why is it mayocels deny jbw?

not your "muh betabux" again ricecels and currycels can betabux too, and again betabux is a figment of the past in 2024.
Even if white men don’t betabux it’s still common to think they have money (1st world countries)
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The women only act like they want them because they know they have money
Cope. Even ethnic Chads get a lot less matches than white chads, there are countless tinder experiments proving this.
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20240824 131813
these women in africa dont know they have money, keep coping. blackcels can betabux too you moron.
Yes they do dumbass it is known world wide that whites have more money then most another ethnicities also some African nigger who make 5 cents an hour making banana liquor can totally betabuxx
I never said that you have to be tall or good looking for a gook foid, you don't. But you have to be in their proximities to even meet them, which usually means shit like going to a good school and a career in STEM. And looking something like Orb (who is short and recessed but blue eyes so gook foid magnet) is a huge bonus from there.
That's still just entering a cucked LTR with some ugly, panfaced, not tits and ass having noodlewhore though meanwhile ethnics who didn't make it past 9th grade are slaying absolutely for free
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Yes they do dumbass it is known world wide that whites have more money then most another ethnicities also some African nigger who make 5 cents an hour making banana liquor can totally betabuxx
i meant blackcels in the west. i don't know why you are on this forum if you think it's money, go to moneymax.org betabux cuck.
jbw is looks based not socioeconomic (at least in the west). no bullshit "muh personal experience" that is somehow more valid than empirical data.
i meant blackcels in the west. i don't know why you are on this forum if you think it's money, go to moneymax.org betabux cuck.
jbw is looks based not socioeconomic (at least in the west) bullshit "muh personal experience" that is somehow more valid than empirical data.
I am not saying it's money that matters you 70 IQ curry muncher I am saying that muh "JBW" is just based of money and or a greencard meanwhile JBE is based of actual attraction
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Cope. Even ethnic Chads get a lot less matches than white chads, there are countless tinder experiments proving this.
how can you cope after you see the jbw tinder experiments
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That's still just entering a cucked LTR with some ugly, panfaced, not tits and ass having noodlewhore though meanwhile ethnics who didn't make it past 9th grade are slaying absolutely for free

