Why is it genuinely so hard to find the right person?



Nov 15, 2023
I'm not gonna say that this is universal or anything , but its just based on my experience.

Girls are not as "evil" of creatures as some incels point them out to be , they are human , of course lookism is real and you can get much more girls with good looks and its true that there are things that are more and less attractive for them , but thats beside the point.

Im average looking guy , in my country and in my age group, most people i meet are actually pretty ugly tbh , in addition to being short (most guys my age are 170-175). Infact , i may be above average as far as it goes in my country(Eastern Europe). (u can check my post history , although people rated me as LTN and such , im genuine about the fact i barely get mogged by my peers)

So I'd love to get into the real reason I came here to write this thread : All girls i liked or loved dated subhumans
Why do girls do that? I hear so much about their high standarts , but when i meet the girl who I REALLY LIKE (be it looks wise , or personality wise) , she's taken
Of course i would accept it as a man if it was some 190cm darktriad chad with good personality or something , I cant compete with that , but its usually subhumans.
Out of two girls i liked , both of them dated subhumans. I heightmog them by like 10-15cm , while face isnt my strong suit , i mog them facially too. I mog them in physique , since they are actually framelets + skinny (actual skinny , not just lean).

I dont understand why foids do this. Im not active hater of ugly people or anything , but why would these women genuinely date them? They are not moneymaxxed or something , they are inferior to me. I dont have superiority complex or something , but im a decent looking guy with good personality imo
Im funny , im extroverted when i need to be. I can even cope with having to act in some scenarios , but this is killing me morally.
I genuinely dont believe in "love" , looks is a big part of it and this is just so painful not understand how is this happening.
I WANT to blame something , my "inferior" looks , my "inferior" personality , anything , but i cant blame anything , im lost.
Im better than them on looks department , my personality is not bad. While there are some incels who have similiar situation , they have incel mentality and never held a girl's hand , u can blame their personality in that scenario even though i do think you should be able to be loved regardless of your personality.
So what do I do? I never have a chance to show them the "real" me in the first place. To reach the "finish line" , i need to atleast stand on the "start line" , but im not even given that. When i meet them and grow to like them , they already had boyfriends.
Should i looksmaxx or get surgeries? How better do i need to be than them to win her? Is me being 6 inches taller than them , having a wider frame , looking better than them not enough? Im not exaggerating when i say this , id love to post a picture but its easy to reverse search. If im around PSL 4 , then these guys would be PSL 2

Do i change my personality? What is the point , to change my personality is to change myself as a person , that wouldnt be me anymore , i dont want to break my back and suffer to date someone , this is just self harming but morally / psychologically

Can someone actually answer to this thread unironically and tell me how is this happening?
Im starting to lose hope , they say 3rd time's a lucky charm but if it will happen to me for the third time ill kill myself.
its like a devil's trick , I dont have actual problem to find a girlfriend , but im not the kind of person that would date just for sex or without love. I may be morally grey ( most of the people are like this) , i dont think im a great guy , but these kind of relationships make me unhappy.
When i kiss with a girl , knowing that shes doing it out of love , and i just do it out of lust , it makes me feel terrible , and its more than just kisses , any contact infact. Just holding hands makes me feel guilty , knowing that deep down i dont love her , i just want to fill the void in my heart with this physical contact and these actions. Problem is that , the only girls i get are girls I hate personality wise (or looks wise)
Infact , i was borderline alcoholic (alcoholic at 15 ,eastern europe for you jfl) because i felt that shit and wanted to have some fun to forget about it. People say about depression online and cry about it , but thats the "default" mode for me , im never fine , i just learned how to live with it , i constantly do what i hate just because i have to do it.
Im probably incredibly close to giving up finding true love at this point , i wish i could just turn off the remaining morality i have and have fun having sex with girls left and right , but i know thats impossible.
I just want one loyal girl , she doesnt have to be 10/10 or something , while i do want her to be pretty id be fine with average girl if she has best personality known to mankind , shes funny , loyal and loving. Thats impossible though and im most likely dying a lonely death since i refuse to go against my moral code.
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  • JFL
Reactions: polishcel, Xangsane, turkproducer and 8 others
obviously dnr
  • +1
Reactions: EggKing, Lonenely sigma, subanimal and 7 others
I'm not reading that shit man.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Lonenely sigma, NewOneXY, subanimal and 6 others
stfu nigga
  • JFL
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im lauhging so hard from the replies ty
Hi, my name is Big Jim, and I'm a recovering subhuman fucker.

