe in human genetics affecting offsprings. Because small-scale evolution is literally IMPOSSIBLE to deny, because you see it from your own eyes. Large-scale evolution of species drastically adapting to their environement is what darwin proved, and this is what religious cucks do not believe.
The thing is small scale evolution directly leads to large scale

U don’t even have to look at what scientists could be lying about just look at what u can literally see like the small % people being born without wisdom teeth

This is literally evolution happening in front of our eyes it makes it impossible to deny unless one is so blinded by faith they can’t see it

Animals don’t just suddenly evolve into a whole different breed in a day it takes these small changes in hundreds of years ofc ur not just gonna pop out a megamind baby out of nowhere
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Then you aren’t blackpilled is my point

Usually I’m very open to different ideas and beliefs but the main point of the blackpill directly backs up evolution

If evolution isn’t real than looks are subjective and the bluepill is the real pill to take or redpill
Why do short people exist if at the beginning of time those choose tall chad wouldn't the short have been killed off then why would women reproduce with short men if they only choose the best of the best
The way I see it, humans can create worlds in their mind, dreams, scenarios, hopes and desires, and fears too

We were made in the image of God. Is not literal but analogous to the function of God itself, a world builder, the original one who imagined, and its us who are in his imagination

I think it's low iq to believe the physical world is the end and no soul exists, many reincarnation stories are well documented and a simulation(not computer) in which God reploads himself constantly to experience the world makes sense

And thus furthermore, the apple of eden was analogous for the temptation god had created for himself

With the potential to forget what he was in the pursuit of feeling, he could forget his morals too, forget what godly looks like, and began to sin

Also numerology, things like men born on Feb 2nd are flambouyantly gay like extremely often

I told @RunVerc That he watches sick porn due to his February birthday, it simply is a female number, so in men it makes them strange jfl
(I won't leak the porn itself, I did insist on some genres in dms :what:)

Also feminism, equality

In the year 2000

First female president it's looking, in 2020s as well

It's clear to me from that and bday readings of course that individuals entire lives are determined numerically

Some kind of simulation is inevitable. And that scenario is the most pleasant outcome
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Why do short people exist if at the beginning of time those choose tall chad wouldn't the short have been killed off then why would women reproduce with short men if they only choose the best of the best
People are growing now since women are free to chose

For most of human history until very very rescently women had no such choice

This is blackpill 101 and why many people say they wanna go back to the 60s

Now that women can work and chose for themselves we are seeing people grow at massive rates and looks becoming more and more important

Feminism has lead women to chose for genetics more than ever
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I’m Posing a question as to the reason mating based on health indicators is there to begin with

Being blackpilled and denying evolution is like being a feminist and saying women are inferior to men :feelskek:

It makes no sense
"The Lion does not turn around when a small dog barks"
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The thing is small scale evolution directly leads to large scale

U don’t even have to look at what scientists could be lying about just look at what u can literally see like the small % people being born without wisdom teeth

This is literally evolution happening in front of our eyes it makes it impossible to deny unless one is so blinded by faith they can’t see it

Animals don’t just suddenly evolve into a whole different breed in a day it takes these small changes in hundreds of years ofc ur not just gonna pop out a megamind baby out of nowhere
Yes like I said, I am using the arguments you will get from people who don't believe in evolution. The thing is that religious faith is important for a lot of people and evolution as a concept completely destroys the idea of creationism and is not compatible agaisn't their beliefs. If you assume large-scale evolution is real than you also assume that humans are NOT made in god-image which is like the base of every religion. God created humans in his images, but large-scale evolution instead says that they are not intelligent design but just descendant of other species.
So yes these people are rejecting basic facts that have been proved because their faith are so important that they can't accept being wrong and that's why I will never be religious.
Large-scale evolution is a theory yes, but it's the most logical reason of our existence because if we can assume it on small-scale (aka: humans phenotypes and ethnicities being different when they are seperated for a long time, meaning population will be different), it is then logical to assume that logic can apply to larger time-scale. That would be what would be the most "scientifically" possible.
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The way I see it, humans can create worlds in their mind, dreams, scenarios, hopes and desires, and fears too

We were made in the image of God. Is not literal but analogous to the function of God itself, a world builder, the original one who imagined, and its us who are in his imagination

I think it's low iq to believe the physical world is the end and no soul exists, many reincarnation stories are well documented and a simulation(not computer) in which God reploads himself constantly to experience the world makes sense

And thus furthermore, the apple of eden was analogous for the temptation god had created for himself

With the potential to forget what he was in the pursuit of feeling, he could forget his morals too, forget what godly looks like, and began to sin

