Why is leanmaxxing so fucking hard?

Deleted member 15004

Deleted member 15004

Feminist Incel. We exist.
Aug 17, 2021
It should be easy but I can't stop drinking Pepsi, eating sour patches, sugary candy and the likes. Of course, I always put a large amount of salt in my food whenever I cook too for taste so that does not help.

Fuck. How do people do this leanmaxxing shit? It's such a boring lifestyle, not eating sugary foods, cooking with almost no salt etc it's not fulfilling whatsoever
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curry discipline failo
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It should be easy but I can't stop drinking Pepsi, eating sour patches, sugary candy and the likes. Of course, I always put a large amount of salt in my food whenever I cook too for taste so that does not help.

Fuck. How do people do this leanmaxxing shit? It's such a boring lifestyle, not eating sugary foods, cooking with almost no salt etc it's not fulfilling whatsoever
just don't eat at all
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  • Ugh..
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Pepsi?? Of all the things to be addicted to :lul::lul:
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Its easy, just dont eat
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Its easy, just dont eat
Yo but how is that fun tho?? food is supposed to be good and you're supposed to enjoy it. dont you suffer while on this diet?
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are you trolling?
It should be easy but I can't stop drinking Pepsi, eating sour patches, sugary candy and the likes. Of course, I always put a large amount of salt in my food whenever I cook too for taste so that does not help.

Fuck. How do people do this leanmaxxing shit? It's such a boring lifestyle, not eating sugary foods, cooking with almost no salt etc it's not fulfilling whatsoever
sugar is okay just try to fix a calorie limit and get enough protein
leanmaxxing feels terrible mentally I really wonder how these anorexic girls do it year long mirin their dedication
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Cos it gets exponentially harder the further u go, first 4 weeks is easy
just stop being a dumb fatty and get some discipline

or, you can just take off your shirt and look yourself in the mirror. Your shitty shape should work as a leanmaxing motivation
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i eat 0 added sugar a day, i simply do not care. i'm not attached to taste
if it's not optimal for me and doesn't help me, my looksmaxxing journey, or just in general my mental health i do not eat it. why would you? it doesn't benefit you at all

even when i go out to a restaurant with my friend i look for the healthiest option and eat that.
then again i'm already kinda sorta good physique so it's kinda easier
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just stop being a dumb fatty and get some discipline

or, you can just take off your shirt and look yourself in the mirror. Your shitty shape should work as a leanmaxing motivation
Im skinnyfat not obese
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drink pepsi max its really good imo.. maybe not for your teeth
you might not like it at first but you'll get just as addicted with the addition of zero calories :D
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i eat 0 added sugar a day, i simply do not care. i'm not attached to taste
if it's not optimal for me and doesn't help me, my looksmaxxing journey, or just in general my mental health i do not eat it. why would you? it doesn't benefit you at all

even when i go out to a restaurant with my friend i look for the healthiest option and eat that.
then again i'm already kinda sorta good physique so it's kinda easier
Mirin mental strength
Mirin mental strength
100 hours total meditation too :) best decision ever
i don't feel like an incel even though i browse this forum regularly and make friends quite easily
It should be easy but I can't stop drinking Pepsi, eating sour patches, sugary candy and the likes. Of course, I always put a large amount of salt in my food whenever I cook too for taste so that does not help.

Fuck. How do people do this leanmaxxing shit? It's such a boring lifestyle, not eating sugary foods, cooking with almost no salt etc it's not fulfilling whatsoever

Buy puffbar 3k puffs+ 6% nics highest i think
Every time ur hungry hit it till ur nasueas
and then if u over eat hit the puff till u throw UP can work
idk if it that healthy
You have to eat high protein foods, and lots of fruits and vegetables and avoid carbs as much as possible (except for fruits).

That is how I manage to consume 2000 calories per day, which is 1000 calories under my TDEE, because I train hard 4 times per week.
This is another important factor in the equation, you cannot leanmax effectively if you are completely sedentary or don't train hard.

Training hard also allows you to build muscle while cutting if you are a complete beginner or at least maintain what you built instead of losing it.

I don't do cardio, and I still managed to lose 4 lbs in the past week (2 lbs of fat, and the other 2 lbs was probably water weight).

Just stop eating junk food. These are the types of foods that I eat on a daily basis:

-Chicken thighs cooked with lots of garlic
-Low Fat Greek Yogurt
-Egg Whites
-Cottage Cheese
-Canned Skipjack Tuna (better than albacore because there is 3 times less mercury, and it tastes better too)

In the morning, sometimes I eat 75g of Kashi Go Lean Chocolate cereal.

And every day, as a treat, I eat a 90 calorie fudge bar, it tastes great and it has some fiber in it.

I also eat a quest protein bar every day (it contains 20g of protein and 15g of fiber).

Today, I consumed 1983 calories, 195.5g of protein, 101.2g of carbs, 76.2g of fats, 40.2g of fiber, and I got all my vitamins and minerals.

You also have to sleep enough. I sleep at least 8 hours per night, sometimes more, when I am really tired. As for my training, I do a 4 days per week upper lower, here are all my gymmaxxing tips:
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Buy puffbar 3k puffs+ 6% nics highest i think
Every time ur hungry hit it till ur nasueas
and then if u over eat hit the puff till u throw UP can work
idk if it that healthy
Not interesting in vaping lmao tried it back in 10th grade but didnt reall ynejoy it haha
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Buy puffbar 3k puffs+ 6% nics highest i think
Every time ur hungry hit it till ur nasueas
and then if u over eat hit the puff till u throw UP can work
idk if it that healthy
don't do this
It should be easy but I can't stop drinking Pepsi, eating sour patches, sugary candy and the likes. Of course, I always put a large amount of salt in my food whenever I cook too for taste so that does not help.