Ah, yes, making amends and admitting to things I can not change, but having the courage to accept the things I can and the ... the ... other stuff. I also made a list of the vaginas I've slammed, punched, jackhammered, nailed, slapped, shoved my head inside, spat on, puked on, and once attempted to grow a garden from. But she was impatient and insisted, "I am not laying on this bed with this plant growing from my pussy for the next month! Go get you a bedridden 800-pound girlfriend if that's what you want."

"She would probably eat the plant, so that's a no-go," I explained as the likely conclusion to that ridiculous suggestion.

Furthermore, I have explored those strange worlds, seeking out new bodies and hoping to boldly go where no Ku Klux Klan goblin has gone before. Then the Klan caught me in the act and ostracized me from the organization, claiming I was a no-good subhuman breather. "You're now part of the problem, you son of bitch! Subhuman abominations are brought into this world because of assholes like you, you motherfucking race traitor!" a Klan brother said, which hurt my white supremacy feelings.

"Can I still attend the KKK Weekend Bingos? I'm trying to win back some money."

He denied my request and had the other nicca-hating goblins escort me to my dump truck as Lil Benny mocked my transportation, "You fucking retard! Driving a dump truck as your personal vehicle, injuring our environment with the unnecessary emissions."

I told him to eat my ass, but let me film it when he does for a memory keepsake. He didn't say anything and walked away, but he did look back as if skeptical that I might run up on him.

I hope I have helped in some way with your embarrassing problem.

Kind regards,
Big Jim's Penis
  • JFL
Reactions: Lonenely sigma, try2beme, fukmylyf and 4 others
I didn't read all of this rambling, but maybe your flaws are invisible to you.

So, you mog these dudes and still can't get their girl. Then you consider surgeries. While that very metric is proven to be ineffective. So... maybe you're just dumb. What this means is you'll not be able percieve/figure out why you're losing in the first place. It will be hard to figure out the answer through internet as well, when you tell your story as well, since you will unknowingly emit important details that contain the answer to your problem.

Just try to figure out where you are weaker and dismantle your ego defences from blinding you.
  • JFL
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There is no such thing as “the right girl”for a sub-htn because a sub-htn isn’t the right guy for any girl.
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  • JFL
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Is that what you say to women who see your face and forget it the next second?
dm me when u have at least one girl interested in you.

(I’m never receiving that dm)
dm me when u have at least one girl interested in you.

(I’m never receiving that dm)
You didn’t answer my question. How am I supposed to remember our conversation you’re like an irrelevant rat.
obviously dnr
I'm not reading that shit man.
I read it. It's a tall good looking guy complaining about having too many girlfriends.
season 2 beating GIF
  • +1
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
I read it. It's a tall good looking guy complaining about having too many girlfriends.
season 2 beating GIF
not good looking , just above the guys who i talked about in my post.

The only thing i have going for me is my height
You can check my post history for my face
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Patris, BeanletMogger and vermillioncorefan
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Your cucked by being non-NT

I suffer from the same fate unfortunately lol

Over the last few years, I’ve had girls all over me when I see them irl, and clearly trying to get with me. All of them get put off by the fact that I don’t drink, don’t smoke/do drugs, spend like 3 hours in the gym every day.
When I see these girls irl, they’re clearly into me and want to talk/get with me. But if I text them they are flakey, and give me cold shoulder.

For years I didn’t know what to attribute it to, cause there is no problem with my looks (I’m good looking, and these girls were telling me that they’re attracted to me), I’m tall (6ft 2), I’m muscular (a lot of girls like my physique, but even still they prefer my face usually), I have good hair.