Also numerology, things like men born on Feb 2nd are flambouyantly gay like extremely often

I told @RunVerc That he watches sick porn due to his February birthday, it simply is a female number, so in men it makes them strange jfl
(I won't leak the porn itself, I did insist on some genres in dms :what:)

Also feminism, equality

In the year 2000

First female president it's looking, in 2020s as well

It's clear to me from that and bday readings of course that individuals entire lives are determined numerically

Some kind of simulation is inevitable. And that scenario is the most pleasant outcome
I also do think a simulation is very likely based on odds alone

Going off of odds itself if we ever are able to create a simulation itself it makes it almost impossible for us to not also be in one
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Lot of people who deny evolution deny darwinism in itself but still believe in human genetics affecting offsprings. Because small-scale evolution is literally IMPOSSIBLE to deny, because you see it from your own eyes. Large-scale evolution of species drastically adapting to their environement is what darwin proved, and this is what religious cucks do not believe.
Anyone with basic math knowledge would know small things add up over time, but the major conflict with religion here is that Christianity (as an example) says that Earth is just 6000 years old, this pretty much goes against all science but specifically biology, astronomy, physics. And coincidentally religion also directly teaches to reject those as it says God creates you by hand, that there the sun is not a star, and that the Earth is flat (Firmament), etc
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Yes like I said, I am using the arguments you will get from people who don't believe in evolution. The thing is that religious faith is important for a lot of people and evolution as a concept completely destroys the idea of creationism and is not compatible agaisn't their beliefs. If you assume large-scale evolution is real than you also assume that humans are NOT made in god-image which is like the base of every religion. God created humans in his images, but large-scale evolution instead says that they are not intelligent design but just descendant of other species.
So yes these people are rejecting basic facts that have been proved because their faith are so important that they can't accept being wrong and that's why I will never be religious.
Large-scale evolution is a theory yes, but it's the most logical reason of our existence because if we can assume it on small-scale (aka: humans phenotypes and ethnicities being different when they are seperated for a long time, meaning population will be different), it is then logical to assume that logic can apply to larger time-scale. That would be what would be the most "scientifically" possible.
Yes and that is why you get answers like this:
"The Lion does not turn around when a small dog barks"

Not to insult people with faith but it is nearly impossible to argue with them since most of them don’t know why they believe it and would deny any proof that questions it no matter how strong

There are a rare few that will argue and research how to fit in certain things with religion but it gets to a point where u stretch a lot of things
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People are growing now since women are free to chose

For most of human history until very very rescently women had no such choice

This is blackpill 101 and why many people say they wanna go back to the 60s

Now that women can work and chose for themselves we are seeing people grow at massive rates and looks becoming more and more important

Feminism has lead women to chose for genetics more than ever
The number 1 is masculine

The number 2 is feminine

The number 9 is emotion, and generally feminine, (more than one homosexual admitted it in dms after taking to them with 9s 💀)

And 8 is money

So jewish math:.

Industrial revolution: 1760-1840s (8)

Great depression 1929 (9 emotion)

Feminism beginning, 1900s as well

And really taking hold in : 2020s
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Yes and that is why you get answers like this:

Not to insult people with faith but it is nearly impossible to argue with them since most of them don’t know why they believe it and would deny any proof that questions it no matter how strong

There are a rare few that will argue and research how to fit in certain things with religion but it gets to a point where u stretch a lot of things
keep barking jew
For a forum filled with blackpillers who believe in genetic determinism being why looks hold such an important role in mating

You realise if evolution didn’t exist women wouldn’t look for the most genetically fit male to reproduce with as other mammals do similar to us

All of this to ensure the strongest and most capable offspring to keep species and evolution going foreword

If this isn’t the case than blackpill is also false
We wuz single-celled amoebas n sheeeeit. :ogre:
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Anyone with basic math knowledge would know small things add up over time, but the major conflict with religion here is that Christianity (as an example) says that Earth is just 6000 years old, this pretty much goes against all science but specifically biology, astronomy, physics. And coincidentally religion also directly teaches to reject those as it says God creates you by hand, that there the sun is not a star, and that the Earth is flat (Firmament), etc
Religion has been shaping itself whenever science proves something that can’t be denied

Tho something as obvious as evolution we are at a point where its understandable and people still say its impossible

I do think believing in a creator can be real since nobody can prove how life itself started to begin with therefor nobody can deny the existence of some sort of creator