Fuck. How do people do this leanmaxxing shit? It's such a boring lifestyle, not eating sugary foods, cooking with almost no salt etc it's not fulfilling whatsoever
im on a cut rn and every time im hungry I just eat a rice cake. 35 calories each and they're pretty large. also nicotine can help with reducing appetite
You don't need mental discipline to get lean. Just take really filling foods and cover them in something delicious and low-calorie.
That's what worked for me, at least.

  • Rice w/ low-calorie maple syrup
  • Boiled eggs w/ frozen fruit
I agree that it sucks not being able to cook foods with lots of butter, oil, cheese, etc though. PAM spray and spices can help a lot if you want crispiness and flavour. Even if it's a bit of a sacrifice food-wise, you can still make delicious shit.
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The main reason why fat people struggle to lose weight is because they eat too many carbs and not enough protein and fiber.
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It should be easy but I can't stop drinking Pepsi, eating sour patches, sugary candy and the likes. Of course, I always put a large amount of salt in my food whenever I cook too for taste so that does not help.

Fuck. How do people do this leanmaxxing shit? It's such a boring lifestyle, not eating sugary foods, cooking with almost no salt etc it's not fulfilling whatsoever
deadass just don't eat sugar for 2 days and you'll lose nearly all cravings
Eat carbs instead
What's so difficult about not eating ?
You do what's important to you. Drinking Pepsi and eating shit are more important to you than looking good. It's that simple. If it wasn't, you wouldn't do it.
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High protein is da way.
Tbh if you find leanmaxxing difficult, looksmaxxing lifestyle just isn't for you, because even if you leanmaxx you won't be able to maintain it and you'll again become a fat abused rat. Either get disciplined towards life or just keep rotting. I am being serious here, the more time you waste the more harder it'll be to looksmaxx
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pepsi zero? keep in mind the less you eat sugar the less youlll like it
If you're skinny fat, then you need to lean bulk at a rate of 1-2 lbs of weight gain per month while training hard 4 times per week.

However, if your BMI is overweight or very close to that, then you should cut with a 1000 calorie deficit so that you can lose 2 lbs per week until you reach your ideal weight for your height.

BMI still applies as long as you have not built your first 12-20 lbs of muscle.
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curry discipline failo
You are actually not wrong. Our skinnyfat genes and the shittier hormonal profiles means more cravings and less discipline, more lethargy etc. This is why we are prone to diabetes and don't make great athletes. We need at least 5X the resolve of what a white person would and 10X of what a black/ asian would for same results.
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because it's worth it.

beauty in the struggle.

keep going king 👑
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You are actually not wrong. Our skinnyfat genes and the shittier hormonal profiles means more cravings and less discipline, more lethargy etc. This is why we are prone to diabetes and don't make great athletes. We need at least 5X the resolve of what a white person would and 10X of what a black/ asian would for same results.
Almost every curry I know has been skinny fat.

Being skinnyfat is a very typical curry trait tbh.

Most blacks that I've seen are usually very lean even without working out.
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You need to eating like an 8 year old and get used to eating mainly whole foods, when you rid yourself of junk and get into a calorie deficit, your body will crave foods that are healthier just due to the fact that you are hungry, the lack of dopamine from sugary junk will be replaced for dopamine from actual healthy foods and once you start getting leaner this will motivate you to carry on. You clearly need to shift up your values first before jumping on the idea that you are going to get lean quickly, just doesn't happen. Start in a moderate calorie deficit and learn to enjoy the future rewards that come from delayed gratification, for anything worth having in life doesn’t come easy, otherwise everyone would have it. Stop being a lazy undisciplined fuck and actually put some work in to get the outcome you want
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Reactions: Jew_Supremacist
It's so hard to do groceries, cook, eat, clean the dishes. It's so much easier to LDAR lean tbh.
18.75mg phentermine 3x weekly, eat a brutal low cal protien, greens and fish oil diet on the days when you take it as the phen will kill your appetite

Eat a little more on the other days and do your weight training on those ones

Stack it with low dose test and var. Walk 20k steps a day every single day and it will drop off
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Just eat in a caloric deficit and take clen, orlistat, and phentermine.
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In German we say;

"Nichts schmeckt besser als sich schlank sein anfühlt"


"Nothing tastes better than being lean feels" i dont know how correct this translation is

but believe me boyo
i was fucking 130kg by 183cm all my life and that wasnt a life.. that was being dead.. yeah i was a walking dead
i was fucking INVISIBLE to the women.. even other men treated me badly.. when you are fat, no one respecting you
you are the dregs of society..

Some will treat you badly UNconsciously, some will treat you badly consciously.. fuck all that, people NOW unconsciously that they have better status (looks) than you.. since 2 years im not fat at all and I feel a lot different than I used to. Above all, people perceive me in a very, very, very different way

We humans are visual beings, we scan our surroundings (the other humans) unconsciously.. and when someone is TOO FAT they are subconsciously labeled as "unhealthy" and because of that you are seen as weak, unattractive, less valuable.. people feel sorry for you, don't want anything to do with you.. women don't see you as a sexual being but as a neutral being.. All this knowledge and my experiences have led to me losing about 47kg in the last two years and now I'm about 82kg at 183 and I have a completely different effect on people

(sry for bad english, im using google translate when i write long posts)
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Start methmaxxing

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