And after getting ghosted by these girls, I’d eventually see them with some short, fat subhumans. I literally mogg them in every department apart from being NT.

Just keep waiting for the right girl. Eventually you’ll find a non-NT girl, who’s looks matched for you, and that will be your perfect girl.
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer
Your cucked by being non-NT

I suffer from the same fate unfortunately lol

Over the last few years, I’ve had girls all over me when I see them irl, and clearly trying to get with me. All of them get put off by the fact that I don’t drink, don’t smoke/do drugs, spend like 3 hours in the gym every day.
When I see these girls irl, they’re clearly into me and want to talk/get with me. But if I text them they are flakey, and give me cold shoulder.

For years I didn’t know what to attribute it to, cause there is no problem with my looks (I’m good looking, and these girls were telling me that they’re attracted to me), I’m tall (6ft 2), I’m muscular (a lot of girls like my physique, but even still they prefer my face usually), I have good hair.

And after getting ghosted by these girls, I’d eventually see them with some short, fat subhumans. I literally mogg them in every department apart from being NT.

Just keep waiting for the right girl. Eventually you’ll find a non-NT girl, who’s looks matched for you, and that will be your perfect girl.
what does NT mean? I think im not ass at picking up signs and things , since i did well with some girls before and knew where to pull / what to say exactly , but its just that my brain completely turns off when im with them specifically
what does NT mean? I think im not ass at picking up signs and things , since i did well with some girls before and knew where to pull / what to say exactly , but its just that my brain completely turns off when im with them specifically

Basically just means normie behaviour
Your cucked by being non-NT

I suffer from the same fate unfortunately lol

Over the last few years, I’ve had girls all over me when I see them irl, and clearly trying to get with me. All of them get put off by the fact that I don’t drink, don’t smoke/do drugs, spend like 3 hours in the gym every day.
When I see these girls irl, they’re clearly into me and want to talk/get with me. But if I text them they are flakey, and give me cold shoulder.

For years I didn’t know what to attribute it to, cause there is no problem with my looks (I’m good looking, and these girls were telling me that they’re attracted to me), I’m tall (6ft 2), I’m muscular (a lot of girls like my physique, but even still they prefer my face usually), I have good hair.

And after getting ghosted by these girls, I’d eventually see them with some short, fat subhumans. I literally mogg them in every department apart from being NT.

Just keep waiting for the right girl. Eventually you’ll find a non-NT girl, who’s looks matched for you, and that will be your perfect girl.
Just keep waiting for her bro !! Hahahah no wonder you can’t get pussy
Just keep waiting for her bro !! Hahahah no wonder you can’t get pussy
Bruh what is up with you incels, just assuming nobody gets pussy.

Just cause you’re subhuman, doesn’t mean everyone else is.

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Reactions: try2beme
Just keep waiting for her bro !! Hahahah no wonder you can’t get pussy
i dont have trouble with getting laid / getting a gf or anything like that , if you actually read my post you would understand that the problem is that the only girls coming my way are something i dont want ( not because of looks) , and id rather date that 1 girl i like instead of having 10 side chicks
Bro stfu ain't nobody reading all that shit, you wasted your own time writing that.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: try2beme
I'm not gonna say that this is universal or anything , but its just based on my experience.

Girls are not as "evil" of creatures as some incels point them out to be , they are human , of course lookism is real and you can get much more girls with good looks and its true that there are things that are more and less attractive for them , but thats beside the point.

Im average looking guy , in my country and in my age group, most people i meet are actually pretty ugly tbh , in addition to being short (most guys my age are 170-175). Infact , i may be above average as far as it goes in my country(Eastern Europe). (u can check my post history , although people rated me as LTN and such , im genuine about the fact i barely get mogged by my peers)

So I'd love to get into the real reason I came here to write this thread : All girls i liked or loved dated subhumans
Why do girls do that? I hear so much about their high standarts , but when i meet the girl who I REALLY LIKE (be it looks wise , or personality wise) , she's taken
Of course i would accept it as a man if it was some 190cm darktriad chad with good personality or something , I cant compete with that , but its usually subhumans.
Out of two girls i liked , both of them dated subhumans. I heightmog them by like 10-15cm , while face isnt my strong suit , i mog them facially too. I mog them in physique , since they are actually framelets + skinny (actual skinny , not just lean).