But I do think the evidence we have makes Christianity very unlikely
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Anyone with basic math knowledge would know small things add up over time, but the major conflict with religion here is that Christianity (as an example) says that Earth is just 6000 years old, this pretty much goes against all science but specifically biology, astronomy, physics. And coincidentally religion also directly teaches to reject those as it says God creates you by hand, that there the sun is not a star, and that the Earth is flat (Firmament), etc
I do not believe the bible says the earth is 6000 years old DIRECTLY. But the bible is filled with metaphors and things like that. You could argue probably anything with what's said in there because christians believe their book hold the truth. In my opinion it's more likely the bible is simply human made, considering the Bible has knowledge that correlate to the knowledge of the time but it doesn't really show anything we discovered after. Like you said, as a holy book the bible does not really show anything "holy" and is mostly filled with unproved stories or simply things that can be seen in multiples ways. The Bible is not really a scientific book and certainly doesn't show how the world works, but even then it still conflicts with modern science. Like Dinosaurs are never shown in the bible, so as a christian you either need to deny their existance (and the discovery of their bones) or simply cite some random metaphor in the bible to prove they actually did exist, but it's retarded either way. If you are religious you kind of willingly need to deny a part of science.
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We wuz single-celled amoebas n sheeeeit. :ogre:
You might be making a joke out of it but if you start to think about it lookism and the blackpill itself are taken from studies on evolution

It is straight up hypocritical to be blackpilled and deny it
Religion has been shaping itself whenever science proves something that can’t be denied

Tho something as obvious as evolution we are at a point where its understandable and people still say its impossible

I do think believing in a creator can be real since nobody can prove how life itself started to begin with therefor nobody can deny the existence of some sort of creator

But I do think the evidence we have makes Christianity very unlikely
I believe in a creator, but a creator that doesn't even know we exist. Science explains how our universe works, but nothing can really explain why reality itself is a thing. I believe if there is a god he created this reality, but our existence is simply a result of the bing bang and billions of years of evolution. It just seems kind of weird to think that a god would be human-like, and that it would be centric to us (christians believing we are like made in his image etc..) considering all the things around us in space, all the mistakes that evolution did to us, all of the birth defects, or remnant of evolution that we still have in our body. All of this just tells me that this god doesn't really care about us or else if he had human morality and made us with intelligent design these things would not happen. I believe in god but no intelligent design.
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You might be making a joke out of it but if you start to think about it lookism and the blackpill itself are taken from studies on evolution

It is straight up hypocritical to be blackpilled and deny it
When you say it was from evolutionary studies it's not from observing the course of evolution its from an evolutionary perspective

And an evolutionary prerogative could be programmed to just make things look natural
You might be making a joke out of it but if you start to think about it lookism and the blackpill itself are taken from studies on evolution

It is straight up hypocritical to be blackpilled and deny it
They will say it's jewish propaganda jfl.
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I believe in a creator, but a creator that doesn't even know we exist. Science explains how our universe works, but nothing can really explain why reality itself is a thing. I believe if there is a god he created this reality, but our existence is simply a result of the bing bang and billions of years of evolution. It just seems kind of weird to think that a god would be human-like, and that it would be centric to us (christians believing we are like made in his image etc..) considering all the things around us in space, all the mistakes that evolution did to us, all of the birth defects, or remnant of evolution that we still have in our body. All of this just tells me that this god doesn't really care about us or else if he had human morality and made us with intelligent design these things would not happen. I believe in god but no intelligent design.
Yes that is very similar to what I believe

I think the mystery of life and all that exsists makes the idea of a creator really possible

Tho I don’t think he is in the form of the Christian or Muslim god and if he is he could also be lying about multiple things
You might be making a joke out of it but if you start to think about it lookism and the blackpill itself are taken from studies on evolution

It is straight up hypocritical to be blackpilled and deny it
I believe in God. IF there was a big bang, it can be explained that it was set in motion by God. I will always make a connection to God somehow. That said, I don't identify as blackpilled. I am not any kind of pilled. I don't limit my thinking into boxes. I'm the type of guy that likes to think outside the box. I just won't accept any theories in which God does not exist, because those would be untrue.
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I dont know my history teacher keeps glazing evolution to me
keep barking jew
I am honestly curious as to what you would say as to defend ur stance

I’m truly making this thread to learn more I find it hard to believe you are just being carried off of faith alone and don’t have reasoning to debunk my claims
Yes that is very similar to what I believe

I think the mystery of life and all that exsists makes the idea of a creator really possible