Yup. The STEMcel and the noodlewhore are the most pitiful couple, even moreso than the gymcel and the landwhale.
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mirin the contradiction. highest iq jbw denier. contradicting yourself in the same fucking comment actually hilarious
Smartest brownoid your post would only make sense if I also believed JBW was true (which I very obviously don't). here let me spell it out for you. JBW is not true it is just betabuxxing meanwhile JBE is true and is based of actual physical attraction.
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I see whites deny jbw vehemently and say it isn't true. wouldn't white people be thrilled to hear they have an advantage? i don't get it. can someone explain?
Virtue signalling. No one's going to want to admit it's true because they don't want to be labelled as a racist or white supremacist
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Smartest brownoid your post would only make sense if I also believed JBW was true (which I very obviously don't). here let me spell it out for you. JBW is not true it is just betabuxxing meanwhile JBE is true and is based of actual physical attraction.
alright so the majority of women of all races (except black women) saying they find white men as attractive is because they're betabux? i thought betabux wasn't real physical attraction? and they say the real people they're attracted to which is ethnics according to you are not? i dont understand the logic here
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Well most white incels could probably ascend if they geomaxxed
most people cant geomaxx you need passive revenue stream to do it long term
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Well most white incels could probably ascend if they geomaxxed
Just abandon your culture, family and life for a ghetto leech bro
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Just abandon your culture, family and life for a ghetto leech bro
culture, family and life is the sub8 male coping mechanism you cant actually care about bullshit like that
culture, family and life is the sub8 male coping mechanism you cant actually care about bullshit like that
Even if that were true I would rather comfortably be an incel in my home country then be a beta cuck supply money to some whore who hates me in some uncivilized jungle
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Even if that were true I would rather comfortably be an incel in my home country then be a beta cuck supply money to some whore who hates me in some uncivilized jungle
it is biologically impossible for women to hate men they're attracted to also geomaxxing is not supplying money lol you're just fucking them
  • JFL
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it is biologically impossible for women to hate men they're attracted to
But they aren't actually attracted to these geomaxxers though unless they meet the standard requirements for the west (5 PSL, 6'2, 20 inch bideltoid)
also geomaxxing is not supplying money
It literally is but ok
  • Ugh..
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But they aren't actually attracted to these geomaxxers though unless they meet the standard requirements for the west (5 PSL, 6'2, 20 inch bideltoid)
they aren't in the west (where those standards don't apply.) that is the entire point of geomaxxing, going to a weaker sexual market. mirin the lack of knowledge
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they aren't in the west (where those standards don't apply.) that is the entire point of geomaxxing, going to a weaker sexual market. mirin the lack of knowledge
You mean it is just betabuxxing ugly, yellow, insects?
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theyre brown guys pretending to be white online
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white men also are taller, have bigger dicks, wider shoulders, more masculine facial structure, blue eyes. i really dont see whyd you want to deny it even if that was the only jbw benefit. you clearly dont know the racism currycels and ricecels face jfl
holy glaze, yeah this user is a certified indian
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oh and to answer ops question, any white incel would deny jbw because it barely affects them compared to white normies and above, who live in a complete different dimension than them
white men also are taller, have bigger dicks, wider shoulders, more masculine facial structure, blue eyes. i really dont see whyd you want to deny it even if that was the only jbw benefit. you clearly dont know the racism currycels and ricecels face jfl
What race are you? Feels like this is just projecting your self-hating on your own people.
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Then it is funny you are just promoting your own race. "Guys we are superior!!! JBW is law!!":feelswah::feelswah:
well people tell me i look asian so not really jbw doesn't apply to me lol
You guys (mostly indians) need stop the coping inferiority complex. JBW is literally LTN whites getting with foreign women hungry for a greencard.
Most people date their own race. People who date outside of it are outliers. Just another cope to not just admit the fact that you are ugly.
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You guys (mostly indians) need stop the coping inferiority complex. JBW is literally LTN whites getting with foreign women hungry for a greencard.
Most people date their own race. People who date outside of it are outliers. Just another cope to not just admit the fact that you are ugly.
every race of women except for blacks find white men most attractive.
"40% of asian women excluding asian men? outliers bro!"
im white lol every jbw denier always copes by assuming im ethnic jfl
They are usually truecels who think that just because they are white + incel that automatically disproves JBW
They are usually truecels who think that just because they are white + incel that automatically disproves JBW
i have a trucel in this thread claiming jbw isn't real and it's jbe (just be ethnic), i ask him his proof and he says "bro the ethnics in my school are slaying and all the whites were khhv bro!" :feelskek:
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Not this bullshit again, muh jbw is a thing of the past retard. There's no more "just be" in jbw jfl. You gotta do a whole lot more, this ain't the 2000's and like many have pointed out, all those half assed studies you use as evidence is from the stone stage. As of 2024, whites have a slight....... and I mean slight advantage over bbc,med,Hispanic and even recently the kpop maxed gooks. And sorry to burst your bubble cumskin but that "slight" advantage as well is rapidly diminishing with the media pushing out more curry and bbc propaganda, the kpop wave, islamification of jewrope and most white countries going to shit. All according to the jew masterplan jfl
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white men also are taller, have bigger dicks, wider shoulders, more masculine facial structure, blue eyes. i really dont see whyd you want to deny it even if that was the only jbw benefit. you clearly dont know the racism currycels and ricecels face jfl
Bigger dicks?
Whites have the highest looks ceiling but there's no advantage of being an average white in the west besides the job market these days.
Not this bullshit again, muh jbw is a thing of the past retard. There's no more "just be" in jbw jfl. You gotta do a whole lot more, this ain't the 2000's and like many have pointed out, all those half assed studies you use as evidence is from the stone stage. As of 2024, whites have a slight....... and I mean slight advantage over bbc,med,Hispanic and even recently the kpop maxed gooks. And sorry to burst your bubble cumskin but that "slight" advantage as well is rapidly diminishing with the media pushing out more curry and bbc propaganda, the kpop wave, islamification of jewrope and most white countries going to shit. All according to the jew masterplan jfl
2010s=stoneage. topkek. also "muh jews man" :feelskek:
seriously the politics coping needs to end
Bigger dicks?
. There's not much differences between dick size in between races in literally all the measured studies. The studies that most often get quoted for propoganda are self reported. There was only one study where asians were reported to slightly smaller but again not by much. Whites aren't much taller or have bigger frames than ethnics when nutrition and environment are held constant aswell. Whites or caucasoids in general do have the most dimorphic skulls tho.
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JBW is the mirror opposite of the truth. In 2024, 90% of ethnic women do not date white boys. And an increasing % of white females only date BBC or ethnics. Today roughly 50% of white females do not date white males. That's why so many white males are becoming trannies and incels.

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