I dont understand why foids do this. Im not active hater of ugly people or anything , but why would these women genuinely date them? They are not moneymaxxed or something , they are inferior to me. I dont have superiority complex or something , but im a decent looking guy with good personality imo
Im funny , im extroverted when i need to be. I can even cope with having to act in some scenarios , but this is killing me morally.
I genuinely dont believe in "love" , looks is a big part of it and this is just so painful not understand how is this happening.
I WANT to blame something , my "inferior" looks , my "inferior" personality , anything , but i cant blame anything , im lost.
Im better than them on looks department , my personality is not bad. While there are some incels who have similiar situation , they have incel mentality and never held a girl's hand , u can blame their personality in that scenario even though i do think you should be able to be loved regardless of your personality.
So what do I do? I never have a chance to show them the "real" me in the first place. To reach the "finish line" , i need to atleast stand on the "start line" , but im not even given that. When i meet them and grow to like them , they already had boyfriends.
Should i looksmaxx or get surgeries? How better do i need to be than them to win her? Is me being 6 inches taller than them , having a wider frame , looking better than them not enough? Im not exaggerating when i say this , id love to post a picture but its easy to reverse search. If im around PSL 4 , then these guys would be PSL 2

Do i change my personality? What is the point , to change my personality is to change myself as a person , that wouldnt be me anymore , i dont want to break my back and suffer to date someone , this is just self harming but morally / psychologically

Can someone actually answer to this thread unironically and tell me how is this happening?
Im starting to lose hope , they say 3rd time's a lucky charm but if it will happen to me for the third time ill kill myself.
its like a devil's trick , I dont have actual problem to find a girlfriend , but im not the kind of person that would date just for sex or without love. I may be morally grey ( most of the people are like this) , i dont think im a great guy , but these kind of relationships make me unhappy.
When i kiss with a girl , knowing that shes doing it out of love , and i just do it out of lust , it makes me feel terrible , and its more than just kisses , any contact infact. Just holding hands makes me feel guilty , knowing that deep down i dont love her , i just want to fill the void in my heart with this physical contact and these actions. Problem is that , the only girls i get are girls I hate personality wise (or looks wise)
Infact , i was borderline alcoholic (alcoholic at 15 ,eastern europe for you jfl) because i felt that shit and wanted to have some fun to forget about it. People say about depression online and cry about it , but thats the "default" mode for me , im never fine , i just learned how to live with it , i constantly do what i hate just because i have to do it.
Im probably incredibly close to giving up finding true love at this point , i wish i could just turn off the remaining morality i have and have fun having sex with girls left and right , but i know thats impossible.
I just want one loyal girl , she doesnt have to be 10/10 or something , while i do want her to be pretty id be fine with average girl if she has best personality known to mankind , shes funny , loyal and loving. Thats impossible though and im most likely dying a lonely death since i refuse to go against my moral code.
DNR, Shut up and get your bands up lil nigga
I'm not gonna say that this is universal or anything , but its just based on my experience.

Girls are not as "evil" of creatures as some incels point them out to be , they are human , of course lookism is real and you can get much more girls with good looks and its true that there are things that are more and less attractive for them , but thats beside the point.

Im average looking guy , in my country and in my age group, most people i meet are actually pretty ugly tbh , in addition to being short (most guys my age are 170-175). Infact , i may be above average as far as it goes in my country(Eastern Europe). (u can check my post history , although people rated me as LTN and such , im genuine about the fact i barely get mogged by my peers)

So I'd love to get into the real reason I came here to write this thread : All girls i liked or loved dated subhumans
Why do girls do that? I hear so much about their high standarts , but when i meet the girl who I REALLY LIKE (be it looks wise , or personality wise) , she's taken
Of course i would accept it as a man if it was some 190cm darktriad chad with good personality or something , I cant compete with that , but its usually subhumans.
Out of two girls i liked , both of them dated subhumans. I heightmog them by like 10-15cm , while face isnt my strong suit , i mog them facially too. I mog them in physique , since they are actually framelets + skinny (actual skinny , not just lean).