Tho I don’t think he is in the form of the Christian or Muslim god and if he is he could also be lying about multiple things
I believe a god would transcend reality itself and would be nothing like us. Humans religions always despict god as being human-like, but that's illogical to me, considering if a god exist he would be beyond space and time, why would he be close to us?
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Because this forum is filled with muslims and christians which are religions incompatible with the concept of evolution.
God created you, meaning you don't have a common ancestor with other species. Creationism is incompatible with darwinism.
It's that simple.
Being religious and blackpilled should be an oxymoron. Or they worship an evil God, considering sub-5s exist. I do not understand how you can believe in your god being a just and righteous being when he condemns untold billions to suffer over a trait they have no control over.
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I dont know my history teacher keeps glazing evolution to me
Because that's what school is for, to teach you things.
What do you expect to tell you about the subject?
I believe in God. IF there was a big bang, it can be explained that it was set in motion by God. I will always make a connection to God somehow. That said, I don't identify as blackpilled. I am not any kind of pilled. I don't limit my thinking into boxes. I'm the type of guy that likes to think outside the box. I just won't accept any theories in which God does not exist, because those would be untrue.
Ur just using god as a euphenism for idk how that happened
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I am honestly curious as to what you would say as to defend ur stance

I’m truly making this thread to learn more I find it hard to believe you are just being carried off of faith alone and don’t have reasoning to debunk my claims
how much do you bench
I believe in a creator, but a creator that doesn't even know we exist. Science explains how our universe works, but nothing can really explain why reality itself is a thing. I believe if there is a god he created this reality, but our existence is simply a result of the bing bang and billions of years of evolution. It just seems kind of weird to think that a god would be human-like, and that it would be centric to us (christians believing we are like made in his image etc..) considering all the things around us in space, all the mistakes that evolution did to us, all of the birth defects, or remnant of evolution that we still have in our body. All of this just tells me that this god doesn't really care about us or else if he had human morality and made us with intelligent design these things would not happen. I believe in god but no intelligent design.
My take is, and this is controversial as a muzzie, that God just stopped acting. The days of miracles and prophethood are over. Now we will be dealt with accordingly to our deeds and worshipping of God or lack thereof. After we die.
Ur just using god as a euphenism for idk how that happened
I won't pretend to know everything. I really don't. I'm just a person, a fragile being whose life can end in many different ways. I know as little as God lets me. No one has all the answers. Whoever says they do is scamming you.
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I believe in God. IF there was a big bang, it can be explained that it was set in motion by God. I will always make a connection to God somehow. That said, I don't identify as blackpilled. I am not any kind of pilled. I don't limit my thinking into boxes. I'm the type of guy that likes to think outside the box. I just won't accept any theories in which God does not exist, because those would be untrue.
I also believe there could be a creator but I don’t believe he is any of those we have picked on earth

If u admit to shaping any evidence to point to god u are automatically putting urself in a box just not the blackpill box

I also don’t believe the blackpill is 100% true as people here say but there is a lot of truth and you’ve said urself the fact of you being ugly is why women don’t like u

So even if u aren’t strongly blackpilled you admit to believing in genetic determinism since wanting to mate based on looks is literally that

So either you lied about that or u do believe in the blackpill
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Being religious and blackpilled should be an oxymoron. Or they worship an evil God, considering sub-5s exist.
Just depends on your definition of the blackpill. Mine is "Your looks determine your success in life." How can I not acknowledge this and the existence of God? It's not contradicting, in my eyes.
My take is, and this is controversial as a muzzie, that God just stopped acting. The days of miracles and prophethood are over. Now we will be dealt with accordingly to our deeds and worshipping of God or lack thereof. After we die.
So the more humans invent forms of communication like photography, video filming, phones, cameras the more god fades away?
Why are prophecies only documented in old texts? My theory is that it never happened and that back 2000 years ago you could probably write the same thing enough time at some point that it becomes historical facts.
Miracles don't exist, there never proof of them ever happening, and the fact that we have never seen proof of it except old texts makes me think that a lot of people back then simply believed rumours and stuff about people and deformed reality into what we call miracles.
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I also believe there could be a creator but I don’t believe he is any of those we have picked on earth

If u admit to shaping any evidence to point to god u are automatically putting urself in a box just not the blackpill box

I also don’t believe the blackpill is 100% true as people here say but there is a lot of truth and you’ve said urself the fact of you being ugly is why women don’t like u

So even if u aren’t strongly blackpilled you admit to believing in genetic determinism since wanting to mate based on looks is literally that

So either you lied about that or u do believe in the blackpill
I knew you were going to use that as an argument. But that's like theorizing that gravity does not exist, even though it does. I am not open-minded by pretending gravity doesn't exist: I'd be ignorant.

Yes, women don't like me romantically because of my lack of looks, but what's that gotta do with this? I believe my genetics are fine, though... it's just my environment that screwed me over and took my harmony.
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