I dont understand why foids do this. Im not active hater of ugly people or anything , but why would these women genuinely date them? They are not moneymaxxed or something , they are inferior to me. I dont have superiority complex or something , but im a decent looking guy with good personality imo
Im funny , im extroverted when i need to be. I can even cope with having to act in some scenarios , but this is killing me morally.
I genuinely dont believe in "love" , looks is a big part of it and this is just so painful not understand how is this happening.
I WANT to blame something , my "inferior" looks , my "inferior" personality , anything , but i cant blame anything , im lost.
Im better than them on looks department , my personality is not bad. While there are some incels who have similiar situation , they have incel mentality and never held a girl's hand , u can blame their personality in that scenario even though i do think you should be able to be loved regardless of your personality.
So what do I do? I never have a chance to show them the "real" me in the first place. To reach the "finish line" , i need to atleast stand on the "start line" , but im not even given that. When i meet them and grow to like them , they already had boyfriends.
Should i looksmaxx or get surgeries? How better do i need to be than them to win her? Is me being 6 inches taller than them , having a wider frame , looking better than them not enough? Im not exaggerating when i say this , id love to post a picture but its easy to reverse search. If im around PSL 4 , then these guys would be PSL 2

Do i change my personality? What is the point , to change my personality is to change myself as a person , that wouldnt be me anymore , i dont want to break my back and suffer to date someone , this is just self harming but morally / psychologically

Can someone actually answer to this thread unironically and tell me how is this happening?
Im starting to lose hope , they say 3rd time's a lucky charm but if it will happen to me for the third time ill kill myself.
its like a devil's trick , I dont have actual problem to find a girlfriend , but im not the kind of person that would date just for sex or without love. I may be morally grey ( most of the people are like this) , i dont think im a great guy , but these kind of relationships make me unhappy.
When i kiss with a girl , knowing that shes doing it out of love , and i just do it out of lust , it makes me feel terrible , and its more than just kisses , any contact infact. Just holding hands makes me feel guilty , knowing that deep down i dont love her , i just want to fill the void in my heart with this physical contact and these actions. Problem is that , the only girls i get are girls I hate personality wise (or looks wise)
Infact , i was borderline alcoholic (alcoholic at 15 ,eastern europe for you jfl) because i felt that shit and wanted to have some fun to forget about it. People say about depression online and cry about it , but thats the "default" mode for me , im never fine , i just learned how to live with it , i constantly do what i hate just because i have to do it.
Im probably incredibly close to giving up finding true love at this point , i wish i could just turn off the remaining morality i have and have fun having sex with girls left and right , but i know thats impossible.
I just want one loyal girl , she doesnt have to be 10/10 or something , while i do want her to be pretty id be fine with average girl if she has best personality known to mankind , shes funny , loyal and loving. Thats impossible though and im most likely dying a lonely death since i refuse to go against my moral code.
That is the most incoherent and contradicting passage I have ever read. One moment you write, "I dont believe in love" and the next moment you go on a ramble about wanting to date for love.

I dont know what kind of place you live, but if you barely get mogged you should have no problem finding a long term partner. Just install tinder and set your preferences to long term dating ??

Also how are all the girls you fuck have terrible personalities or terrible looks(according to you) that you are not able to love them ?

At the same time, all your crushes are dating subhumans. What kind of a place is this lmao

Sorry, but this feels like one of your attempts at cre8ive passage writing.
I heightmog them by like 10-15cm ,
Us tallcels have to accept girls dgaf abt face tbh. I “heightmog” a lot of guys yet they get more actual slays than I do for being NT. Just be brainwashed retard who thinks Trump is a racist and Alex Jones is insane theory
  • +1
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I'm not gonna say that this is universal or anything , but its just based on my experience.

Girls are not as "evil" of creatures as some incels point them out to be , they are human , of course lookism is real and you can get much more girls with good looks and its true that there are things that are more and less attractive for them , but thats beside the point.

Im average looking guy , in my country and in my age group, most people i meet are actually pretty ugly tbh , in addition to being short (most guys my age are 170-175). Infact , i may be above average as far as it goes in my country(Eastern Europe). (u can check my post history , although people rated me as LTN and such , im genuine about the fact i barely get mogged by my peers)

So I'd love to get into the real reason I came here to write this thread : All girls i liked or loved dated subhumans
Why do girls do that? I hear so much about their high standarts , but when i meet the girl who I REALLY LIKE (be it looks wise , or personality wise) , she's taken
Of course i would accept it as a man if it was some 190cm darktriad chad with good personality or something , I cant compete with that , but its usually subhumans.
Out of two girls i liked , both of them dated subhumans. I heightmog them by like 10-15cm , while face isnt my strong suit , i mog them facially too. I mog them in physique , since they are actually framelets + skinny (actual skinny , not just lean).

I dont understand why foids do this. Im not active hater of ugly people or anything , but why would these women genuinely date them? They are not moneymaxxed or something , they are inferior to me. I dont have superiority complex or something , but im a decent looking guy with good personality imo
Im funny , im extroverted when i need to be. I can even cope with having to act in some scenarios , but this is killing me morally.
I genuinely dont believe in "love" , looks is a big part of it and this is just so painful not understand how is this happening.
I WANT to blame something , my "inferior" looks , my "inferior" personality , anything , but i cant blame anything , im lost.
Im better than them on looks department , my personality is not bad. While there are some incels who have similiar situation , they have incel mentality and never held a girl's hand , u can blame their personality in that scenario even though i do think you should be able to be loved regardless of your personality.
So what do I do? I never have a chance to show them the "real" me in the first place. To reach the "finish line" , i need to atleast stand on the "start line" , but im not even given that. When i meet them and grow to like them , they already had boyfriends.
Should i looksmaxx or get surgeries? How better do i need to be than them to win her? Is me being 6 inches taller than them , having a wider frame , looking better than them not enough? Im not exaggerating when i say this , id love to post a picture but its easy to reverse search. If im around PSL 4 , then these guys would be PSL 2

Do i change my personality? What is the point , to change my personality is to change myself as a person , that wouldnt be me anymore , i dont want to break my back and suffer to date someone , this is just self harming but morally / psychologically

Can someone actually answer to this thread unironically and tell me how is this happening?
Im starting to lose hope , they say 3rd time's a lucky charm but if it will happen to me for the third time ill kill myself.
its like a devil's trick , I dont have actual problem to find a girlfriend , but im not the kind of person that would date just for sex or without love. I may be morally grey ( most of the people are like this) , i dont think im a great guy , but these kind of relationships make me unhappy.
When i kiss with a girl , knowing that shes doing it out of love , and i just do it out of lust , it makes me feel terrible , and its more than just kisses , any contact infact. Just holding hands makes me feel guilty , knowing that deep down i dont love her , i just want to fill the void in my heart with this physical contact and these actions. Problem is that , the only girls i get are girls I hate personality wise (or looks wise)
Infact , i was borderline alcoholic (alcoholic at 15 ,eastern europe for you jfl) because i felt that shit and wanted to have some fun to forget about it. People say about depression online and cry about it , but thats the "default" mode for me , im never fine , i just learned how to live with it , i constantly do what i hate just because i have to do it.
Im probably incredibly close to giving up finding true love at this point , i wish i could just turn off the remaining morality i have and have fun having sex with girls left and right , but i know thats impossible.
I just want one loyal girl , she doesnt have to be 10/10 or something , while i do want her to be pretty id be fine with average girl if she has best personality known to mankind , shes funny , loyal and loving. Thats impossible though and im most likely dying a lonely death since i refuse to go against my moral code.
NIGGA everyone is slav here , and they look even dirtier than me because i have relatively pale skin w green eyes and dark blonde hair , but they have subhuman face with shitskin eyes and hair color
  • JFL
Reactions: moggathon
I'm not gonna say that this is universal or anything , but its just based on my experience.

Girls are not as "evil" of creatures as some incels point them out to be , they are human , of course lookism is real and you can get much more girls with good looks and its true that there are things that are more and less attractive for them , but thats beside the point.

Im average looking guy , in my country and in my age group, most people i meet are actually pretty ugly tbh , in addition to being short (most guys my age are 170-175). Infact , i may be above average as far as it goes in my country(Eastern Europe). (u can check my post history , although people rated me as LTN and such , im genuine about the fact i barely get mogged by my peers)

So I'd love to get into the real reason I came here to write this thread : All girls i liked or loved dated subhumans
Why do girls do that? I hear so much about their high standarts , but when i meet the girl who I REALLY LIKE (be it looks wise , or personality wise) , she's taken
Of course i would accept it as a man if it was some 190cm darktriad chad with good personality or something , I cant compete with that , but its usually subhumans.
Out of two girls i liked , both of them dated subhumans. I heightmog them by like 10-15cm , while face isnt my strong suit , i mog them facially too. I mog them in physique , since they are actually framelets + skinny (actual skinny , not just lean).

I dont understand why foids do this. Im not active hater of ugly people or anything , but why would these women genuinely date them? They are not moneymaxxed or something , they are inferior to me. I dont have superiority complex or something , but im a decent looking guy with good personality imo
Im funny , im extroverted when i need to be. I can even cope with having to act in some scenarios , but this is killing me morally.
I genuinely dont believe in "love" , looks is a big part of it and this is just so painful not understand how is this happening.
I WANT to blame something , my "inferior" looks , my "inferior" personality , anything , but i cant blame anything , im lost.
Im better than them on looks department , my personality is not bad. While there are some incels who have similiar situation , they have incel mentality and never held a girl's hand , u can blame their personality in that scenario even though i do think you should be able to be loved regardless of your personality.
So what do I do? I never have a chance to show them the "real" me in the first place. To reach the "finish line" , i need to atleast stand on the "start line" , but im not even given that. When i meet them and grow to like them , they already had boyfriends.
Should i looksmaxx or get surgeries? How better do i need to be than them to win her? Is me being 6 inches taller than them , having a wider frame , looking better than them not enough? Im not exaggerating when i say this , id love to post a picture but its easy to reverse search. If im around PSL 4 , then these guys would be PSL 2

Do i change my personality? What is the point , to change my personality is to change myself as a person , that wouldnt be me anymore , i dont want to break my back and suffer to date someone , this is just self harming but morally / psychologically

Can someone actually answer to this thread unironically and tell me how is this happening?
Im starting to lose hope , they say 3rd time's a lucky charm but if it will happen to me for the third time ill kill myself.
its like a devil's trick , I dont have actual problem to find a girlfriend , but im not the kind of person that would date just for sex or without love. I may be morally grey ( most of the people are like this) , i dont think im a great guy , but these kind of relationships make me unhappy.
When i kiss with a girl , knowing that shes doing it out of love , and i just do it out of lust , it makes me feel terrible , and its more than just kisses , any contact infact. Just holding hands makes me feel guilty , knowing that deep down i dont love her , i just want to fill the void in my heart with this physical contact and these actions. Problem is that , the only girls i get are girls I hate personality wise (or looks wise)
Infact , i was borderline alcoholic (alcoholic at 15 ,eastern europe for you jfl) because i felt that shit and wanted to have some fun to forget about it. People say about depression online and cry about it , but thats the "default" mode for me , im never fine , i just learned how to live with it , i constantly do what i hate just because i have to do it.
Im probably incredibly close to giving up finding true love at this point , i wish i could just turn off the remaining morality i have and have fun having sex with girls left and right , but i know thats impossible.
I just want one loyal girl , she doesnt have to be 10/10 or something , while i do want her to be pretty id be fine with average girl if she has best personality known to mankind , shes funny , loyal and loving. Thats impossible though and im most likely dying a lonely death since i refuse to go against my moral code.

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